burn any fuel; 2 iron beds, com-- plete; 1 wooden bed with springs; dining room and kitchea tables; a feather bed, writing desk and two clocks. Phone Libertyville 676 R--1,. 49 6t FOR SALE -- Heating stove, will room for 6 horses and 20 cattle, ce ment floors and stone walls; new 'sito.and other buildings; within one mile of poplar lake, with goilfing, ushlng&nd hunting. Owned by widow ¥ and must be sold. $100.00 FOR SALE--Turkeys, 7 hens, 1 tom, extra large Eronze birds. Gold Bank strain, $ year old birds. Phone Lib-- ertyville 604--R--2. 51--6t FOR SALE--Madel T 1925 Ford| Sedan. A bargain at $25.00. Liber--' tyville Independeat. Phone No. 1. 49tf sELLERS & JOHNSON 'MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con Libertyville | siderable amount of special funds Buy & sell Lake County acre | o loan on improved farm or city age, Village Luomes & Country property We invite your inquiry Estates. Also handle legitimate First National Bank, Libertyvyilhe, exchanges. Offce 551 N. Mlw In0{is Avenye. Phone 451. | tm tm t n en on Can i araane en bed ~ooms & tiled bath on 1st floor 2nd floor large not farshed off can make 2 ftie bed rooms. Fine cement basememt, hotwater heat. Lots oi( eloset space, very pretty locat on. Nice trees. Price only $8850. Why pay rent. Have 2 of these homes to choose from, let me show t:em to you, you are going to want one. Frank R. Sellers, 551 Milw. Ave., Libertyville, phone 451. FOR SALE--Black dirt, horse ma nure anrd gow manure. Frank Cal sa.juca nhone $33. 47 6 FOR SALE -- Hot Point Electric range; &bumers; 2 ovens and broiling dven; Italian period dining room set, table, 12 chairs, buff=t and serving table, in excellent con-- @ition. Phone Lake Villa 103--W. FOR SALE--Stric'ly fresh eggs, also, pure Roaey. Free Delivery. Phone §0%6J. Call after 6 p. m.; 50--6'TX. FOR SALE-- Home--raised turkeys, alive or dressed on orders; also old--fashioned -- homeraised -- buck-- wheat flour. Bergeron Stock Farm, W. Lake St., Libertyville.: Phone s1§J--2. 51--tt FOR SALE--Pure bred Barred Rock coekerels and pullets, 30c per Ib. Mrs. L V. Lusk, Round Lake, lil. 51--t1 FOR SALE--Canary birds, guart teed songsters. Priced low. . Sde Tony at Ray N. Smith's shoe store. 51--3t state highway, within 3 miles of 2 good towns; has a good 7 room bouse with hardwood floors, furnace heat, cement walks; wonderful suaade and fruit trees; wood house, garaZge, milk house, 2 wells; barn with ample per acre, one--third cash, balance 5 years, wit hno payments. Address Box 64. Antioch. Ill. 41 t FOR SALE--$200 casi anmd $50. pe" Mo. including interes: gives you possession of beau. english type bhome. Large living room, natural fire place, dining room, kitchen, 2 FOR SALE--120 acres, located on PAGE EIGTH FOR SALE--Spring Pekin ducks and Barred Rock chickens, 25¢ 1b., live weight; Bergeron Stock Farm, W. Lake St. Libertyville.: Phone §78§--J--2. b1--tf v"' Feeding each <Gow good milk--|fed one nound of grain to each making grain mixXres ac'cording!three or four pounds of milk pro-- to her mfik productioy is the quick-- | duced. The cows that were all fed est, surest and most practical way | alike in one month produced an to muke the greatesy profit from a : average of 444 gounds of milk and dairy herd, says the Blue Valley 16 pounds of butterfat yer cow. Creamery Institute. Good rationsIThe average profit over feed cost and economical production go hand | was 47 cents for the month. The in huand. Every dairy cow requires |other group of cows, fed grain ac-- just so much feed to keep herself |cording to production, produced an in gyood condition, at the proper | average of 572 founds of milk and weight, and in good health. Feed |25.8 pounds of butterfat during consumed over and above these | the month at a profit over feed cost maintenance requirements are used |of $7.6% per cow. The profit over for making mi'k. And the re | feed cost on the cow fecY correctly milk a cow is capable of mak g,'in this association was greater the more feed she needs ffom | than the profit on 16 cows not fed which to make it. And once allfthe lgnin properly, for the 16 cow»s feed a cow is capable of converfing | made a return of only 47 cents i::tgo milk ;; s\;pplifeda}herehis noth-- 'each for the entire month, or $7.52. gain y feeding her any i more. On the other hand, to feed A good rule to follow %0"'" . to feed cows most economicAlly for her less than she requires for her | est milk luction is to _i maximum flroduction is a sure way | gea "" "31 "l'f"'.;" n T" to k"p mi productlon costs h'gh l ""e':.fl h:u th:v. w?ll '.A(:r # erth:?r; The value of feeding a good milk making 'gnin mixture in accord-- ance with the production of each individual cow is well shown by the record of an Indiana dairy herd improvetnent arocintiog; A cows in this association m the same amounts of grain. Another group'of cows Yas Our Want Ad Section is noted for the quick results it br want to rent or exchange; if you need help or want work your wants known. CORRECT FEEDING GREATER PROFIT FROM FEWER COWS Ihis Cow in'om month 7/»:0";6 (oni'm ;;; :;)fmf/) 'od dutterfat a .mff"za?nuu ' df:fi! d?z'iz at/f«dafi! WARE/]; 5 FOR SALE Heaviest Milkers Need Most Feed ;' Rates:--Five cents per line for each insertion. Minimum charge 25¢c. Six insertions of a For Your Convenience:--If you are listed in the : ville No. 1 and give us your ad by phone. A bill for » MADE MORE PAROFIT OvEkR FEED COST THAN * Reeding good #rain b1--2t y Yoragkd made the _ difference _ Aas|F a _WANTED--Girl to work in Gift Shop a~-- afternoons. Phone Libertyville 921. WANTED--To borrow $2500, First Mortgage on valuableée North Shore property--Write 57, e|o Libertyville Independent. * 49 6tx FOR SALE--Holisteins and Guern seys. Choice cows and helfers, tresh and springers, with sixty--days retest. Gilskey Bros, Round Lake, Illinois. 53 t!t WANTED--Work by the day. Have FPOR SALE: 80 White Leghorn Pul-- lets, 350 bu. barley, 250 bu. oats, 350 bu. ear corn. Frank Stone, Mun-- delein, II1. Phon 622--W--1. 48 6tx CASH paid for clean cotton rags Libertyville Independent. FOR SALE--2 Registered Holstein Bulls, 11 months old, at Farmmer's priceas, Phone Lake Villg 112J. 51--2t privileges. Phone L Tuesday and Wednesday free. Phone Libertyville 423--M. 52--1t FOR SALE--B--flat tenor °* °C 0 NN . Saxophone. Slightly used. Inquire at the Libertyville Independent. FOR RENT--Store or office room 15 by 60, in Mundelein. . Paone Libertyvilte No. 1. ° 35 if average of 512 founds of milk and 25.8 pounds of butterfat during the month at a profit over feed cost of $7.6% per cow. The profit over feed cost on the cow fes correctly in this association was greater than the profit on 16 cows not fed grain properly, for the 16 cows made a return of only 47 cenis each for the entire month, or $7.52. Arling@gton Heights. Il FOR RENT: Large, molecn light-- housekeeping -- rooms. $6.00 per week for two; $3.50 for one. Home nrivileges. Phone Lib. 8096--J 32--8t FOR RENT--Room sutable for on« gentleman _ Breakfast if -- desired Inqu're at 312 McKinley Avenue 9 bloc~'s from North Shore Statior FOR RENT ing room, 211 Johnson §38J. pr Ho: 411 W side 'fltfan('e; close in prefer two men. Phone T82W. 137 School St. A good rule to follow irhorder to feed cows most economicAlly for greatest milk productioq is to Tve them all the alfalfa ::\gfr eg-- ume hbhay they will eat, 1 them silage at the rate of three pounds to each 100 pounds of the cow's weight, and grain at the rate of one pouiud for each 3 pounds of milk produced by cow producinfi over 4 per cent butterfat milk an one mfimnd of grain to each 4 pou of milk by cows producing FOR RE] FOR RENT--Six room upper flat on East Church street, near First. All modern conveniences, $20 a month. Telephone Lib. 480. Edwin Austin. 405 S. Milwaukee ave. 51--t1 jounds of milkK b{ ower testing mil room house ... room flat ... room apartment Room Flat...-- Livestock For Sale R. G. KAPING Realtor and Insuror Telephone Libertyville 469 Re Miscellaneous NT --Large front room; out l Estate and Insurance es for Sale and for R+ Park Ave Tel. FOR RENT SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you"! REDEKER results it brings. If you want to sell or buy anything; if you : want work, use this low cost, effective method of making WANTED nsertions of a five line ad for $1.00. listed in the telephone directory, just call Liberty ane A hill for same will be sent later. PE s l . hR : large, pleasant sleep eitaer lady or gentleman Ave., Phone Libertyville 48t' FOR RENT akfast if -- _desired. | mo McKinley Avenue | Ma North Shore Station I tha sottr | 1 REAMERY ANSTITUTE Phone 496 Conn ' $60.00 $30.00 $65 52.1tr 1T (4 OO M Over--exertion while attemp shove his automobille out of drift, within three blocks home, résulted in the death . ert Conklin, 40 years old, Prospect avenue. Lake Bluff o'clock --Saturday night. Conk| was prominently known in Bluf and who had been in t' the home of the victim arations had been in the celebration d¥ a joy! season. The husband an returning from a Chr ping tour when his au came enmeshed in the Conkli was hurrying homeward when'}fl machine skidded on the pavement and slid into the bank of snow. -- Residents of the. neighbor hood came to his assistancs when he was unable to extricate the nra chine through his own efforts The work of removing the ma chine had continued without success for some time whern Conklin col lapsed from the sttain. It is believed that his death was almost instan taneous. A physician summoned to attend the man found that life was extinct. The body of the man had Been -- removed to his home by friends who had been helping in the work of extricating the automobile besieged : dents of L all extend expressing sist the w Robert Conklin of Lake Bluff is Victim of Aftermath of Storm. s Hold Iinquest Sunday The deceased is survived by wi and a son. both of whom are pr trated with grief over the turn events in their home. The home w besieged Sunday by scores of re dents of Lake Bluff and Lake For« all extending their condolences a expressing their willingness to . sist the widow.in her hour of s Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious, Fever and Malaria It is the most speedy remedy known DIES AS HE TRIES TO REMOVE AUTO FROM SNOW DRIFT For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST 4& SAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS at had i The dea is prominen uff and who mbile --busin in y f and who had been in the aut ile business in Chicago fo y yeats, fell dead in the snos had imprisoned ®'s automobil« re death brought keea sorrow t home of the victim where pre ions had been in progress fo celebration d¥ a joyful Christma on. The husband and father wa rning from a Christmas shoj tour when his automobile b. e enmeshed in the snow bank DOROTHY ANDERSON Public Stenographer 359 N. Milwaukee Ave.,, Phone 469 I Lost Control of Machine kli was hurrying homeward K machine skidded on the ent and slid into the bank of 6% SAFE INVESTMENTS is a Prescription for 6 6 6 prison« 11 LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEND 50--tf 8160 W 1 K a 'SELECT WINNERS IN BIG ANTHOCH -- ~ POULTRY EXHIBIT A partial list of winners in the various divisions of the annual Antioch Poultry show, which closed at noon today was an-- nounced by C. L. sluill, seccetary of the exhibition today. 2 in-- teresting featurs of the exhibition is that the bulk . of the zwards went to Antioch younsg lolk, many of whom have become accomplished breeders of ftine puultry. Nearly 400 exhibits were eptered in the show. Attzenaance was cut somewhat by the fact that roads in many parts of this section of the country were impassable -- for ;avonl days after the heavy storm f last week. The event which was to have closed Saturday even-- ing was extended until today be-- cause of the storm. ~ As a means cf avoiding similar situations in the future Mr. Kutil announced today that the annual éxhibition w:ll!l be held at earlier dates, possibly during the latter part of October or early part of November. * Winners in the sweepstakes to-- day were announced as follows: best pem Harry Phillipson, An-- tioch; best male bird, Lewis Burke, Antioch; best female birsd, Homer Edwards, Antioch;; test water-- fowl, Ward Edwards, Antloch. SHOW EARL!IER NEXT YEAR Norman Barthel of Salem, Wis., won the Farm Bureaa 'cving cup which he is to keep in his posses-- sion for one year. He was award-- ed this much coveted trophy by winning over all breeds with his champion FRarred Rock cockeral. Nearly 400 Exhibits Entered in Show Which Closed at Naon Today. As we go to press, the winnings for the open classes re not avallable. Ag far as the fi-emiurm had been placed, !t was quite no ticeable that there was a big in-- crease in the winn'nss of the local people who have heen showing other years and4 not always win-- ning. Evidently the local people are improving their stock thbrough showing in a show of this kind. William Yopp won a sack of Blatchford's EFgg Mash on -- his grand champion pen of White Rocks, which won over the other breeds. The other winrings of club work in the show in ths Barred Rock class were Norman Barthel, 1st pullet, 1st cockere!, 1st pen; How-- ard Mastne, 2n4 -- peliet:; _ Junior Frank Wilson, 3rd pullet, 2nd eockerel, 21n4 pen. s Homer Edwards, Anrntioch, won a one -- lundred _ pound _ sack _ of '"KooKoo'"' Egg Mash,. w'ith his grand -- champion White Wyan-- dotte pullet. T'hiq pullet _ was grand champlon over all breeds. The very noticeable thing in the show was that the Four H club boys and kirls won well up in the open classes in which they @howed their club birds. e Farm Adviser H C. Gilkerson, will broadcast over Swift & Com-- In the Singie Comb Rhode Island Redse Carl Piachay won ist pullet, 1st cockerel arnd 2nd yen. Ralph McGuire won 2ud pullet, 2nd cock-- erel and 1st pen. In the White Wyandotte class, Homep"EdAwards won 1st pullet, 1st cockerel and 1st pen. In the Whit Johnsoun won cockerc\s: Wmm In the Byuf{ Hughes woa erel jand i% pullet and --? 2nd pullet, 1st cockerel, 1st pen: Billy Keulmas woa 1st pullet, 2nd cockerel and 2nd per. _-- In the Rose Camb Rhode Is-- land Red class Sidney Huzhes won D« n won 214 ; [: Wm. ¥o ckereli and Is e Byuff RNock o woa lst p n4 ETaui cUie and 214 "'co t! ne to Need a Moses pen. e Rock 23c m ock class, Harry prllet, and 1st app, 1st pullet, 1st nen. elsen won 2nd ockKerel. claa», Margaret ullet, 1st cock-- 0 Iy W i 440 . i 1e ll-.! s won ; pen: ! t, 2nd $ Island 4 pullet, ' Ralph i¥ cock-- i¥ ¥ class, @ pullet, ' in the g _ club ! 'n the !o ho wed 3 aings T. _ not ! niums te no-- ¥ ig in-- ¥ local i# owing ! win-- « people % rough « 'Yl'!.' ! erson, Com-- g Ht s , W lio sta R i + i ¥ IMT :" C ~1 mnnvmmetmeie ;' w * i! ] !g '< | i 'i I | % g , ' " & s 8 \3 i I A& l , THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1929. l Pees collected by the corporation department of Secretary of State \ Wiliam J. Stratton's office: in No | vember of this year exceeded the | collection for the same month last | year by $30,129.77, the secretary has announced.. In 1929 the collection in November was $83.679.95 as com-- pared with $53.550.17 a year ago. The sUume o ine £reavost gGalily newspa--| P P pers in the world, as well as many | WaUkegan _Trajesmen NO' excellent dailies published outsiqe Included In wage Boost. the ametropolitan centers. l Howevel' Illinois has more _ broadcasting stations than any other state, and one telephone for every five persons both contributing to speed of nes service. Illinois has more weekly newspapers than amy other sta'e, and some of the greatest daily: newspa-- Stating thiat the law has long viewed the holding of a judicia} of-- "ice and a ministerial office by one person as incompatible, Atty. Gen. (Oscar E. GCarlstrom has expressed an opinion that the offices of justice of the peace and city clerk may not be held at the same time by one person The former is judicial, the latter ministerial, he declared. Acceptanc of a secont of two incompatible of-- secretary declared the increase is indicative of the confidence of in vestors in thef continued prosperity of the state's financial institutions. . _S. Senmtor Otis F. Glenn has been appo'nted to membership on the following subcommittees of the important _ senate appropriations committee: -- District of _ Columba Legislative Establishment, Treasury «mt Postoffice departments. War de-- par'ment. The last two named are ofvital interest to Illinois because the treasury and posto'Sfice depart-- ments have charge-- of appropria-- tions for postoffice -- buildings, a econsiderable number of which are contemplated now for erection in Illinois. The war department sub committee is also of vi'al impor-- tance to llimnois because it has charge of appropriat ons for the Ro€k Island arsenal, Fort Sheridan, scott Feld at Bellevile, Chanute at Rantoul. Senato Genn wirll have opportunity to observe closely any efftor's for curtailment or abandon-- ment of these two air fields fices is a resignation of the first the supreme court has ruled. The new maid Started work, begin ing in the kitchen The mother told Ive--year--old Jimmie to tell her where hings were kept. He started in by oing to the kitchen sink und saying, This is the bot water'amdl this is the celd water,. Do vou t'onk you czp member' that * © B zoo on o o oi oL oL oL T l Il Oe Pals Pies & State Capitol News The Palace Market MEAT SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday _ DECEMBER 27 and 28 The spirit of the season prompts us to wish you increased happiness and pros-- perity in the coming year. May your busi-- ness dealings with others be as pleasant as ours have been with vou. ' | Chuck Pot Roast _ 24c--28¢ Fresh Little Pig Ham Pork Loin Roast Fresh Ground Hamburger 18c Sugar Cured Hams Sugar Cured Cally Hams 18c Sugar Cured Bacon Boneless Smoked Butts 30c Best Creamery Butter 42c FOR YOUR NEW YEAR DINNER WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH TUR-- KEYS, GEESE, DUCKS AND CHICKENS AT REASONABLE PRICES. FRESH.FISH AND OYSTERS EVERY FRIDAY Instructions Tt Th Th Th Th Th U Th L L. P Pu. THE MANAGEMENT se Myuste e While a large number of painter in Lake county will profit by th increase in wages granted to th workers under the jurisdiction 0 the Chicago district council of th« union,' Waukegan tradesme«@ wil not be affected by the wage Lboost. The increase in wages from $1 to $§14 a day won by the Chicas pauinters is effective in a large po! tion! in 'Lake county the norther boundry line of which is variabl due to a controversy between th Waukegan local ana the Chicas (cuncil of the union. The Chicat council claims jurisdiction to. th south city limits of Waukegan while the Waukegan local in tu:~ cluims jurisdiction as farth south a Downey road the southern limits o North Chicago. This places the tw divisions of the union in the pos tion of warring over the right © juriadiction' in North Chicago. The Waukegan local which has i journeymen members has not vote for an dincrease in wages and pro' ably will not ask for an increas Local painters are now working 0o a schedule of §$12 a day. The increase granted the Chicas painters will be effective on Maro first. PAINTERS IN LAKE COUNTY TO PROFIT BY WAGE INCREASE The tends war Ccags the other getting $ ber 1. ans 'nto bDé ganize bor. t tion yvide The Treasury departmen that the Civil war debt ha bended and funded until it h its identity. . About oneha lion @otlars of the old Ci1 debt is pbow outstuanding Th Unds day June 1 the painters '1b offset t Chicago painters coun that the wage increase tion of the agreement e etween representatives d labor and employers o stabilize industrial by making wages static existing contract betwe rs and the emplovers' a equaling u'lding 1 the in other tr&d n effect Civil War Debt painters t} 1 € ncrease 18 ement enté nP0pr 6 NMN %o reasonable offer refused: buy GOODS T ALMOST YOUR OWN PRICE TILL <RRUARY 1ST. 28 Head of Holstein Cattle 6 Purebred Cows 2 Purebred Bulls. 5 Fresh Cows with Calves, 5 Close Spring-- ers, 2 Horses Postponed Auction! Monday, December 30th REAL ESTATE ThANSFERS s | have decided to quit farming, | will sell at Public Auction * E. C. Hastings Farm; 1/ miles northwest of Wadsworth, *s southeast of Rosecrans, 9 miles southeast of Antioch, 6 DEC. 11, 1929 " und wife to J Inoes and \\ !> $10 Lot 93 Glen Flora i _Sece 17 Waukegan and wife to S Halas «l jt tens WD $9000.00 224 Blk 11 VWashburn i Waukegan. ~Uls and wife et al to R ~d $10 Lot 3 Blk 124 n Fad. & west SAM BIRKY, Prop. TPONED FROM MONDAY DECEMBER ?23rs TC ou 4 of Chicago to R W 7 Lot 42 Arthur Dunas ce Sec 36 Deerfield. 't to A Eldred Deed 22 Bartletts N Shore ddn Sece 6 Waukegan. to M M Cronin W D and 26 Blk 7 Bartletts u. Oats; Silage, 15 Ton Alfalfa Hay, Fordson Tractor tor, Plow and a full line of Farm Tools commencing at 12:30 sharp. Free lunch at 12:15 The Fair ) K E:lKasting QCD ) and 16 Blk T Bart-- icres. to R k Fusco & wife Wm. A. Chandler, Auct. Auction Sales Co., Mars. x9 ion USUAL TERMS J A Klessert +o C Mazrzone & J Sciaraffa QCD $10 Lots 1 2 3 4 Bik ] Horatioa Gardens, Sec 34 Vernon C T & T C to 1. B Robertson and wife jt tens Deed $10 Lot 14 Blk ? wife jt tens 1 Campbells Lak Deerfield. R F Rouse and wf to W Harding WD $10 Lot 208 Lakewood Heights Sec 30 Libertyville Addn See