_ ANSWERS LAST _~ _ ~LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT hfll' kept at government work 'until August 7, 1862 when he enlisted as a private in a company of volun-- enlisted from sLake county. -- %- Burnett joined up at Avon and was made third sergeant with the organization of the company. He w to first 'sergeant, sec-- wnd tenant first Heutenant and eaptain all within a year and served Jn 14 important battles. As command-- mr of the Regimental Pioneers and pany B, 96th Regiment, he was wounded at Lookout mountain and wpecelived recognition for his work in _ Captain George R. Burnett, aged "l, succumbed to ailments brought o8 by his advanced age at his home . Wes! Waukegan, at 6:30 Mon-- Bight, a a week of semi--con-- usness, following a long iliness. gaptain is signed by Abraham Lin-- goln, president, and is now in the hands of the family.> At the close of the war he was made major but never served in that capacity. ' 'After --the Wwar, as a resident of | Captain Burnett served i as a county supervisor, i_ collector;:and an a Captain--Burnett was born January y 1834,. in Lyons, Wayne county, ew York. At the age of 15, in 1819, e came to Lake county 'with his other. and {ather and took up his sidenc in Wauconda. _ Later the imily moved to Avon and while still young man, Capt. Burnett came to faukegan to open his gun and lock op which--he operated until a few Mrs ago.. He came to Waukegan 1858 andg on April --8, 1868, he was arried to Harah A. Segeber, who died arch 4, 1918. Capt. Burnett is sur-- ed by a brother, Jerome B. Burn-- E Antioch, who is also a veter-- & of the Civil War, one sister, Mrs. . D. Warner, of Chicago, two sons, . H. Burnett, of 523 Madison street, [ C. Burnett, of 426 N. Genesee st., .:_ln;'h;:p, Mrs.-- Herbert Wilder [ 4 N street and "Mrs. Harry homas of 227 Stewart avenue. The: mfi. services were held tom the horie at 4 N. West: street ";M Wednesday afternoon, e¥ . --A. J..Whipple. retired min-- er of the Methodist church, officiat-- & and interment was made in Pine w cemetery. The G. A. R. attended From the Ranks, Died at ~ MHome Monday Night. apt. Burnett was ahe of the fArst in Lake county to answer the Of his country in the Civil War. went to war 3t Lincoin's first call | got as far as Cairo, l!l., where was in his first battle. 'On learn-- that Capt. Burnett was a gun-- CHARGE -- -- "NEXT SATURDAY d nleD poritcce trom his gumenrith coun es ftrom sm p in.east Washington ng::k the ent site of the William 1. Lyons eampaign at Atlanta and Frank-- 'HMis commission to the office of funeral in a body. tates" Attort Smith Saturday ) " .!:-n'udge Claire wards. to Assu@--summons call-- ,@M eourt? on jnext Saturday nink, .seven Lake : county | resi-- ts who will be charged with con-- tor «the alleged vio ons -- of %fis& restrg3ining ,m ':nx:& ltol;lnz kpepi premises ..."S'u...u.. oo o hemes, ao" Tat | Otto and 'lm Klass are snn dn taahes in a 'injune aults . and Petor McGreehit : of . will be cited for fallure to War Veteran Who Rose l"lw &:l'gk Mt.uoa afti-- . m aponge charging lfi since the-- in-- is against . @lleged . liquor % 'were lasued, they> raided Vibnny Minctor -- nmm;? Booze. XXXI.--NUMBER 32. " or Deing 'woud."Cof, Smith e ho s amane w @ donse \af the . thjunctions T LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT ° Je ut Burnett: served nty supervisor, d an a ny . 'After i1 life, lead m his gunsmith FISHERMANIS _ FINED; USED NETS IS CHARGE MADE Joe Stonewall Caught at Des-- Plaines River by Deputy Fish: Warden *Kern. For fishing with nets in the D.l--, plaines river near Libertyville, Joé : Stonewall, Winnetka, was arrested | by Henry Kern, of Waukegan, dep-- | uty state fish and game warden 6t | lLake county, 'wand was arrmnedi before Police Magistrate Walter Tay--; lor'® who ? bim $25 and costs. | Stonewall id ~the fine. } According (to the evidence ~ pre sented at ~the hearing by> Mr. Kern he found . Stonewall using two nets, one a gill net and the other a hoop net. He--placed him under ar-- rest immediately and ~brough him to Waukegan. -- : m Stonewall testified that he~ was fishing for. dogfish and had no in tention of trying to catch lly"nflh fish. The use of the nets --themsel ves bowever was an infraction and cauged him to be fined. The two nets were confiscated and will be gent to the state department by Mr. Kern. DEERFIELD FORMS -- PLAN COMMISSION at Winnetka. COW HOGS ROAD . =---- _ ANDTS KILLED A plan -- commission --has -- been formed by the village officials of the Village of Deerfleld to assist 5 hast-- ening: work in matters of. ve-- ments and other 4mportant questions demanding immediate attention. The commission was nppolflted bg Village PréstGent Lincoln Pettis, and ratified by the board and given full power to act: --~W. B. Carr was appointed chair-- -a;&c. W. Boyle will have m of -- tion ahd extension; t . building; A C. Trimm, ; T. J; Knaak, zoning; and Lin-- coln Pettis, sewers and water. 4 Stonewall is a landscape «ardener ALL SIGNS POINT IN .THE SAME DIRECTION m . . Didn't Realize Its Value, '-- Muny a wise man has picked up a The Farm Bureau has arranged a farm tour for Wednesday, August 15. Would be rather difficult to find time when either threshing, hay--making or some other work was not in full swing somewhere.. However, on many farms the wor kwould be either well caught up, or can be planned so as to take in this tour. We have some fine things to see, sod pack up your lunch basket and come. Start on Rand Road near Quinten's Corners, on August Grever farm, at 10 a'im. From there' wo go to AlBbert Btahi's farm, and Louls Eristing 4 phce t oobsérve botash fert"*=sr on yeat soil. . Soybeans and cattle on sweet clover pasture at Grever's;" good Holsteins at~ Lonis Ernusting's. Then to Hegry Ekger's herd of grade Guern-- seys, where we will--eat our lunch in his orchard, just west of Gilmer, at 12 o'clock noon, FARM TOUR OF COUNTY NEXT WEDNESDAY, AUC: 15 From there we go to L. E. Ritta's barn to see sweet clover pasture; then through Warren township to see soy-- bean: fiélds at Dan Lodesky's, Saw-- yer's and perhaps the Lucas farm west of Wadsworth; also.stop to gee H. K Vose's accredited herd of pure bred 'Holsteins. _-- Perhaps --several . other stopa will be made, but this is the iodgclml outline of the tour. i Prof. C. $ Rhode, of the Dairy De-- partment of the University of Iilinois, will be present, and will speak at noon attholhmlhl-.llnlt-lwm other points, -- A. D. Lynch, of the Dairy Department of our IMinois Agri-- cultural Association, will also be pres-- ent, and give a talk on the dikiry sita-- afinh:munm Boost for the tour and T STORES TO CLOSE FRIDAY All stores, banks and other places of business will be closed after 12 6'clock nocon tomorrow (Friday)-- out of respect to the memory of our Jate President, Warren G. Harding. Places of business accustomed to be open in the evening, will re--open at 6 o'clock. M ams g4 Suitable exercises will be held; at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Cook Memoria!l Park. ~'The ser--. vice will be in chairge of the Rev: Guy. Smock, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. it is hoped all who can 'possibly do so will be present. $ 5 ~ . Ratered at the Postoffice at Libertyrille, IIL., as Becond Class Mail Matter LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUCUST 9, 1923. Lake County's Big Weekly ~ -- . Cineulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined ;Edward Dethorne, 17 years old, son Of . Michael Dethorne, head of the Waukegan -- Roofing . Company, --36 Phillippa 'avenue, received fatal in-- juries Sunday afterncoon about one-- thirty 'o'clock when his truck was struck by a north bound North West-- ern train at Camp Logan, : The vic-- tim was rushed to the Kenosha hos-- pital but lived 'but two minutes after bis arrival; ~f t MEETS DEATH AS TRAIN DEMOLISHES -- _ MOTOR TRUCK Edward Dethorne, 17 ¥ears Old, of Waukegan, Fatally Injured at Camp,Logan. Dethorne, who had been dgriving a truck for the North Shore Dairy, of Waukegan for the last several weeks, had delivered ite cream at cimgvho- gan and was on his way back to Wau-- kegan when the accident happened. Apparently he did not note the ap-- proach of the train ahd ran bis ton truck directly into the path. of the swiftly moving engine. . Alfred '?Clrhgn. €69, of h:& West Bixty--second . avenue, ~ Ch .. was drowned August 1st in Pigtakee Bay, in the. Fox . Lake -- regions. » De-- puty Coroner Ed Conrad had--receiv-- ed no information of the drowning, which led him to believe that the case went to the McHenry county coroner,> the: drowning occurring on that side, w + /4 The impact was such that the truck was totally demolished, being hurled to one. side, a twisted mass of steel. The train was stopped and 'backed to the scene of the accident. The Waukegan youth, suffering from a frac tured #skull .and neck, together with a mangled body, was lifted aboard the train and> rushed to Kenosha where an ambyulance was waiting & the -unfi' The mad race to the hospital + resumed, but'" In vain. The victith was beyond human aid, PISTAKEE BAY IS SCENE OF DROWNING Carlson ~had been ""1.." in some way fell out of the boat. , STATION PAYS «. . _ @'clock: in tz morning they opened halt hour aalutes with their guns and -J up the firing unt!) sunsot, They also flew "the Mag at halft mast. Great Lakes n@val training station Friday -- pald the Jlate President H 'A ":ru {=M. "official of the doath was '®d by them at 11 a'ntaat© in tha umnins thae anamai station the Jate | KILLED WHEXN '| _ MOTORCYCLE l _ NMTS A WAGON three others were--injured in an ac-- cident that occurred> Friday night al --11--o'clock --three" ~miles-- south--of. Kenosha in Sheridan road in a col lison between two motorcycles and George. Hutchinson, 53 years old, 24% South Victory street; digd ~halr an hour after being removed to the eKnosha hospital THE INJURED-- . Sherman Mears, Washington-- and St.'James streets; cut and bruised. Waliter Hanson, 811 Jackson street; cuts and bruises. The namesg of those in the acci-- dent, all of 'Waukegan, follow: come of the bearing in municipal court. The coroner and district at-- torney--are going into all the facts in the case. :g Mears and ~Hutchinson both -- are employed as drivers for the A. 8. Kennedy Coal and Ice company, the latter having 'been a driver for the same .concern for. eleven . years. Mears took. Hutchinsn --to ~Kenosha on his motorcycle side car, Friday night. _ Hanson accompanied : them on his=--own ~motorcycle. y taken 'into ~custody> by the" sheritt of Kenosha county and are ~beéing held as witnesses pending the out-- Jsouu . HOBSARG, . £NOFCH bruised -- painfully, George Hutchinson Died Fri-- day Night in Kenosha Hos-- o'clock. when the fatal crash or-- Manson was riding his mptorcycle about thirty feet behind Mears and tould not stop. He crashed into the wreckage of the other immdchine and the wagon and his machine also was demolisHed . p--: h __An ambulance was 'called and Hutchinson was rushed to 'the Ke ;rh& hospital but died half an hour later. } € ~'The force. of: the collision was such that both the motorcycle ang the wagon were utterly demolished. ;flonmd was burled to the road and Mears was catapuited to the side of the road #here he was picked up bleeding and unconscious. > . Hutchinson' was jJammed between the--motorcycle and the wagon,re-- ceiving fatal injuries. & C. J. Sengenberger,s 41, 920 North venue, chief clerk at the --American Steel & Wire Company, the driver of address. lglhld was ~ariving the (wagon. back to Waukegan &nd according to witnessts there was no light-- on the rear of the vehicle to serve 'as :d 'umin:h to motorists. Mears was ying his motorcycle» at a --speed oF 30 'miles "aod . hour. "it_ is sant, and did 'not notice 'the wagon in hig <path until it <was too late to stop. Hutchinson 'is> survived by a--wife and two-- children. His wife, from whom he has been estranged . for some time, lives with a son in Mich-- ian. Hutchinson and a 17 year old son 'lived at the South Victory street ONE DEAD AND 7 _ ~HURT IN SMASHUP AT STATE LINE A. J. Cutler, Waukegan, Dies After Accident and Steel Mill Chief Clérk is Hurt. _ One man is 'dead and tlree auto-- mobile loads of people are hurt from a th ornered Aaccident that, occur-- red r;:-:'" afternoon : at Winthrop POST OFFICE TO CLOSE FOR ONE HOUR FRIDAY, AUG. 10 The following deadand injfured are from Waukegan. A. J. Cutler, 34, of 209 8. 'Park atenue, is the dead man, Harbor, just south, of the state line. ... Postmaster Elisworth received the fellowing from the postoffice dapart. ,"As a mark of respect to the mem. orty of the late President, it is hereby ordered that all United States post-- affises be closed for one hour during the exeroises attendant upon the bur-- Adl. of the late President at Marion, Ohio. . Burial .will take place at three a'clock, central atandard time, on Fri-- day, August 10, 1923. i (Bigned) HARRY 8. NEW, h Postmaster Qeneral." andther one of the cars, is cut wbout the face and hands but not sefiously injured. K audi» Ivan Sangenebrger, 15, minor cuts and bruises. & *g" _ Lester Sengenberger, 9, cout overt the right eye.. a One Waukegan man is dead and of Injuries. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN avenue, leg | . Automobile tires to "a value of i hundreds' o% dollars were stolen Aug. first by thieves who apparegtly op-- erated in a motor truck. _Otherwise, according to the police, they would not 'have been able toescape with the thirty--five tires© which ~were tak-- en. $ t ich ] Just what time the robbery--took Negro Leaps Fence to _ Attack ~T40--year--oldg Woman But is _ _ Frightened Away. -- -- THIEVES IN MOTOR -- TRUCK OBTAN . HAUL NEAR HERE covered at 2:45 a.'m. _A call was sent at once to the Waukegan po-- lice station-- and the alarm was spread along the entire north shore. The police of all cities in the coun-- ty were urged to keep a sharp look-- out for the passage of a large car or truck which might appear at all suspiciouns. .No trace of the machine was seen however. That thirty--tive tires could not have been taken ex: cept by a good: sized W is the thebry --of ~the police. _ / This is one of the'largest thefts of the kind to occur in the county in" some time. -- The police of Chica-- go have been asked to keep a watch asg ~it is believed the thieves will make an effort to dispose of the. tires> through some fence there. The tires=all were of the Goodyear manu-- facture. The station is located on Lake Villa Tire and Auto Sta tion Robbed of 35 Tires During the Night. Grand avenue. covered at 2:45 ax.'m. A call was _ Leveling a gun at .the head of Mrs, Prlma' a 70--year--old . woman living with' her ®on on the: old Wooley farm, a short way out "of the city on Belvidere street, a negro yesterday demanded that she give bim what money-- she had on her person or run the risk of being shot. OLD WOMAN HELD-- UP AT POINT OF REVOLVER SUNDAY He appeared from out-- of a. corn-- field, according to her, and when she emitted a cry of <fright the negro became excited. and leaped a fence and disappéared in the tall cor hnalong tWe saide of the road. She was on her way 'to the St. Joseph's church where she As . a worshipper,; 'and was not thinking of meéeting anyone when the negro confronted her,. -- In her--fright she did. not 'even get a good ""f" .}t the man wird is not certain that She could identity him. _ 5 4# ~ Bhe returned to the home and her 808, John Prims, after hearing her story, searched the roadwu:- for the hold--up man, © Neighbors in. the district were gmt in a furore when.they heard the attempted hold--up. OPEN BIDS FOR ROAD AUG. 28 Bids will be opened Wuu: on August 28 by the state division highwaysa for nvl,c.m rqute 21 in Lake ec;utyn. 'a distance of atx and one h m This section runa mrnx mmlh An~ effort will be made to geat the work satart ed in the shortest posstbla time al though thérée 1s a possibility that it may not be atarted until mext #pring. ' JE8SE 8. HYATT, President--of the Board of T rus-- tees of the Village of Liberty. ville, IHilingis. : E tony August, as a day of mourning and prayer, and ask the people of the Village of Libertyville to gease, as far as possible, their at Cook Memorial Park in thé afternoon of that day, and there honor the memary of our late President. ~© I Jeese 8. HMyatt, President of the Board of Trustees of-- the Vi!-- lage of Libertyville, has issued "Friday, August 10, 1923, the mortal remains of Warren G. Marding, our late Chieft Execu-- tive, will be consigned to. the grave. A poignant grief and a sense of great loss is felt by the people of Libertyville and the entire nation. the following. Thearefore, | do hereby appoint A PROCLAMATION ©# RECKLESS DRIVER _ MEETS DEATH: AS f' 'CAR TURNS TURTLE One man met almost instant death and a companion is--being »cared for: at. the Lake County 'General hospt-- tal..as the. result of. an= automobile -- accident on the Rand «ncrete road two and one half miles north of Wau-- conda Saturday night at five @'clock. Deputy Coroner Conrad. of Wauke gan presided at the coroner's inquest which w..----neld Sunday~morning at the M.; W. Hughes undertaking estab~ ishment at Wauconda. The verdict of the-- jury was that the --victim of the accident met death as. the result of an accident brought on by reckless driving. The. dead man is .. Charles A. Anderson, 55 years old, of 8. 8038 Darwin Terrace, Chicago,-- Jullusg -- Breitenstein, also of Chicago, a com-- _ panion of Auserson in the auto. sut---- -- fered <~two fractured . ribs, numerous euts to the head and severe bruises. . Three other occupants of the car ir _ _uiu« . . boys, were bruised and---- shaken up but were able to return to their homes in Chicago. R *The party -- of five were on their | way to Loon Lake where they -- planned to spend the week end. Ac ecording to the evidence brought out. at the coroner's inquest the car was -- being 'driven at the rate of between 40 and 50 milés an hour. N'g was -nw.w&:flvn and when he -- came to a sharp bend in the road y m mooe ons quic enoug 1 & _ OE the machine with the result hat it . careened into the ditch, turning over,. _ several --times. ¢ + P . Anderson, who was driving, m pinned under the machine. & sing autoist summoned Dr.--Ross, of : ~ Wauconda and Anderson was lifted -- into' a. machine' to be taken to Wat conda. It was found that he had. . suffered ..from. a broken .neck. ¥4 skull fracture. _ He died b# the machine was started. og es Breitenstein ~ and -- the two ".h:g were brought to the Lake aty -- hospital. . It was found that the boys were not seriously hurt and the boys . dition of Breitenstein is not regard-- . ;.d " h'_:::'lJ 4 4 s oo ie Charles Anderson of Chicago Tries to Make Curve Going 40 Miles an Hour. sists of 14. pages and includes the eomzfet'o promlummlfit.n:lg Lve stock, farm products, . yed. ut the Lake County Fair. . \_ : The book this year has been is-- sued 'considerably' in advance: of the fair and therefore it 'fllu.::" ductive <of | better _ regults any previous year s6 far as advertisers are concerned. t9 00 ; * ~ The premium--list -- and handbook of the 70th Lake County . Fair to be held at Libertyville August #1, The book also this year includes . a--rpad--directory showing the routes' from«. al -- points=~of : Lake mg' to the county fair at Libertyville.""*** These books are to be distributed EOUNTY FAIR'S _:( _ JUST OFF PRESS _ to the county fair at Libertyville."" These books are to be distributed over the county and anybody who desires one can procure same by applying at the Sun office or at the Independent office in Libertyyille, . A coroner's jury at Kenosha Hat urd% decided that Geo. Hutchinson T m'" llutol..:un 'nhr Tht. e co m t , « aowevor. prior to the inquest, the proucntlng' attorney had asked that 1erman "can should be NAMd on a charge -- &r, it , DOIng® held "That 'he "drove M# motorepolt into the Hutchinson auto and Cousad the. . tragedy.. . Mears is out undet $4500 bonds 'and . the hearing 1 Tuesday. 2 * As ho s Five Thousand Copies Show-- ing mm% for Various Displays. . In the tota! 5000 coples have l= issued and it is circulated by | directors® of the fair ~lotated in the various parts of the county.-- . _« > HELD TO BE ACCI ; _ DENT YET FAGES | ; ©_ MANSLAUGHTER® _ The saltuation Oof ihe" J ating <-- Mears .and him : & "hmhl'« Cfl atrange. chances will dismisa: the charge hearing comes up in vi coroner's, jury's -- verdibt clared it was an $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE +%, 438 $