CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Aug 1923, p. 12

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. _ THOMMESSEN IS * _ 'EINED IN COURT Zipertyville Independent : _ Lak. County Indevenden, -- Waukegan Weekly Sun * Thommessen was arrested last spring on a charge of having. vandalized the Millburn cemetery where a dam-- age of $10,000 was done to the tomb-- m He ~was. indicted by -- the jury but the charges against HBchoen, all of Chicago. mu&n..lmoumtcnreh last Sunday, in honor of . the eing. MThose present from out of: town were Bernard Klencing, of Whitefish Bay, Wis.; A.~C. Javpe and family,, Charles Thommessen, 36 years old, 1586 Belvidere street, was arrested in Madison street, near West street, Baturday night on.a 'charge of be Iing drunk and disorderly. He was would see that Pterson is cared for. The driver of the other: car did not halt and his identity was not learned. morning before. -- Police -- Magistrate Walter Taylor. He was fined $10. Aocording to the explanation to the Waukegan police by Dr..Kurtz, be was driving south in Green Bay road Yhen be met another car. Dr. Kurts dimmed his headlights but the other ear did not <dim. Blinded by the Charles Peterson, 49 years old, em-- m on the Walter Dexter farm, Corners, Wis., just across the Miinois border on Green Bay road, sauffered a fracture of the right leg struck by an automobile owned and driven by Charles Kurts of 4127 So. 2. t;;ecur:::. t:' 'Green gy 'lr'"-' He placed the injured man in his ear and drove him to the Victory Me-- morial-- hospital--© where the victim would receive medical attention. Dr. Kurtz assured the local police he glare Dr. Kurts did not see m:u» walking along the road and yan into him. . «-- never was pressed" through lack TOR, BLINDED ¥ HEADLIGHTS, RUNS DOWN MAN The Guardian Sister, saved from the sensueus splendors of a nobleman's orgy, is the central figure in history's sweetest love story. r ' Kate Claxton With Lillian & Borathy Gish Mre. E. L. Sayre, church organist. Sunday School at 9:45 a m. W. G. \ Wells, Supt.: We are having a remark-- RT':N. attendance for the summer sea-- son. Come and enjoy it with us. old ', _ Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The steq . P28tor_will preach on '"The Prgemi-- eet, | DCBt Christ." b°'| Young Peovle's Meeting at 6:45 p.m. was |_" Union Service at 7:30 p. m.--at the iday M E cbhurch; Rev. G. E. Smock will _ Sunday School at 10 a. m. Geo. F. [Peurg. Gen. Supt. ; . . Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser-- mon by Dr. H. B. Raffensperger, of Chicago. Music by the choir. Epworth League Devotional service at 6:30 p. m. -- 4 _ Union service at the Methodist Epis-- dn t Tok e o9 o Smock. fi by the choir. 5 _ Prayer Meeting Wednesday, August LAKE ZURICH EVANGELICAL | Rev. Paul E. Schoppe, Pastor, .. lnwyacudu.::lt:;-. us > Hnglish services at 10:830 a. Mv!flhumt_-hi., August.26th.. On that day all members and friends O0f our'church are very cor-- dially invited to attend the Orphan Last Bunday the services were of a memorial character for the late Pres-- ident, Warren G. Harding. a 8T. LA WRENCES EPISCOPAL fl"s&'o" 6 will be: i mmmmmb;tho Rev. D. W. Wise, of Chicago. . Sunday School will be at the usual Home Picnicat Bensonville. Chas. J. Dickey, Pn::or Phone Ti2J. Miss Addie Milier, (Glen Hosking, Mrs. James Davis and Mrs. Walter A. Lightbody, Music Directors. preach the sermon. Chur ch Services CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 8BOCIETY, Services Sunday at 10:45 a. m. FIRSH METHODIST EPISCOPAL Leave Orders At 27 South Oakwood Of . Telephone 443--R _ LAKE FOREST, ILL. M. J. Fiaherty was here from Crys-- the W. W. Carroll family. tal Lake Wednesday. He reports the , § Ford business booming at the Cryste:: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne and Lake branch of--the Fiaherty--Kennedy daughter, Miss Blanche, and Mrs. Fred Company. : , .. _ Mordhorst and daughter, Miss Grace, > ( o paid a visit to the famous lotus beds . Mr. and Mrs. William Zoeliner spent at Grass Lake last Thursday. Twenty--five friends of Mrs. Ernest Brown, Jr., tendered her a surprise on Friday evening, in the form of a birth-- day party. ~All the company.enjoyed a pleasant even'ng playing games, after which refreshments were served. Mr=. Brown was presented with a beautiful tablecloth and 'napkins to match as a . Mr. and Mrs. William Zoeliner spent at Grass Lake last Thursday. several days of their vacation at Rock-- 3 ' well, lowa, with Mrs. Zoellner's broth--! The Presbyterian Sunday School er, Fred Bader, and the first halt of Picnic held at Gage's Lake Wednes-- this week at Gladstone;"'Il, with Dr. GaY was--largely attended, and is said and Madame Stephens, formerily of to have been the best Bunday School Libertyville. -- ma _ picnie for many years. About 170. 0e0-- * " O Dmwenty--five friends of MrS. Ernest morg were present in the. afterOOn, J. M. Bowe of Chicago, has purchas-- ed.the John pixen farm, northeast of Libertyville, k¥« R Mr. and Mrs. John Suydam and Mr. and Mrs. Houlihan motored to Eigin last Sunday. 4 4 Mn Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kcmndy went to DesPlaines Sunday and spent the day with friends. * Misses lola and 'Edythe Gagliardi returned. Monday, after a visit with relatives in Chicago.~ _ were Bunday guests at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. D. Atchison. + Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stocke were Lake Pul Ray and family spent last Sun-- day with relatives in Area; --------~~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker spent luuyu Dh-u' Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lemont Ray and fam-- lly visited in Kenosha Sunday. --Mr, and Mre. F. Daly are visiting at the home of Ernest Brown, Jr. R, E. Osborne was a Chicago visitor last Monday. . t . Mike Boehin is building a new reai-- dente on Maple avenue. x MreCharles G. Elwell of Highland Park called on relatives here Sunday. Miss Georgia Van Patten of Antioch was a guest Sunday at the W. C. Bragg home. y $ 4 % #¢ 4 U# & t&* 4 % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 # # # # # 4 4 4 4# 4 4 4 4 % %# Miss Lavina Price of Chicago is the guest of Libertyville relatives this Mr. and Mrs. Julius Treptow and family enjoyed a nouting at Gage's Lake Friday. ¢ Harold Appley left last week for Shoulders, 5ib. age, per Ib. . Sanborn o.g;"i,."' poind 3+lb. can Chase & Telephone 339 & 340 Aristos Flour, ibbl. Sack .. size, per Ib. t t .. ! % Comb Honey, Fresh _ Fancy Prunes, 50--60 Earl H. Corlett i H.. W. BROWN ed P o r k lveflzzc Oof Chicago " _ $2.00 30¢ 15¢ Mr. and Mrs. Willam Hapney arriv-- ed last Friday from Burlington, lowa, for a visit with Mrs: Hanney's son, y'red Bmith, and family. t Mrs. Leo Drury and Mra. John Whit-- ney returned --Thursday, after a visit with their brother, John Whitney, in Manhattan, Kansas. C y _ Highteen little friends of Miss Hen-- rietta Liss were pleasantly entertain-- ed at a birthday party at ther home last Friday afternoon. > Miss Margaret Mitchell and Miss Edna McCabe of Chicago, were here over Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell. When it comes to ignition prob-- lems, we are there! ~If you have been having trouble with your mag-- meto, the thing to do, is place the entire job in our hands and we will put things to right. 3 LEAVE THE SPARKING TO Us Libertyville Battery & Elec. Co. Miss Jeanette Smith is enjoying a weeks' vacation from her duties at the Lake County National Bulk. and is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Ef-- Mr. and Mrs. W. &,. Decker and Httle son motored to Racine, Wis., Bunday and spent the da~ with friends. worthy are spending a vacatiom at Trout Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altenburg of day at the home of their daughter, who have been enjoying an m bile trip through Wisconsin, bere on their way home, and visited the W. W. Carroll family. Niagara Falls, Toronto and other cities in theea st. Both are much refreshed by their vacation trip and are réady to buckle down to 'hard work in the marts of trade. . $ and will move there about SBept. 1st. Maxine, and nephew, James Wilson, are visiting Chicago relatives -- this Eldon Kitchen and Ward Just havs returned home from a motor trip--to Mrs. Arthur Bryandt, of Barrington, is spending a fe wdays here visiting her sister, Mré. Henry Kubhlman. Mizses Harriet, Ruby and Quints Gotti have returned from a week's va-- cation trip to Delevan Lake, Wis. Joseph Saunders has rented the Zoeliner 'house on Brainerd avenue, Tu--Rola Toilet Paper, Sheets to Roll . Grandpa Wonder Soap, White, Tar or Mr. and Mrs, E. T. $1.1 . ~AUGUST 1 Villa, -- LIBEARTYVILLE Doane and family arrived here last Bunday, @riving through from the Towa city. He is a nexpert in his par ticular trade, and will uphold the high standard heretofore. maintained by the firm. E. H. Collins, who has beéen in charge of the finishing department, will move to California about Sept. 1. _' W . I. Collins was in Agrora Monday to attend a convention of monument 'dofi;n of the Fox River Valley. Mr. Collins is president of the Monument Dealers' Association. mention To follow shortly are two that Mao Tinee in SBunday's Tribune last month, visz: "Children of Jazs" and the Nth Commandment." Itf you would seb ~the best: entertainments, watch for their ads in the columns of this paper. _ Elnore, eldest daughter of Mr, and | B Mrg. Henry Kublman, had ber sonsiis | M ~ removed at the Victory Memorial hos-- | pital last Sunday. She is doing nicely, R wit ha trained nurse in attendance. % 1 The Auditorium Theater is this week and in the near future presenting some of the greatest film plays on ree ord. "Daddy" and "Orphans of the Storm" are too well known to need A pleasant surprise was, tendered Mrs. Allie Nicholas Monday evening, the occasion being the anniversary of her birth Twenty--five friends were present, and the evening was pleasant-- ly spent in playing bunco» High score was made _by . Mrs. Howard --Mason; Mrs. John Buydam was second, while Mrs. Hiram Lusk was given the con-- solation award.: Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. has taken a position as marble cutter at the plant of the Collinz--Doane Mon-- ument Company in ILi4bertyville. ~Mr. That's al} you need to do, Our assortments, styles, quality and especially the figures on our price tags, will reveal to you the fact that you should have known this store before. We specialize in our work and truly give better service than the average furniture store. Furniturée and Rugs are our Sipecialties. Nothing else. hy'F-i'-a&Pa':Sun COME IN AND LOOK ~~~' WE HAVE ANOTHER MODERN s--ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE ar $5500.00, with 70 ft. frontage, 1 block from Business Section. Owner has an income of $59.00 per month from rooms, besides large, ample living rooms for family. If You Want Quick Action, » «s 516 N. Milwankee Avenue: s t o is o . i OVER DECKER & NEVILLE'S DRUG STORE _ _ LBERTYVILLE NL--__ [_ lighted} good land; corn, alfalfa, fruit, fia-rden. stock, crops and machinery complete for $7,600.00. ® ~~ ' OTHER BARGAINS:; COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU, AND AIM TO CIVE EVERYBODY AN HONEST, SQUARE DEAL. ALSO A CHOICE 40--ACRE FARM three miles north of Libertyville: Good buildings, set in a beautiful 5--acre wooded grove ; fine orchard of 35 acres, excellent farm land. Price $7,000: Will: include stock, crops and machinery completé for $8,000. --A snap. R LIBERTYVILLE BUSINESS PROPERTY 80x150 ft.; renting for\$75.00 per month. Here is a real speculation at $7200.00. ~-- ; A Libertyville Home was Placed in Our Hands for Sale on August 6th. We Sold the Same on August 14th, Just Eight Days Later. $ ALSO 60 AND 72 ACRES BLACK PRAIRIE FARMS, with good, improvements, 6 miles south of Libertyville, at Prairie View. Priced to sell. DANDY 5--ACRE PLACE, 1 mile from Libertyville: Good buildings, all electric Sellers & Petersen Give Us Your Prop-- erty To Sell *50¢c Milk of Magr Libertyville Auto Repair Shop Telephone 55 50c Jonteel Rouge 50c Jonteel Cream Save Money On 'Our "Factory To You" Sale 50¢ Jonteel Tale 2% Kienzo Dental Cream..........._.. 25¢ Puretest Castor Oil................_-- 50c Harmony Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 60c --Puretest:-- Witch Hazel.....................................--L.--------389¢ See Our Window and Counters for Other Bargains DECKER & NEVILLE A Few of Our Specials for Augiist THE REXALL STORE envennrimemmantencecsrcaccees * qR Telephone 202 : ~99¢ 33¢ 39¢ 19e l1¢ t 8 4

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