~NAVAL STATION *5' / GETS 3 MLLIONS * E FOR ENLARGEMENT . .Platform to Demand: Anti--for-- _« eign Rélations in National ~. ©000; i-nlrb. Puget Bound, $23,-- -- _ 605,000; na«ul> base Canal Zone, --$1,-- _._ '$15,000; naval base, San Diego, $17, _' 201,000. * « + Theso projects covering the west-- E" erh coast .approaches.. contemplate --_--'the expenditure of about $111,000, _ ~~000 of the $156,136,000 aggregate of '~' the program. _ Restraineid by the five _\ The Thompson resolution names a committee to confer--with members of the house and genat of the Unit-- ed States and with national lead-- a for the purpose of disseminat-- p the doctrines enunciated in the 1 platform. m *A kakee was Jammed with Re-- ns from ~all over the state, enthusiasm was provoked by parade in which were carried ban-- bors setting forth Smail's accom-- Ppl pnts and purposes. * _ Governor Smail was exrvected to wer his formal reply, conceded to e an aAceeptance, at the end of the ad by<those urging Gov. Len Bmall to run for re--election. _ ~ «. The resolution would make Smaill ® candidate on a platform Cemand-- a that, Ameica abstain from any A foréign alliances. ~Some wdd'nl attending the big meet-- here saw ip this an indication that . Hiram .Johnson, senator from California, might count upon lilinois' help should he become a presidential candidate. hy v -'mnkeor.' HL,. Aug. 15.--1'1:1.'1;1:- poig : ptimary election in April, 4, Will havye the hue of a natiGnal election <if a resolution ,lnttodne:: here today <by former Mayor W Mam Hale Thompson of Chicago is +. = Milligns~for Naval Ba®es. ° @~Naval <base, Honolulu, $42,528,/000; LOCAL MEN --AT MEET power naval treaty from further 'de ¥yelopment in the Philippines, Guam, and Samoa, the board allotted on!y a-- small sum to--these points and recommended the concentration of dofensive -- preparations > to ® Hawail, ¥ith the immediate focus of develop ment at Pearl Harbor. * -- The board of experts which pre-- pared the plan was headed by Capt. Willard, and was--ordered to lay down a definite program which would carry out the precept enuncigted by: the Rodman beard in 1922%, -- Among --the jnfportant projects to which the board and the department have given form®, Upprotul.mb«: | 0. 0. 0c 0Cs c c <*2* REPUBLICANS MEET 'TO RUN SMALL _ FOR RE--ELECTION While the recommeuaation for the large amount to be spent here was approved ~the navyy department also approved~ large ~amounts Tor naval More than 67 per cent of al} appro-- priations for bases and naval depots and air stations during the next twonty yeats will go to the erection of first and 'second lines of support for the navy in the Pacific under the provisions of ~the report which, through the signature of Acting Sec-- reilary Roosevelt, became the basic policy of the department. : That the navy department really intended to abandon the local --sta-- tion there 4s no doubt. in fact the navy department did not realize the importance of the station here until the matter was called to its attention by residents of Chicago and Wauke gan. This fight prevented the dis-- mantling of the station and now has resulted in the decision to maintain it on a larger scale. y3# The fact that the Great Lakes sta-- tion will .be the only interior depot for trainidg gailors is & noteworthy VOL. XXXI.--NO. 33. doned. Instead of being conducted on its present asls It will be enlarged considerably under the vast amount Oof money that it is planned to spend. Recommendations of a naval board that $3,095,000 be expended in com-- pleting the Great Lakes Naval Train-- ing station as the. single interior depot for personnel replacement has just been approved by the navyy de-- partment at Washington. This ap pears to preclude any ~possibility that the Jlocal station will be aban-- ABANDONMENT Is REMOTE Navy Department Approves Big Sum for Development of Local Station.> _ | . iN Merole Acts. karoto act measures Itself by . of gomsa ertornal good | fNaca Its. own saccoss at last, n the priont_cleo cxtol.--Enp _ Lundin of Chicago, attracted _attention. 4 nan M. A. Michaelson on, sounded the princi-- federal key--notes John Dill pram..--In his absence, the great» avation was accorded Thompson ovation was accorded Thompson. rtson presaided Government LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Sathue! Greenleat, Wwho suftered a tr:n- nock in a 'l:llhr flm lake two days ago, is some today according to the doctor in charge. . His condition. is --stifl yery mmm"m ovr:lu. in wa % ' the apine were broken, x Chicago, Aug. 15.--Paul Bonk, guard in the Cook county jail, is probably dying today and police are seokidg Frank" "Ange!l" Kramer, fol-- h'ilLt:l. stabbing of Bonk by Kra-- mer Bonk was stabbed, poli¢e say ng an argument be-- tweenh the | over Bonk's re-- fusal h_--.fi_':'mn Into the JAILGUARDIS --> STABBED FATALLY speéder. always comes through. This much is known. A correspon-- dence court eliminates on speed cop-- per, one professional, one baliff and one desk sergeant. *.9 But this much is also known.: It does take stamps,. And often it--calls for extra postmen to carry out the pinched by proxy letters. ol In the last line comes the sting. He is told that the fine for thundering past the institute of civil laws is $25. Maybe the first--letter is Ignored. Usually it brings a reply. HSometimes a second, third and fourth And even meted out at Lake Binff. 1 Police 'Magistrate Jacob D: Doyle of Lake Bluff is the exaited pen push-- er and according to his own story it often takes as high is $5 in stamps o Apmaniin * correspondence court has never failed."~ In every> instance it has brought back the fine. This is how it is conducted. He stands at the city hall of an evening pencil in hand,-- Should a motorist be so indescrete as to speed by his number is taken. --_ Then the magistrate repairs to the repairing room and olls up his type writer, m:muflmoblm_- ed from the book. -- He is noti-- fied that ho went by the city of Lake Bluff at umpty--ump miles an hour. He is also notified that this is a vio-- lation of the Lhw. * }m NTY OFFICERS JOIN IN MAN HUNT ~~BOR CHECK WRITER missing man had been found. oo teing spade s Miney ELIMINATES OVERHEAD discovered this morning when the First National Bank of Libertyvyille called the Waukegan police and stat-- ed that Etker had been in Liberty-- ville this morning but had left and shortly *afterwards the worthless thecks started coming in to the bank. The Waukegan and North Chicago police immediately started a thorough searech in Waukegan-- and vicinity while Burgett juniped into an auto-- mobile ~and--dashed out to Liberty-- ville in search of Etker. He enlist-- ed the aid of the Libertyville mar-- shal and together they started a It is charged that onc# before Et-- ker got into a similiar check--trouble when, it is claimed, he passed--afew checks by identifying himself as A. Beckwith who lives at the Etker home. Late today no trace of the Buick roaditer from Barrett & Bur-- geit garage and gave them a check for $175.. All of the checks were worthless.." The fact that:there was no money in the bank to cover the checks was ed in a man hunt today for Hent? Etker of Center street who, they charge, passed bogus checks amount-- ing to about $300. 6 ons Etker, it is charged, bought a suit of --clothesg~ in --a North ~Chicago cloth-- ing store and gave them a check for $50. He then went out to Liberty-- ville where his brother Benjamin is employed in the First National bank and, claiming to be Ben Etker, pass-- ed a check for $125, on the First Na tional bank there. It is elaimed that --BY MALAS PLAN---- guris hok c prr t on h proat o ie o ies «ie glts BOUGHT _ AVTO _ HERE The Waukegan and North Chicago police, the town marshal of Liberty-- ville and Burgett of the Barrett & Burgett garage in Waukegan all join-- Henry Etker Sought as th Author of: Worthless Checks Amounting to $375. into Lake Bluff: Coffers. SOME BETTER s# brother, held on a justice is being ul ie C M 7 the id John Baker, who lives near the Wayside garage, Zion, was hald to the grand jury in bonds of $2,000 today by . Justice Hervey Coulson. Charges of Assault with a deadly weapon were brought by J. Kis-- haddon of Chicago, who stated that Baker ran into him near the coun-- try club entrance several days ago. Baker: dented that ho had struck he other machine. Two boys rid> Ing with him testied that it was his ' i struck the ihe county jJail on a mittimue, _ -- D. .T. Webb and ~wite, F,. W. Churchill ngd wite, s«:r.hrz *KC,. H. cll&ofll and wife, J. 8. Heath 8r., C. A. Alshuler, Lyle Price, Charles Ingalls, J. R. Durkin, Lafry: Boo-- little, R.-- E. (Caldwell and J.L Przyboraki. ~"~% mobiles. HITS AUTO BUT _ FORGETS HE DID Waukegan golfers of the Cham-- ber of Commerce are al primed for the monthly golf <tourney of the Illinois Relations committes: to . be held at Woodstock tomorrow. The following méen will attend the meet: GOLFERS READY _ FOR TOURNAMENT Registration of candidates opened at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the Elks' club and continued until almost 9 o'clock. The 'candidates thronged (TVURN TO PAGE TWO) the organitation' and a meniber 'of New York Jodge No. 1. was the guest of honor. He had come all the way That was the telegram from Man-- chester, Ia., that told of the death yesterday of Fred Martineau, mem-- ber of this lodge, and a resident of Waukegan for several years. Five Hundred and Seventy-- two Men Take Vows of the quaintance with Waukegan> lodge-- men --brought him a @reat ovation when announced as a speaker. ---- William J. Sinek, exalted ruler of Chicago Elks No. 4, was another big fAgure in the.initiation. He made a talk to the members in meeting and later to the candidates, --__-- --. . -- . Only one announcement dampened --&l;"u;;', ee2 0E i0 0 9 CA Raies if'.;"..; " the carnival gaiety of the throng. --B. P. 0. E. No. 702 ~ HOLD IMPRESSIVE PARADE He will go to another big .meeting that will be cheld at EKrie, Pa., this month at which a large class is to be taken in. ~His birthplace was Erie, and his high standing in m--i dom will give him the post of guest of honor at this pagant.. : damiiiys s 4 William Fraser, past district: depu-- ty grand master, of Blue Island lodko who is living at his country home at McHenry this summer,, was another There are 572 new "Brother Bills" in th# Waukegan B. P. 0. Elks, No. 102 today. - ~These er--candidates ~went through the biggest initatory exercises ever held by the local lodge last night at the Masonic temple. It--was truly a big day. From noon until-- 8 o'clock bands of members--came from all di-- rections to the ~monster initiation that bad long been planned and her-- aleded by No. 702. _ & j * Conservative .estimates place the number taking: actual part in the pa-- rade, meeting aud initiation as 3000 In a short talk to th lodge he told of the organization: of the order and its wonderful growth in the --last few se aMt oo o oo Re ie oc P eC pe T TSEA BAP _ o i o D . C apUIEY es a e M d s en t es 5 ho t a k ts ies on Late t photo of the ZR--1, nearing compietion at the Naval Air--Station, Lakehurst, N. J.--The outer covering is made of sheep stomachs.> Sixty cells contain _ 2,100,000 cubic --feet of hydrogen which will lift 136,000 pounds or the same amount of helium lifting 120,600 pounds. Six 200 and 300 horse--power motors will drive it at 75 miles an hour and the ship will be able to fiy 4010 miles ®%:¢ and return. One of its first fiights will be an attempt to reach the North Pole. Comparative size indicated by--two mes (arrow). The trip will be made in auto= LIBERTYXVILLE, LA&KE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AU INITIATED INTO -- ELKS LODGE HERE to Circulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined Lake County's Big Weekly * London, Aug. 16 --Eamonn De Yal ora,-- leader ot the Irish Republicans and tbe most outstanding Agure in turbuléent Irish politics, was arrested today 'at Ennis, County Clare, on the eve of a campaign sapeech, atcording to a report w from Dublin by tha Evening ard. _ -- It was known that the KFroo State feared trouble at Rnanis and forces ; police had been concentrated > _ Louisvilie, Ky., Aug. 15.--Officlals of -- the" Standard ~Oil company of Kentucky, who had announced a de-- crease of ondé--tent per gallon in the retail »price of gasoline in the five states in which the company oper-- ates previous to .learning obw drastic cut in neighboring | states served by 'the Standard Oil company of Indiana, wetre of the Opinion to-- day' that the difference of 3.7 cents could not _ exist . for long. ---Tan réfrained form expessing "'h ' fon, howevet, as to whether local brite woul$ Bbe "decreased or the equalization t about by a re-- rnpuol of former price; by the ndiana concern. Gasoline is etailing here at 233 cents whils the tank wagon prices bust across the Ohio river in New Albany and Jeffersonvill¢, Ind., are 14 cents with Indiana's state gasoline tax of 2 cents per gallon added,~ -- DE VALERA IS AR-- _ RESTED, REPORT GAS PRICE IN _ OTHER STATES IS TO BE REDUCED -- When Deputies Stark and Tiffany #vrived there they {found Oscar Lar-- son of Chicago, and Phil . Lewand-- osky of Trevor, Wis., but formerly of Waukegan, and two demolished machines. Deputy Weals, who also received A telephone call, was there &# few Egnltn after the first two deputies, ® Sheriff Ahistrom, who a n:.)'mn called. Deputy Weale stated " that' Lew-- andosky was not intoxicated. Lew-- andowsky was reéturning to Trevor. Larson was on his way to Chicago. They hit almost 'head on, but the Larson caf cut the other machine, a Packard ~almost in half. -- In doing it-- he lost the front wheels and bumper and fenders of his Reo. Larson charged that Lewandosky bad bé#h driving his machine while drunk and @mashed into him. He had him arrested on this charge. In turn Lewandowsky charged La with reckless driving and had m arrested. _: ift's officelast ~night <from "Win-- throp Harbor, savored -- of. a~ bad smash--up in that section. f Gus Brades of 1110 Porter street, was taken to the Victory Memorial hospital late this afternoon after an accident at the North Shore Iron and Metay company in which three filn-- gers _ of the man's right hand were severed in a cutting machine. Brades has been working at the company some time and this after-- noon while cutting some heavy ma-- terial, his hand slipped under the de-- scending kife of the machine. (Dr. DuBovy was called and Brades was rushedto the hospital. Phil Lewandosky and. FINGERS SEVERED IN CUT MACHINE DTOR--SMASH--UP BRING OUT FOUR « DEPUTIES HERE tors. las been called to diagnose her casoe, Ift narcoties caused the effect, it is a drug® that the doctors are not familiar with, they said. The girl has refusod to arouse hetself to speak or eat since being found by the poli¢ce. hk & Rock Island, HL, Aug. 15--A pret-- ty 19 year old girl, believcd to be Evelyn Davis 'of Chicago, arrested on the~streot Sunday when it wal believed . sho .was . intoxicated, is tighting .for her life here. Officers took her to the station 'and failing to-- detect the odor of liquor they called physicians who said sh@ had been doped. A consultation of doe-- Crovca's Anslont Wasiitubs. ** Owing to the scireity of wood and metals in Un«?, washtubs are seldom spen, In the little vilage 0% Khasia, neat Ath the wome@n have utitised stone qmfim, that 'mare more than 2,000 years oid, _ >, Ilinois--Clarence Adams, Collins-- ville; Robt, Antonides, Chicago; Wil-- lHam Barmore, Villa Grove; Emmett M. Beer, Quincy;" Raliph D. Cuthbert, Chicago; Harold C. Durladd, River Forest; Milton J., Ewing, Fairland; Alvin _ Holston, Nashville; Clifford Isenbetger, Mt; Carroll; Willard H. Johnson, --River -- Forest; Clyde H. Leathers, St. Francisville; Thelbert C. Matlock, Cairo;'-- Joseph Tlapa, Riverside; Howard P. Trées, Homer; Wesley C. Wertz, Antioch;: C. Jerry Boyd, Anna; -- Raiph C€. Dikeman, Canton: . Walker Dilley, Philo; La-- joie Foulk, Benton; Robbrt R. Mc-- Kay, Champaign; Raymond Miller, Canton; ~Garrett . Pittman, < Tamp it; Eugene Schroth, Effingbham; le Shively, Oliver; and . Waliter 0. Stead, Farmersvilie. GIRL IS UNDER _ EFFECTS OF DRUG middle of Sz;ie:bve-r. :o-r.' a."; high school-- graduates 'hav@. obtained permission 'to register in the four year in athletic cosching and M"&) are 'Woesley --C. Worts proper -- attitude are fundamental qualifications <both in® the university and "th coaching profession in after e." Benton,, Foulk is a graduate of the Waukegan-- high school. --. Approximately . two. hours a day are devoted to class work in: ath-- leti¢e courses, The rest of the" time is 'occupied with . acaderhic work de-- signed to fill: th6 special nomlot a coach by giving him a well-- d-- ed education. * C "Our comching course® requires hbard work and a--great deal of out-- side study,". says George Huff, di-- rector of athletics, in a letter just sent to prospective students, "Wil-- lingness to work, scholastic ability, Those who have obtained psrmit to enter the course are: Deputy Del Weale is waiting, grip packed, for a trip to an eastern city, destination still a secret, in the hunt for Earl Picke, colored, who is charged _ with abducting 13--year--old rvella Bobo of North Chicago. The couple® arag"m to ~--be-- married now. In ¢ Picks bas I¥t the state with theo little girl he will be charged with violating the Mann act in addition to the present charge of abduction. TWO LAKE COUNTY BOYS REGISTER IN PICKS TRIAL 1O *# --BF FOLLOWED NOW :'j'vlg-i- ! £ ';m":w' I:':j". ' f f : oh.# '_"f'f_w}/f'.*t y k GUST 16, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN > Mrs. Repp was at home when raided yesterday, according to her atoty. She stated that oPtitclair tried Jjo push her around and not satisfied wit ~hthe way ahe was moving, turned on her and gave her a benting. Attaohes at the sheriff'a office reported that the wormanp was badly beaten about the breast, the Fred "Spot" Petitclair, a constable working on the nn'n squad, was arrested last night by deputies on a charge of assault and . battery brought by Mrs. Fred Repp. 6 moving, turned on her and gave her| Farmera and Al _ ..' a benting. Attaohes at the sheriff'alLake county ate making pA "'{\y office reported that the woman, was |ations to attend. w hen bave . . badly beaten about the breast, the m close , . _ that day. . 501'1{ being awolien and black. P me fi + John Metz and Les ~Arnold, at-- tired as "rube" constables, scored a distinct hit. The initlates were followed by a number. of decorated cars. One of the most beautiful was supplied by Arnold <--Nolan, ° being _ trimmed ° in royal purple and white. It contained four beautiful women. The car entered by Dr. and Mrs. M. J. McKeon also was extremely beautiful. -- ~~ . * The Queen's carriago was so beau-- (TURN To PAGE TwO) --The Blue Island lodge also #ent a band and large delegation. _ -- WOMAN IS BEATEN, RAIDER ARRESTED ~ The §57% initiates came next in line, As a joke some of the candi-- dates, some of them in strait--jack-- ¢ts, had been placed in a big monkey cage, mounted on a motor truck. Next in line was Highland Park lodge with its band and ~big dele-- gation. Highland <Park has one of the pepplest lodges in the state. City officials came in the next car. Then came past exaited rulers and charter members of--the Elks lodge. Chicago lodge No. 4 sent its band and an extremely large delegation. A decorated car from this lodge also attracted much attention and ap-- proval, Chicago had 200 members m line, including "Bi{!l" Sinek, exalt-- ed ruler. % The peppy naval station band with. three comhpanies of sailors cameo Hékt in the parade. . They receiveq a hand all along the lina of march. in which ' Mancel Talcott, -- chairman of= the recoption ~commitipe, Ben Blowney, organizer of the local l0dge and'J. W. Norris, a charter member of Elks* lodge No. 1, otf Néw York, Theé fire department apparatus of both departments was in lins, decot-- ated in a most appropriate mannet, The effect was very pleasing. ;'m per cent Elks" read a sign on pioce of apparatus. <it o M the affair. BIGGEST AND <~; BEST PARADE IS MELD BY ELKS Thousands of Spectators Line the --Streets Along the Line-- FIVE BANDS ARE IN LINE The biggest and best parade in the history 'of Waukegan Elkdom or of any other local organization, was the general verdict of the thousands who witnessed the splendid parade in the city Tuesday night to com-- memorate the 21st birthday of the 10-- cal lodge of Elks. In addition to the decorated floats,~ autos, etc., there were visiting delegations and fA¥e bands. . Genesee -- street. was lined with Abousands of spectators from Bel-- videre <'street to Franklin . street. Both Franklin street and Sheridan road also were lined. Asst.-- Chiet .d-%l@hnebnnunaum Ig Lis recollection has thera haen of M $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE ._ Our addresses will be by the best farm and community speakers in the state. _ Mr. Everingham is a~ fine orator 'and very successful in help-- Ing all classes of a communityto work together for etter . understand-- ing. He has been working for: state organization at the last session of the legislature at Springfleld4. _ . -- Mr. Rummel is :'zfi man at farmer meectings z been. a strong orgabitation us ias . Adhige IWea LDon't miss the fireworks in the ovening. P d o SaP CS w.'myum«umnnuz Congressman Rathbone to speak the early evening also. oi P o P d _ £:30--Contests, races, amusements from fat men's -- race, hbog calling contest, boys' and girls' races, to a milk drinking contest. Good Ub eral prizes donated by the business men. Full list printed on day of pienic. Also special prizes for best looking bachelor Farm Burscau mem-- ber in attendance at picuic and a number of others, The Barrington band has beenl, en-- ged to furnish music for the entire 3:;. Hear this splendid: band. > 10.00 a. m.--Parade leaves Liber-- gvnlo for picnic promptly at 10 welock from Farm Buréau office, Autos should be decorated. The' program for the= day follows although a ~more complete program will /be .given out on the day--of the picnic: > U Boring match, prizes. Indoor baseball game Between mar-- ried and single. Prizes announced later. Baseball games both morning and evening. baseb!!« games, etc. In addition there will'be speaking and-- fireworks in the evening. Farmers from all parts oft: the county are planningk to at-- _ 1500 p. m.--Speaking by A, C. Everingham and W. E. D. Rummel ) The. committee for the Farmers' ,Ptcnlc to be held at Diamond Lake, Jl1., on Wednesday, August 22, have 1%:00 noon -- Big picnic lunch, Bring well filled baskets. prepared a big program and give assurance .that the affair will be one of the biggest ever held in the county, : There will be horseshoe Horseshoe pitching teams start contest promptly at 10. $15 in two _ Barely a month ago an ice house at Channel Lake owned by the Cali« fornia Ice company was burned to Lthc ground with a loss of $75,000. In the last two years two cther large jce houses in Lake county have been destroyed by incendiaries. ____--__-- Splendid Program to Be Pre-- _ ~sented and a Big Attend-- | MANY -- PRIZES OFFERED _.The' Ruh ice house was an er-- tremely large one, heing 440 feet long by 150 feet wide. -- -- _-- The fire broke out some time be-- tween 3:30 and 4:00 ~o'clock -- this morning and was blazing quite fierce-- ly when discovered. 'Attempts were made .to ~halt ~the progress of the flames but in vain. 'The fire spread through the immense building . which contained _ twelve _Jountn rooms, slobhis: c snn k c im ane aemaic ioi oo L uesns with great rapidity. Flames leaped high--in the air and the reflection could be seen for miles. f . It is asserted that the ice company carried some-- insurance, just how much --could not be ascertained today. .'It is predicted that the ice house wilt not be rébuilt:owing to the 'high costs which--makes this almost pro-- hibitive. 'None of the> ice ~houses thathave been destroyed, havée been replaced,> 'The Ruh house was built About--twelreor fiftoon years~ ago.~ _ -- .. The Ruh Company icehouse at In-- gleside, one of the largest ice houses in the Fox Lake district, burned to the ground early this morning, re-- sulting in an estimated 'damage of $100,000. AH that remains is a huge mountain of ice, some 15,000 tons, solidly cemented together _ by 'the heat. Frank Valenta, foreman of the ice house, asserted today that the fire unquestionably was of incendiary origin. He says this is the only so-- lution that could be arrived at. An investigation 4s being . conducted along these lines. Authorities are fearful that unless something--is done in the way of ap-- prehending _ the mysterious firebug LOCATED AT INGLESIDE who is--applying the torch to ice houses in various parts of the Lake county that the time is not far dis-- tant when storage houSes for natural ico will become a thing of thempast. HOUSE DESTROYED; Mountain of Ice Containing 15,000 Tons All Left of Ruh Ice House. -- -- ONAUGUST 22D SEEK INCENDIARY ance is Expected. . ;| 9n r,«g;i'f Hfge