es more REAL NEWS than any other paper in LAKE COUNTY. And it 3 all comes for the small sum of $1.50 a year. JUST THINK OF IT! ' Every Saturday and Wednesday Evening from 8 to 12, Standard Time | _ Sunday Afterncons from 1 ofclock to 5 o'clock Central Standard Time h -- & MeCORMJCK'S FOURPIECE ORCHESTRA T endonl n comionnn I am always glad to b€ of service o Fall Classes For Beginners Dance Where The Breezes Blow RAY BROS. PAVILION _ In Commercial Classes _ & All Entries for the Fall Term Must Be Made Before Ausust 31 -- Telephone 130 Whether there will be a Hard Coal Strike or not It is your opportune time to fill the bins with the Best Coal and WHY WAIT! The time is right, also the Coal. _ _ _ All sizes of Hard Coal, Soit Coal and Coke. -- 4o e . oi FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent 2 LAKE GOUNTY NATIONAL BANK -- Teleghone 15 _ --|---- --' LIBERTYVILLE Mrln\ge ey to deposit or wish only to ask a bit of/information, you will .)w'pMawelcome e. 0 + Allbmmeu""w wactions that take place at this bank are made on the basis of cof tial and friendly service. are taken into consideration by at the window. _ Each person who to us is given not only courteous jon, but atten~ tion that is backed by years of/ i and a desire on he part of our--off; to be of real LIBEREVILLE-- LOMBER 60. ephone 47 ~--~-- LIBERTYVILLE --MRS. GEO. MacDONALD _ _ But We Do Know We Don't Know Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. -- . YOUNG BY DANCING . ~Well--Mannered Business Right Now Diamond Lake, Iilinois 4. s# LIBERTYVILLE s ie ------__'I| Eocal and Personal M\| Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyville Peop'e "I ~ FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 24--25 _ * _ A Drama Of Love and Sacrifice in the Great We:i of * *49" * Mr. and Mrse. Earl Kaiser of Chicago were Here Tuesday visiting at the C. H. Kaiser home. Mrs. George C. Kendall was hostess at & luncheon Friday, glven in honor John Numsen attended a picnic giv-- en 'by the painters of Lake county, at Camp Lake, Wis., Sunday. Fred Kunke underwent an emergen-- Earl Guyot left last Sunday for a two weeks' vacation at West Salem, Iilino.s. O Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kublman of Highland Park were 'Libertyville vis itors Sunday evening. pilr pt Mrs. M. A. Protine visited relatives in Chicago over the week end. -- ~'Mre. Lathrop and Miss Marian Hub-- bard were guests of relatives in Anu-- A. W. Whitmore and daughter, Miss Bessie, are enjoying--a trip to points of interest in Colorado. . ; A. E. Rawson and family of Rogers Park were guests of Mrs. M. C. Wilson several days last week. f. Men's and. Ladies' Sweaters, all -lgu.ltyhlquconnatlom't 1t Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Baker were Mrs. J. O. Carison and sgister, Mrs. Carrie Burns of Chicago, left Tuesday for Dillon, Mont., for a six week's visit with their sister Mrs. Amanda Guid-- ice. They will Also visit at other places in~the west. L *# Ashley Gratz 'apd Miss Mollie Seller spent Sunday at Lake Villa.. Harvard. cy operation at the Victory Memorial hospital Sunday evening. He is re-- ported as doing ni¢ely. SUNDAY, AUCUST 26-- ; S!im .my Cornmiencement of Our Great "PARAMOUNT' Week _ WEDNESD:AY, AUCUST 29-- A Gonulno"f" Mark Germa4~ Bank Note Famiiy At This Program. COMING--"Children Of Jazz" and "The Nth Commandment" | Agnes Ayers-- and Jack Holt --~ In Thz Famous Stage Drama of Married Life . Alice Brady in "The Snow Bride" Auditorium Theatre -- "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" Miss Hilda Hapke gave a violin re-- cital at her home Monday-- afternoon. Three of her Waukegan pupils and a number from Libertyville took part. Mr. and Mrs. John Lester and family left Mbonday on an automobile trip to Starved Rock Park. They are also spending a week in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Schnaebele and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hagerty were in Ra-- cine, Wis., Synday, where they visited at the Ri'tler and Overson homes. Noel Young has joined the ranks of ticket.agent# for the North Shore Line and is dispensing the pasteboards for "The Road of Service" at Lake Bluff. "Atchie Barnett and Miss Lillian Seiler were married in Waukegan Sat-- urday August 18th A wedding break-- fast was served at the home of the bride's parepts, after which the young couple® left on a honeymoon trip to The Dells, Wiscons'in. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beller and Mr. and Mrse, Robert Sits and family mo-- Mr. and Mrs. Forest Flags Owen entertained fourteen young people last Monday evening at'a dancing party. Ray Nelson and {family of Chicago. and Mr. and Mrs. William Massemann, of Long Lake, were Sunday visitors at the John Numsen home. tored to L Je i c nd lt o lsntc ts > w DOLLARAR'S, WORTH OF VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT That's what the housekeeper of today demands. People who buy their rugs and furniture at have less money invested and more in the bank. We invite all whether interested in buying fur-- nniture or not, to come in and look around. No obligation to buy unless you want to. We specialize in just two lines, Furn-- iture and Rugs. Ray' Furniture & Paint Store Ray Furniture & Paint Store Phone 9. .. Libertyvilie, II!. Open Monday,.Friday and Sat _ urday Evenings. Will Be Given, One To A Prairie, Wisconsjn, 235;:1923,; JiiThe Time To Buy Lots 1| Is When They are Cheap | Kighty new books have been added to the Cook Memorial Library. They were purchased with money: received from the Lyceum Course of last win-- 'ur. the net amount being $119.10. + Mr.and Mrs. E. E. Marsh and Miss Cora Miarsh returned Saturday from Sandusky, Oblo, where they visited 'M sister. They made the trip by automobile. m l E. J. Kennedy and family, returned last Thursday evening from & month's ltrlp to Yellowstone. National . Park. They made the long trip in their new | Lincoln --_ car, and: give glowing ac-- ' counts of the wongers of the west. ' Mr. agd Mrs. Dudley Crone, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smock and daughter, Har-- riet, , Of Keota, lowa, were here the first of the week visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Guy Smock. They also visited in Waukegan with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hulse, who formerly lived in Keota. 4 ® !C. Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. ! Anderson also entertained E. Larson, ' son and daughter and Miss Helen Ne!-- 'son, of Roseland, I!1., Sunday after-- 'moon at their home in Deerfield. Miss Hazel Grueanwald returned last fi'ny to ber home in Crystal Lake, r a visit bere with her brother, E. C. Gruenwald. Miss Audrey Wilder, of Alb'on Mich. was a week end guest at the Dr. J. L. Taylor home. Miss. Wilder formerly was a member of the faeulty of the high school here. Mrs. A.--J;: Smock Mre,; H.-- W . #8mock; Misses Jennie and Esther Bmock and Mrs. Claude Garner, all of Park Ridge, were --here Saturday visiting Rev. and Mrs. Guy Smock. -- * en' +. Mr. and Wrs. J. Thorson and son Clarence, accompanied by their daugh-- ter and busband, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Huemphner, motored here Sunday 10 spend the day with their son Elmar The 'office of the Libertyville Town-- ship high school will be open day and evening Saturday,/ August 25th, in or-- der that students entering school for the first time this year may register. All prospectove students should pre-- sent themselves on that date and any student who registered last spring who desires to make any change in their schedule should make the fact known on the above date. x s RAY BROS & COMPANY | BV Y. NOW!: :--_-- ©@8 Lots in the G. M. Ray Subdivision are now selhngat f j $275 to $575 . . _ 42--inch Pillow Tubing, peryard....................................................s um ssimnieiinmtncpmmatindidit , . uB 4§--mch Pilow Tubing, pcF yarcl..............................--ismiticornin:=frrimmemmmtmmincnt oi i 81--inch Sheeting, Bleached and Unbleached, per yard......._......_._._._98¢ . _ 81--inch Sheets, Hemmed Ready for Use, @2¢h............__._==._..____$1.38 _ °-- Bed Spread prices........................._$2.25, $2.50, $2.60, $3.50 and $4.00 _ ~, Cotton Batting, Outing Flannel, Shaker Flannel, Wool Flannel, Ticking, Percale, -- . Duck, Towels and Toweling of good quality at very low pricet. 3 m 36--inch Bleached Muslin, 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard..... An Opportunity To Save 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard......__...-- 36--inch Long Cloth and Nainsook, per yard....___.. 36--inch Long Cambric and Nainsook...............__. Telephone 29 W. W. CARROLL & SON CO. Lots Near a Lake are cheaper in the --Fall than in the spring Figuare it out for ){burself On Your Household Needs S N OW PHONE 306 ; --r€ BY INVESTINC FIRST AND INVESTICATING THERE IS ONE SURE WAY TO KNOW A SAFE INVESTMENT FROM AN UNSAFE SPECULA TION.© THAT IS TO ACTUALLY HAVE YEARS OF INVESTMENT EXPERIENCE BACK OF. YOU BY CONSULTINCG THE OFFICERS OF THIs HAVE MADE OTHERS RICHER AND THEM-- SELVES POORER. LIBERTYVILL®--~--~~~+#KEINO!S, Resources of More Than a Haif Million Dollars Snalls) O{t:fldg&yfnent 1 l" First Nationz! Rank HOURS 8:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. . s 5it cpaali l HKGGcth INDEPENDENT--.The Big Phone 217--.M -- LIBE A. A. Grandy £5 99 14c 18c ts ty