f jhigts0tistoemiIt ma sure mm: . m L or P. Looms 'mr"1ustlce."' Mr. Woodman eon- nights at Pythian ot this diatriCt Thursday night met in their In]! u an Wubuuton street to boom County Judge P. L. Persons (or Grand Out. er Guard ot the state. Waukeun. Highwood. Highland Park ind Lake Forest lodges were pment ad the Ittenuance V" well over the three hundred people. June: M. Woodman "a the prin- cipal speaker ot the evening. He talked on the Constitution in con- nection with the National Con-titu- tion week that is being widely rec mixed. - "The office holder who token his oath to obey and. uphold the to" in but one cow to tmrrtuar---ttu ttne of duty. " "Some men will tell you ttpat the Commotion in worn out and out at "ta, and that it no longer tits the estmditiorttr of todoy. But I claim it b " noted to all good cltlzenl a the Sermon on the Mount. the Ten Commandments, and the Gold. "rt Rtru.,. _ 'ttn District Medina Held Last ight to Pay Respect to Constitution. "But the acted document must be "-etett, in order to melanin and build on 1 good government. "President Coolidge in. aid. "The Manon ot the luv in on» timed-J: them due on too much. If me one prove." an organized mongol) liberty and ell nonr- ityueetenend. Thouwhobmk It" on the lined of their own urine. It in not tor the "value at other: .thnt the cut-6n is "taxed to'obey the in", but for his on "voltage. No men in: e right to piece " on one or convenience "on hiedoty to the late! . more in only one way to ad. '3. w. Lewis and Rev. Howard E. Gunter also made short talks on the Constitution. 'l know ot no better place can the Constitution of the States than before a Pythian Mr. Woodman declared. "And no other internal body had its birth in a better place to incul- cate liberty and patriotism than the mud order, which came into being " Washington, D. C., the National Capital. " 'We, the people of the United States otAmsrica. in order to form s more permit union, establish greater unity, ssure domestic trad- quility. provide tor the common de tense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity. do or- dain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.' "Aljlong'll we cling closely to the Constitution, respecting it and word" its provisions, we "t we. But there is In attempt on the put at many clam. may to get away tron the mummy"; which. have, "We' found the very essence and reasons for existence in the pre- mble ot the Constitution, which runs: . 'All that followed was simply an outline of action to unsure comforts, enjoyment: and privileges set forth under the Constitution. . "That the men who framed this document were divinely inspired and [no to. the country at that time, and the generations that followed, Nn closing. I beseech you one no all to take this blessed document sud clap it do" to your heart. moving it 32ml: td your tan] with we glorified embiern--the' Sun tad tgtrtpe.---the symbol of liberty, Justice and right." . . . - medium ot govemmgnt. ls OdDhIliled in the form, ot govern- ment being tried in Baum todar, which it . Mutable failure. T 7 The Rev. Cluster, 'who followed Mr. Woodman. laid: "These are the times that try men's hearts. We hear on all sides the cry ot despair because of the chaotic conditions that seem to pre- vail throughout the world. A deep spirit ot pessimism grips the hearts of the thoughtlul leaders of the day. It is a mistaken attitude both upon the part of the individual and the nation. Every great war in history has been followed by a similar pe- riod of apparent chaos. For aeveni years after the close of the civil. war. crime and violence seemed to reign supreme. Disrespect tor law and government characterized the activitie. ot the north; anarchy and terror stalked openly in the south. At the close of the War for inde- pendence, rebellion and revolution made the long Struazle for independ- ence seem of little avail. The hearts of the leaders of the colonies despaired of bringing order out of chaos. Enthusiastic members, ot. Ah! "Those were the darkest hours ot our national Hie Nn nation has ever lived which dui not experience 1 like travail of eour. it is tnt however. a time tor despair: rather in it a time for the exercise or the most profound end stirring faith. Thin II the greatest country on the face of the eerth today. The far- mer in uthertng Into his storehous- e. the ttraratest harvest: the nation bu ever seen. We are blouse-d with truth "an! rmurce. as have nel- dom mm In the lot of any na- tion. I do not wUh to appear ego untied. I do not wish to exagger- ete. I believe. however. that akin: people- for people. the world over. than convening the United States of Am'ertea the - intelligent. the most when the no" thrifty amnion the MI. We Ire rich in food "In. nature! renounce. end not so" out"! that we than tot puny be led any by «nan doe "OI. an and. to be exercised. "not; it I. M we with" to darkest hour: No nation has not exwwH-nce at. It is tut despair; rumor exereiBe of the to dia. United lodge," We - and a? have =l1tt.' In!" h (I. '00 Riches. luxury and w - pominlty tor bum any can wows; "on to and tnttF neu. We and to glue-ho the - county of producing - at M ideals. Inch principles, u still it spire the - of the nation to - - at living. book on! the history ot out many. Who on our great an in militia? Waning- ton. umln. Welt and Nikon. Wu life my toe that We. their path are" with roses? Walling- ton kneeling in the wovu ot Volley For" -in prayer to God: Lincoln llama end old in middle BN; Roosevelt maligned Ind criticised and deed in middle life; Wilson COW. demned an derided end left on is- valid on the political hilh'ly. but " remember'tlut it in not their suffering] that we revere; it in not their been bunks we remember. Their glory is that they had ideal! and noble purposes end would not yield them tor gain or lune. We need the same kind of man today in public office, upon the bench. in business and in proleeeionnl life. God give us men. A time like this demands strong minds. great lieu-ts. true tam: and ready hendl. Men whomthe lust ot office cannot if Rud'olpi Holman, M, 'Mflviaukee Jeanette Thick. M, same. ___ Input Albert Damn. M, Bum-a Put; minute": D. new; .18. "I": -.- m'""""""".'"' H ._ A.. "C"" .TW" ,, lemm R. BM. " Chime; Courtsh' In. Johnson. 28. lane. Rudy Vault. " lunches; Att. "In. Podotstdmstr.' M, no. a lumber Lent. " Insane; Woun- mm "s we; __ l . buy,, Men who possess opinions and n will, _ Men who have honor; men who will not lie, Men who can stand hetero a dam- ngogue r" And damn his treacherous finned" without winking. Tall men, sun croynod. who_livo above' the tog, ' In public duty and in private thinking. _ _ _ Hugo H. Ruben. 21, Clinton, Wits.; Angeline P. Schierl, 1&1an. Joseph Salim, 29, Kenooha; Olga Klenn, M, same. _ _ June: William Bali, " Chicago Frances Ambrose, M, style. -.ie Fred Hunter. ft, Kilian"; mu. tbeth Washington. M, "no; f Wis. - "Frrénk De Vine, tti, Milwaukee; El tells E. Dunn, 51. same, fl, - Dénnia ugohexm Neeuh, Wis. Catherine Chen'ecort. 41, my: "Philip M. lithium; M, Kanom; Nona Roberto. 19. may ___ -- _ Millard Kismet, 21," Milwaukee; Alice Gritqmaeher, 19.}lllw_§pk_ge. -' James Tomas, " M, Moratttr'ms; Ruth M. Nelson, 19, Cliptonviue, 77 Ldwrisncis Binke, -27, Highland Park; Linn. White, M, 331110. - John W. Gatling. " China: Prob . W . Alvenn m pagan-uh. 18, cue-no. "mm'n' TP" cr M [ Gregory Sun. " West outs, W. - _--.,_.__-_. -, ~~~~~ 7 . ft,',,' ft',tt"a,'tidl "no. h , l err'. '., I - V r , a q li, i E _ Vera mm mm. s' _lllll ml Jlltl Mind Tube. 28, Conley. Wig. , ', _ B, _ Home Hnatpei, 18. Some. _ ' tlrdjji.' . A ; Stud-Iona Stacked]. 40, Mllw. _ - Ill' _no " Mum. sum-:5. Monroe, Wis. V, . ll . Wm. th Comm. " Chime, I tlllrt)F1llllltiat '5 Ruth B. Van Horn. 19. Some. l I - , , T . '.' Charles B. Humor. 51. Milwaukee, g q . Illlii Louise E. We". 28, Some. " ' _ _ Vt _ 2 Daniel Bobbe. 't Milwaukee. _', - '/. l .r . , Norm: Laban. 4, Some. i CD , . C , cu... Cotton. M, Cudnly, Win. 'ei,"',",".,',",..,'?.!?!, 4:1 . Mime Heel-en. 23, Some. ' C . . Edward C. Spivok. M, Chicago, Biatttt---t , 4 G " 15. Helen C. Gripe, It), Some. I White-utr-k.'. Elmer J. Nelson, M, Mllwnnkoc, Blaett to may and win. _ Edythe Pontoon, M, Chicago. -ee..-. John P. Ronnlmnn. 21, Hllwnnkee. Bolutioqt to Problem No. " JV Viola L. Tent». " f9tttttorqart, _W. L. J.Wir. q Chas. W. Cox, 28. Lou Ammo. Cat. _ BIaek---6 " 19,3. 11 M. Mtine I. Carl-on. " New York . White" 21 " x. 10 It. Otto A. Runhe/ 81. West Bend. W. White to Naraud win. Gertrude Zwiettt, M, "Damn, Wis. 10 , It g " " M 17 " 14 [goalie P. 21'tr'rit."i Bion. _ F . .....__.. '- "ttttt M. Mitt, 2 MO. Solnuon V . . Virgil W. King, M, Wuhan. D. (3."me Problem No " By Catherine E. NONI. M, Elmo. Biaek-8 n " " " 'tr. 1 Edw. C. Gaunt-on. 31. Konoohn. whirt--4 n " In tit M. Mirth: Young, 88, Milwaukee. Whit. ttt 4t1ay m draw. Fred H. Kennedy, M), Milwaukee. " " " 20 a " " " " " Dorn Stelnbnngh. " Some. ' --. 53:3 Emile, 27, Milwaukee, Solution to Problem No. " By ( n Londo, 21, Home. A Shooter _ fd'i,, A.1 O'Connell; Mr, Doerneld. 'riiai'iUit K. 20 " at er ne C. ldwin, " Lalo Whi . . t Foregt. t2ie--.51,C1.e!; nu. ' Blue mulch. 81, ' Milwaukee; I - - E In" Gar-M, IT, um. N T Adetbrt Von Wil M, We: "u. Btnetr---4 14 " " V an mm. Rooney. is. mum an. White-q u a. Robert J., Mn. " Zion; Gen.- White to pity and that. "lave Wasp", non. , . 'r"""""""'" James Hurchell Hurst, M, Chica- go; Gladys Hazel "Chan, 19. ulna. Henry Geo. Hulbert, tCoat Park, Ill; Marion bout-o Coleman, M, Pe- oria. Howard H. Btaton, 27. New Mbuny. Ind.: Luma V. Hadneld, " Wanke- aha. Wig, Bert N. Hatton, 84, Chicago; Marr. guerito Rune]. 27. same. Clarence E. iiehreitrer, M. Reno- rthst, Wm; Bertha L Luckov. M, " ploton. Win. Win Albert R Bernard, M, Chimp; Annie Marie Peterson. 27. Cth30. Wm. Jacks. 26, Milwaukee. WI..; Mildred C Benton. 22. Em Claire, Henry Wm. Hey": tt, Chic." Irma Ming. tt, "ate. Prod Homllno. a. amine. WU, Dom I; Roy, M. use. Edward H. Gale, a, Chime Mnhel lamb. 80. "no. Arthur J. Contollo. " We." Sarah Policy. " "or Wm. tt. mm " Chicano: Attthgt Bot-gum. a. a... Wm" J. Moon. a. tank. Wm, 111an 1. sum 8,8. 'es, cr MARRIAGE "No.14. " par. but). Mal-don (South-l) m PM. ' " " " in " u a C " 831] 1011 our. COIOWJII! il u a: " 1 o a n " It " u: no a 'tt L? " a " C D " 88 ' " l " " " " " " "O)" "s I C but: ' " .88'16 4 I 80 " 7 a---b0 in loam. and nine om maul. - _ -' - --_. . move... 913.3'10'13'3033 Note- by C. F. Cute ad R. J, Allen. . tr-r-rum" "a Manon of "Stale Cor-." Inc's Guide. p. 139. "r. 6. e---aa [and u my. frrt, " - no" he}... - b-LL" drum; Mann. " u. n 16. " " " 88. " to, Tu. 18... etc. Tmruttetet t " an: an? 11 a an 4 1017,1630 "" 8036 21 28 " " " " " " " " 813 1116 "" 1421 '" 2818 3114 1511 84 180 610' 20 110 1125 514 28Mh 2623 14 7 4 sawm- 2027 691310 2580 "-R. J. Allen w. G. Smith 21 " " " V " " " " " " ' " 11 " " " " " ' " " " " 14 " " ' 4 " ' 6 " , O , 10 n " 5 " 28 Mh " " 14 7 4 8 B vim 20 27 6' ' ' ' 10 " 80 c-R. J. Allen v. G. Smith f---Doveioped from "at. "Kelmf' tt---Beat, and form White's next -iCirts 21, 10 IT, 21 M, mo" shot by " ete., B. Wins. A. alien-er. ' Bue1t---t6 XI 20 " White-am ' 1110. White to p1arpnd 1mg. Mr. and Mm. George Valuer. Jr., and Mr, and In. Funk Deonclo no torod out from the city Sunday to m the bull - at Long Grove. Tim M- ourn and Amkulc Hard Hither: were emu-aunts. Score}! to " In - of Apukhlc. - _ - . meat Lenin and funny visited with Mm. My Busch Sanity. -- .Vlctorla Weldner and friend motor ed to mama Sunday to no the But. tuloeo union the mama. We no told the soon WM " to to. . ' . M~-m' Herman motored to Crown Point Int tHtttrdar. We havu't bond what for, but what do not: of than so down there fort We that "than we wttt and to um". um . m anio- out any": and Cm" with but all". In. my Bunch. M the homo at N. P. "I. we: Baton an Rtgttt Moon mo- mma to no" Gm Mu - 7 Mr. unitgrs. In" In..." and any but). at "t m all B'E'FLELN' rl."hlpl. It??, A" L.-." In munch-u, "at am -%.. "mm; . -tuttttretxmtedtrqmttteerttr -tt'-ttretettt. , Mes-r. hmmmhfuhmmd o.tC8reener-rtrtrr't..e* ttretyrt1ttl't1tt.f!tf.ttt, Btaeb--? " " M. _ Whito--8 ' M. White to pity and claw. Fromm Na. " By Wu. I. Wood. Problem No. 41 Br Win. J. o. I. Wean-qt-rt-teel""",""""'"'""""!'?'""?'.?"' tn the but "and " an "at," M to at my without In. My. We no (all I mm by the any can!" It.-~Honm and". . al- "I I. no mgvmmm CaCg]rC',dli',tllC,",",",tr(i",",',9i 3 lQI- I" 2lli?gliillhfifl I u tit 'ii/hi, 1lllr""llllC',nllll -llllt ' lo! Ill, II we. IF, IlllllaNllllcat ._JlllLlA.Jllll " " 10 " " " 11 " " 14 " " '11 " " " 14 " APTAKISIC tM, 11 8 " " " " " " -ioe.teMioeeaqtqttthet-emt hi the It" My I". u tho 3mm. Wynn-Whats vicinity. but we "any '01". t)... "diruututtni.ttuanov- new A - "iiFiloi-ochuuu a. - at hi! can My (yam; "a." ism" an.) a. stt.ct.r-th. um iron. the (a. sat at m -'ii§mummmmm "ta,'uwaaetatodt-awttit-, mummy A 7 ;_. Mr. and In. Clo. lull at ah" - .0le any: nu mm: m sunr- "not! Mr. nt In mount unto. qt I Hum: We: And . friend from the eitr spent Sunday a the N. P. Busch homo. _ . Chad McQueen. Ed Bum and Jot ON! Crane. from the any, wore unicorn at,tttgtd3m.ttmtromsttV -r-r'-e-r-CT'""""" a-Georse Wanner made a bum trip to the city. returning home on may. _ " _-. III-mammal and In: an»: Von were bulim- ealtqm in Libertyva Rob Sch!" an. M was the lot. to: ottoutotttsttegdo.esattU In! week. than tt but. out aatd hut- od too heavily on twin. and on! for the-mow or Dr. Datum Mick'- can. would ho no non. The "than u now up mg aro1ytdH.d_tAatrttr_ Mr. and In. Walter Walnut ot Keno-ht motored don hm Int mi and vhltod a the than. at G. M. Weld. ncr we! can: relatives. - - "kiwi-am not: = ed by tctG'i',',$lt - T T"T. "m; 'uéue and Minor. mm. 3130 Alex 8mm. (mm the any. were visitors " John Lip?! m. m Vols and - of Autumn Heism- "to visitors at the doom Vol: homo m. _ In. Wm. Wuhan!" of mm m n puller at Mes, Cumin Beach's and". qt . mu Gout attended a Masonic 'eeting y "(910011111 8.3.911!" night. "the a, M. Wotan" family entertain, od county "an ttteritr, m1: _ Matt Hsraretstrerder furnished power with his tnctor " finish the lilo titb It A. l. RluDD'b/u the cum. they usedwuhlduptonopun. .7 _ mu Miner returned trdm the ho- pital lest Saturday end it able to ttes out again. q The end Mr. Goetler who peeled any lot week. In " years of "t " the angel his deem. we: he: stated cutting com. and will keep on until the New Yen, and mt is left than an any in the tUtd, he an. _ A _ T ttnrst"tsrrs4ithettorrtettrtter was: tttwat.. C Chi-ace "d by Bunch motored to the city many may _ _ l The com-pennant was wrongly in, formed as to the but players but Slur day u Lou Grove. It sun. the Be:- ulm against the and Kitten. not the Tigers. as was stated In an week's S,',',"')",; trip to Springfield: ad will a so via!) st Peoria and Jollet attd our er places ot interest. Theytnveled in Chaster'a "an. - the dance a Long Grove suntan night was not largely "gamed: - and qert.utoiosd to Northbrook _Ben Weidner. a well no" and highly respected resident ot Dunno Grove. pmod any Iaat week and was laid to rent in the Buttatt Glove cem- new Friday. Sept. n. Me was " you: or us. The bereaved hue our deep sympathy. t tune Pr Giiiraha m a other at In: Cumin Busch's' Stun-thy 1113111.. ,, no an there were visitors " ttia house durum his absence. Some folks have a, lot ot nerve going ttu, some oth-vrl' property. Fe I' _ -_.. ., LW Titiiaaf morainttA0tetster Wolf, Ed Bettie, and Mr. Bhrtrrnptarttd 99 "iimil"deest ma George Pfiqter "at. tended the ball me st Long Grove' My. 1ihnl1raattyrPt.5. .- - -- We are lntomed that Chou. Krug- er got a finger taught tome chain at a allo tiller. unuhlng It no hall, the! mmtotloa who neceuory. At-uothet place A tenor drove too clue to the belt. whlch caught the all ole hone end the poor heat ts minus MI ttr nutter. And It still another mm; o mtionrufipped while mum on a bun- d_le nnd tell off the wuon onto the reed!" pmtorm ot the Biio fitUr and only tor the menace of mind of the feeder would have met with a very sad ate. Everyone hear these (Maserati mchlnel needs to be ureml. and more careful each moment. Claiming that his (the has did} I and tor We as a remit or " summo- i bile accident, Ed. H. Buoy. who work- In I No. Chicago name "and" mod unit for $5000 dunno. I aim: be ttog, lynx. oWtrtle moot. {Luau}. na Iyrifgitjllli0, ASKS 85,000 RR CRASH . RESUITS Ed. H. Buoy, North Chicago Garage Man, Sues Le Roy mom: of Waukegan. The" .ectdent comm In: "Ir.' Bucy had slighted hop) 1 North Shore moiorbul It 1?,3rtVdtrqet, Mon. and while going mund the back at the bill. Noun our 'tru,elt Mm. Rim took an :12».th a: and me tin prictory Hanan» hos- mu. Wonk-nu. - Bier. "of; van an. Iowa; scan on in chin and under one ot hi. an. ltbw.r_ _ --- "e- H'i'ilai it'll tl Burl In" II that Rm: wu Of "a; In a «reign - nk 1m" that" "madman! m you; " miles " hour while the and mm a mop "0121120." -- _ iiid Indra! What went was! Grit" Grtitdt by Km. Hal: 5 tt0irIti8Btllltt AI f FARMERS IIOllE IN BhYlutiIrr William Ma of Buckle Road J,tt $200 in Cash .1 A bold robin In brood Wt van "and My " at I". o:.wmu Moon. 1 than.» mm, " Dada]. Road tad Tooth "not. "town: to a upon and. to "on! M Ahlurom at. In the gnu-noon. f _ Duo or the Other. _ ' 'll11tEtrrrl0ee, "I domed-hw- 'irhiti undue expend "firm was his but girl. I wonder with up." Itrgttettrr--'T' cannons the hu Cuber given htm the shake or promised to - him." A _ out; an "ttpane. by twain u morn worth. Damn. the mbbm nanny vnckod the pace In their an to an ovary- thind-ot "In. ' , Due to the Marin: effort- ot Dad. dy Doyle every-ex-uorquo-m In but. am: In I member of the u. ston. and the post hu u the has: They 'Itole use In coal: which Agricola had hidden in a dune: drawer. "on: the article- ot Jew- elry stolen wens. One gold. watch. _ One pun: sold hand "It. One gold brooch and on cold pin, Both highly Mood \helrtoomo be. longing to Mahatma. I Ono wedding ring. . One 82.50 sgoidoMreo. _ ~Sevml othet article- ot jewelry. It to estimated that the lama-1c. "use ot the noun mum amount ed to 'MO. I,lli(il0l1 AT LAKE BLUFF DEBTLESS Luke BNtt American Legion Poat No. tto, has mid toe the Illuminati for its band ind Commander '1. D. (Daddy) Doyle wu I proud mm to- day " he tucked the receipt into his vast over his heart. Agricoh and his wile left home about 10 s. m, And worked a! wom- mumm- uw the. in": In the Idahomood during the morning. They "oppod their ImamOOIll not? the home. _ T V er trim until late tn'the afternoon discovering they huthen robbed when they returned lute In the u tel-noon and Family Heirloom. Have Lincoln' Park Acquarium? Ever to the _ sttutuur-itheuLmtingtsieinraarurtt mum, s,eeiGiiiLu,utigiarraee,atiaweaituotitee-ia"""" ite-aim-rea-h-treds-Ire-ou-test??- "ai-ri-andre-oar-ries-tsis-mi-tine-ui, to "bring the ehiidraP--antit they the-selves have; what u fad-nth; show A,uis-nk"isa,-tthichieaerrwthatettiarttit wiLQiiriiiviiilat-atu-hot-'iti""u" nine-t and Mutation. 1gtttttmtu'E PM mttMmtlmtM' " scenic trip by the North Shore Line. nit a Chicago Park 'tttoAmlEttTtmttr--Y-i"rtdthaeTtENB1llmMllld" ' Tank-lulu PlayedbyCarl Fentonis Orchestra _ Ju1oeeivtoiutmstoaiurdaneeto -_"-H "_""" P510 Miie" - Ray Furniture & PaiItti,.fitore ndiana Moon" next My. You'll want to pa. and it's A delightful and mayhem". "in Take Xou" Home Again At'1thhrt?tttreHdar'The "on. 9pm Monday. Frafiy and Muddy Inning. WALTZ TUNE Record I 75c