CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Oct 1923, p. 16

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c . .. Jumjor, born Sunday, Sept. 30th. No upoending several weeks with Harry . ~~----wonder William, 3r., is wearing the Knedier at Geraldine, Mont. : ~~ ~-- big. broad --smile.--~. . ~ /: . | _ Mrs: : Mason gnil :children vis ~.~~ * Art Voas and family moved into the ; itéq . j % * ag . ... BDan HerscWberger home Tuesday. 4 M. Weidner was a business .\ Whilé the election board had some caller hefe aday. . £ spare time at Half Day last Wednes| Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Ritzenthaler * d@ay, they cut the weeds and cleaned have returned to their home at Plain: 3: g:ond the town haill and ehlrch-yrfeu, where: Mr. Ritzenthaler lives on _ They bhad a very good boss, although : Easy street. He was retired by Uncle J|CHESTER | WHITE. 140 . M All Hogs Are Sold On A Guarantee Covered with guns in the hands of four negro bandits and iorced to drive to a lonely field west of Ra-- vinia, Attorney Frank R: Cain, Ra-- vinia lawyer with offices in the city hali building, Chicago, and his wife were robbed, after which they were permitted to drive away in their car, the robbers holding up anotber mutomobilist and escaping in the lat-- ter's car shortly after midnight Monday morning. How many of our citizens are plan-- ning on entering the American award contest? -- One hundred and dollars is a lot of money.. Here is a chance, boys and girls, old and Force Atty. Frank R. Cain to Accompany Them to Lonely rieid Near Ravinia. Charley said there would be no over-- Attorney and Mrs. Cain, the latter prominent in Highland Park social and civic activities, were returning on Sheridan road from the Edge-- water Beach hotel where they had attended a dinner party. They no ticed a car following them for many miles and when they reached Ra-- vinia the pursuers cut. in abead, leaped from the machine and drew their guns. The bandits leaped into the Cain car' @and forced the attorney to drive to a field 'along a road west of Ravinia. There they were search-- ed..-- Mr. --Cain had only $25 in cash, which the robbers took.. The rob bers were very polite and entertain-- ed (their victims with rapid 'fire conversation. » After searching their victims the robbers told them to get back into their car and drive home. At that moment another car passed, the rob-- bers stopping the driver, took charge of the car apd disappeared. They abandoned their machine in which they had overtaken the Cains. Attornéy Cain did not report the matter to the police. Mr. and Mrs. Cruickshank arere-- icing over the birth of a son, William UP AND ROBBED LAWYER AND WIFE Econ C. C. EVANS, North English lowa and FRED GRABBE Aucta's ROBERT P. MOORE, in Charge of Mail Bids L. A. HURBBSCH, Clerk I will offer at Public Auction, at my farm at Ivanhoe, 2 miles west of : Area, 5 miles northeast of Wauconda, 5 miles south of Grayslake, on the Libertyville-- Wauconda State Aid Road, on PRAIRIE VIEW Friday, Oct. 12 These are the best hogs in Northern Iinois. Sired by Buster's Giant Monster, twice Grand Champion at the Central States Fair, Aurora; also Grand Champion over all breeds at the Lake County Fair. All these hogs are out of prize--winning dams. This is your-- opportunity to pick foundation stock for JOHN G. WIRTZ, Prop. 18 GOOD STRETCHY BOARS AND 22 CGILTS COMMENCING AT 2:00 P. M. SHARP Head of Pure Bred Chester Whites .. Here\ The promoter is necessary, otherwise old and many a good thing would lie buried. Mr. and Mrs. L L Maether were business callers at Lake Zurich last Baturday. f "8 l haag' Wb 94 young. You have until Nov. 15th to work it out. x Bs PX _ A number from here attended the ball game at Long Grove Sunday. The KMI;u team won by a score of to 4 5 pih _ Mr. and Mrs. C"M-- Gilman and chil» dren were eufirl at Long Grove Fri-- day evening.. / w 20 S hy( Noh mt 4 _ Myrtle Kruéger, littte daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krueger, is on the sick list. tA _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Epp and daughter Corrine, spent the wegk end at--their Sam a couple of years ago at the age of 65 years. e . f here _ Rev. and Mrs. Koten entertaineed Mr .and Mrs. Krennen of Joliet over the week end. , * Mrs, J. P. Ritzenthaler spent Tues-- day with her daughter, Mrs, Louis Holtje . R hime: frgss Mrs. L. R:ehm of Aptakisic was a caller here on } us ness Monday after-- noon. M * z> _ Mac Masor motore:! to Watseko on Tuesday moin'rg whre Mrs. Mason and son Billy have ben visiting rela-- tives.-- > j * _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason of Liber-- tyville spent the week end with Harry Mason and family. 6+ V Mrs. C. M. Gilman was a Des Plaines business caller Monday. n ~Miss Cora Hodgkins and Mrs. Mattie Lochhead were Ch'cago visitors last Monday. *A 9@ .0 $ Florence »*~» caller Saturda;, __Mrs. E. L Krueger spent last week in Chicago y siting "\er daughter, Al}-- vira, and other rél.tives. -- p t 'Thought for the Day. '"or 54s a Libertyy'lle 40 The police are investigating the tion of Robert Jeske and James Willis, both of Chicago, who claim to be prohibition agents, and who are alleged to have held up and rob-- ilbeq a colored boy in North LaSalle street last night. threatened the life of another, and fired several shots at a third when he failed to halt at their command. They were assest-- ed on a charge of being drunk and are being held in the city jail. EX--SPONGE SQUAD MAN ARRESTED AS HOLD--UP AND THUG i "I do not know where Jeske got the star, but if he claims to be a representative of this office he is a \fraud," Clausen said. "We. have had --no inspectors at work --since Governor Small cut the appropria-- t'on for this office." _ Robert Jeske, the, Man Who Got Evidence Against Jack O'Conner, Is Jailed. Robert Jeske, of Chicago, who worked with the sponge bquad out of States Attorney A. V. Smith's office, has been arrested in Aurora. according to newspaper dispatches, on A charge of sticking up a colored bov, and freing three shots at an-- other. _ Both were drunk when arrest&. Jeske --was in charge--of the ~gang that brought in the evidence used against .Jack O'Conner, who runs "Blarney Isle" at Grass lake. Information was given the police that the two men have been in Au-- pora for several days. A list of names and locations of several soft drink parlors . was found in their Jeske, at the time of hll. arrest, was wearing a star of an inspector, from the attorney general's office. William Clausen. an assistant attor-- ney geneval, stated today that the office has no inspectors at work and that Jeske is in no way connected with the department of Attorney Genera! Brundage. Following is the dispatch from Aurora : street, --a little after 9 o'clock last night and demanded . that they be shown his license for operating a soft drink parlor. 'They said they "'That's fine, T'll call the police.' I told them, and made a move. for the telephone. -- One of them stuck a gun in my ribs and they made me go with them, saying they were go ing to take me to the police station. When we got near the Fox theater they appeared to be giving 'me a chance and started walking me up the other way. They. returned to North LaSalle street, and later they let me go.. It was a little later that they fired several shots at another colored boy, when he refused to stop when they called to him." Notifies the Police. Brown -- telephoned . police head-- auarters after he was released by the supposed inspectors. Patrolman George Wood was detailed to find the men. He located them in the office of a soft drink parlor in New York street and placed them under arrest. A loaded gun was found in possession of each. were prohibition agents. 3 Upon deaving the billiard hbhall they are ~alleged to have commanded Baker Brown, colored, to: go with them and show them the location of other places they had listed. When he refused, Brown told the police, they drew guns and commanded him to zo with them. ~ 5.# Mrs. Grace and daughter, Miss Ezs-- tella, returned home Monday, after a week's visit with relatives in Chicago and Park Ridge. Stanley @chaffer of McHenry spent the week end at the home of h's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. / _ ' At police headquarters Jeske and Wilis told Chief Michels that they had been detailed here to gather evidence against violators. of the prohibition law. ~ Both -- had ° been drinking and Willis, who has been arrested here before on a charge of being intoxicated, c:ained that he ~as robbed of a gold watch in the (Clark pool room. He made no re-- port . of the alleged robbery at po-- lice . headquarters, -- however, . until after his arrest. "I told them I didn't-- know where these other | places -- were," Brown told the police, "and they said 'they would have me arrested. P Mrs. 8. A. Hole and daughter, whc spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent, left for Chi-- cago Tuesday. se TL Mr. and Mrg. J. N. Zimmer and Mrs. John Knox 2 McHenry, spent Tues-- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen-- ry Geary. _Mr. and Mrs. William Geary and sor of Kenosha spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Alice Geary. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haller aré apending a two week's vacation at the home of Mr. Haller's father, in Ohio. Mr. Hillebrand, of Grayslake, a regis-- tered pharmacist, is in charge of the drug store. A son was born to Mr. and Mra. Fred Thomas last week. Miss Marian Daviin of Eigin, who is attend'ng business college in Chicago, apent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. E.. Davlin. Harry Geary of Grayslake visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mai-- man Monday. H. E. Maiman went to Chicago last Thursday to attend the conevation of the National Association of Retail Clothicrs. HMe reports a very interest-- Iing session, and many of the new W A UC O ND A styles of men's clothing and wearing apuoarel shown he will have on display during the next week, when the entire new fall lines will be shown. _ M. H. Detrick, president of the C. P. & W. R. R., who has been untiring in his efforts to put our railroad on & paying basis, was elected _ General Manager at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held last week. Mr. Detrick is a pusher from the word "go." We are sure with a man of this "I Can" spirit our rallroad can and --will be made to pay, He is contemplating many changes, and says with the co-- operation of the citizens of the com-- munity will soon have our railroad on a paying basis. Success to Mr. De-- trick. WILLIAM BURNETT DIED IN ROCKFORD SEPT. 25th William Burnett, one of the pioneer residents of Wauconda township, and a civil war veteran, died Tuesday eve-- ning, Sept. 25, at 11:40 o'clock, at the home of Mr.--and Mrs. Geo. M. Huson, 2411 North Main street, Rockford, at the advanced 'age of 81 years, two months and 26 days. 3 ARSON CHARGES BEFORE THE GRAND + JURY MONDAY Mr. Burnett was born in Lyons, Wayne county, New York, June $0, 1842, and served in the civil war with Co. G, 61st IIL. Vol. Inf. -- He spent most of his life on his farm about three miles west of Wau-- conda, but for the past several years he was retired and his son, Gilbert, run the farm, who together. with his wife took care of his father and moth-- er until about two months ago, wher the old folks went to Rockford to make their home with their daughter, Mrs. George Huson; s en T. and died September 27th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thorn, at the advanced age of 84 yrs. and one month. He was the oldest of five children and last to pass 'out. His wife died forty six years ago, leaving a family of four children, three sons and one 'daughter. These children were .eared by their father (who cared for them as both ; father : and mother. f -- Since the time of his first comiig to, this: country he had crossed . océan eleven times, but had lived' in this vicinity for fifty four years. e was a strong and, rugged man who lov© 1 and lived in God's outdoors He took pride and j.e:sure in his 's work, farming, and was known far and wide, not only as a good Tfarmer but as an excellent' Judge of live stock. His «_._swiedze> of scripture equaled his knowledge of his voca-- tion, and his life was o. -- -->xtinuous example of fair dealing. His dast ill-- ness was of four years duration, the last two of which he was co....ned to from that suffeér! and in that his spirit ) & ___ en its fligh'.' to the heavy-- enly £father with > +m he so con his bed. _ ievis survived On:.y »y his daungiices, sill2. ..a t Thorn and his grand daught r _ but leaves miany fricuus ho bhad sj thized witu ... in * is suffering and w sz 5 in his release Mr. Burnett was always of a cheer-- ful disposition and will be missed by, h's many friends. © He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Mrs. Martha Burnett; one son, Gilbert, who lives on the old homestead; one daughter, Mrs. George Huson, and one granddaughter, Mrs. Reba Huson El's-- worth, of Rockford. F % The funeral was held in Rickford Saturday, Sept. 29th, the G. A. R. hav-- ing charge of the services. The Rev. John -- Gordon ~'officiated. > Interment was made in the Forest View Abbey mausoleum. st Many friends and relatives of Mr.' and Mrs. Gilbert Burnett called (at their home Saturday and Sunday in' symoathy and respect to them at the passing away of Mr. Burnett's father.| MAN WHO CROSSED OCEAN IMHIMES .. DIES IN GURNEE About a dozen other cases were in-- vestigated, and the grand jury ad-- journed until hext Friday, when the report will be made to Judge Edwards who ha sbeen holding court in Chicago for Judge Brewer, whose mother died the first of the week. _ _ e Testimony was taken Monday by the grand jury against Frank ~Dap kus and his wite, of 11th and Vic-- torit street, North Chicago, against whom Asistant tSates Attorney 8. H. Block will ask that he be indict: ed on charges of arp)n, it being al-- leged they fired their home, June 28 in order to collect insuran¢t. Dep uty Stat Fire Marshal Paul E. Bert-- ram was called as a witness. It is alleged they set fire to two-- mat reses and other furnishings and that lnmos.')urn from various rooms al-- most simultaneously, _ °_' _ > Harry Smith, Andrew -- Efinger, W. G Harding and T. J. Daffy, jur ors, did not report and Frank Young, John A. Natyzik, William A. Mel ddy and John Witaker were sworn in tlolg place. Chase Webb, of Antioch, was made foreman. "Judge uwn:'n warned the jury to maintain strict secrecy, claiming that there had been too much of a tendency of lat§é to talk about cases under lnnl!!&don. A woiter wh: Jrk ds cooo x6 # kind that sells :\ y says "I _ Jloe® BOt cas» how po -- is wo long as h@ Mves'in inxury." ~. y orgin? n well« known editor's wT:e asked --her bhus band concerning--th® borr. ehn'. '5 coflple with ~jom they woere at gughs s' "I a ow,*p *~ 1 wlly Un\ George Patterson of flmu was rn . 'Banff Shire, Scof in 1839, d 'wed . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1 and T Th e 1 REFUSE TOGVE _ /' UP PRISONER John Calvin-- Davis, a --sailer at Great Lakes is temporarilly safe from prosecution by the-- civil au-- thorities on a charge of -- having {aused the downfall of a young woman at Trigg, Ky. . W. H. Hooks, a lawyer of that town, who has been in Waukegan all week in an effort to obtain the release of Davis, was compelled to A REAL BUYER'S OPPORTUNITY LIBERTYVILLE PASSENGER STATION This Is Your Chance To Buy Healthy Cattle At Your Own Price -- / October 19, 1923 BECAUSE OF THE CHANGE FROM DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME TO CENTRAL STANDARD TIME NEW NORTH SHORE SCHEDULES ARE NOW IN EFFECT. SUCH CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO-- MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC--ASSURING YOU THE 'SAME FAST, CLEAN, EFFICISNT SERVICE WHICH IS CHARACTERISTIC OF THE NORTH SHORE NOTE ESPECIALLY THE CHANGES IN TIME OF DeLUXE TRAINS AND DM-- At The Fair Grounds, Libertyville, At 10:00 A. M. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Company ANNOUNCEMENT County Holstein--Friesian Breeders' Association _ -- The North Shore Line is now operating on Central Standatd Time. The warrant for Davis was . iss-- ued after the girl in the case is al leged to have confessed to her par-- ents that she submitted to him .be-- cause he claimed to have a revolver in his pocket and would shoot her. According to the girl, however,. he did not display the revolver. ' return home without his man. --In addition to having difficulty in getting the navy department to re-- lease Davis, he also received a wire from Trigg that he could not take Davis® back with the papers in (his possessioh. -- An'effort may be made later to extradite Davis. Proof of heirship was made last Monday in Probate court in the és-- tate of John . Schmuth, Sheridan court, wlo committed sulcide last week by leaping into Lake Michi-- gan. +His estate is valued: at $7,000 all being personal property. 2 d estate Sehmuth's sister, residing at Co-- lumbus, Wis., is to look after the i SUICIDE'S ESTATE |-- IS WORTH $7,000 -- TELEPHONE 74 Lo

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