cal A _ LEGIONMATTER | IS IRONED OUT ol Action of County Board at Time . Appropriation Was Made, Covered Plan, Claim Judging from inflormation rece'lv-- ed from members ofi the American . and also the memorial com-- A of the Victory Memoriai hos-- pital association,' there will te little trouble in .straightening out some misunderstanding which h=s' ceen 'hfi)d;pcusud." Phere was so.ue (alk® about a re quest of" the Le,ion -- commuitee wanting a fund to be piaced .o i ust w'!u used in --cases of ex--sqrvice men who are not able to pay their hospital bill, but from the records of the supervisors, who appropmated $20,0u0 :tor the hospital memorial, it appears that feature was decided upon at that time. On March 4, 1920, when the board approved the report @4 the special committee that had been appointed to look into the appropriation mat-- ter, the supervisors voted that the "sum be included in the next an-- nual tax appropriation and levy and, when collected, to be set aside by the County Treasurer in a separate fund to be used when authorized by the Finance Committee then acting, together with the Committee oi ~the American Legion of Lake county." -- This is taken to meah-- that when-- ever the finance committee author-- izes the county treasurer iO place the money in the special fund that oficer will be permitted to pay it out according to the recommenda-- tions of the finance commiltiee awnd the Committee of the Legiost. 'The supervisors on Thursday au-- thorized the finance committee . to pay out $7,197 to the J. 8. lieath company for constructing and set-- ting up the bronze--memorial--tablet at the hospital. This, will ieave about $6,000 in the trust fund.> «) _ _ Commander Frank: B. Boice, fol}-- lowing a meeting of representatives of several of the Lake county posts, states thit t is. the | atm. of -- the Le-- gton ~to frovide -- for --cr--Service" tnbn where they ate unable to pay for _ We specialize in our work and _ truly give better service than «the average furniture store. Furniture and Rugs are our Specialties. ~Nothing else. Phone 9 -- Libertyvilie, 111. Open Monday, Kriday avd Sat. urday Evenings. Ray Furniture & Paint Store The Torrington Demonstrator is waiting to give you a compl-- mentary demonstration of this better cleaner. -- Simply tele-- phone, call or write and say : That's all you need to do. Our assortments, styles, quality and price tags, will reveal to you the fact that you should have known 1 would like to have a free demon-- #Mtration of the Torrington Electric Cleaner this store before. DMETZ WILLYS LICHT CO. « $04 No, Milwaukes Ave. COME IN AND LOOK Forrington ElectricI, How he dropped to his death is a mystery as the scaffolding on 1 I'Ih:h he was working was not brok oo °s : m::o hm after the aceident * ' wit t gaining conscione NS LICHT CO. [ ness, death being due to a' tracture PA At the base of the skull. * M_ \ Little is known of Chenatt, who 320 | LibertyvilH®] nad been living in Highland Park M «anly a short time. is DEPUTY SHERIFF | PURSUES CAR 60-- /' ING 50 MI. AN HOUR '__This contract has to© do 'merely !v!th the grading and does not, in-- clude any paving. It is the plan of 'the state to complete the grading 'this.year and then take up the mat-- 'ter of paving next year atter the | surface of the road has had time to settle. This plan has been found io give much better results. ! Their combination bid for the two ' pleces of work was $62.500, which is | lower. than ~othér 'combination bids 'and the bids on the two <sections !separate. The work : extends from | Barrington northwest' for a distgnce of 8.16 miles. C She asked the Lake Forest council Friday 4f it would allow her to move back the public road which skirts her estate on the west. + The home now is three quarters of a mile from the road which isn't even in range of the prying eyes of autoists and the general public. C Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick wants one--quarter of a mile more ex-- clusiveness at her Lake Forest home and is willing to pay $100,000 for it. Mrs. McCormick has ~announced she will pay all expense for moving the road, wil' cver d--=~ate a strip of property for ii. She'i! spend the en-- tire $100,000, and m;ybe more, if they'll only let jer p~: the road ex-- actly a mile from her home. . Whether M:is. MeCo::wpick's new in-- terest in the $2000,00) estate, form-- érly kpown as Villa Turicum, means she is to spend. som> of her time there could not be lexrned. Only a year ago she placed 1 $60,000 wire fence about it. °D. she did not go there to live. It is suid that in the last nine years she has not spent a night at the house. Last year she gave a bridge party there--and didn't appear herself. ¥ try?" H.-- H. Endbody and Sons of Au-- rora submitted the lowest bid for gerading on Section 24--A, Route 19, 'Lnke County, and Section ~ 25--A, . Route 19, McHenry county, bids for | which were opened at> Sprinffie}~ §un week by tne state division of |'highways..~ < : tund. He also stated that there nov-- er has been any objection by the Le gion to having one of the M:z known as the Jane McAlister ?., or that any public expression as voiced in a Legion meeting akainst the nurses holding a dance in the hospital building prior to its being occupied by patients, -- _ _ WANTS RD. MOVED TO SPEND $100,000 Both Judge Claire C. Edwards, chairman of the memorial commit-- tee and general chairman of the Victory Memorial Hospital Associa-- t'on,.. and Commander Boice > ex-- pressed confidence that just ab soon as the two committees can bave a conference the matler will be I'l justed «#0o all. The estate --uf %*8% acres, bxtends from Fort Sheridan to --Jessamine road and east from the --Nortawestern to the lake. | Priceless works of art, including twelve-- giant Mlympian gods AWARD CONTRACT TO GRADENEARLY . O MILES OFROAD Alex Farrar, 22 years old, 2807 Elisha avenue, was arrested late Saturday night by Supervisor M. J. Achen of Waukegan, who is also & deputy sheriff. The Zion youth was charged with driving his car 5 miles an hour on Sheridan road. Ray Mann of Rockford is the low-- est bidder. for constructing one re inforced concrete girder birdge on Bection 26, state bond issue Route 19 in McHenry county, and two re inforced concrete slab bridges on Section 24. route 19 in Lake County. Achen had stopped Farrar ana warned him Against driving so fast, but tie Zion lad paid no attention and when he started his machine he dashed down the road at break meck speesd. The Waukegan supet" visor took after him and soon over took him with his speedy machine Farrar was diricted to Waukegan where he was taken to the hom» of Police Magistrate Waiter Taylor It was then almost midnight. 'WORKMAN DIES IN _ _ FALL FROM HOUSE The magistrate set the case fo: hearing Monday morning. oMnday morning on the testimony of Achen the Waukegan court found Farrar guilty and fined him $25 and warned him that ie probably would get a larger fine the next time he was ar-- rested on a charge of speeding. Henry Chenett of Highland . Park fell to his death from a bungalow in Ravinia Saturday while engaged in putting a roof on the building. IF COUNCIL OK'S IT the grounds. -- The pillars of the the entire satisfaction of .The ladies of the faculty had anoth-- er beach party at Lake Bluff on Tues-- day evening, September 25. T- On Tuesday evening, October 2, an l1 faculty get--together will be held, and the men 'are planning the feed. Among the visitors at L. T. H. 8 and Mildred 'Lusk. -- * R"C A Future football gameés to be played by Nov. 28, Harricon Tech ............._Here On Saturday September 29, we play-- ed Now Trier. ~We came out with the small score of 70--0 in our favor. Real-- ly, Je kept our men busy making touch, downs. Elmer Rich made three touch-- downs, John Butterfield two, Waliter Engi@brecht two, while Winfred . Wi}-- son LeRoy Quentin and Jack Austin made one apiece. Come on out for the 'game.with Antioch on Friday. N"- 8. n-h.m sapennsteang s NOY, 40, MWEKBKG secwwurssriornesns Nov. 17, Crystal Lake ....... Nov. 23, Woodstock ......., Nov. 28. Harricon Tech . With the return of warm weather, there is a corresvonding return of the bright summer frocks among the girls. The boys persist 'n roasting themsely-- es in .the season's new brushed wool sweater3.. The girls must have decid-- ed upon the same course also for they are wearing sweaters and skirts. 'The various co'ored sweaters with skirts to match make a striking school cos-- tume.~ School styles are not behind the time thank goodness. l News Notes From _li'_T' H. S. l _' That's Libertyville .. * If they always smash right thru the line, £4 s If they make a big gain every time . F ne Husky fellows, who never get yel-- low," fosl. That's Libertyville. New Song Oh yes We promised you a new song didn't we? <Well he riet is! Sing it to the tune of Peggy O'Niel. If their suits are Maroon and White _ That's thhbonyvmve. If they're fAghting all the time -- Mrs. Fosmire, one of last year's fac-- ulty, noy lives in Frontenac, Kansas. . Margueritet Deltz, a former student of L. T. H.'S. was married in Chicago on September 27. She will take her wedd'ng trip to California. Orchestra -- Last week a meeting was called of all students who were interested in orchestra work 'and could play some instrument. Those who came out were Rebert Sayers and Wallace Netz, Clari net--Delmar Bock saxophone--Myron Riggs, . Banjo--Norbert Duba, \Leo Richardson, Frank Baumgartner,/Huk da Stocke, Evelyn VanZandt and Allen, _ Violin--Winfred-- Wilson, drums and. Evelyn Hull, Piano.~ _ Vera Morse--And lots of girls use color on their checks to 'get dumb-- bells. We had a pep meet'ng on Friday. Tickets were sold for the football game. Everybody got on his feet and yilled. There wu_'lou of pep--lots of nep and nois¢. We have some new songs which are very good. Mr. Ald: r'ch made a speech. It was for back-- 'ng up the team, Yay, Rah. He crack-- c¢d some cracking good football--jokes. Hold the team! Watch the team. . CHUCKLES Gym Teacher (to girls)--Lots -- of girls use get color in che'r. cheeks. ~Under the capable direction of Miss Smith we hope to have a better orch-- estra than ever pefore. A lTady, very active in the social cir-- cle of a Chicago suburb, had a brand new idea in regard to giving a party which should have "sweet charity" 'or its ultimate purpose. §# * Bach guest was invited to bring something she bad little use for, but _ F. M. HARDING House And Farm Bargains 5, Antioch........--..-- 13, Waukegan ~.... 18, Marengo ... 26, Blue Island .. 3, Eimburst ... 10, M BG sswir«sscse~ 117, Crystal Lake .. 23, Woodstock ... ANOTHER INEXPENSIVE HOME IN LIBERTYVILLE--Good loca-- tion, full lot.. WIH sell for $1200 cash. Owner being transferred to another town. AN OLD, FIVE--ROOM MHOUSE--Berviceable; occupied by the own-- er; fall lot: matured 'shade trees; good location. $1600; cash $700; balance $10 per month. A PROFITABLE HOUSE--Little cash, monthly payments. © Owner leaving town. 8 fine rooms, all modern; improvements all in and palid for; 'large lot, desirable location. If you want a good home, do not fail to investigate th's proposition. A 90.ACARE LAKE COUNTY FARM--Half mile from town, 25 miles from Chicago; complete set of new'dairy buildings; land tiled and fencén; 35 acres of alfaifa; 15 acres clover and timothy; no waste land. This farm will rent for more than the interest on the cost of It, and $5000 cash will handle the deal. TELEPHONE 184--J. L. T. H. 8. Style Notes ...Here .. Here Theve .'There There . Here There A threshing engine. of the gaso-- line kerosene type, employed on the lLeo Fenlon farm, west of Gurnee caught fire and burned Monday aft-- \ernoon of last week. . ® . SPAULDING 0 0 0 C 0 06 0@ : 0 0o o 0 J 0o 9 0 0 s o 0o o & »® was too good to be thrown away eB titely. 4 . The idea was all right, but the party proved a failure. Kleven out of the nineteen guests brought their husbands. . Miss McNichol--What is a heroine? Frank P.----A woman hero. s The acre of land which the board purchased gives promise, of many & bail game'and f'eld meets, which we can ho:d on our own grounds.. Hereto-- fore our school found it necessary to journey to other grounds because qur playground was not large enough. * week the morning exercises were devoted to the digeussion of the constitution of the state and nation. This w. e kour topic is "The Scrapping of the Navy."From the discussion of Nurse in Hygiene--What would you do if you had water on the knee? Bright One--Wear pumps. Aubry--Was it much that Miss Daw-- son said? t Raymond:--Was it much! Why, she would have needed <a conservatory if she had said it with flowers. 0 00008000000 °@0 ® @ #School opened with an 'enrollment of ftifty--five.. The primary room wel-- coined a large class. . > _ Everyone began work with an earn-- est effort to exceed last year's work. The eighth grade class consists of nine this. tovic we have learned-- that the dest--oying of our navy is the result of the Un'ted States joining in a confer-- ence at washington on the "Limita-- tion of Armament," the 'five-- nations who are signatories to the treaty being the United States, Great Britain, Italy, France and Japan.. The ratio .estat= lished between the great naval powers are United States and Great Britain. Sook Phy trealy ayvee s for the first eac t us time in history a=definite naval policy, m-p:uw 'of 1he wesk mn:: far the scrapping or rmu ~the ~navies of _ We, have received a tree certificate ca.olls us in the "American Tr.o Assoc.:ation." &.> 3 the five powers. o e t . The Current Club discussed the dis-- aster in Japan for the main subject at the meeting: last Friday. -- > The Bowen Dairy Co. delivers milk every morning to the school, and many are taking advantage of the opportun-- ity and report the milk is good. --__ _ Detous signs have been .recgd at the corner of Milwaukee and Grand avenue. Traffic is dh'zted to take Milwaukee avenue to Burke avenues to Gurnee roads. Miss Sue Burke has returned to Ros-- ary College,.where she will begin her Novelist's Puzzling Signature. Amelie Rives, the novelist, cnee sent her signature to 14 different edi-- tors on a wager that all could read it. The nearest that any one made it out was "American Rivers." j *When the fames burst out it was so hotr about the engine that it was an impossibilty for the engineer to run the machine® away from the buildings with its own power. A rope was attached and all of the men gathered could not move it. Then a team was hitecned on and the machine was run out info an open field' and nowfurther damage done. A man named Stevens .runs the second year. THRESHING ENGINE BURNS NEAR GURNEE farm. 4, 1923. FOR SALE--A 9--room house ; im-- mediate possession. 120 Hur}-- burt Court. Saml. 1. Pope. ¥allon; also pure clder vinegar at 50e per q;u"' Wlntiall apples and good ea apples a C r bushel. Inquire at Bergeron Btocr ::uu. two miles west of Libertyvilie, or telephone 218 J--4. * 3T--1t FPOR SALE----Sweet cider at 50¢c FOR SALE----My homt at 329 Cory FOR SALE--Bay team, in first class condition; weight 2700; also wagon and harness for sale. Phone Liberty-- ville 227--W. s $T--4t Avenue, Waukegan;> 12--room frame houss'in good repair; bath, block concrete garage. W. J. Al-- len, Waukegan, HUJ. 26-- FOR SALE--Coal range, practically new; cost $160; will be sold for a reasonmble price. Inquire of Walter 53«1132; calves, pigs, etc; good prices. ' Ray V. Moss, Libertyville. Phone 286--M--2. FOR SALE--Pedigreed, long muzzled Collie puppies. 'Tri color and Blue-- merels. Also Airdale Ewulu Write care of Libertyville Independent. | FOR RENT--155--acre farm located at Antioch, IIL; close to transporta-- tion; convenient to schools and stores. Possession March 1st. J. W. Turner, Grayslake, II1L. © 38--4t chickens ducks and gees>; alive or dressed. Delivered. Ray V. Moss, Lib ertyville. Phone 286 M--2. | 39--8t FOR RENT--A $0--acre < from Libertyville. (Inquiie of E. L. Davis, Libertyyille, IIl. 39--+1 FOR SALE--Broillers. roast:rs, spring . baker, in first class condition; reas-- onable price. Inquire at Libertyvyille Independent office. . : $9--3t FORSALE--Garland heater. _ Call at 623 First St. Phone 42%5--J. 40--1t WANTED--Poultry of all k'nds; also WANTED--Girl to assist with house-- work and care for children. Address "J" -- care Independent. 40--+f LO8T--QOn* road between Waukegan and Wauconda, by way of Gurnee, a | D. C. Grirnell, Inspector in Cha suit case containing children's clothes. | Phone 329. ---- Libertyville, Lost Saturday night between 11 and | Office With Farm Bureau. Sellers & Petersen --| -- Libertyville Bargain List | 5 room modern home, large lot, barn, $3000 1124 feet on Milwaukee Ave b!' 1-8.4 8 room semi--modern house on Milwau-- kee Avenue, block from depot..........$7500 8 room modern home, near business sec-- tion : lot 70x 160 feet; barn, chicken Us. 8 room modern home, extra well built ; :' a'liluce. -""ll;ht.' :x'ryw--rooms-- .El;x;hed 5'/2 acres on Lake street; house, hen in hard woods ..._......__..._._..____$9000 : house and other buildings 7..........~_..$CS" 8 room modern home on Stewart Ave; 1 ent, -- you are ains. If for a home or investm 9t m ll)):;gnz Libertyvilleor Lake County Property PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 451 WANT ADS. near electric railroad house and run ....._.__._.__ room dandy modern home on Lake will handle this.. fne location ... ¥+ farm rs & Petersen SBafety First. Cattle Tested for Tuberculosis MaSjole wak 90f Tiding to ber poop FREE OF C HARGE ||cart when she came to a bridge on By U. 8. Government Veterinariz\ |which uns n s«izn, "Capacity of this D. C. Grirnell, iInspector in .c""'f°- ; bridge 5,000 pounds only," so she cau-- | Phone 329. _ _ _-- Libertyvil!®, 1!)-- 'tiousiy yot out :nd led her pony over. eacl> §0x141--feet. -- Three biocks from St. Paul depot. Dr. Sweeting, Liber 11:30.-- . Return to Independent Office and receive reward. 40--2t of WANTED--Board and room by younz man, with private family. --Address 516 Milwaukee Avenue ... $5500 and sellers for you. We have something which will interest you and which does not exist at any other nearby lake. BEAUTIFULLY WOODED AND LAKE FRONT HOMESITES ON HICHLAND LAKE (FORMERLY. TAYLOR LAKE) 'This opportunity is at your front door where you can enjoy the country air, fishing, boating, bathing 1/ MILES NORTHWEST OF GRAYS LAKE. o Especially detoable for people Huing in this vicinity ; f ten miles from Waukegan and Libertyville, and reached by concrete roads almost all the way. -- _ ; Subdivisions are thoroughly restricted. Running water can be furnished; electric lights; no hotels, summer resorts, dancing pavilions, camps, public beaches or playgrounds. A beautiful Fifty Thousand Dollar home already built on the lake. Fine golf course within one mile of property.> Three quarters of a mile to the Belvidere concrete road and St. Paul Station. Beautiful lots as low as $350.00--lake front lots $900.00 and upwards. If desired, payments may be extended for Office on Prop »rty three years. PHONE ROUND LAKE 40. H. E. Drummond room .cottage, good s 8!/, acres on Milwaukee Avenue, end Of IOWI .........:.----««ommimincss 80 acre subdivision proposition, colse . in, along electric line; per acre....... $300 7t08£chedgeoftownoneleclric. -- near cement road; fine laying land. $4500 4!/» acres, inside city limits; 5 room house, 50 ft. chicken house, young fruit trees and bgrries,..-u..'.........."......,S! feet on Broadway;> improved with ings: fruit and berries.........-- Agent Of The Owner three years ago today, Oct. 6, 1920. Often 1 pause and think of you, and T:lhko(havyud-l:d; f think -- you coul t say good--bye I wiss your voilce, your step, your lov-- Yet try to know that you have entered sweetly unto rest, ° And that God's own plan for you is Safety First. : Marjorie was out riding in her pony eart when she came to a bridge on which v»« » «izn, "Capacity of this 40--1t P. 0. HOVND LAKE, ILLINO!S . _ IN MEMORIAM WILIIAM H.., KNOX J In sad and loving memory of my eancw............_$7500 ;house.ha) YOUR LOVING WIFE ......$6000 ... $5000 $15000 A4