f, Take Lunch at _ Special Items of Interest In Hardware Department $ _ Fall Opening Sale FRIDAY Oct. 5th for ONE WEEK Ice Cream & Step in and see this machine demon-- strated. > --50¢ or Short -- Orders Restau-- rant ® 4 ho N Lamtact h ciediiiccrminth it Anrv Abssctadhiel WW"')' easy it is to wash the "Laun-- ww e -- * * Dry--Ete Way.'*' Phone in one mimnute for a home demonstration. Dinner m * (using ocl!c'h:f not water too) even the bluing, without ng your hands mthe water if 1'!mx wash the Laun--Dry-- Ette way. Washing Machine --are through its use. May we give you a de-- monstration in your home' saving hands and health (using Let us show you how Copyright 1923 Hart Schaffuer & Marz 'Thousands who use the OU can do the DEPARTMENT STORE during Fall ZION INSTITUTIONS AND INDUSTRIES Come and Qpening Week! ' Annual _ fFall Showing ~~~ * Men's & Boys' Wea The most wonderful invention of the age at your service for a few dollars. _ ---- i. No upkeep expense, it's free for all when the apparatus is in-- stalled. P & sn 84 j We shall repeat our Special Offer on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, October 6, 8 and 9. ' | -- A complete Crystal Set, including aerial wires and every part, with an extra pair of Head Phones; for $13.50. - You can«enjoy all the Zion programs in your own home. Schedule of Zion broadcasting mailed free on application The Portable Reading Lamp, if wisely selected, having lovely, rich tones of color inm:hadcgifingawmforhbl'aflmnghglddsmmofmmntwa room and is really.a great convenience. ~It's not necessary at all times to have a bright glare of light throughout all the room but is far more restful and enjoyable to have the light just over your shoulder when reading in an chair. We have juntneeivednomwry_hunfifulduigmmdoolofinpinlmn'umpo. They are now on display in our Electrical Department. ¢. This year we have gathered to--gether _ here an excellent assortment of all the _ new things in "Hart New Reading Lamps § B Schaffner and Marx" Clothes "Clothcraft" Clothes. And other de-- pendable makes. Boys' 2 Pants Suits Overcoats 'Sweaters (Wilbur Glenn Voliva) Hats Mackin -- aws, Mun-- sing wear, Hose and all Furn-- t0 Heaters, Ranges, Laundry Stoves, Wood . Stoves, Portable Oil Burners and Elee-- tric Heaters. shapes, new shades. Caps too. And here's service for you--we have a knack for getting the when the and the folks well on --you." ; P. $. President Suspenders for comfort, neat--setting trovuse's r=d . > We've made a study .of the cuts of men's jibs. So, if you like, we can help you to a good selec-- tion. It's worth 'mahh:' to vou when the boys and the Everything the Ear Can Hear Picked out of the air and transmitted to through the greatest scientific marvel of This wonderful wircless radio apparatus has a receiving m«dmomnu. Wymwa;mdm want the practical results of the Radio withoot the necessity of becoming electrical experts. 4 in ten minutes, Lake County Headquarters Correct Styles in Men's Hats Long Distance Radio _ Sold and Instalied by ZION ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT $ T OVE $ You can learn to operate the Zenith Our Lake Co. --friends are invited to -- spend the day in Zion during _our Fall Opening and take the Opportunity to visit the and any of the 3 -- _ large Indust-- § _ more than a @2 _ --.car load of-- $ _ Fig Bars are € -- _ every day Zion Stores x # Fo Rid