_ .__ The LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT covers more territory and publish-- * es more REAL NEWS than any other paper in LAKE COUNTY. And it _ _ _ all comes for the small sum of $1.50 a year. JUST THINK OF IT! B ICOURTESY| Autumn Bulbs Are Here! There is no 'obligation asking information or advice ~-- _ _ _ _A am always glad to be of service . 'Telephone 3132 Don't 'Forget Your Chimneys | and Roofs Need-- Attention Before You Start the Fires -- DESTINY Plastic Cement, Vaidura Paint, Elaticum Coat-- ing, Best Wood and Asphalt Shingles Special Sale On Odd Sash All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal, Chunk Wood, and Kindling Telephone 47 > -- LIBERTYVILLE Tulip -- ----* Hyacinth _ --~=Crocus-- ---- FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent * . -- Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. LIBERTINLLE LOMBER 60. LAKE GOUNTY NATIONAL BANK Telephone 15 --|-- LUBERTYVILLE FARMERS. -- IT HAS SUCESSFULLY LIVED UP TO ITS ORIGINAL PURPOSE. THE FIRST VISIT TO THIS BANK WILL CoN-- VINCE EVEN THE MOST EXACTINC, THAT iT MERITS TS HICH PLACE AMONG INSTITU-- TIONS OF THIS KIND. , wm-uwm%vwmm waAY POSSIBLE ON YOUR EVERY VISIT TO THIS BANK ~WAS DESTINED FROM THE TIME OF ITs CONCEPTION TO BE A BANK WHICH CIVES SUPERIOR BANKING SERV-- ICC TO DISCRIMINATINC BUSINESS MEN AND Get Your Supply NOW! We have every material for thework 18 ROTECTION »'=s IMVESNEN FOR THE GARDEN WAUKEGAN, ILL. §1.50 YEAR tE .+ ;! * ut h l en » es |SERVIGH] F Mr. and Mre. 8. P. Evilsizor le't last Thursday for,an automobile trip thru southérn Hllinois, *Indiana" and Ohio. l'l'hey expect to be gone about three 'weeks. -- -- «* .-- Mrs. F. P. Dymond left Friday eve ning for lowa and Nebraska, to visit her brother, Clarke Phillips, and sister Mre. Sarah Blodgett. R Mr. and Mrs, James Madden enter-- tained Mrs. William --Zoellner of Chi-- cago Sunday afternoon. * Mr. and Mrs. John Brizen spent last Bunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. William Lemker, north of town. Mrs. Charles G, Elwell of Highland Park, visited Sunday with her grand-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Parkhurst. : Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, Albert Christianson and son, Albert, --all of Waukegan, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Taylor. 7 Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Mott of Herring-- ton, Kansas, are the guosts of relatives in this vicin'ty.~© Velour hats in all the prevailing shades at less than Chicago prices, «t J. B. Morse & Co.'s; 41--1t ~ Nirs. Chas. Kaiser has returned from a two weeks' visit n Joliet with hber son, Oscar Kaiser, 4 w.c.rm:'}'u_u-m.uum field and H Bmith were among the Chicago passengers Wednesday. Bee Cole for men's and boys* shoes. ; * 414t Don't forget the dance at the Town Hall tonight. ; Mrs. J. P. May and two children of Waukegan made a brief visit here last Friday,. Little Barbara remained for a two weeks' stay --with her grand-- parents. * t { EFQV. Price & Co.'s make of Suits and Overcoats is highly endorsed by Mra. Edward Carroll is utowu her sister, Mrs. Wallace, 0f Chicago. Prairie View. Bee Cole for Horse Blankets. -- 414t :I'Lvoll dressed men. We are the ex-- ive agent in Libertyville J. B. Morse & Co. 41--1t .. Rev. C. F. Kleibhauer, former pastor of the Libertyville Methodist 'Episco-- pal church, who bas ministercd to the people of the Bowen M. E. church of Chicago for the past two years, has been returred for the third year. . To show thet; mrechthu:' fer N'l Taith-- fulness, the has "ed his ullmore than E re-- Joseph Wilson and family motored to Maywood Bunday. O. E. Churchill spent 'Saturday and Bunday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Judson Mason of Waukegan, is visiting relatives in Libertyville and Order your new harness of Cole. ; e m n oA 41--4t BShort Items of Especial Interest to Libertyvilie Peop':e THIRD PRIZE _: Telephone 129-- R Records!! Records!! TELEPHONE 65 0. A. NEWSOM, Clerk OUR-- ENTIRE STOCK OF EDISON RECORDS To be given Member of Acme Camp No. 176 M. W. --A.--who secures the greatest number of beneficial members to be obligat-- ed on or before December 31, 1923 For further particulars inquire of DECKER & NEVILLE $1.00; $1.50. and $200 valtes AgC Bee Cole for repairing and olling of harness. 414t Mrs. Richard Lewis, Mrs. Frank Btocking, Mrs. A. F. Westine, Mrs. Waiter T. Marlatt and Miss Jean Mo-- Kellar, all of Kenosha, Wis., were here last Thursday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Byron Colby. * Mrs. Albert P{fannenstill--entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Mary Huftman Wednesday after-- noon. _ Fourteen girl friends of the bride--elect ware present. The after-- noon was pleasantly spent in playing buneo, and the highest honors were given to Mrs. Harry Gleason, while the consolation was awarded to Miss Margaret Elfering. Miss Huffman was the recipient of many pretty and use-- ful gifts, She will be married next Wednesday, October 17th, to Edward Young, of Chicago, the ceremony to take place at 8t. Lawrence's Episcopal church. The Gleaner's Class of the Methodist was a L--bertyvy'lle visita Friday. _ $200 with Misseo Cofé and Adclia _ Chinchillais--ihe lates{ in Full Caps Marsh, on Newberry avenue. A good 4t Morse's. « wsy _ ALML attendance is desired, | Please COMe . ponalq M. Ayiward, of Chicago spent early. . ky Bunday at the A. A. Grandy home. Miss Addie Miier expects to leave next Sunday for an extended visit with relatives in 'California.> Miss Elsie Huss is taking ber place in the law offices of Judge B. H. Miller dur'og Parents?" Auditorium T heatre A Dynamic Vibrant Story, Blend-- ed 'with Pathos and Humor that will appeal to all. Watch for THOMAS .!lGHAN i in the "Ne'er Do Well" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 The Rustle Of CONWAY TEARLE FRI, & SAT., OCT. 12 . 13 LIBERTYVILLE, iL_inois* "LXU CK" SsVUNDAY,; OCT. 14 Here's A Good One comprcnati ues g s t h h tA . $25.00 ..$15.00 ..$10.00 My Mr. and Mrs.Edwin Peters were the guests of relatlnf in Barr'ngton last E. .:; m'._-amu» Mrs. Frank Doremus visited rela-- tives in Chicago the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell and family of EJgin were visitors at the Abuner Tay-- lor home Sunday. §:~ Mrs. Lillle Davis entertained Miss Shepard, of Waukegan, the latter par of last week. Mrs. B; P. Majors spent the week end with relatives in Chicago. i Mrs. Mamie --Hanson, visited her daughter at DeKaib Sunday. Miss Ruth Kincade of Antioch, spent several days last week with Mrs. Fred Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Treptow and family attended the big supper given by the Rosecrans Cemetery Associa-- tion at Rosecrans Friday eveninpg. Miss Stella Langworthy, who is teaching at Brookfield, I!l., spent the week end at her home here. ; Bee Cole for repairing on auto tops and curtains. 41--4t Mr. and Mrs,. Leonard D.sney and family spent Sunday at Des Plaines. mma Huss was in Chicago over visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert DOLLAR'S WORTH OF VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT That's what the housekeeper of tofday demands. People who buy their rugs and furniture at have less money invested and more in the bank. We invite all whether interested in buying fur-- nniture or not, to come in and look around. No obligation to buy unless you want to.~ We specialize in just two lines, Furn-- iture and Rygs. » Ray Furniture & Paint Store Phone 9. Libertyvilie, I!i. Open Monday, Friday and Sat --_ urday Evenings. * t Ray Furniture & Paint Store *"the brakes didn't work" one badly hurt. Carelessness on the part of an owner who neglected to have his brakes properly adjust-- ed and relined;~ Don't let it happen to you. Bring your car around and let us inspect the brakes without charge. Maybe lining. Better be safe than or sturdy Raybestos brake Libertyville Auto Repair Shop .. C. M. Bernard, Prop.. Phone 202 LIBERTYWVILLE You Wait j We are Brake Specialists Prompt Efficient C,. R. Weaver, of Lake Zurich, Brakes Lined While 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard.............................".....................couwmme--jo d 36--inch Long Cloth and Nainsook, per y@rd..........................__....--_--...22% 36--inch Long Cambric and N&inSOOK..............................._.--._._._.=..------~.20G 42--inch PillOW TUbiMG, PEF YAIC................ ... mz 30¢ 45--inch PiHOW THEM, PEF YGMGL...................----7--~>memmcommterconn e l0 81--inch Sheeting, Bleached and Unbleached, per yard..........__._..._...._._.__..98¢ 81--inch Sheets, Hemmed Ready for Use, eath...........__....._..._.._..._._$1.38 Bed Spread prices.................._.............}$2.25, $2.50, $2.60, $3.50 and $4.00 Cotton Batting, Outing Flannel, Shaker Flannel, Wool Flannel, Ticking, Percale, Duck, Towels and Toweling of good quality at very low prices. An Opportunity: To Save 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard.... 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard... Telephone 28-- W. W. CARROLL & SON CO. On Your Household Needs = And Many Other Bargai iT Department Store New Shipme the Followi aprons _ . $1.25 oS s OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT HERE; MAKE IT CROW WEEK BY WEEK UNTIL YOU ACCOMPLISH YOUR PURPOSE. TUCKED AWAY BACK IN YOUR HEAD Is A | DREAM DEAR TO YOUR HEART. YOU CAN SURELY MAKE THAT DREAM A REALITY LIBERTYVILL® . .:. JLLINOIS, Resources of More Than a Haif Million Dollars First Nation:! Rank KEALIZATION ySu¢ HOURS 8:00 A. M. TO 8:00P. K. announces a $1.15 $3.75 ~25¢ ipment : llowing: ' _ LADIES® WAISTS BOYS' CORDU-- > ROY PANTS ___. BLOOMERS at at ?JAISTS $2.25 C $3.95 * €1; 14¢ $1.1 $1.4 B Fe U