5 "AUTUMN' DAYS SHOULD BE SAVING DAYS. w x# . ux e 3 B AW$MUFEIS DUCTIVE SEASON OF SNOW AND COLD. .. _ The LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT covers more territory and publish-- '---- es more REAL NEWS than any other paper in LAKE COUNTY. And it > all comes for the small sum of $1.50 a year. JUST THINK OF IT! Autumn Bulbs Are Here! ICOURTESY! There is no obligation--asking--information or advice \ * I am always glad--to be of service' . Telephone 3132 Don't Forget Your Chimneys and Roofs Need Attention Before You Start the Fires -- LBERTIMLLE LUMBER 60-- Plastic Cement, Valdura Paint, Elaticum Coat-- ing, Best Wood and Asphalt Shingles Special Sale On Odd Sash All Kinds of Hard apd Soft Coal, Chunk -- Wood, and Kindling Telephone 47 FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent 2 Lare Squnty nATIORAL O 3 j FOR THE WINTER SUN--PARLOR MAN SHOULD LOOK EVEN FARTHER AHEAD DAYS WHEN SICKNESS, ACCIDENT OR OLD PUT SOMETHING IN. YOUR SAVINGS AC-- COUNT NOW. : IF YOU HAVE NOT YET SE-- CURED ONE OF OUR SAVINGS BOOKS, CALL TODAY FOR THE ONE WE HAVE SET ASJDE Get --Your Supply® NOW! We have every material forsthe" work Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. AUTUMN DAYS is PROTECTION »!=s IMNESTMENT FOR THE GARDEN LIBERTYVILLE WAUKEGAN, ILL. | SERVICE] George, given by "hf Chicago Associa-- tion of Commerce at the LaSalle hotel Tuesday. x f a Word has been received here of, the death Of A. P. Wells in Carlyle, Mont. A Big Hollowe'en Dance at Liber-- yville govm Hall Wednesday Oct. 31. Given by toe R. N..A. and M. W. A. Prize Waltz. Smart's orchestra. 1t Donald Fitzgerald, a Freshman at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind., spent the week efd with his mother Mrs. John F. Weich. Judge Ben H. Miller attendéd the luncheon i--nhongr of David Liloyd mliss Madge Dooley, of Kaukauna, Wis., came Monday for a visit with relatives in Libertyville and other parts of Lake county. W. L Collins left last Saturday for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Collins and daughter, Miss Virginia, in Boul-- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haines entertain-- ed Mr. and Frank Miller and Mr. and Mrs. McNattin, of Marva, 1IIL., over the week end. B. J. Simen and family returned last Tuesday from Oconee, liL., where they visited relatives for two 'weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoskins visit ed relatives in Lake Forest Wednes day evening. --, . ~Mre. Nellie Doebler returned Satur day from a visit of several weeks in the Western states. '~Miss Louise Wagner has taken a po-- sition as bookkeeper' at the Robbins Woodkorking Co. factory. * Fred Smith and fam'ly motored to Dundee and Crystal Lake Sunday.~~ Bee Cole for Horse Blankets. C. 0. CARLSON'S Bee Cole for repairing on auto tops id curtains. 414t Warm------Not Bulky A Full Line to be S« Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyville People Local and Personal The New E D 1 S O N London Console HIGHLY artistic, the embodiment of good taste in design and finith.l this phonograph represents aston-- ishing value at moderate cost. The perfected result of Mr. Edison's years of untir-- ing study and experiment, it actually Re--Creates the actual performance of the artist--the New Edison, you know, is the only phonograph that can compare with the living voice. The Edison Budget Plan of purchase has been ar-- ranged for your convenience. y > ACome in today and let us tell you about it Telephone 55 DECKER & NEVILLE €en al 41--4t At the regular meeting of the Liber-- Monday night teh work of shrdlurd tyville lodge of Odd 'Fellows next Monday night, the work of the Third, or degree of_ Truth, will be exempli-- fied. It is urgently requested that ev-- ery member--be present, and all visit-- iting members are invited. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.. McClain went to Springfield the first of the week. Mrs. McClain is a delegate.from the Libertyville Rebekah Lodge to the An-- nuai Assembly, and Mrs. McClain rap resenis teh Waukegan Encamoment at the Grand Lodge held in. the cap'tal city this week. 1| <--a $ 'Mr.'and Mrs. W. F. Franzen, Jr., were in Bensonville Saturday to at-- tend the funeral > of Mr. Franzen's grandmother, Mrs. Marie Kolze who passed away Thursday, Oct. 11, at the advanced Age of 88 years, after an lHilness of four months. > A Big Hollowe'en Dance at Liber-- tyville 'govn Hall Wednesday. Oct. 31. Given by the R. N. A. and M. W. A. Prize Waltz. Smart's orchestra. 1t Mrs. G. Carrall Gridley drove to Chi-- cago Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Winifred Mason Huck, and that eve-- ning héard the address: of David Lloyd George, the war--time premiér of Great Britain. 2i t * Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keirl of Wauke gan, spent Thursday afternoon 'n Lib-- ertyville. Mr. Keirl is an old time res-- ident of this vmu;«::d says he has 10 e:'mo over to a town once in a while. -- Mrs., Guy Legate and little daughter, who have~ been visiting> relatives in Warrenburg, Mo., returned home last Saturday. Mr. Legate is pressman at the Keystone Printing Co. sho». i iiak . 19 L ris ts P Fuik! .2A i i onipg: 44 0.0s See Cole for all kinds of auto polish RAY N. SMITH . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1923 visit with the former's brother, Ed Clark, and family. O. A. Newson, Clerk of Acme Camp No. 176, M. W..of A., received word this mogning from the Head Camp that the ciaim of $3,000, on account of the death of Michael Wolff had been allowed. Mr. Wolff had been # meim-- ber of the Woodmen organization for 23 years and Mn?mthe sum of only $567.1+5 in dues and assessments. The policy was in favor of Mrs> Wolff, and the check for the full amount will be" delivered sqme time next week. f Bee Cole for all kinds of Leather and Cotton Gloves. 41--4t Mr. and Mrs,. James Clark and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Beckman of Wauke gan, returnéd last Wednesday from their trip to Lexington, Kentucky. They report a fine trip to the beautiful b'ue country. + On the'r way home tho{ stopped at Charleston, II1,, for a visit with the former's brother, Ed A Bl¥ Hollowe'en Dance at LiBber-- wyyille Town Hall Wednesday Oct. 31. Given by the R. N. A. and M. W. A. Prize Waltz. Smart's orchestra. It Mr. and Mre. W. B. Cart and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf? of Deerfield were Sunday ::ucu of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wllswort Rev. and Mrs. Conv's and family of Chicago were in Libertyville Sunday visiting Mrs. Convis's mother, Mrs. Harriet Gridley, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charics Johasou en-- lertaine d Miss Helen Jahnson ar #AEF mer Jaraon, of Chicago;'and Mr. and Mre,. E4 Needham and tlittle daughte: w. Wausegan, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.--(ous. Kublman and duiughter, Miss Fxith, of Hignland P; rk, spent Sund~y afternoon and cve-- :mg wiih AMi.: aud Mré. Fréd *{ord orst. Order your new harness o%° Cole Fri. & Sat., October 19 -- 20 THE magnificent story of a m.a n's. regeneration. Skilfully t o 1 d, splendidly played, -- lavishly -- produced. With Lila Lee and an all--star cast. f SUNDAY. Oct. 21 : RICHARD : BARTHELMESS AUDITORIUM THEATRE -- "NOW OR NEVER" "EXPERIENCE" -- //' «t RAGurte HAROLD LLOYD _ * 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard................_._._.___._. 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard............_...._._... 36--inch Bleached Muslin, per yard.............................-- 36--inch Long Cloth and Nainsook, per yard. ... 36inch Long Cambric and Nainsook.....................__.. 42--inch Pillow Tubing, per yard................._..__._.__. An Opportunity To Save -- | 45--inch Pillow Tubing, per yard 81--inch Sheeting, Bleached and Unbleached, per yard................_..98 81--inch Sheets, Hemmed Ready for Use, CC » ce 33e onesn issc anscfvreiiciesapccrccresitacooo t P Bed Spread prices..............................$2.25, $2.50, $2.60, $3.50 and $4.00 Cotton Batting, Outing Flannel, Shaker Flannel, Wool Flannel, Ticking, Percale, Duck, Towels and Toweling of good quality at very low prices. -- 4 Telephone 29 THp ) W. W. CARROLL & SON CO. On Your Household Needs 414t OUR WANT ADS GET SURE :.--w.--- wy-------w--'-----.v.--;-- niuwduhL; §7% i f $685.00 %. o. b. Detroit s 1 'This good--looking, comfortable, and dependable Ford selling as this : low price offers an agreeable solution to your closed car problems. +\~~ These--cars can be obtained through _ & '[fl! bi--q"hhrvd" of the mm&. In all parts of the country its atylish appearance and inviting interior have brought the car in-- Now, at its reduced price, it presents a more compelling value than Open your account For that very purpose TO--DAY Every man has a dyeam Close to his heart _ Make this bank Help you realize Your Dream \ First Nationa! Rank LIBERTYVILLE _ . _ ._ . 'ILLINOS, Resources of Mere Than a Haif Miliion Doitars CARS -- TRUCK S -- TRACTOR S Telephone 32 FLAHERTY & KENNEDY WA y$ the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. § MA w -- mt %Z & C We "eath * #" 3. HOURS 8:00 A. M. TO 8:00,P. M.8-- ____. LIBERTYVILLE 99. 14e 18e Ao