. State.Board of Health Says _ FAnancial Burden Challenges _ frequently caused in the same man-- mer says the atate department-- of Ith Buch ©things ~as footbali, mountain climbing and even golf may prove tog--severe for a heart unscecus-- #*omed to unusual strain. The sensible thing to do is to have a thorough go-- _ Ang. paysical examipation about once apnually and keep posted on the con-- o on of the heart.. . ... . ' ~Some parents feed coffee--and tea to their children and then wond hy other youngsters are more g and healtbhy. ~Evil effects from hese--drinks come not so much from ; unnecessary stimulation as from fact that they destroy an appetite muscle and bone building food*s .. _A $5 dentist's bill is ©sometimes eqbivalent to a $5,000 job, . Nervous . Bome folks ~'conflict a tupoag »Wtouch of sentimental -- feeling _ ealm--deliberate reasoning. and. judg-- --ment. That's why personal liberty ds sometimes placed above vaccina-- tion against such debilitating and ser-- fous diseases as . smallpox, typhoid m._:u diphtheria. : oume %.* all: it's pretty hard to see where personal liberty will berefit the baby that dies'from diphtheria or the one that lives ";o carry smalipox scars throughout life or suffer from an atack of typhold fever. _ Bince 1918 a total of 5950 persons ' died from diphtheria in Illinois and of that number $5 per cent were desa thar ten years-- of age. That seems to be a heavy sacrifice of child Hife whe none recalls that this dis-- ®a ean be prevented and . cured through the use of toxin--antitoxin or "antitorin, both of which --the state fur-- x s free of cost. ~ _' Mere length of years is a question-- mt ) blessing and may even be a pos-- 'Aitive liability to the individual and Leommunity. -- Vigorous health -- adds y comfort and joy to old age and Ajlments have been traced to .defect-- ive testh, According to health author-- -- tillian Colwell, Waukegan, 25; Ce M Huckins, Great Lakes, . 26. UOlemens Miecehowski, No. Chicago, _ Rrnest 'Anderson, 21,~ Pensankee, Wis.; prence: Boland, 22, > Cedar Ai; ul Fried!, 23, Milwaukee; Fran-- " u,lun." Milwa ' ~~ON ePterson, ukeso; M o. Hormiin. a2i, inss Bertha M. Pieske, 20, same. * °_ \ Sohn _ Jaremol, 26, Milwaukee; gnes Urban, 27, same. ~Ja A. Buckingham, 27, Wauke-- i; 'Wrances Verbich, 35, same. . Jead to such seriouk diseases as pneu-- through common . habits, . says. : the state -- department ' of . public -- health. Bneesing and -- coughing -- in : public '-- Bo far this year 142407. cases of |ix. xluhndlnuuhnhu"u from lilinois according to official) . utatistics of the health: --department.| / an average of $10 each for. | J _and professional care the. 94 ymbntcm-au&' * 398 % MM "- mmm toward the _0 w _' |Deerfeld township, _west of the si. SUGGEST PR EV EN T I °"4L;-_"'.".r'.'.a..-.-"f"i c anepines se ifltfil/lldnn. same, 19. @eorge Brown, 'uwmku. 49; Ma-- 1e : Kozm 'unio'. 35. fopes, W M . ,, WIiner, » (; Adeline Owens, same, 39. s Isgiah Marze, Waukegan, 28; Marion Barr, North Chicago, 22. ~Clefton W. Rehn, K:no-h. 13 farik same, 18. d m',)!@vankn. 41; Lena _ desso A. Byors, 23, Chicago; Mae Dr C 23, same. y W . w"o 25, reat !Ah; Aiuise Clontior, 19, ch! \ ok, Pa.; Margaret L A" of 1126 babies were ul"' 684 at the state fair better babjes says an official builetin. s to indicate a healthy interest future citizenship. Last year 59,1%2 "more births were ied in lllinois than deaths, ac-- > to --official "statistics. . That ponds to a . daily 'Increase of A the population. No race sui-- -- here. «* _CONTAGION IN --~ l 1 STATE THIS YEAR ) ... to Panto, 28, Milwaukee; Almi , 18, same, ' rd _ D. IeC!Ilour. "»j , Wis.: Hoelon Frank, 26, ¥id W. Bussey,-- 23, Chicago J. Tlce, 20, Detroit, Mich, ... Mistory Made Modern, "Willie," asked the teachet, "what hb it Sit Walter Raleigh said when < his. cloak on ..r muddy Yor the beantifol q to walk "~ Wilite, an uftra--modern, gased the clnssroom <in-- dismay, and king a Jong chanee, replHed, MHoock, --20, Watertown, Wis. t ~Nashlund,; 34, Milwaukee; ) 'Millington, $2, same. ... en, violent burden will kill an bile motor. Heart failure is I#t, kid !"--American Leglion 23%, Milwaukee; 6. (onee. muadope io: qi ohecrcs. . The officers of the new lodge. who will be ~installed 'Thursday . are-- as follows* ~ ¢ Worshipful Master--Chas. Schwarm --RBenlor Warden--Arthur L* Ball Junior Warden--L. H. Ball, s Treasurer--Dr. A. E. Budde. Becretary--Dr. Milier. Henilor Deacon--Charles Sladeck. Junior Duen---l:;flls Powell; Junior lunmwhnago%m; Chaplain--Rev.-- Textor. e since the first of January to make this lodge a success and start it out in --a promising mannet when it is given .a charter Thursday evening. The Grand Lodgeo officers will come up to North Chicago in a body to participate in the ceremony which will take place. There will be spe-- clal music for)the evening which will include a yocal quartet. ' _'The new lodge starts out with a charter. mombership of 68 which for the size of the city'is considered a very good representation. For the first time in the history of the state of Wisconsin a federal injunction -- was <yesterday -- served through a state court. 'A temporary writ in the name of the United States was signed by Circuit Court Judge Belden and aerved on Joseph Begin, owner of a soft drink estab-- dishment in Kenosha by Fred.Pabst, sheriff, tm h nets . This marks a new epoch in the en-- forcement -- of the prohibition laws. The possibility of using the--power of the federal government--was dis-- covéred in@tbo law last July by Dis-- triet Attorney Frank Symmonds. The temporaty federal injunction was granted against the Segin place a#s a public--nuisance. Four times in FEDERAL WRIT IS USED CLOSING BOOZE JOINT IN KENOSHA caught . violating the . profifbition laws,~ the--police --records show. . _ The district =attorney said _ that while this procedure is a brand new thing. and this is of course some-- it is Residence and Office 1609 Wash-- ington St., Waukegan, Ill since last spring. ~NOW IN PROGRESS Complete material to build a good 1218 1--Car Garage $59.00 18x18 2--Car Garage $78.00 Garages! GREAT LAKES, ILL, Phone Waukegan 306. 29nd Bt. at Sheridan Road Buy Now and Save Money GoORrDon G . Lumblk oo TQ ADD TERRITORY DR. J. L. REDDING YETERINARY SURGZON ; PHONE 1095 Waukegan, Hiinois If enough straw hats with bands-- haxe been sat on ge & everything will be | . h%wnmmuml Mesre®.~-- 'TO INST s } #4 Sport . ._ _ Dresses That Would Or-- dinarily Sell for « No wonder the girls in the store are wild g:r them. ]!l':: never ore at thi ice could one get Ng.:tt- tractive and Bervice-- able little frocks. For daytime wear on the street, in the office or home, no more prac-- tical. They are made of wool and jersey, materials with linen collot: and cuffs) and ri at -- $ug * 10,00 Crep dimity blouses In smart overblouse and tuck--in models, fashioned with round or tuxedo collars and trimmed with gflsfié real laces, 'braiding and fluting. ~J . Priced dta.. L98 AA CR AGOREORR ET ** ff k / med with ajfl:g; :::;'h:} ,':,:::; x 4 §-q' r; '} " JX CIHMI 1 *braiding . seorts to give i--* PWalrsd, -- A nccessary ai fl:tci::g',~ 1098' a t "":'."'m"m t {'{ " s aon:fc d\;mtim;l ed ds ** 1.25 . d : 124 2 < '. # » m, Try The Hein Company First <> '| I t > | J 4 Fal. _ .~< . ~ ns ies ue t 3 wousd 8 E. ~. l ~@riyeA . «SA l ,..1;,", dit 4 *4. "__3_ [ "' "_ .\\ C f6 ns I * B Nz>~*Z _X %' ~% ~',,_( ' P set. 2 j A |, PX -- > f ' iyacs _:,', o : '*--«'m__ o se ~ se' _ _ teratie e rsext: Coulcins -- 4/# : m 5 4 ""a% x4 f G&J.N qur foat puyer nas oo CACUpPLLUIALILY, _ AULLUUAHIGUV~ _ -- K L _ WY GHMERCAL . NISLZ . CEFE! U . A ciate style and quality will agree, ufter seeing these beautiful new coats, that at these prices they are unusual indeed.: The new models are particularly inviting, partly, because they rae fashioned of soft pile fabrics, richly fur--trimmed--partly because 'fifigtfivemtfle in styling, so graceful, 'All are slender of line and exceedingly be-- comfing to @ll figures. Two.large groups, pleasantly priced at-- -- > > oo ¥or the woman doesn't wear a set these now corsettes are ~aA do nearly : everything for you ® gorset will and still you enjoy nlenty -- of* * froedom. Corsettes '5Q son than it has been for yearst It makes an attractive and serviceable as well as an economical costume that is accepted everywhere. Our stock in-- cludes pleated, wool crepe, camels hair in cither plain or checked patterns. Necessary for warmth. Necessary for smartness. 'And serving usefully every minute. In every glorious golor that comes with 'Autumn--and as many, styles, _ button--at--theneck _ models, fasten--on the--side models, loose and tight sleeve models and all modestly priced at-- -- _ 5.98 © 10.95 Do you know that the skirt and sweat-- er costume is more popular this sea-- Brushed Wool Jacquettes 5. an 98 * 10.00 and Fall Skirts k : aid to por-- | ":onal q;inta;uq.' ud n , < '12,-"' 250 * That will help get that straight linc effect which -- 'Jleads to smartness. In _' brocaded materials with zhatic inserts for com k_ ort. Specially priced at Brassieres Fems 50c If It's New We Have It .. They repay one by being warm and comfortable. To say ~nothing of being--ex-- ceptionally s m art.. Fashioned of camels * hbair cloth or astra-- khan and perhaps trimmed with fur ) they make & truly stunning _ costum@ -- > The colors are brown, . tan, gray and biask, priced at-- -- The way to wear your 'kerebjef is hanging out of your pusse. / @ And the new ones have a spec--f *¥ / ial pocket on the outside for q just this reason. --It's extra--. e ordinary what can be had in the way of bags of this season. They're mounted on metal " or silk--covered frames, and hold your change in an in'ner»compartmént.' And all the want-- ed shades color them--gray, browny biege, nayy, arld black. All silk lined in vivid shades. !fli be surprised to learn how reasonably 'they at@ Priced. w T " tj New Ideas In Bags New Jacquettes and up wouh? O {)¢) +1 4 t C * ut s