CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1923, p. 9

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_ ~Waukegan-- tity: council declared war upon gambling and vice in high and lo 'fleu.*amou whites and a¢ s, rich and poor, and pledged a mlegation from the Church Commun-- J Council, a--citywide organization hat all evil doers.will be driven out Pt--the. city. . The action was taken following re-- Relpt of a resolution from the church ree Aas Men b':r':m:l"'ueucall l:,ll men and: mem J _ the Waukegan churches, calling at-- tention to vice conditions, which ex-- Ast principally on Market street, and some other places. _' <© . 0 ~'_ WOL. XXXI.--NO. 48. WAR ON GAMBLING . VICE IN HIGH AND LOW PLACES, BEGUN ity * Council --Pledges-- Chure ?g'ws'zsflofl to Clean, Up ~'~----Entire Community. J oo' Seck ie ppiic®) clenmad out the "IRed «Flats" respectable peo-- Die have moved in without even fum-- | _ The : Agating the place. "As a result sev--| H. Mor ' eral peopic ave died of disease |land P 'there within a few months. The regi--|$530,000 dents have been compelled to keep | probate their doors locked night and day to| His %"" intruders, black and white, |cash a Wfrom walking in without knocking: at the Em here to help create sentiment for |Of the _ law enforcement, because law is no |and his stronger than the sentiment behind Highlar g'u , gave b ' OPPOSES HIGHBROW: GA_.IL"I_" flw y L. Jon was presented by the w'or :fla'a«m« Episcopal church E:um members of the committee D Axel Ruinerstrom, a layman, mud the Revy. H. E. Johnson, Negro, m the -- Agrican Methodist f church. g ___ PREY ON PAYROLLS %_The petitioners stated that condi tions on Market street are reported to be such that they should be wiped put--that vice and gambling abound, and that lawhreakers are brought in there to separate people from: there ple tftrom money--on pay days. _ th*" '*The,." pastor declared that -- the thurch organization is ready to co-- mperate with 'the "vity officials, that : Attached no blame to the city Y . ~~**We ~bave confidence in P Miev "mmmm'decw 'A . gréa a * WR ty t it of those residing on Market ~+~*While we're about if," City Com-- missioner Louis J. Yager declared *"I'm in favor of making it a clean weep by going after the gamblérs E.po Yoop. . Some of the clubs which ¥e prominent members .are ruin-- ing our young men." Je K ,Oo-;iii'foner J. v¥. Bals, bead ol " oJ Laronm n the police--department declared that .bc.':; ""'h"': at eonditions on yarket street aro Pad Un Arowlnent 16 and that some OC the worst crooks in |;;.., promwinent the ¢ountry are fAinding temporary $ * 1o there before the police can et next tothem. He declared that | / he police are working under difi-- fiRlMBS F] 'culties because they can only:--Jail the | /.. '.._. 9 umdesirables for a month or so, or to fine them, but they always seem to VAUDE" 'have plenty of money to paY the 8 a 5"'- TO NAIL UP JOINTS ' £ w Me threatened to nail up the dis-- : reputable houses, under a new law, amctuame t that this method will be fol | Earl V. Grimes # : where landlords fail to c0--\who will appear « * with the police by relusing |deville bill Mone tb 'lease their buildings to undesir--|has an interesti _ables. "Bootlcggers flock to Wauke--|the army and m gan on 'paydays," he declared. "We| He 'ojined up' arrest many of them. What we need|vision, known as .m&a tip us of when these un--|and 'earned a rep} $ come to tawn. Those who |of the Mason an 'don't work should be reported to us, | he --signed. and we'll And out what--they are do-- Mote laurels 1 Ing here." #t " name when he e & irimcr'sste~__s. Miinan Itf Ub"\ 1 --*KHev. Kelley.added: "I'm glad Com-- missioner Yager has raised . this point. 1 know what places he mens and they ougbt to be ashamed to set such examples to our young people." ' > g : _ 8 § > .../ Ag L ) " e is t & + o A o committse will report back to Ahe @harch CoGneil, and it viclators mt the Jaw in places high and low 'Mave their car to the ground it would 'Be well io: them to pull dbwn the mdes or cut out their meanness, as selty. ang church mx'wfl appar-- _awea;s . busipess, . 1 Monday heeting is an indicator, Mayor Theo.. H." Durst: declared: "We are grate{ul for an expression from the public on this. maiter. : As far as this administration is con-- eerned, it conditions are as repre-- sented, we are going to back you up. We stand for cleanliness and right --eoudness, and where there is A will there is a way to clean up the clity. Whe unlawfo!l element creeps . upon us over. night, and while it is hard to drive It out, we will welcome any information that will help us to do it."> Your codperation is appreciated. -;&hnr ot many things that are for our police. department to LICE ----PROMISE ACTION conditions n:hp"lmt'in(; and --grow menace wi Wingracé, and the wholdrace to my: race > i al y mA e t > * » 4u ~ Cohe cfi e e c 3 is s s j C [% 1 : s h m F " * i m 5m h & * C [ A $ 7 M El s * " i f F te l a 3 a l ho n 5 F m 7 "m ..' % 4 $ m 3 y F4 & F ' 7 4 « # ; a $ i.4 tj o a Y P -- ® s # 3 E a ® "ve s « 4 f ® p 1 £ c z y i C LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT "I'm glad Com-- THERON OAKES, OLD STAGE DRIVER, IS BURIED ON MONDAY Theron Hs Oaks, aged 75, of Wau-- conda, the <last: of Lake : county's stage coach . drivers, was buried Monday-- at. Wauconda, where he had made his home for many years. The simple services--were hbeld in the -- Wauconda . Methodist with the" Rev. Joseph Riley. in the county, : & position whic! teen years. His death 0« the home of Fr ton MHeights. The conda, , Sep! three tBhree sc It has been forty years' since the old stage coach mas the only cop-- nection _ between Wauconda . and Waukegan.: The . deceased, , prob-- ably one of the best uornp:m in the county, was the last driver, a position which he held for seevn-- teen years. ~ g His death occurred Saturday -- at the home of Fred J. Bradley, Arling: Held the Reins of the Wauke-- the home of Fred J. Bradiey, Ariing: ton Meights. * The was born in Wau-- conda, IL, Sept., 1848, and-- resided three ee score years and was the eldest son of Dani¢l and Lovina {deceased) ~who were pioneer rest-- dents --of the county. > -- -- °* _~ Anna-- Huson of North _ County street, Waukegan, became chis "wile in sarl ylife, and died Dec. 24, 1.000. HOMER COOKE'S RELATIVE W 530,000 ESTATE gave bond for $1,000,000. v w numerous bequests of, from $1,000 to $2,000 to grandchildreu, nephews and a neice, the following are named. as beneficlaries: Mrs.. Edua C. Perron, wife of N. J. Perron, Downers: Grove, II1,, $5,000.. * The residue divided -- equally 'be-- tween the five sons and daughters: rAnson C. Morgan, 238 North Sheridan road, Highland Park; Mrs. Robert C. mav . 5117 _ Westminater -- Place,.>> St. Pay, 5117 Westminster Place,, _St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Thos. Belilhouse, Alto, Ga.; Mrs. Francis 8. North, Highland Park; Elisha Morgan and family, Portage, Wis. -- s Capt. Margon sérved with valor in the Seventh Indiana --Artillery and was prominent in Highlang--Park poli-- GRIMES, FROM VET VAUDEVILLE, HAS LONG WAR RECORD Earl V. Grimes,. the Naval Tenor, who will appear on the Legion Vau-- deville bill Monday and Tuesday, has an interesting resord in both the army and na¥yYye ~ ---- _ .0. _; He 'ojined up' with the 20th dt-- vision, known as the Blue and Gray, and 'earned a ropxuthn in the south of the Mason andDixon line, where M\.l-ned. is : > ~at a4 i44 J Om CCC Mote laurels were added to his name when he travelled with the "Snap It Up" troupe of the ~29th division through Francé after the Armistice. He is at present connect-- ed with the Modical Headquarters at the Lakes and is studying under Aloystus. Schneider in Chicago. " Pudlty Pope, who graduated at Dartmouth last year with high hon-- ors and who %?kl at the Harris Trust, Obfcago, will be one of the }ufllhfl ef the orchegtra. He has made weveral trips out here for re-- Mm reacrvations are be-- Ing conch 'at Pearce's drugstore today. gan--Wauconda Coach for 17 Years. ~ Bix now. Ccases of diphthoria were reported from Lake m to the atate depsttment of health last woek, Rnecording = a dispatch roceived from I today. Now NEW CONTAGION IN LAKE COUNTY SECTIOXNX TWO named executors, and lative -- survives iphthoria were| Th teit health k a dispatch| today, New echurch _ PLAYGROUND--FOR -- : ~MARKE JOE SEXTON, SOLD| FAY Twa Hundred and Eighty--t Acres Change Hands in While the brokers, T. J, Stahi and --company, refused to give out the com-- sideration, neighboring farmers esti-- mated that.s conservative yvalue for the 282 acres would ring close to $70,000. 118 MORE--IN -- TRANSFER Sertonia Farms, where Joe Sexton spent thousands of dollars enjoying his hobby of raising blue blooded stock, has been sold to Lester F. Clow, of Chicago. The farm is located at Greenbay and* Beach "FYoad; When.thé6 deal is completed it will mean a transfer of 400 acres and will involvye close to $100,000 in financing, it is said. _ Mr., Clow, a retired real ~estate man and promigent in Chicago nlt tics, will -- convert the ~farms md Hereford herds, which Sexton raised, to Hollsteins. -- C »s aPreneee ie o CCeee e e n s P s en e 4 J. Stahl ferm"at Gurnee for --several years, has | hired as manager. . old '"Farm is Sold. In connection' with. the Sextonia transfer T. J. Stahi and company an-- nounced that they had soid the old 'Hub' Doolittle farm, adjoiding the St. Paul tracks <at . Wilson, to Dr. The property ¢omprises® three tracts of land, in one ot the most fer-- tile sections: of .the county. ~ A.~ 8. Dodson, who was foreman of the T. 48 4 George F'. Wicland, of Lake Forest, Ho plans to subdivide. s The property was purchased from Doolittle by : Irma Van . Nieuwep-- huyze. The property consists of 60 acres and the consideration was said w h m.m. ° NEW ORDER IN -- > PROBATE COURT 1 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUXNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, XOVEMBER 29, 1923. Ye Olde Thanksgiving Lake Coun Circulation Greater than Farmers in Lake coun:y, especially those in the vicinity of Waukegan, are expressing much intorest in the proposed ninth annudl * meeting.. of the Illlinois Agricultural Associatfon. at Galesburk, II1.. aJnuary 16 and 17. According--to ~George ~A. Fox, secretary of the association, c0--0f erative --marketing, _ transportation and farm taxes will be the chief subjects discussed at the meeting. The association is the state Organ-- fzation of county farm bureaus. . Farmers of Lake Courity Plan > to Attend Annual Meeting at Galesburg, 1!!. Farmers in Lake county are in-- terested especially in.. co--operative marketing and <are anxious to be shown 'how it could be put-- into effect in 'this community. es _ 'On January 16, the: diy before the:annual m««fing, a ,session of all executives and managers of {farm-- ers' marketing organizations of the state will be called to discuss their problems. 'The chief subjecis of dis-- cussion at this s@ssion --will be the responsibility of the .board . of di-- rectors, responsibility of the man-- ager and problems of finance and accoumwing in -- the oo opsrative mar-- keting -- organi¢etion. -- . x4 : ~«"Men of authority 'from the bu:-- iness world will be asis1 to dis cuss these subjects," Mr. Fox sald. "This session grew out of the lind-- Ings at thirteon district conferences held throughout the state. The con-- ferences showed the-- need for better business methods in . co--operalive marketing . associations." FINISH PUTTING ON COURTHOUSE ROOF THIS WEEK Contractor Osear Sandstrom _ ex-- mo to complete the work of put-- the roof on the addition to the gourthouse.. Architect H. P. . Beers atatod um{ that this work will be completed in a few day»,> berring stormy weather, With the roof com--« and the heating plant work-- Ing the workmen will ba able to con-- tinue with the intertor work all win-- ter. The bricks on the old part. of the building will be-- cleansed --to matoh the now 'ones. Willlam _ J, p--rtdnth ce ts PR Weile dnc un h ic t N ne at al Obes, who is suporintending the work, stated--that they can be match-- "m"n C 0 Mo butecaly s lame. w c dn un County's Big Weekly . WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN PROBLEMS John Mines,. 79 y--irs. old, can lay claim to being the oldest man in Lake county ever to be arrested as an ~ alleged bootlegger. His place at Lake Bluff was raided over Sun-- day :by members of the . sponge squad. -- ce Arraigned in justice court in Wau-- kegan, iMnes furnighed bail before Justice H.-- C. Coulson for $2,000 pending trial. f Mike Orlandi, ol Highwood, who has been arrested frequently by the squad, was paid another visit over the week--end. _ bor « John Mines, 79 Years Old, of Lake Bluff, in Net of the for -- $2,000, OTHER ARRESTS ARE MADE _ Mike .wag arraigned before Jus-- tice Harry 'Hoyt and> furnished bail WAUKEGAN MAN GETS CONTRACT AT NAVAL STA. Anouncement is made. by Captain Waldo Evans, the Commandant of the Great--Lakes Naval Training Sta-- tion, tuflo Kavy Department has awarded 'contract for the con struction Oof--the laundry building at the Hospital of that . Station, to Glewfh 1. Morkan, a. Waukegan Con-- tractor, at Bis bid price of $31,871.90. The time of completion has been fAixed at 90 days. s1 4 Lc The laundry building of the Ho#-- pital is a one story structure with dimensions as follows: Main portion, 153'x27' Main wing, 42'x27. : Additional wings, 27%®30' each, and the height from fioor to ridge of root is 19'. iss . e y The exterlor construction will be of brick <~with wood roof framing, wood partitions, nlh and doots. The root will be of slate. "The building will be equipped -- with -- plumbing, heating and olectric systems, When All Signed With Cross. jIn olden times the signaturo of the cross, now made by persons who are i'::t:'llo to write, wk'not mngk to Iterato clasg. . Among t zons the mark of the :%oq.'?. an -'c':,tgmon of good faith of the person signing, was required to be @ttached to the sig-- nature of thosa who could write, as well as to wtand in the place of the dhfi of those who could not write, Netp, PR elamh Z i > v es RUM PEDDLER LLS POLICE VICTIM OF AUTO BELIEVED DYING -- IN THE HOSPITAL Forty--six stores in-- Evanston, Wil-- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetks, Glen-- coe and Highland Park were ordered by the health authorities yesterday to cease fudliu or selling a cer-- tain brand of oysters, to which, it is claimed, the north shore typhoid epi-- now 24> cases of typhoid along the north shore. . Eleven of them are in Evanston. At the same time warning was is-- sued to.all} Chicagoans in the terri« tory supplied by the 68th street pumping station to boil theit drink-- ing water. -- m ARE RE--MARKING MILWAUKEE AND -- CHICAGO ROUTE Wis. Route Brings Aytoists lilinois hinml, utonluly' traycled by Milwaukee and Wiscom sin nmtllu in traveling to Chi-- cago ~beyond, are ----being re-- marked. RAighway 42%, conmnecting road with Wisconsin 15, which for-- merly turned west: on Washington street, Waukegan, and entéred Chi-- cago on Milwaukee avenue, now con-- tinues south from Waukegan on the Sheridan . road, passing through North Chicago and Great Lakes. The markings are completed for a few miles south of Great Lakes and pre-- sumably will continue on the Sherl-- dan, entering Chicago on the north shore drive and continuing through the city on . Michigan boulevard. WARNING OUT TO ZI0N _ The old numbers of 42 west Waukegan, south on the s0o Waukegan road . and into C on Milwathkee avenue, have '1 painted out, to be replaced' -- wi whatever number the lilinois high-- way commission decides to apply to the route to Cm which will con-- nect with Wisconsin 67. . In going through ligion and radio tim short on the milk . AT ness--watch for two or "Speed l':l'l:t 20 miles: ": The ot says miles in this me."-m the you'll save a police court : of $20, EY ME miles in this zone." Obey them and 5?':';. save a polica court expense Eitect of heavy truck traffic is afBarent in the breaking of many holes through the concrete on lxi-. way 15 between Milwaukes and IHlinois lin«. Directly -- Thru_Waukegan and North Chicago. ong on re-- ating and man kind-- Umit 15 $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE Did fis Ghores Beforg Nolt-- After deliberately shooting _ and killing his wife, William Lee, 41, ertswhile --megro minister, but . of laté employed as chauffeur for Harry E~ Littler, member of the board of directors of: the lIilinois Drainage board, but better known as the "pie king" of Chicago, at Tamarack Farm, Littler's pretentious estate -- at Woo-- ster~Lake in westerh Lake county, calmly | proceeded -- to -- do variou» chores about the house and garage. Then he drove to the Long Lake station to meet Mr. and Mrs. Littler who were returning home from Cht-- cago. * * William © Lee, . Chauffeur at Wooster Lake, Arrested 'Tues. Night by Sheriff.. . "I've got to hurry back home-- I've got a telephone call in for the sheriff," Lee remarked, "£ "What: for?" Littler demanded. -- "l'\u killed : my . wife --and 1 ain SAYS GOD COMMANDED HIM _ When he reached the Littler home @{d Deputy © Sheriff Allan McMA ot* unlg: and reported what he had done. McMillan notified %"lheflffl office at Waukegan and ty Sheriff Delbert Wealedrove out \ and-- brought the self--confessed nhye' back to Waukegan and locked him up in the county : jail. -- "Che body of the viectim, with four bullet wounds in her head, was re-- moved-- at first to the Strang un» dertaking establishment at Grays-- lake and from there to the Wetzel and* Peterson undertaking establish-- ment at Waukegan where the in-- quest will be held. > r The shooting took place Tuesday night at 6 ~o'clock-- in the Littier home. Lee and his wife had be(m to Chitago a few days ago. While Lee was in a barber shop his wife disappeared for about an hour and would not explain where she had been. Lee accused her of having been out with some other man. Shortly before the shooting Tuesday night he accused her of having given money .to other men. There was & violent quarrel. cea's "You don't love me, do you*" he demanded. Asg he spoke he drew. a 38 caliber revolver. f j "Get down on your' knees," he commanded. . His --.wife complied.. "You don't love me, do you?*" he persisted. % ME * "No, Will, 1 don't," admitted the wite. x ~ +2' The words«scarcely were out of hor mouth when the revolver crack-- ed. There was"a terrific struggle in 'which the heating stove was over» turned . and. the _ furniture tossed about. -- The revolver (spat: fire re-- péatedly. With 'four. builets in her head Mrs, Lee dropped to the fioor and CapRICTS The murder seemed to havo Hitle éffect on Lee for he proceeded to calmly perform his > vartous duties. When deputy. sheriffs searched Lee's room they found a Bible un der his pillow. They. are to believe he is a religious . The Littlers assert that they Lee and his wife about a week ago, Leo, as their chauffeur and handy man about the place, and Mrs. Lee as the maild. They mu.loelfll Ar| s *>opl 3i w w

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