CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1923, p. 12

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-- Hethatee |---- Wke IN TAKING CARE " | . ~@ -- ---- ---- orNFANTS) ®~*~ as possible the state department of health has completed plans and is "are already in the field. -- Their purpose is 'to sccomplish three things: at points where they do not already exist. These are the estublishment of health centers for mothers and chaidren, the establMaliment of health * 'a safe notse, particularly in \the smaller cit-- ed with other -- ranking state, and many amaller ones, Hlinois is at the bottom of the ladder w to advquate funds and organization the promeotion of materuity, infant """'"""'.'..."""'".,"b.' Ismac D. Rawlings, state director of T k s at local 61 to fi in this fimportant.. field. in Other states with comparable pop ulation and in many instances with termity and infant bygiere are the| Mayor Deacon and Aiderman provide an : authoritative _ source where mothers and ;prospective--mo-- thers can secure the best available advice and information -- relative to the scientific medical care of them: selvea: and children and thereby ex-ly associated with the hbealth | Police Joseph Potocky to forcible is the problem: of safe fnilkX. |yeturn Alderman Frank Archer to his Rvery growing child needs an ade-- r& when Archer became viclent quate supply of milk but to produce|in his demupnciation of conditions in Mfe and health, :?g_unz must be| North Chicago. > pure and safe. To guarantee the|. "There are some of the rottenest safety of milk a municipality has AO | things being pulled off in North Chi-- better practical means at its dispos@l| cago when bootleggers and -- moon-- &sbmflmuflnflm*mwlymmhwm'u of --all milk offered for sale Within| clare they are not afraid of the city that~so often result from listening to ~aold wives tales and clothesline micipal milk suppues alt all. UUNCZ, --/ i. 6/ "Health 'm',, sechool chtt: | feast mm-a afraid of arrest." drex is an " public® ¥| -- WThe satarted »when Attor-- service. mmwu .C. A. Staranowies: ted--an .uttvovn} and --Amport--| ordin foy the passage of the :z results. Jt limits the mflfium-nmih to To n Te anniees aes on Seuder | o er -- special . investigations,. call ~~> mmfl ux defeols gutbofl:lau.rqmtmhw. mm t physi efects.| and em special investigntora to e first comes 'about through the| clean --up the city if it were found résognition of and 'immediate: attell«+] negessary. | After the ordinance had tion to cases of communicable i# | heen resd. Mayor Deacon: declared its -- jJurtsdiction. .-- Pasteurniation ... 18 s of adequately --safeguarding muy ml milk supplies at all times, of vaccination. " The. second resulits from a discovery of physical defects jeined Napoleon at war with Great Britain; and the old lion had a wild beast fight against a world--at--arms., In our mearch for grtat adventores let us turn to the warment corner of that world--wide struggle, poor Spanish Flor-- same: "Catch!" .satd France, throw-- ing the bail to Spain, who muffed it. the fArst American republic, and her prive was the valley of the Mississippl. SHeon afterward the United States «Avilized, but now reduced to S#vage ry, had taken refuge from the Amert and MHeminoles, fighting for freedom themaeives, gave shelter to runaway wlnves from the United States, A tew pirates are said to have lurked there, and some Scottish gentiemen Hved with haps to them, Great Pritain armed the Creckn, who ravaged American aettiemenits to the north, and at Fort Minas butchered four hundred men. Northward in Tennessee the militia Without orders he led two thousand Ave hundred frontlerasmen to avengse governor \in time of peonst) out Penaneola, and a British garrizon from Fort Barrancas, and then (after peace was aligned) expelied the British from New Qrieana, while his hmm-ptlflm' neventy--dive refugees, ~ Bach j the auspitions protode to Jack «war with the Crooks, who were faovever at the battle of Horse-- Cepyright by Bobbs--Merrill Company ANDREW JACKSON A. D. 1813 By Roger Poceoc for as they the have CHARGE --PROTECTED VICE The'fight over the suppression of ¥ice in --North Chicago took on alarm 'ing proportions --at: the city--council meeting last night when Mayor Hen-- Iy : M. Deacon--called upon --Chief of yeoturn Alderman Frank Archer to his that the ordinance had been drawn .mm-:mmmn "It we give the city attorney all this yower." he declared, . "then we had been drawn up on the recotimen-- dation of State's : Attorney -- A. V, Smith, and Staranowilez declared that if conditions were not changed in the city, some of the officials would be .qu-um»mi uh"eu--wchm:,mnm' tion" that had turndd in to the state's attorney's office. s Alderman : Archer .jumped to feet th defense 'of the ordinance and shouted that the Bbootleggers: were running wild in North Chicago and were not being. prosecuted, He de-- clared that he had information to the' efect that certain #l!inor yviotators had 'openly said "To hell with the police. They won't get us," and that the men engaged in the ilicit liquor trafic were reaping a harvest unmo-- leated by the city officials. _ Mayor Deacon ordered Archer to sit down and when he refused, Chief Potocky was called on. m,:sz officer escorted Archer to-- his while Alderman Welsch _ declared that Archer had a right to speak and had been given the floor. Deapite the negative vrote of Archer and his fight violutors. . He declared that a gamb m'hl.flmmnud wwmw&m to fine the fne hose who are mrresied tor being I tho are arres or being drunk #5 and tosts. AOpringfAeld, 11. Nov. 27 --Governort Len Smail will speak at the opening of "Illini Boulevard" at Lincolin A0-- morrow and will attend . 'a Hiram Johnson mesting at Chicago ~+omor row hbight. He will speak at most Ings at Lacon Friday afterndon and at Bloomington Saterday. ~~ _ N VICE WAR World:, crortune. _ "Would you matry a man who worke for a livingt* auked the thnld youth, "I might consider 1t," --repiled AMilsa m«nmuhm lng a bricklnyer's wages," | _ _, up in North Chicago. This Bird Has No Fear of Ax . --|KANSAS FARMER by the chief of the Bureau_of Nar-- igation, Navy. "departméent, which ICS SCHOOL MIT : _ BY A NEW ORDER have. been received ~\by the Com-- mandant <of: the Great.. Lakes ~Naval Training Station, tho Aviation . Me-- chanteés' School at that station w be used herehafter Exclusively for the advanced ifusatruction ~of. petty --effi-- sers of the 'aviation branch of the servicte, and the ~Navy -- department awill discontinue .authorizing-- the trangfer "to that schoot of --enlisted men of the aviation branch who are not petty officers <and* enlisted men Of other branches --of the service. It is asserted by the Navy depart-- ment that the petty officer require ments of the aviation branch can be . m . 5. ~ ) mt in on "the privenme -- rowale Great ukaaswotéto Re for|markes 'ths stoun . puling_ and per-- Training of Petty Officers ' . zhy son!" ho gueped out, when the O nTy . _ __ _ |nright light amote the younr's tact . HITS RADIO SCHOOL --ALSO [nq', by -- training -- of ~non--rated® eB listed men--for adrvancement to '3 lm petty officer' ratings -- at all waval 'air stations and in the avim-- ":All advancements in the . aviation Wroih e mamt mm afrearmer through the lowest petty ---- Aat imgs. of that Branch --«and »ot BYy transter from other branches. of. tu:vin.' It-- is further. stated 'Ahat i ooat: fervice imoues mow eeice ues dow ol o on derrice Iaoues mow uol ica' school (who. will be placed, on |@F 7¥ aviation ntlg eligibility lists nt»:fl s in t f * sc r--c_--09 Gale NOV. %g':vuuu ratings will be' author| 25 _2 C y § f #@ With <the elimination of the Aria tion Mechanics® 'school as a sourte of aupply:-- of petty offictrs, the Nary devpartment ~emphasizes that it be-- qualifi¢d. . sn « The change in policy of th"m Aviation Mechanics' school at Great Lakes will reduce its quota not .@x-- being 'reduced from an average of pproximately 350 to a quots not coeding 42. The locat naval -w:;] Itles attach no great significance to these changes in policy, stating that they are simply made as a means of more satisfactorily aerving the pres ent needs of the service, and that the cradio school will result. in the grade school pupiia have been spend-- Mmmnv'.l'n-m' Ing money gliven them buy daily milk lunch, in gambling on tho boards. A. E. Bargren has ordered the operation of punch boards stop-- _ COhicago, 1!L., Nov. 27.----A . hearing ;fllh'&wm' by the linols merce ~ on Olncy, 111\ Nov, 27 Thur» wmm«:u'w publican nomination for -- govermor, was due here this afternoon on the sacond log of his swing through southern Hlinols. ~He wara scheduled upflvohmgmnl:a a'tlock and a crowd was e¥-- pacted to hear hin addreas. o Renator Kealngton will go from here to Lawrencevilie where he will apeak this evening. Tomorrow he will address mestinga~in Robinwon, ut Greenup, and EMiagham. . _ gA| rear of a certain Long Island store, i7 _j L In great' trepidation, Remple hur-- ~ |ried 'to Long lsland to confer with ; . }the Sherif: _ ' ; The Sherif prepared a packet=of ' Mfi tprae y ":g. t m Aesiguated piaza® he iotrocied Remple. Wen attend to 'the reat." --__ .-- ; Ns .. h: Secure in the.--knowledgo of--the ed 'at the rear of the store." ..=. > B A hundred yards out in-- a stubble. 8 . | Reld, the oficers ran down the Seet: 'nis <Rhip pocket foy a Aashlight, * oi e proquort two Rathiight and ter piuned to his PARENT -- LOVE -- WEAKENS tive whilo the .Sheri dug downa in exed each other, .._* _ _., *A --~*Take him to jail," the father di-- '-- The boy was taken to jail at Phil-- lipaburg, Kan. [f Nx School --Desks in three.sizes, large, mediuim and small. Tops fnished in Mahogany, ateel frame, a Jimileda number on hand to be sald at once for a real low price. Schwaftz Fur-- mniture Co. 136138140142 So. Gene Waukegan. LEARNS HIS SON IS BLACKMAKLER Jhe BP hore Gas Company |$. No ore Gas Company |$ es x $ ',~L.;' 1e f ¥¥ : 4 > a his door, ® demantin Snd in ces t e UHyv-- ctw'&.-ua-mnu-nnbnwmdu, sister--ln--law, Mra. Ebba Covell, uu-n-umm---: mamuu-fi-m-um-gu-u- ulld'tmmmmu-hm.l weeks will send bim 10 the £1 + | » Y Vacuum Electric 1 . WASHER P tol ear ceA c __We're thankfu? for each blessing" f ('-M':d'.r':huum P o -- . h I"ll.). otquun") {os Our duty Hies befére us ~ ._ _ _._ _~ Friends, husbands, children,. wires, Come join in on the chorus . -- : _ Of forks and spoons and knives. let happiness and --mirth be About the planet spread s ~* Aud everyone on earth be The Day of Fill--Fullment © > ~housekeeping week? 'There isn't any . questidn ' * P on ts o We asit down on Thanakagiving And weo stuf. In brisk November weather ie grammm And though be murky 'o.m:nltlntfh. : We have & portly turkey (Couyright,; 1923, NEA Service, Inc.) / All women who do not own a Washing Machine o o We are agehts for the foremost Washers and Ironers of each distinct type along the North Shore. That is why we have the reputation in laundry equipment business. COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY hardest day of a --What Is the ln.l..lsyi-u'-lin\'.l.c.A. interuational building committee ~of c on woee ubsdr uon ' noliberi bids were opened and it was dingor» ered that the bids were much higher 42 wike To poatines wilk sno phk tyre and the--building would not be nearly the fue. home that is planned. C It was 'stated this morning that to' 'continue with the building under the j present plans, would necessitate the The: fate,. of the proposed new YMC.A. building for -- Waukesga®r ernson at 4 o'ciock to sward the con-- NEW YMLC.A. TO ~COST $271,818 UN-- DER PRESENT PLANS Eonaitions' in' orour (4 'oan? Servane conditions in order to cary forwart building may be q-mau at Jleas cost, it h-z-dp ' to cheapen Board Finds Bids are High But HAVE A L T E RN A T E BJIOS Expect to Start Construc-- tion Immediately. wl rngm committes,

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