CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1923, p. 17

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Weskegsn ° Netiona)" Bask ; North Chicago. Library Club m Proceedings. |N22*,, .. 2. "itt «. Continled from last week. "mt&.fl% o oiigren ................. _: 31 k «Treasurer) . 'Fotal cost of braces ..... $1979.583| Waukegan Daily Sun, hm #'"fll D AAAd 1m-g '!-mm ":'m'.' Miscell This is not a work that shows & results to the public, but a work that unless cared for, -- as bracing, brings tragedies, ; dlueulguboooniufdp- _.Voting Aye are Supervisors Aus| _ u. C. w. MEYER, Chairman, tin, Achen, Brown, Burke, Bletsch, A. W. VERCOE, ~Took, Dilger, Efinger, Eger, Eichler, C. E. AUSTIN. Ficke, Harbaugh, Hoban, &m Supervisor Kirschner moved that Kelly, Kirschner, Maasather, the report be accepted and adopted. Monahan, -- Meyer, lm."m "Aye and Nay vote being had, 8u-- O'Connor, Paddock, Harry Kirschner's motion was car-- Bwanbrough, _ Thompson, Yercos, |J 2 the following vote: Woebb. 239. Voting. Aye are Supervisors Aus Kitnt N siieneues are Super (Aiced aoies t ager diaih, ricke. an id y s €, visorns llnt'ul. Mawman, Obee, W.--J. t m-, fi°§.'g.:' :0"7.1 BStratton. 4. Kirschnor, Maether, ona» f upmmmhm. Chairman of Meyer, Naber p'c..m" , Pat the following report: Thompson, Vercoe, Webb. 29. BTATE OF ILLINOTS) W.zr .3 38; Absent 1':0' .: u:un'e: * s Souiek Te s' | pamine maln, catoes o * , Ohairman of . r 19th, A. D., 1923. m'w'cmmn Waukegan, Iamndufl'-'-"'" and Dettfleld, submitted the ~.-- Board at m:u'l: & mt report: l gee s . [ Your Committee "w k & 4 % tmn-n Claims would beg 8TaTk © or "4""03 d : _ramort that they m-m C J . _ toys \'" . Clothing® ."........ /A .....> Chicago Industrial | School, Girls, Board and tuition.. Glenwood Manual Training School, board and tuition . apage, board and tuition.. 143.75 t-,-;onuomu +WPWrt» * Park Ridge School for Giris, srTite py itumoig) Board and tuition ........~ 303.00 * * 88) _ Bt_ Mary's Training School, COUNTY® OF LAKE, -- Board and tuition ...).... 110.00|BOARD OF 'BUPERYVISORS, SEP-- The Rexall Drug Storf, y5os d TEMBER TERM, ; Mdse. Hattle Barwo/l Club 22.31 Beptember 13th, A. D. 1923. ) --------|Mr Chairman and Gentliemen of the Methodist Deaconess 4 © "iyP L TTE Lo. 2A ncfi on c hcnctnictcten svtontiio ies tecat PBR TE P T Pn PC C k WTotal, ................... . $2,690.16| Board of Supervisors: J. P. Haese, All of which is respectfully sub--| Your Fipance Committee, to whom| Groceries oi..........+--«++= -nh'l:. Chairisan mromm;th:um %fl-l"%'l » & an. propriation for & ounty erinar-- 1 ks aciiare ra s 6n e t a¥¥ 6g4 ?'% _ lian, ufder the Area Plan of eradi--|Holland Funeral Home, «. Y. *« cation of Tuberculosis in Cattle, rec | m' Bupervisor Mayer moved that th8 ommend that the sum of $4,000.00|E, v. % 0_ h. i report be accepted and adopted. |nea appropriated for this purpose and| Gas (Sup. Achen)} ...... Ayo fllfi!lw vote being had, S% |included in the annual tax levy. Tony Groblech, pervisor 'Meyor's motion was car--| Ai of which is respectfully .subs| Groceries ...........«<.+.& * "Yotim mA'n ate Supervisors Aus | $ MEYER, Chairman, ~ *'Firing :iu: ¥ e 0 MBS-- H. C. W. .nl ' C# w w e a w a a 8 @ tin, m Brown} Burke, Bletsch, A. W. VERCOE, Tony Buksas, _ Took, Dilger, Efinger, Kichler, C. E. AUSTIN. _ Groceri@s |}02s Ficke, Harbaugh, Hoban, Hordr Supervisor Kirschner moved that|Theo. H. Durst, 1 1 es ATe _ 1 3. . A -- 350 Supervisor Mayer moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Ays and Nay vote being had, 3w pervisor Meyer's motion was car-- riled by the following' vote: E4t School, boys, board and tu-- "§% 1t oo Th "Clursd 119.28 Ficke, Harbaugh, Hoban, Holdridge, 13.37|Kelly, Kirschner, Macther, Martin, Monahan, --Meyer, Murpby, Naber, sea.00|O'Comnor, Paddock, Harry Stratton, 'W"ilmbm 400.00| Webb. 29. -- Fatton, v Kirschner's motion was Ccar-- Vercos, z the following vote: Voting Ayeo are Supervisors Aus tin, Brown, Bletsch Burke, Cook, m Dilger, Rfinger, Eget, xcflor. Ficke, j * m Ho + x.nyl ustt' of Kirachnor, Maether, Martin Mona@ i mitted han, Meyer,, Naber, O'Connor, Pad dock, Harry Stratton, Swanbrough, Thompson, Vercos, Webb. 29. Xubout and 1 No Poung are 5 are Super a'ss a, _ | ¥100T8E m':-----, Obee, N . | Voting Nay: None. ¥ 484.50]| Absent and not voting are Super-- visors Hutton, 'Mawman, Obee, W. _ |J. Btratton. . 4. €23 5250| Supervisor Stratton, Chairman of the ¥inance Committee, submitted 141.75 t.lo',{onowln' report: v -- Printing --(Russell) ,;..... Waukegan Daily Sun, _ -wm (Board Review).. zukegan Daily Sun, | Blanks (Board Review)., Waukegan Daily Sun, m m w e aov e n m en# #) M > : Independent, Pub. Ass. . RolF --........., Waukegan Dally Sun, -- of Co. finc--uyadbv ~authorized to issue warrants An payment of .the soms, and Ml': kegan, lds w'.t.m report "'Lfim the Vereoe, 1340 11.10 371. 25 fi*-iudlnmi::t:," ) Palace Cash 'Market, kegan, Shields and Deetficid 'I Menry M. Prior, . BJ ,-- ete _1i... mend the payment of . the following |R.--Shannon, and that the--Clerk be directed to| Groecrics .......... u-oonm:rar the several amounts | Datley's Ready--to--wear to the sev elaimants, towit: -- Clothing ......>.... -- WAUKEGQAN * _ _ AThe Servrice Market, Mr. Chairman and Gentiscemn of th¢e}! . Ambmilance service .. John Goshgarian, Groceries-- and Meats Co., groceries, etc. ...... 250.00 Dilger, Efinger, Eger, Eichler, Fitke, Groceries _ ...,............« 47008|Keity, Muether, -- Martin, A. ' J. Merchant, Meyer,-- Murphy, -- Naber, .O'Conner, ._ Grogeries ..............}.« 1 Harry Stratton, Swanbrough,' Vercee, J.. A. Miller, Webb. 26. l Rent ...................«-- _1509| _' Voting--Nay: None.: en s A C. C,. Mohaari, ___*~V. 'Absent--.and not voting are Super-- North Shere Dairy & Ice Joseph Ptosiensk!, Reardon & Wall, Groceries |...... Taylor & Guthrie, Ryuksel Coal Co., * Frank Tenuta, & _ Groceries and meat .. Thomas Market, ents | c..;}1 Geo. Toulouse & Bon, Walter Watke, White & Tobin, Funeral service ....., J. P. Wyllie, The General Store, J. P. Haese, Hillman's lm Funeral Home, lm'l'l>-n"-otjilil" We reconmend that the following]| Chemicals bills-- be reférred to the Board @A#!Gould, G. A., a Committee of the whole:> , Soap ..... Joseph J. Petroshitus, uy Higginbotham ' MIQOI 24 en ww w uon tm w t s '"-" wm &+s Wetsgel & Peterson, %, A.. 8. Kenne _ BOTYICO® .ls sys a e s a ns enaa® 380.00 60 .. .. .. Anton -- Jakrzewaki, --__ _ {Liberty Oll | Name For Wnhat J.-- Albert, M' uk 6 6¥ 6 6 e ++ +9 Clark & (Clark, : cm ¥ w w k e w n# # 0 RosentHal & Helming, Gm woe N ue ww e w fRosentbal & Heiming, Rasmussen Bros, Max Chon's Grocery, Rent ......... seph J. Petroshitus, Wls mm l.ll...'."..'..' !"'" 'etawel & Peterson, %, 'm" w 6 60 y e w ie 6 6 6 4# t n 8 # '"'" stom -- Jakrzewaki, + ."'. ha y ow w ue t w ue n e w# tyn 6 n ,m'n SHIELDS TOWNSHIP! ama For What »-- Amount SHIELOS TOWNSHIP For What »--~ . W w ue w ie #4 66 #4 6 6 B @ * # t . 475090}tin, Achen, Bletsch, ~Burke, Cook, ---- , ,, |pases Efinger, Eger, Eichler, Ficke, s + # Shop, a 6 # 12.00 Amount 205.00| Thompson. #.~",. | _ _ -- _ |_-- _' Supervisor Bletach moved that the 10644|altowance to Mrs. Harry Miller for |County Aid be filed n&lotbu- 980| ceed $40.00 per month. *~ 175.00 210.01 15.00 the Public Buildings "filcommlttee. submitted 06 Ray V. Broadhead & Co, 36. Decorating _ Court House account President's Death 260.00| Rurrough's Adding Machine 19.00 | . B8) Lomkp. or sUPERV igons, ser 15.00 TEMBER TERM. _ 10.54 September 13th, A. D., 1923. _ 18546 18.14 Co., Ribbon °.........,. ""9!1'!0 Cudahy Packing Co., 1700 90,28 56.08 §4.186 19.50 Mentge's Market, -- Wenban & Griffith's, pervisor Em&h'--- not'h:' was ried by following * ~Voting Aye aro. Supervizors STATE OF ILLINOIS) be J. Blumbers, International Chemical MHigginbotham & A. . 8. KnM. 166 .,.:....iv.+s Liberty Oil Co., Cl' ......¥¢.... Midland Chemical Dlllklnl upB .,.. . Nelson Machine Co,, Labor and material , North Shore Gas Co., Bervice °.....zi%v.... North Shore Gas Co., Bervice (July) ..... North Shore Gas «Co, ----Bervice (Aug) --..... O'Shea: Brothers, " \MkGne. (JaBl)y .,..... Public l:glg' c:"hu) V@P . »fii $ Chemicals .... w uie tw t w n n n o# # W. ~J; Stratton, Co., the following Co., 16.1% 40,00 14.10 1.50 112.00 "XOVEMBER 29, 1923. 30.27 15.00 24.00 45 67.63 40.18 £4.00 Clarcuce Smith, Innes Dry Goods Co., Mdase (Towels) ...... Lee McDopough, Labor and material . Garbage removing .. Nelson Machine Co., Repairing locke-- (Jail) llinois Bell Telephone We recommend" that .the bill}:of the of $374.05, be referred back to. the Board as a Committee of the whole. | é s« ' _ ADDITIONS: & "ALTERATIONS Herbert P. Beers, " __ Contrécet. Architect '.....§ 151197 All of© which is mitted. ~ Premium on Ins. Policy .. sndard Qil Co., CHAS. HARBAVGH . Bupervisor Wflflm report be accepted adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had, Sup Sentember 13, A. D. 1933 Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Bupervisors : to-- Ymc-.nmz:n Miscellaneous Claima would be ve to report that they have mn'nod alt claimes pre-- sented befors them and recommend tthtfiuQMafl'ht the be directed to Issme orders the M.: of the following, and that the be directed to isswe orders tor the several amounts to the geveral claimants, towlt :; Bdwin Ahblstrom, e'\nty HETYICOR : ......2....L..s...=cm«...... §4250.846 Arthur Bulkley, services ........ 150.00 Arthor Bulkley, services, apes ~___ . _ er's 'motion was carried For What Amount Co., 44.50 21. 16 John K. Bulock, county Mibert P. McDermoit, services North Shore Typewr'iter*Bery-- WIUTT y V *" P Co., ribbon # Clerks)........ Burrougha Machine Co., ribbon (Simpson)............ Dr. J. A. Miller, secvices Allan Norman, aute hire S%, ;. & Nenmnil . SmR + Wmm s ePsty Remington Typewriter Co., Typewriter (Cizr. Clerk}..._ 12700 Waliter Stark. use of 'car.......--__.. Security Bavings Bank, Safety -mfl&'--v birsses +m ihrtescta'ts: 4 l'"léw. v--u;'-w- 8. E. Sims, auditing county ~-- _: . :1 ~€a., contract SBee. Standard Oil--Ca., off ... L. H. Tombaugh, M. D., E. N. Mawman, saMe ...--------«~ "9°/ i Hagle, John A. collecting and Wm. E. Bletsch, same ..------ : 1860 |° expenses _.._____._=----.._ Charles Harbaugh, same ...-------- < 4207 | Hagie,~JohnA. collecting and Universal Portliand Cement Co., cement Boc. L--15d ...A Waukegan National Bank,ac-- scount Gena. Wade, contract BCC. IPIBA! .msw cpescecocvemniimee, 5117.10 W €o., account Geo. contract See. » AFLE * cercarrin nrtreaperonenccacicioceses 400000 E. J. & B. Ry, Co., account Eclipse Cunst. Ca., freight Bec. PA5Q ................._..soosmg> 218.06 Universal Portland Coment Co., cement See. P--15d ...=--~1071.84 K. J. &£°E. Ry. Co., per M. W. Spoor, Agt., freight .and de-- .. murrage 3Jec. P--15d........=--,------ §34.99 K. J. & E. Ry. Co., account Eolipse Const. Co., freight.... 216.06 W. T. Blew of Chicago, at» Universal Portland . Coment Contract See. P--154 ... Universal Portland Cement Co., contract Bee. P--154...... Eultommenttiien roikes Uum -- Cement c? contract Beo. P--154...... W. C. Blew, Assignee, neet. m m'a'u Co., contract ' Mt-'---m Kapechult--Davia® Inc.. con» signee, mect. Eclipse 'x struction Co., serv, P« _ J, & H. Ry. Co., account Eclipse Const. Cp., freight, OUC, | \....ccucrmmmmmnati¢tnithnmects National Bank, ac-- , use of car..... 111098 a tim & eonnenssscesctccscet Cement P--156..... Cement P--154..... --Cement 117.50 16400 1400.09 10861.08 R-;:'g.ui,.;ml. collecting and fl m& collecting and will. 197170.54 216.06 rental of trucks.... Ctecte, Harry L., ser Atecie, Harry L, ser 5570.12 | Steote, Harry L., ser Steole, Harry L, sor §506.55 | Steole, Harry L., s0f MMLO Thomson, Karl L--,--% 314.00| Thomson, Rarl L. 8# ,nl-.l sioun | Peomeeh ut Eo Kart L, # Karl Pnyder, services............_.. Karl Snyder, services........_._.. 400.09 | Eart Snyder, services...........__. FHarl Snyder, sorvices............_. Snyder, Harold, services..._. 177.10| 8Snyder, Harold, services.....--= Snyder, Harold, services....... '\ Snyder, Harold, services........ 500.00 | Snyder, Harold, services...... Snyder, Harold, services...... Stancliff, Alfreéed, services......... 218.06 | Stancliff, Alfred, services........ Stanciiff, Alfred, services........ 071.84 w Alfred, services...== Altred, services....... §34.99 '. Roy, gervices. m of 1itinols, 5£01.80 206. 24 19.30 The Southern Surety €4., at K. H. Merrick contract S$¥e w!l" eemnevereconntnenensannesnrcccaqene sn B H. Merrick contract Sec U\llrich, Poter, servic0s......... Wheelock, C. A., sorvi008....= The Auitman & Taylor Map Fh«/~ %"M Mcturing Co.. material Te Uenly CCC T Oleea t ateianga n Clarence, services and Otto, gravel services.... services.... services.... services ... $54824 18 §--T1HA8 1502848 * 8011.4% 431693 3$291.12 4320.90 $061.20 191158 1674.61 2150.46 $31.123 150.09 150.00 150.00 150.:00 150.70 152.25 124 119.85 91.00 %20.50 1835.186 10.50 14.00 51.00 111.41 127.81 112110 116.%83 12.12% 1813 15.00 75.00 10.00 31.00 $1.15 17.00 10.00 91.09 #1.25 i PR a/

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