CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1923, p. 19

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_ --O. K.ed by Committee: . * __._ HABRY STRATTON (Seal). JOHN T. HOBAN (Beal) -- 6 E. M. MAWMAN (Seal) ~---- STaATB OF lLLlNO!S)) : 88. % _ COUNTY OF LAKE ) \% 1I, Edwin Abistrom, Keeper of the E J:ln for the Co'::'tyt'huotmld. ': sol _ . emply swear e pro _ --~visions reported--as pw'mnd.»wm E3 mmsfilflmml;twmpflb + 'oners in said jail, and that the ac-- § counts' for employment are for em-- _ ployes authcrized by the County '-- Board, all amcunting to the total of _: Three Hunidred seventy--two and 72--100 E Donm"uehtmmtudu.uu- E: uu;merum.mmawu. \ * : EDWIN AHLSTROM, E. -- Keeper of the Jail. 8 Subscribed and--sworn to before me, _ this §th day of July A. D. 1923. 3 4 ~LEW A. HENDEE, j .. (SEAL)Y_---- -- _ County Clerk. OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF l ~ -- Waukegan, 111, June 5, 1923. _ To the Honorable Board of Supervis-- _ .' ors of Lake. County, Illinois: _ _ . . _ Total amount of food for prisom ._ is ers for the month of June, _ _ # vole : # . E':'.' :ncmfw ( ;, Kelly, Monabhan, . O mer, Paddock, W. J. Stration, Swans-- mm Nerepe. 20. | $ Nay : Supervisor Muether. 1. . Absent and not voting are Supervis~ is Brown Burke, Dilger, Huiton, 4 r, Martin, Mawman, Murphy, CA xl't.w' Harry Stratton and Y isor Harry Stratton, Chair-- of the Jail Committee, presenied lowing statement of the keeper bf.the jail, and moved that the same be allowed. . _ _ 'Motion carried. sTaite oF u.wlow)) * : , 88: COUNTY OFP LAKE _ ) To Lew A. Hendee, Clerk of the Coun-- * 1 2iivin Anatrom: Reever of L Ahistrom, Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesaid, in pur-- mdmdfit'iw"r.' by law, do hereby report that the bills 'ummm:u-.mmw ing of the pr' contined in said jail for the month ending.the 30th day :r.;n.m:.muh"!}'-"' Name For What Amount H. J. Beckman & Sons, meats y1o217 North Shore Fruit --Co., pot¥ M S oo reammcmtatvizee a~; . Nib s I on¥ Winhams --nmemd .______.. WIL wit: Name For What Amount]| 0. K.ed by Committoe:-- $ H.; J. Beckman & Sons, meats $102.17 HARRY STRATTON (Seal) 3 North Shore Frulit --Co., pot¥ JOHN T. HOBAN (Bea'), E* COOK, CLC. .....--..ooummupruuces .. HAR STATE OF ILLINOIS) & ---5' y Federal Bakery, bread ... M1L11 )ss: ; 'A, J, Jobhn#oH2,. BHIK ...--=----«--------~+ 1559|COUNTY OF LAKE ) ; nwmmm._-pwyu -- I, Edwin Abistrom, Keeper of thol' au! wmmmuuwmmwman 'employed to prepare-- and serve the | emunly swear that the feod and pro-- -hollereuflndhnu vizons reported as »purchased, were m-umummmmuy unhuo'nludnhlrformwh: ,_olqu.A.nlm.murdmplrlh-flhfl.mmu'thw towit: > O counts for employment 'ar> for em-- P & 200 s ie $ Auoas deudlcaitead hw the fraunt. Insrd Mre. XdAwin Bertha Belinski. 35 days ..--..._--. 9$0.00 and also attached are all the bills vouchers and other evidences of pur-- chase of food and provisions, together with a statement of the help employed, which amounts to the total sum of $372.72% Dollars. .. AJI of which is respectfully sub mitted. EDWIN AHLSTROM, Keeper of the Jail -- He'lp hire for the month of June Cl > EDWIN AHLSTROM, Shcriff, Lake County, HMlino's STATE OF IJLLINOIS) x COUNTY OF LAKE ) To Lew A. Hendee, f'lerk of the Coun-- ty Board of Lake County, Hlinoils. I, Edwin Ablstrom, Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesaid, in pur-- suance of--the duty imposed upon me by law, do hereby report that the bills for food and provisions, for the feei ing of the prisoners confined in said )lfl,br the month ending the 31st day n':tl July A. D. 1923, are as followns, to-- wit;~-- Name What For Amount Steele Wedeles Co., beans, etc $ 14.25 Federal Bakery, bread ... 56.76 H. J. Beckman, & Sons, meats * s o i. .A ;. UUC, | .:. .. s eccsieceseenerscenetonpectcsuesencccccces . F49 Cooperative Trading Co.; milk 5.21 and thit all the expenses for em-- ployes to »repare and serve food for the prisoners confined in said jail for the month ending the Bist day of July, A. . 1923, are as foilows, to with : Name Days Employed Amount Mrs. Edwin Abilstrom, 28 d-n.;tl'." Bertha Belinski, 28 days..._......_._. 72.00 and also attached are all bills, v.uch- ers and other evidences of purchass of food and provisions, together with a Sstatement of the help employed. «. "mich amounts to the total sum of $326.00 Dollars. All of which is respectfully sub-- mitted 0. K.ed by Committee:-- HARRY STRATTON (Beal) i JOHN T. HOBAN (Bea!) E. M. MAWMAN (Seal) | 8sTATE OF u.uuom; f * as : cg ldvho _ )l 'd l; t eeper the Jail for mmm do sol-- emnly swear that the foog and pro visions reported as purchased, were purchased and used for the prisoners in said jail, and that the accounts for employment are for ':lrn author-- ized by the County all amount Ing to the tolal sum of $326.00 Dollars, which amount is due and unvaid after allow'ing a)! jast credits. m % _ EDWIN AHLSTROM, Keeper of the Jail. . uk may :.:unct '.D 1998. T. this 6th day 0 p LEW j EDWIN AHLATROM, > .*' Bherifl, Lake County, Hlinois. Brate or; B# : y ¥ or J &- i Mendth, Clomx of the C an _ NFFICE OF THE SHERIFF Waukegan, MIL, Aug. 6 ,1928. .. 'to the Honorable Board of Supervis ork of Lake County, Hilino's: * Total amount of food for prie-- eners for the month of July, -- IBZ8 |...........000c00uss o mmmcvstes se s $174,00 help hire for the month oft Jualy ie Lake County for boarding Governm:nt Pr'soners, month x Junc, 1988 .1.:.icccrmmeusrinen es government prisonors, month OK PWly, YFBEE ......0ss--ccctcervitecrrecce Laka County for boarding Nay vouoe being had, Suber | *\ tivie Abk Days Employed . _ Amount EDWIN AB&TROH & Keeper of the Jail )ss: * ) n, Keeper of the :'"""":g Agkers e pro solely 1 he iC or D and that the ac-- sent are for em-- by the County )se: ..........$100.00 $182.72 '190.00 . 17540 158.60 Waukegan Whilesale Co., | MUE. ... canmmesnesangnnemonpenenganennesin® Federal BCCUA .............. AlME cmm Co., milk.. . 10.10 Beckman & SGons, ments, etc...... ~80.00 H. Loomer, pOUAtOGS .............,....... 20.00 and that all W;"'lfl 'l:(l)'dem- ployes to seyve for the wm in 'taid xj for the ol ending the 31st y of August, 1928, are as follows, to--wit : _ Name . Days Employed. Amount Mrs. Edwin Ablstrom, 28 days...$80.90 Berths Belinski, 28 days................ 7200 and also attached are all bills, yvouch: ers and other: evidences of purchase of food and provisions,.{ogether with a statement of the help employed, which amounts to the total sum «of $$%5.92%2 Dollars. ces ds All of which is respectfully sub mitted. § EDWIN AHL&TROM, Keeper of the Jail. eners in --said jJail, and that the A¢-- ecounts for employment 'ar> for em n«muthcmm' all amounting to the fotal sum of Three hundred twentyfive and 92100 vollars, which amount is due and un-- paid after allowing all just credits-- -- L Keeper of the Jail Bubscribed and sworn--to before-- me this 3rd day of September, A. D. 1923. ©'(SEAL LEW, A. HENDEE | County Clerk. OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF ~ Waukegan, II., Aug 5,1923. To the Honorable Board of Supervis-- ors of Lake County, lHlinois. Total amount of food for grison-- ers for the month of August, -- _ _ FVLB . .......s.n0onns: reoeinsrvermorciyale ocrs B RT DW Help hire for the month of Av-- gust, 1923 .._._._.__.__.._.__._____... 15200 Aye and Nay vote being had;Supe visor Kirschner's motion was earried by the following vote: e Voting Aye are Supervisors Austin, Bletsch, Cook, Efinger, Eger, Eichlet, Ficke, Harbaugh, Hoban, Holdridge, NC' ) 'ARTUETIRICEHY . dPHDCCEDWTg . EW COE NTR Monahan, Meyer, O'Connor, Paddock, W. J. Stratton, Swansbrough, Thokx» visors, Brown, Burke, Dilger, Hutton, Mawman, Muiphy, Obec, Harry Aitat. Mawman, Murphy, s rat-- ton, Naber, Webb, 10; trsk Supervisor Efinger stated that in his epinion the county should purchase a stone crusher, to be used in connec tion with the maintenance of roads. Supervisor Vercoe moved that the matter be left with the Road Main-- tenance Committee, with power to act. 'got.'.on carried. ~ ies uperyisor Maether moved to ad-- jJourn to Thursday, September 27th A. D. 1923, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Waukegan, 111., Sept. 27, 19%23%. > .. Board met pursuant to adjournment with Chairman McCullough presiding and. the following members present: Austin. Achen, Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cook,. Dilger, Efinger, Eger, E'chler, Ficke, Hbban, Holdridge, Hutton, Kel-- ly., Kirschner, Maether, Martin, Maw-- man, Meyer, Monabhr#, Murphy, Na-- ber, Obee, O'Cofnnor, Paddock, W, J. Strc ton, Harry Stratton, and Thomp Minutes of the preceding meeting ~'*re read and uvnon motion of Super-- stvor Dilger were unan mously ap-- Supervisor Martin, «*sairman of the Lake (County General Hospital Com-- mittee, submitted the following report, specifications and bids: L* w8 uo _--__ Waukegan, z'.:eyt. 27, 1923. ° 10 the Board of rvisors of Lake County, llinols. -- + ~--_ We, the Committee on Lake Coun-- ty General Hospital, beg leave to re-- quest an appropriation of Forty--five bundred ($4500.00) to construct a building on the Hospital Grounds for quarters for the help emoloyed at tne Hospital. other than the Nurses, Resxpectfully submitted, E. A. MARTIN, -- RAY PADDOCK. .GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Heip's Quarters, > Lake County Gereral Mespita'!, Waukegan, Hlingis. C. W. WEBSTER,. Architect. LEONARD LATZ, Res. Rep. Six Genesee St., Waukegan, H). _ Sealed proposals will be received up until 10 o'aog_ A. M, Tuesday, September 25, A. D. 1928. GENERAI. SPECIFICATIONS . C. W. WEBSTER, Architect. _ LEONARD J. LATZ, Res. Rep, CGENERAL STATEMENT: "WThis contract includes all work for the reinforced coment floors, carpen-- try, sheet. metal work, lathing and plastering,, heating, electric wiring and painting, needed to com-- m the building; do all work to con-- to the satinfaction of the Archi-- tect and Building Conimigtec. Guar-- antee owner against damages from ac-- eldent to workmen or to public dur'ag the entirse construction of building. This contractor shall insure in an ap-- proved company and Hability, includ-- Ing payment of any com tion im-- mlg.h'al!-nmwmrm adcount of petsonal injury, or daath, which may be causcd to his employes or the public duse to his operations a&s eontractor on this work, and shall within five (5) daya of fln&thh ctnet register with the tect nameof the Insurance Q:'n.v. mmor with the aumber of his po'i-- s The soniractor will be required to furnish a bond accepiable to the )w a er, guarantecing to proper por?form "ID: aane» y 46M oc &?m.n"&fi-'" 'Put on picture mould in all rooms. PROTECTION: CUPBOARDE: .. _ .. ... _ -- _> _ Protect all materials ang| . Linen cases with seven (7) chelyss »rroieet inorouphiy #",m8!erial® 220 | uo Rave male soelt 2 M 16 to. above weather or otherwise, and replace all| floor and three. (3) drawers below damages. Protect all sidewalks and -=n=ur 4 chcg property of owner from lejury during| * « nocket for pipes as directed construciion and replace ail damages. .""'"':'H"""""""'"" Kkeep all materials and do--all teaming | bath .tub, gare 'up in next. ro9® where directed on Owner's property.. . | With removal panel, .. -- & +2 FOUNDATION :/ B . e R&DPUEKTE: 0c Oc 001 0 [ us Foundation 38 tow in plas*. Cut in new door opening as shewn, .¥ in with congrete opening Aas shown. CONCRETE FLOORS: ing. Steel domes are 6 in. high--ani¢eo)"~. . -- e ep e * E. ' have 2 in. concrete oxer top of dome. | GENERAL: M s 4 nA Concrete joist to be 23% in. 0. C. --1 ~De all necessary repairing after the Ql'l'm-flnhmmmmmmm Do a)l of 124 mixture of approved Portland| necessary furring for pi or heat cw.mmumufl nd.nmunasur-xt-. broken stone, well mixgd, wet ployed in the buiilding. Do all work tamped. into place. Cunmr-hl:onutu drawings to complete provide wood sleepers to lay iinish|the bGilding. P floor on. 4 AM woed floors to be thoroughly | a3--soul o =s" se Pose tw y Lo t to the satisfaction of the Ar« c Un Sorkpentliip to be teat sigen i & n lans a2e. wo * ' ~The plans and specifications are 49 every xay and the whole job l2ft I8| poe taken together, insofar that where Lay over root 'cellar a gonerete'floor, iue,-'ot gteel rods are shown on draw-- CENERAL : x All workmanship to be first--class in every xay and the whole job laft in perfect order, to the satisfaction of Ahe Owner, The above specification is inianded toeuernflntchu.eo.&ob!d Or : length. All floor to be bridged at least every five feet with 1x4 cross bridging. Provide and set wood sleepers in concrete floor over Root Cellar. STUDDING: * * *# < All studding to be 254 all of No. 1 pine, sized and set true and plumb, well nailed head and feet. | °_ _ _ All partitions to have 214 in. sills and plates. j Studding to be doubled at all cor-- ners and openings. . ~ . Put on grounds at all openings and around al} rooms necessary to receive the finish all well nailed in place. SHEATHING: & Cover the outside walls with 6 jnch No. 1 D. M. Yellow Pine fencing double thickness of approved building paper, Furr the outside walls with 1 x 2 strips 0. C. > nailed to each stud with 84 nails. ROOF BOARDING: Cover roofs with 1x6 in. No. 2 double nailéd to each rafter with 8@ nails. This sheathing must be of-- sound boards, and any boards having dozy or rotten places must not be used. * > SHINGLING: J sikk Cover roof with approved make of composition shingles, laid 44 inches to the weather and double nailed with 4d galy. cut iron nails.. The contractor will see that all flooring and counter-- flooring 4s properly set in place while shingling, as he will be held responsi-- ble for all leaks in roof after shingling is completed. _ Roofing over front porch to be 4--ply prevared rool roofing. ~ _ _ Submit sample of roofing to Archi-- tect znd Owner for approval. -- {, ROVGH FLOORS: . 3 n T kn Lay over wodd joists portions of building a rough floor of No. 2 pine fencing, surfaced one side and double nailled to each other. . ally. 5 EXTERIOR DETAILS: T ie ~ Build wood cornices, belt coursed, mouldings, etc., and al} ather exterior wood details on strict accordance with the drawings . and all strictly clear white pine or cypress for painting. FLOORS: > Lay in all rooms a 7--8 in. x 2% in. 1st and 2nd cleat maple flootring. Porch floor and step to be fir. WINDOW FRAMES: Provide and set window frames of best clear white pine of the sizes shown. Pulley stiles to be 7--8 in. thick Y. P., and all to have blind stops and parting SASH: Divis'ons in upper sash to be of wood. ~All sash to be 1 38 in. thick. All 2light wingows to be double hung with best corc and cast jron weights. Screens are not included in this contract, 3 Doors in basement to be No. 1 pine doors. « + ' GLASS: s C Claze all window shash witK "AA" quality sheet glass. © 24 biefes of sheet Hlase to be dou: ble strength. .Glaze with sheet glass all openings not otherwise specified. --~ The best quality of eath kind ot glass will be inkisted upon. All glimes with waves, bubbles, scratches or oth-- er defecis will be rejected, . Bed all glass well in pure lead and linseed oll putty, tack, putty, deliver whole 2t completion of job and guarantee all wealher proof,. ~* INSIDE FINI8H: DOOR FRAMES: The front entrance door to be No. 1 white pine and to be glazed with plate glass. Q All Inside doors to 'be ta panc! yellow pine of 1 28 in. as markA®. houuflom'h.lhth.l}lm and windows their architraves, in-- boards and mouldings to be dried yellow pine. i ARCMITRAVES: k en All architraves, stéel apron twghe stach design, and all door and window stops of necessary width, Can'ng to have oack band. wA ' MEDCcINE CAagingr::** hy We ELE Sn C »+ 4 + sb gemaahoghaciit CHAIR RAIL: put on plain ch¢it ra'l in bath room BA8EROARDS : * Furnish and bulld medicine cWbinst with plate--mirror in door. This cabt-- net to be equal in design €.120% Caur tin'. Catalogue. ' All rough fioors to be laid diagon-- ocA o yore saal We perh T All work s performed by frames | skilled workmen and 'to the best of _ "Build € pocket for pipes as directed im hthn."'nnm-l at the side of bath .tub, ease up in next room with removal panel _ -- . +n CLOSETS: * All closets to have shelf about 12 in, wide and hook band with hooks. .. LUUTTENR AND DOWNSPOUTS: © 'Mnduton'fltndmfl waly. iron of ample and properly galy. iron of ample size and propesly pitched. Put up downspouts of No.'26: galy. iron within 6 in. of grade line. walils and cellings of the first story ot the house. All wood lath to be No. 1 hemleck joints "every sixth lath, ncm to the joists or studding; in no case must the lath be put on vertically nor through angles PLASTERING : __; _ Cover all walls and ceilings describ-- ed to be iathed with two coats plaster All rooms to have sand finish, _ . Round off all external angles if so directed. Internal angles to be work: ed perfectly clean and sharp wi'th steel trowel. P © _ All salient corners to have metal corner beads. j $ See that the plaster is properly pro-- tected from damage of any kind. | Plaster the walls of the bathroom to a height of four feet with two coats of apporoved hard plaster.° The second coat to be rubbed to a smooth hard finish surface. 3 0 es i old ~--Lay off bathroom wainscoating in tiles about zg in. x 6 in. in size. --Make a neat job. contractor will do all patching and repairing after mecbhan-- ics are through, and at the completion leave the work in I)lrloet condition. Clean and carry . all rubbish and extra materigl when work i« complet-- ed. Sweep out the building and leave all in readiness mth!,:her contract-- ors immediately after the final coat of plaster is dry and hard. 7 \ EXTERIOR PLASTERING : LATH: «. t Lath all e€terior walls of house with No. 1 --hemlock wood lath, all securely mnailed, furring strips in accord with rFLASTER: > Plaster all exterior walls with throe coats cement plaster. Last coat a 'peb-- ble dash finish. Submit samples of fin-- ish to Architect and Ownér for ap proval. All on building must be match-- ed approved samples. * . % GENERAL: * 4 _ Guarantce all exterfor plaster work free from fi stains, pops, blisters, cracks or other defects. Patch all work carefully after all trim, etc., is set. Remove all rubbish from bu'ilding and premises, and leave all clean and in first class condition at completion of contract. . s PAINTING: 54 ~ All extcrior wood and metal work to receive two coats of lead and oil paint. All interior wood work shall receive a coat of oil stain, one coat of shellac, and one cost of Prutt & Lambert's varn'sh. Interior of basement sash shall receive one coat of paint. their abjility, 'The tm work in each detail is to conform the trules and regulations of the National or Local "Board of® Fire Unhfwflurg which is known as the National Electrical Fittings" issued by the inspection de-- partment of the National Board. SYSTEM : The building is to be wired in Rigid Iron Conduit (Black Iromn)}. . douTLETS8: Shall be provided where shown on drawings. Same are to have propéer box set flush with finish plaster line, equipped with 3--8 in. fixture studs sup-- ported on iron hangers. GCROUNDING: . -- 'All connections or filtings shall be galy. to secure perfect grounding, en-- tire system is to be grounded to water gupply in basement. -- Any ground wire longer than 2 ft. 0 in. shall be in rig!ld l&;fl:nlt: switches shall be push button type. Height standard unless shown or apecified otherwise. See architect for finish. CABINETS: -- Frovide all local cabinets same to be Crouse--Hines or equal. Provide al-- so main cutout ¢abinet and switch l0-- eated in basement capable of culting off entire system. CGVUARANTEE: R All work to be guaranteoed in vrun' to the owner, against defects, for A months after final payment or comple-- tion of the work. n of a two--pipe m-'-ym-. incorpor-- ating the Webster Modulation Bystem of Sieam Heating for this buiiding. 8COPE OF WORK: The work to be considered under this contract abhaill consist in furnish-- ing and installing the piping, radiation} other such materia) as wil} be nflnd for the complete installation W# L trwacmina haatins avatem . inoornor -- Muke all necessary conneciions to and from present heat p'pes under ground near bu'lding, Ts ABHKEHONE : ::* : )0 s .} .. l The buillding will HEATING be heated by means of direct radiation made up into ui'*s <of east iron-- radiators otf the amounts shown on the plans. An radi-- ators shall be of the hot warer type with top supply conmections. All radi-- mtors except the basement radiator muu-&"mxmwc' Radiators be located where shown and where-- placed under the windows shall be of such height as not to project above the sill. 'The radiater 'in the baseiment shal} be a Rocoto Wall radiator suspended not less than 40 in. from basement ceiling. with a Webster type "N" Modulation mhmupm.mwmtl- trap on return. A}D rad'ators shall be tapped at the top for supply and at the bottom for return, oppo-- site enids, according to the following 4& 19. return. * 51 sq. ft. to 75 sq. ft. 1 in supply, %% *~. return. 16--8q. 1t to 150 sq. ft, 114 in. supply, *, in. return. » PIPING: . Contractor shall furnish -- and install a complete system and--return and wet réturn piping, as hereinafter specifica. Ends of steam mains shall be drained into wet return. _All risers shall be placed in parti tions or concealed in walls where poy-- sible and supply shail be in attic. PIPE COVERING: _ All supply piping in the attic and return piping in root cellar in base-- ment shall be covered with asbestos hir cell covering 1 in. thick. All con-- 'tealed' yizsers and concealed piping., 'both supply and return, shall be cov-- ered with % in. thick coveriag. All Contractor's attertion is called to the fact that all overhead supply and: return piping shown on the plans is *o be graded .1 in. in 15 ft. 'Lateral con-- nections shall begraded 1 in. in 5 ft. All> reductions in horizontal steam mains shall be made with accentric re-- ducers or accentric couplings. Con-- tractor shall furnish and install 'all necessary pipe, hangers, floor and ceil-- ing jplates, pipe sleeves, piping, radia-- tion, Modulation, system apparatus, and all other such.: mater'al as will be required for the complete installation of the entire »lant, and he shall 4urn same over to the owners ro the owners ready for use. Contractor shall test the apparatus to be tight under 10] piping to be covered with asbhestos cement. -- Boier breeching shall be covered with 1%4 in. thickness asbes-- tos blocks securely fastened to wire netting, having a space of }% in. be-- tween the netting and the breeching. Boiler breeching covering to be can-- xassed with 8 oz. canvas. All wet re-- turns shall be covered. Return mains In the store room Ybs. of pressure. All piping shall be tested' before the pipe covering is put in place. § GUARANTEE: _ _ y i gn Contractor must guarantee the por-- Sect operation of this plant in .every detail. -- That it will fil}-- and circulate with steam in all its parts at one and the same time with a temperature of }'to dog.eubominu!ledmthebund- ing where radiation is shown when the outside temnerature"is 10 deg. be-- low zero. Contractor shall also guarantee that he will make good any defects in workmanship, material or effective-- ness of the plant within one year after completion. of ~same without cost to the owner. -- The contractor will figure on doing all the work inside the building and on making the sgwer and water connge-- tions complete. > , PLUMBING: Froln a point inside of building to a point directly under bathroom a 4--in. éxtra heavy cast jron soil and waste §EWER: _ a T * Sewer is now inside of wall I'no as wWASTE AND VENT: pipe.. This stack to have a lead flash-- ing at point where it goes through roof. Ali joints in cast fron soil and vent pipe to be made with lead and wakum, properly calked. _ _ The build'ng, for both hot and cold, is t0 be supplied from water main in front of building through a % in. extra strong lead p'pe to inside basement wall with a % in. galvanized »ipe where a % in. stop and waste cock will be placed so that pipes:may b*e 25 sq. ft and under, 4 in. supply, % ~q ft. to 50 sq. ft. % in. supply _ Two floo# drains to be placed where shown or directed. °* FLOOR DRAINS: _ Downspout connections to be provid-- ed wheore directed to take care of the storm water. * ) DOWNSPOUT CONNECTIONS: SET UP COMPLETE THE FOLLOW. BATH ROOM: _ C©11180 ©"Nlint" Vitroware | wash down closet_complete as deseribed. "Calida" 5 ft. 0 in. enamelled tron roll rim bath complete as described. (~.2240 "Norfolk" enamelled iron lay-- atoty complete as described. 'The above specifications with plans htn% to cover a complete Tirst class of plumbing and sewerage for the building and will be so inter-- preted. . # All workmanship and materials shall be guaranteed for one year after date of completion. x¥ BIDS Te the Board of Sunervisore, Take County General Hospital. CGentVedmelt . _ We propose to furnish all labor awd anaterial required for the erection and ;mflotlo- of a anastory and base-- ment Help's Quarter®, to be erected at the Lake County General Hospital }Mng to Plans and Specificatians furnishe1 by C. W. Woebster, Archi-- [M. for the sasum of Five Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety--Six Dollara ($5196.00). Yours very truly, _ Midwest Construction Company. By Ben J. Zitniskey. Waukegan, 1!1., Bept. 27. 1933. We propose to biuld a Help'® Build-- Ing at the Lake County General Hoa !NJ accordiag to plans and apecifica-- tions for the sum of Four Thousand Nine Hundred an 1 Ninoty--Five Dollara ($4995.00). uk es w se e * Delioum & Mazsick. Waukegan, 11., Sept. 27, 1983 Mr. L. Laiz, Arochitect, City. Dear Bir: O as _~For the_sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred aad NMinsty--Five Dol-- ING FIXTURES: laxs 1 provose to build building at rial -- Hospital, ies Caey,Ovind sBetficatnegore | ip in meon oeraaamind tall ing to your pla» and P 1 d recommend that they be * Yours truly, the sum of $1.191.00, and | Oscar Sandstrom, |County Clerk be authort A t Waukegan, 11., Sept. 27, 199. m; on the County Treas Lake County Board of Supervisors, ompafdiy 1 f tda ts Hospital Comeee. We further ree "'.'"": the 1 Gentlemen : ance of said fund be leff Wtact m Esti: <te to erect a frame one story building on present foundation at the Lake County General Hospital, in ac cordance with plany and specifications is furnished by--C. W. Webster, Arch+ teet, City, is tarty-d&t bundred fifty-- tive ($4855.00) Dolla Respectfully subltted, Toblas Jensen. Supervisor Ficke moved that the specifications be accepted and read, Bupervisor Bletsch moved that the Lake County General Hospital Com-- mittee be authorized to ehAter into a contract with Tobias Jensen for the construction of servants' quarters in accordance with his bid for $4,855.00. Motion carried. .. : Gupervisor Monahan,' Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, submitted the following Resolution: . -- . . Your committee presents herewith a resolution providing for the County Board, to be in force,' and pertaining to the supervision of plats ied for record, and recommend its adoeption, and furtber recommend that Charlas E. Russell, County Surveyor, be ap pointed plat officer, and further ree ommend that the Commission cansist. of: --he County Recorder, Chairman of the Board, County Clerk. Respectfully subitted, E. J. MONAHAN, ANDREW EFINGER. . H. C. W. MEYER. ~ RESOLUTION . THAT WHEREAS the statutes pro-- vide that the County Board of Super-- visors may make provisions for Athe: approval-- and accentance of "plats 'of. subdivisions outside of municipal in-- corporations, and ~WHEREAS~ a very considerable number of subdivisions are being made annually, many of which plats provide streets of entirely inadequate widths for future improvements, many blind streets, many located without regard to connecting up with those in other subdivisions or the streets uf adjoining incorporations, and having many other features which are not to the best interests of the County or adjoining incorporations. . _| _« _ _ _-- _ "Waukegan, 111., Sept. 27, 1924. To the Board of Supervisors, La&ke County, Waukegan, Jllino's. Honorable Sirs ;:-- THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of sw.on appoint a Plat Officer to w shall be sumitted for approval, all plats of \prmtswe of incerporated muw ni hereinafter recorded, and. ALSO that a commission be :')&olnt- ed who shall, in co--operation the Plat Officer, prepare rules and regu-- lations not inconsistent with this Res-- olution for the regulation of plats sub-- mitted for approval, and who shall be Court of Appeal to whom shall be gubmitted any deviations from ;ga rules and regulations submitted: by the Plat Officer or parties submitting plats for aporoval. 'That such rules and regulations shall, as h basis con: form to the following requirements: -- 'That all streets and plats adjoinin'g or near incorporated streets and vil-- lages shall, so far as feasible. be laid out to be continuous with those in said municipalities, and of the same width; That in general all streets of one block or more in length, on which lo*s fromt, shall not be narrower than 60 ft. in width; that all such streets of one block or less in length may not be less than 50 ft. in width. . -- That cross streets on which lots do not front and which are of any con-- siderable length shall not be less than 50 ft. in width and in no case léess than 40 ft. = @ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all plats filed for approval. shall be in duplicate, one plat to be retained in the office of the approving officer, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a tentative plat, showing proposeqa sub-- division and width of streets, together with the location of adjoining subdi-- visions and streets to be conmnected with, shall be subm{'tted for tentative _ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions shall be in forcee and effect for all pJats to be submitted t9 the County Recorder on and after Nov-- ember 1. 1923. + io ay. THAT ' the Committee appointed shall fix a date for monthly meetings and shall determine and fix fees to ho charged for necessary services. -- _ -- Supervisor Ficke moved that the Resolution be accepted and adopted. Bupervisor Dilger moved to aménd the Resolution by inserting October 1"13?23 in the place of November 1, "'A"yo and Nay vote being had, Super-- visor Dilger's motion was lost by the followirtg vote: 1 1 ws. 2L LC Auatta P%Zln_; A'y'e"a-re Supervisors Austin, Achen, Bletsch, Burke, Cook, Dilgetr, Etinger, Keily, Mawman, O'Connor. 10. w REReage s y EOE PE e e e e Voting Nav are Sunervisors Egor, E'chler. Ficke, Hoban, Holdridge, Hutton, Maether, Martin, Meyer, Mon ahan, Murphy, Naber. Paddock, W. J. S&ratton. Harry Stratton, Thompson. 1 Absent and not voting are Supervie-- ors -- Brown, Harbaugh, Kirschaer, Obee. Swansbrough, Vercoe, Webb. I Vntln%An are Supervisors A Achen, Bletsch, Burko, Cook, Ef Eger, Eichler, Ficko,-- Hoban, dridge, Hutton. Kelly, Maether, t'n, Mawman, Meyer, !u,hf. tm EPW C HEet CE C e ie F phy, NM". O'Co:lor. m'" W. J. Stratton, Harry Strattorn w son. 26. Voting Nay: None. Absent and not voting &re Superyvie-- crs Brown, Harhugh, Kirechner, Obee Ewansbrough, Vercoo, Webb. 7. Suporvisor Meyer, Chairman 'of the Finance Committo®, submitted the ftol-- lowing report: BOARD OFP s3UPERVI8SORS SEPTEMBE®R sFP#s10NX SHeptember 27, 1923. county oP LaAKE ) \Mr. Chairman and Centicmen sTATE OP IIJJNON8) ~-- Board of ®ups»*isors: Gentlemen:-- . C .* '";{1;; ¥inance Committse, to " was roforred the Bill o(.";.' 8." Compeny for a Memortal at the VI¢-- Jas Austin, the We tfurther rewd®bat the be\-- ance of said fund be fi the December this mitie,"* *MB n tomctily wie visor Achen's motion was carried by Voting Aye are Supervisors Austin, Achen, Burke, Bletech, Cook, Dilger, Riinger, Eger, Eichler, Ficke, Hoban. Maether, Martin, Meyer, Monaban, Murphy, Naber, O'Connor, Paddock, W. J. Stratton, Harry Stratton and Thompson, 23. . STATE OF n.umuY\ : } * )J@s: COUNTY OF LAKE ) Mr. Chairman and Gut'nel of the Board of Supervisors. Your Election Committee, to whom visors Harbaugh, Holdridge, Hutton, Kelly, Kirschner, Mawman, Obes, Bwansbrough, Vereoe, Webb. ~10.=~~ Bupervisor Ficke, Chairman .of tha Hlections Committee, submitted the {ollowing report: » , BOARD OF SUPERVI8SORS SEPTEMBER TERM. =. _ September 27, 1923. ferred, heréby recommend that the Judges and Clerks of EKleetion 'be a}-- lower $8.00 for services; that the suni of $2.50 be allowed for posting the Election Notices; that the sure of $2.59 be allowed for posting cards of in-- structions 'and specimen ballots; that the sum of $5.00 and mileage .be--allor -- ed {6r returning the poll book to the County Clerk:; that the sum of $8.60 be allowed for the rent of the palling place and the sum of $3:00 be--allowed for erecting booths. . _ All of which is respectfully sub mitted. 1 E. A. FICKE, w JAMES O°CONNOR, Election Committee. Suvervisor Menahkhan moved that the report be accepted and adopted. _ Aye and Nay vote being had, Super-- visor Monahan's motion w&s carricd by the following vote: _ on use Voting Aye are Supervisors Aust'n, Achen, Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Cook. Dilgor, Efinger, Eger, Eichler, Ficke, Hoban, Maether, Martin Mawman, Monahan, Murphy, Naber, O'Conmnor, Paddock, W. J. Stratton, Harry --Stra'-- Voting Nay: None. Absent and not voting are Supervis-- s Ritechner Mamman, Obee, Swany Y, --Mawman, , Swans broigh, Vercoe, Webb. 10. x 'mflm Expens~ bills of, the 3: at Election held September 26th« A. D:©1923, are @s follows, to--wit: °. _» .t RMMMEIERHOLDONE ~.........ccms cige csarnomermgni nb' O, E.--Austin, returning Poll Book ; ' Un ~MIIlCREG ............««wooso«o=--sstwcme. Wilbur Glenn Voliva, rent. of BENTON 1. «--+s'5 % C. E. Austin, Judge of Election...$ 603 Paul Kuechler, same ... 609 FEmma Kuechler, same .........______. 6.09 H. L. Green, Clerk of Election......_ 6.00 Jas. A. Hooker, same ......._......_.._.. 6.00 Margaret. N. Ruby, same .............. -- 6.90 Bert Thompson posting notices 259 C. E. Austin, posting cards of _ . Paul Kueschler, erecting booths, j . BENTON--2. _ B. C. Thompson, Judge of Elee-- L. . CFMH, SUHC .:............c,«ooow«couse Geo. A. Mitchell, same ... W. J. Armstrong, Clerk of Ele¢-- Wm.C. Duns, same ..........._____...__. F. A. Graves, same ........._.__.\___ B. C. Thompson, posting netices B. C. Thompson, posting cards B. C. Thompson, returning : poll books and mileage ... W. G. Voliva, rent of polling B. C. Thompson, erecting booths _ . -- BENTON 3. 7 J. D. Bird, Judge of Election........}$ $.09 Wm. Sutton, same ..........__......._.... 'os. MceEwan, Clerk of Election Mabel L. Bird, same ......_.._....._ Georglana McKirdy, same ........... B. C, Thompson, posting notices J. D. Bird, posting cards of in Voting Nay: None BENTOMAA. R. W. Whiteside, Judge of : Kiectio® ..............__.._._.___.«el Benj. Sweeney, same .........___.--.._. Thas. Stickney, sAM® .........__.__._. E. L. Brown, Clerk of Election.... Howard H. Bishop, same ... arold D. Lee, saMme .........._..._...= B. C. Thompson, posting notices R. W. Whiteside, posting spect HETUHOLNII | secereuscccennfoarscuantanmenneraserncs J. D. Bird, returning poll book «nd Wileé#4GG ..........._____.__._._ s« Wilbur Glenn YVoliva, rent of polling place m.....-..t,....._.., J. D. Bird, erccting booths .......... mMet DAMGtB .................._.osmems R. W. Wahitesides, returning poli book and mileAge ......._..._._._._.--; Wilbur Glenn Voliva, rent of N"' "W 1. H. DePew, returning poll book City of Zion, rent of room Chas. Redman, onuz booths.... Fleanore A. Fossland, Judge o " OACOUION ... «... orncvoctvness ie cntaitreicaitinl Martha E. Al: SE : sevsoniciate Jas, A. Fossland, SAMO ...--mmms mun-l. Danicts, Clerk of Rle# -- Total Of -- MMELIHUCENONE ® ............~.... : --sozpveasie « Total polli Total Total teside, erecting booths not voling are Super BENTON 6. a § $09 . $57.590 $ 6.090 $57.10 $57.1% 5.10 €6.90 250 5.10 Aul

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