CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Dec 1923, p. 4

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wily °01L PJWAJD. tate v Health| Snake Eats Bait of Raw Meat x P IRISTMAS i the Hinest, m:::'e?jo"u',m to P3 ' * phagus by F,; because of the gi 4 hfln year Cns MS'ft t:nd flnestmofhmn OTHER FACTS ARE GivEeNn| BRIDE's LIFE 1s SAVED _ emotions and ethics come to the 8";'"::- x5 |, IL your child is shmont from schoot| 9t. Jostph, Moy Dee. T.--Well, that y e Charity, tolerance, geniality, brotherhood, kindness | rrequently or «progresses: slowiy, '\' ----these are so in evidence at Cm that they m M aprient tomditles," sigh the sinke 31-:;: milionaive's &% *' to hi in w the. Te o ons thak thy rate on Ahrcuce hrom | poues devet P fmh&g:hxm ::i:;m., and tlntmtm&_n io Aoooes Aifsates "of" thhore" in 2s 'vet | t it Shill boing roates" ar" ts % -- the only day when these finer qualiti?dzzx:l: Bfiffm BF.] cent i ies . e oc Pn ooo s Por oh. e thtnth °i§ mmnfl goal unkyndwn. WeS. it makinlity srom alooholiam is. a ::.m..;& about 1:."':;:"'.:'%,3.".'5 \ wonder if that goal is not the happy time when. the ras"s Mémi 22 dotss "raw | yc tromen, ons o matengh / spirit of Christmas will, instead of being confined toha Iessine and prosopintion e enE O | removed last Sunday morning and is %mt a season, spread out to include all days of th@iochhlimcn, show 194 fatalities from|ter tried to kill the suake with pot. Wex t A h n . tm E*> : ~zI "ve f e 1"* uIUUD WOGLC d11110954 dis, 1dk V @,WU ""*E _ U o. _--______, fang effictent full--time county pi unsrspcer 4 '""""'.w they can é'g !s whele office for the past SIX. months.. His repOrt|neaith unit in every county of " the _.,"'""':}"':,,. Fith . tape worm _ showed that the total for salaries expenses during|tinte. secording to br. Issac D. HaW--| remedies and no more ferious trou--: o STY meap auimet the st 'squad's "c92, $10.,000 eatimated to have pee, | bie is onticipated. ths was $5,694.80, as agaimmst the sponge , . The W"m Joe Connor, of Sugar Lake, sug _ $4,774.22 Tor only THREE maonths. ._--_ -- > . -- 1 pepent with doctors and drugsgists M [ zosteq a plan to make the shake .. 466 Lor oOniy JAAA JMOHERKS ..__ _ --. .. _/ ;. : ... |[minois< for the purchase of liquor| o ,, _ -- *-- _ -- _ This indicates that the work could be handled more ?goz%?o would_haye p:l{? for :grg "Bull frogs are a snake's des fhen's f L t . | 90,000,( s of m hi «economimlly through the sheriff's office, as the two :z o pply & Bint dally "to every onilq [ htb &a.x;. "and h"- u:' net _ ports show, that the sheriff's affice averages more ArTOStS|under 5 years of age in Mincis.| Tok Wt --1f tne Mayes want to ber-- _\ daily than the sponge squad. During the last six montls|!f the bootlegger's incomes wete 21850 | ow inst frog they can bate him. ns daly sponge squad. .. Adring 1 -- converted into milk tickets no child o .l hor in the name ~", the 8p0§e squad hasn't picked up a bootlegger OF MOOR--|in the state would need to want| JuSt PMG® fhat OE i0 the "os @fishmer any importancée or séized anything but trivial|for that important f00d, __ | _ __.__, | use 6r three houks and TW guatan -- * quantities of liquor. $s :s f * -?2-'« the m-:m- inte tee that snake will come out a 'bust-- -LL 2 " # m ; some p 4 2s " h 'h _ |___ . The average person arrested was nothing more than|his boiy of some rort of slands for| N67 ) counee was thanked for his . plain drunk with a partly filled bottle on the hip. PrAC--|rms vigor hss much in common with _ 'tically the only-- really big hauls madé this nnlh-l';'m ""z'fi't droppet "his bone in --»those made out of. the sheriff's office. 'The sheriff , a4 ogo & s w ite nteioe is / his men grabbed--more liquor in two or three hauls ig|something 'of definite value and get _ summer than the state's attorney's sponge squad BAS|ine state oaith oppmanientenes: *'_ . geized in two years. _ --~ 0 °. _ _ . _ |_ A rather sBarp outbreak of typhoid E{'i P _ To gay nothing of the risk of big damage suits in continuing to gr:glg&'frum and Blackwell, the sponge squad is operating under enormous expense'compared to the number of arrests they make. _ _ _ ..' K .'" The quarterly réport of the state's attorney showed|*°2 the expenses of the squad were $4,774.22, of which nearly |m, half was for salaries for Brunc, Blackwell and Harold|i®" Finer. This does not include their '"expenses'"' which|at amount to more than their salaries. & ue _ 'The expenses of the squad for the last THREE| . fiontl! were almost as large as the expenses of the sher--|"0@ in omen tet ht fois for mlarice fug, exporecs dueing ts showed that the total for salaries ing | 8t BIX mgs was %M-as;ggi--tfie spenge squad's| 7 ---- States Attorney Smith gives as his excuse for net firing Brune and. Blaclgwelfi 'members: of «the <sponge lqua%, both of whom have "notches'" on their gm he can't get anybody else in the county to do his ment work honeslt:lé._ It seems that the sheriff and 30 deputies in all parts of the:county, as well as a seore or more constables, could and would furnish enough men, not suseeptible to graft to do the work. _ --~ --_ :. As for the plain drunks, such as have been armhtedj mainly by the squad, the Waukegan police department picks up 10 of these to the squad's qne--and does it for about one--fifth--the expense the squad --doés it,----_----__---- 'ANOTHER GOOD VARIO--COUPLER HOOKUP Kither homey--comb colls -- . R or a varieceupler will do for this bheokup. The same material as is used in the * regular single circuit set with the addition of a #-- C*~* P plate verniler condenser is Jo¢ * required for this one. It & is very easy to adjust and A 7 > will bring in signais loud-- * er than the regular c hook "+ ; T fr -- connected up just like any loose coupler seat, the aerial going to the top of the colil and the ground to the switch arm. If honey comb scolls are used, the primar} and mummmnm by hile condensers of D01 tA¥ 1 Arst tried this out us Ing three honey comb colls but feund the plate coil did not have any effect on pacity, The secon vernier candenser. both eolls are connected together and grounded as is the negative Alament. 'The top of the primary coll is commected to the telephones, they in turn to the B battery and then to the plate, A vernier con-- d-urdl.:.'l:.e::'uadd"l-- ufifl"tmmh strongtheming signais. 'The A bat-- tery and trheostat are connected in This oWA will be found to be aolect and at the scame time easy to operate. The position of the swo calls dAoes not have any great effect on the strength of 88028 "XJ where great volums is mt seeme to act as a variometer MM".' and t nmumnmmummpm P un Aree M ". -- When m s c s tss ol \w,a,| Unlcss you understand Th Ammegy : Apy »~! *b THINGS TO THINK ABOUT Amary and a 60 in A 100--taorn cofl was saocondary for the Why Not Always? 6 UnO0 t Unless you understand what m.:":;;;:msnuuwue-t»l- m""m'tn.mmt'um-ut lary for 1p4 from your set. CXP You can covert one of your tole 'r . Into a loud speaker if the wil"oper-- |Wlamate are'sizong by placing t in %m oL. #f \Andep endéen t NEALTH GRAMS * _ [LIVE SNAKE TAKEN |..=>3 you would term aR eaxceplinunins good this of the yeas. Let me emphasize once more? Buy the best material you can for your set and you will be repald by ;andnolm Cheap wartahle condensers sooen o bad varilable condensers sooen go bag and have to be replaced. Bome ef 3«!&&@0 they holid ent, _ poor contact and you get nolses that you mistaks for atmos pherics B battery trouble, p=4 is shown dotted® lines K to the primary coil. Whem ons other fisch o Wufiq Do not saolder a eryatal. olle its consitiveness., ie Arpiorinr would teem an a;. sum tem times greater tha» that | given } m&r:mm.fl.; health unit in every county of ~th@) oastty state, Pr. Isaac D. RaW*! yomedic Mwm%mh' The $10.000 eatimated to have clae A $5 for preacription and whiskey the total outlay. amounted to $10,443,940, mleoholism in Illinois guring 192% while for the two preceding years there were 158 and 47 respectively, an incréase during the three years of more than 400 per cent. Evident-- ty the "old gray mule" has Gevel-- oped a "wicked kick * ht more people that have zo public reliable index, 1922 "Was a banner|ter moccasin being xrayed in the | l deing aht prissiiption nriges. 'of | inaoves mat Sunint mnng oad s prescription w --| remov Melat: statistiecs' of the state bealth| still alive. The doctors at Roc department show 194 fatalities --from| ter tried to kill} the snake with poi-- aleoholism in lIllinois during 192%2] son, intending to pperate, but the Tever reecntly reported from -- Chi-- cago and Evanston reminds us that no community in the state is im mune to that dreadful disease, say® the state director of health. stant sanitary vigilance anmnd. scrupu-- lous cleanliness, especially in neetion --with food and water Ssup plies, are necessary to prevent ty-- whoid fever, Re_ adds, Since 1902 the svyerage amnual number of deaths im Wlinols from typhoid fever bas {m't:.. hcul:'-nuhi 4 per pepulat _ Last year diabetes caused 1367 f2 talities in Hinois. . If people. w are suffering from this disense wil take advantage of the newl!y dis covered insiilin treatment the mortal-- ity from <this cause in 1924 ought the organs of the body by forego-- Iing the following meal, OGrigin of a Great idea, The euff on the bettom of troummt® came in this way. A Seotchman had been out in a rain and bad turned ug Ris trousers at the bottom, -- When he weturued he found he had lost a Wa pence. He looked everywhere for it, but in vain. That night, when rétir Ing, the coin fell out of the fold.-- The the reason, soon built up a big bosk-- ness.--Christiaon Advocata. Heveral planists are reported-- to 0e .amml.r"»&n idea of play» Ing with aB the s dim. It makes it harder Par the auwdience to take a good aim----The Passing Show. Residence andt Ofice 1609 Wash " _ ington 81., Wankegan, 111. RBeveral planists : DR. J. L. REDDINC vYETERTNARY* sURCGEON Byron Feared Obesity. #uC l The young girl was first placed un BYC] dor an angesthetic and then a small Ye8| bal} of raw meat tied to a string was ©8E1 trorced down her throat and esopha-- .: gus to her stomach where the moc-- casin was lylng in wait for some the thing palatazble to eat. As the snake. iter| had been starved for three days it my | immediately . grabbed the ball of pos.| Meat and the surgeons then slowly bife | began. to pull on the string. Rather agn-- than let go of the meat the hungry surs | Snake permitted be hoisted alth | up through "the throat and out. ~ ons | _ The suuke was fAighting mad when ome w eut and@ it began lunging is o about, bitting one of the sur-- Raoy | geons on the leg. However, as it is io.t a northern water moscasin it is non-- : Joe Connor, of Sugar Lake, sug uop| Sested a plan to make the snake move. C x C | "Bull frogs are a smake's des 0l8. frog that is the honkingest frog 1@ | Missouri. --If the Mayos want to bor-- hijg | row that frog they car bave~ him. rant | Just place that frog in the same room witk that girl and let him give mim«mmdmafl-'- int« | tee that sunake will come out a 'bust-- im flmmmm-hhfi The in | Globe office to make it--but was told ce| the Mayos had been successful with an, original plan of their ownh. Mr. ys| Conmor said he. was , very Sglad to know it over and expressed sin-- id | cere .d:ixuon for the handsome hi--| young man to whom the beautiful at| young girl is engaged. t f m--}"~ Just how thit snake got in the y*®) girl's stomack is a mystery. Over at Bean lake the. resorters aro so n--| riled up over the story that they are n&' the advisability of: group-- P | ing togptwer in a damage suit against Y--| the © --.wo seteet railway company. 02| .. .ay the St Joe doeter who has :: wut. about--the snake and who says The beautiful young girl who is a St. Joe millionaire's . danghter and who is engaged to the handsome young man who loves her so devet edi*, is still being ~treated at the Mayos* hospital -- She doesa't know what happened to her. * The St. Joe doctor who frst told the story about the lre, twoloot wa ter moccasin being x--rayed in the moceasin would not eat poison and it had a very bad effect on the giv'i. But one of the surgeons suggested a novel plan of fishing for the snake with bait and it worked out wonder-- It was seon learned that the mo¢ easin was a mamima snake and a sec-- ond wray's examination showed that whils in the girl's stomach it had given birth to about 15 er 20 baby %m.uthrlfl very asmall tiny it is believed they can easily: be removed ~with . tape worm remedies and no more #erious--trou ble is anticipated. ' Joe Connor, of Sugar Lake, sug gested a plan to make ;h\mkc move. l <# will admit shke spent muck ef her time with us but water moccasins Aro: «ery common sn@ sre fwam# about the shores 'of all the lakes and streams. They are perfectly harm-- Complete material to build ag/ lake is a doctor who is retaized by "Haw does the St. Joo streat rail-- way know the young lady swallowed \"-'unla-mr'-him af the resorters M-',__"!VO of the girl and they say 84# 9 °0 | | 5:""-' time at Lake Contrary | f is a lake owned by the street | the and the wherefor of all the delaterious . stories. circulsted in 5'-' Joe against our Iske. Ans & matter|" "M.f'.m-'mu. T EL EC T oo ols Own'a / Garages! less. Of MA NBE WUC C 0_ ~nautrts ,.".wm,m Bheo's nice fnodgking but she Kas ade _,,._..--.-"tvlth her meuth wide open. Unless some-- thing is done with. her she's Hable to atat mm.--s a«nake almost any ime." l10x16 1--Car Garage $494 18x18 2.Car Garage Buy Now and Save Money: GORrDON WRECOKING -- & LUMBER CO. OREAT LAKES, LL. '"~ a-w.-.>. ' Phone Wantsean /& with tie garents had driven > $ NORTH SHOREGASCO. LKS who live in North Shore cities and villages and -Fbtideonfladn&cul.hc'l'uhlbnamepedhh numbers our invitation to become partners in our . 'business and share in our earnings. The brisk de-- of our Custo: rOmblpphnmdlh m:ifl;'pomn&yko&nha investment in an essential growing industry. > Y Invested here, your money is safe. It will carn 7% yearly and % bflncfywsdvfimdeszuh{ You can savings are safemefigduuy . e Prior Lien Shares are offered at $100 each, for cash or on payments of $10.monthly per share, with 7% interest allowed sn 5# y * 3*4 ol A. c 0 io 201. .A nB N AngMoich 1t $5998-- 001 2 wi--a ;Q..Amm{nmi Rashs Arananiscatian t 72 West Adams Street, Ohicago, Hilincis Ask any employes, or sign and mail the attached i4 This issue Com-- i it iimain ied ommb Surplus Funds® _ --In January -- -- January 1st has been termed aptly as "Na-- aoges mds more morignges 20 pail changes hands, more mortgages are off, more notes fall due, more bonds ma-- ture and more interest is received on this day than on any other day of the entire year. And so it is high time now\ to plan howtogettlu%tjoutduinvumd of the surplus finds you are expecting next month. . \, | Perhaps you will receive a bonus, a check asa&ishnumt,ormmtull outstanding note--whatever the source you will want to invest those surplus funds wisely and with the greatest possible re-- turns consistent with safety. e vyestment plan. Now, is e Qme fugien for ing incestment ow is | or inve of thcmrg:m&l you will receive in January. the attached coupon to fi nearest office and receive intererting formation relative to our January 4st in« _ Please send without obligations full information about the Jenuary 1st In-- vestment Plan your company offers. Address __ 73 West Adams Street, Chicago, a 12. s tem mad me oabect oblintion n Patrons will Profit by North Shore's Gronvth to the Utility Securities Compan m ax 24 on

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