s Mr. Advertisor:-- Moere poople read _ the INDEPENDENT ADS than any __. @ther paper in Lake County. _ Polieaman Lerrhe Who Tried _ _ to Stop Their Car Was 6. Dragged Two Blocks. «Bunday night, C E The men agve their names as fol-- ht $# E Fines aggregating nearly $300 were ' masesscd against three Racine men Fuwmocu Monday morning as the result ol a run in with the police sNOW'S . +Pplice -- Captain Booth and Police-- man Nuttall sped to the assistance of Lerche and after a battle sub-- dued the men and took them to the station. -- One of the fellows threw # bottle of whiskey from the car. In police court this morning each Oof the three men was fined $55 re-- sisting arrest; each was fined $30 for disorderly conduct,, while the _m« was fined $25 additional for iving while drunk. The three men also must pay $15 to Policeman Lerche for a new pair of trousers «s the-- ones <he-- was 4 were m,'hn'hemdundmonm --_-- The. men were put back into & cell but said they would try to raise their fines. R lows -- George Terrace, a negro living at 1006 Indiana avenue, 'told the police that he followed the men in his car and~ that Bortzuseb pointed a revol-- ver ' at him. --Terrace. reported the matter to the police and a search was made with the result that Po-- liceman Lerche arrested the three wmen in frent of a local restaurant at midnight. © He ordered them to drive to the police station wWhich At the station Lerche stepped out and . Bortzuseb, who was driving, threw the car into gear and tried to escape. Lerche grabbed hold of the car and was dragged along the s#street all the way to the bottom of 'the Madison--'street hill. Writs Bortzuseb, aged 27. Charles "Napor, aged 30. * Barney Relensk1, aged 27. Complaint was M.:td by Mrs. Sa-- die McBride, a negress . living in Kast Lake street, that the three men had driven up to her door i% an auto ana demanded that she sup ply them with liquor,. BShe told them she bhad no liquor, she says, and aceording to her story, they broke several windows in her home. drive to they did. PHONE 306 The Torrington Demonstrator is waiting to give you a compli-- mentary demonstration of this better cleaner. _ Simply--tele-- phone, call or write and say : 1 would like to have a free demon-- Mu»atlbn of the Torrington Electris 42e Ne m r' + TAXE e 5i uy s & +¢ * > -- C [3 x . *L :-;-§ 'A' ':t"---. -'wn&l-;',fi _ GATING $300 8 _ of the _ No. Mimvauksas Ave. WILLYS LICHT CO. currency, -- Jan.: 16 -- ue'p.ntlou commission veted Germany in default in material d .liveries. Jan. 109 ----Germany erdered all state ?you to refuse to ebey the French. termational commercial arbitration scourt inaugurated in Paris, Jan. 30----French arrested many Ger-- Jan. 20--French arrested many Ger-- man industrial leaders and offcials and selsed funds in Reichsbank branches. 'San. 131--France oréered the Rubr reat of M-::'M.o-puu'. i Jan. 2%$--H of Wflo "m'ud from Rubr and nd. 31--French %&m customs and shut off all shi ts of coml to unoccupied Germany. o Allies. suomitted peace treaty to Turks at Lausanne, British accepted American terms for hndln:o:lt war debt. Czec ovakia and Hungary ac-- sented League of Nations plan to settle Feb.® o---lk-et Pasha refused British demand <'thht he agree in writing to sign peace: treaty as . -'bnlttd.' and Lauganne conference broke u'p. Feb. 1----Turks ordered allied war-- .hlm to leave Smyrna, but.were defied. Italy ratified the Washington treaties. Central -- American -- conference . in Washington ended successfully. ¥eb. 16--Council _ of -- ambassadors awarded Meme!l to Lithuania. _ _ Feb. 17--Poles and Lithuanians be-- gan battle near Oranmy. Feb. 2{----Ornt Britain and France ordered their warships out of Smyrna h_lr:"or. as courtesy to Turkish govern-- me ; .':Mhncnh and Poland agreed on a ce. March 3--French crosged Rhine and oecuplet'.lannhelm. Darmstadt and March 6--Canada signed fisheries treaty with United States. _ . L i PsbMlerEntoptar bations guaranteed eb. uro nations ran loan of 31"_-"'?'; 'P..{'P"i;__. $ L 'm. 4--Tuarks at La®sanne ':otuud to sign peace treaty, rejecting per cent of the clauses, and Lord Curzon de-- parted. French occupled Goddelaun.in Hesse. Chancellor Cuno appointed a d'ctator to ration and fix prices in the Rubr. _ -- Jan. 15--German nine owners defied the French, who proceeded to extend wl'r occupation to the entire Rubr. n. _ Lithuanmans seized Memel, announc-- iIng the revolt was only :{:lm the French administration and German u2c t 4 MB 234 4304 d t hk Adiioone P intincuedar Abter °0 ¥eb. 1--General Allen ordered b United States to quit relations wit Rhineland commission. 1@ C _ March 18----International chambers of gommerce met at Rome. _ _____ * EtC CCSCUILORC Wes March 19--United States a to accept payment of 32".000.00:"(.::' ox-- penses of Rhine army, in 12 install-- menmts. .0 _ _ ; 0. 00 2 l.l. .2 o. _ _Near East peace con{erence decided m-m.m__@c m:i" be _ moved to '(l"ufkey and ris in in Turkey to reece. : S -- _ Jan. 11--French forces occupied Es-- sen and the Ruhr -- on . _ Lithuanian irregulars occupled the Memel district, besieging the city. _ _ _ _Jan. 13--Reichstug, by vote of 283 to 1%, backed Chanceiior Cuno's "moral war' en France. S March 25--President of Chile, in wel-- coming delegates to Pan--American con-- ference, urxud alleviation of -- "armed Ke.ce" conditions amd4 war on alco-- olism. , * March _ 26--Socialists of England, France, Italy, Belgium and Germany, in conference in Berlin, devised repara-- _ Jan. 10--Germany, formally notified :g l;tu':xca of . ita Il::u't'l:n :::"occupy e Runr, protested * t pow-- ers and withdrew its ambassadors from France, Belginm and Italy. 19B Ke -- -- President Harding recalled American treops from Germany. n d tions program Em P msedens France rejected any League of Na-- tions' guarantee for neutralization of the Rhineland. March 30--German mine owners re-- fused to pay coal tax levied by the French. March 31--Eleven Krupp workers tilled in clash with French troops at __Jan. 2----Allled premiers met in Paris ua."u-uub and irench plans for repa-- Fm were submitited, . Jan. 4--Conference of allied premiers ":l"m broke up in disagreement. 'uurod for isolated action, to Collect from Germany. _ _ _ T Jan. #--ieparations committee de-- clared ~--Germany in wilful default in coal deliveries, Brmzb member voting in negative. Frene bxn- move on Kesen. _ Germans adopt passive re-- sistance program. * _2 c# _ _ March killed in Fssen. Esls e caei t & April 2%--League of Nations cou .prrono%;ou&of'ano.ooo.ooo to Aultl:?:! pr --Lausanne guce confer resumed, Russia excluded. ence -- Jan. $--War 'diz"(ifimw:t .?om. tions begun in ] hington by British and American commissions. h _ April 2--Turks nrrecd to resume sanne. peace conference at lmusanne. _ _ _ | 4 ...3 dcidtat--a is Antenaretd + May 1----Count Kru von Halbach, head of Rgupp 2?:3{: "a"r'e rested by French as responsible for fatal flsht in Krupp works. tiont "offer '0f 11.590.000,000 with many 0 + + + oo;\'dlut;:l_.r w0 with. many ay rance rejected Germa May %----French cnurt\-mnnuln o'!:e'r.. #r:pp(%:eon ye:'r-' in prison and heavy ne. er participants in EKss fln':d| :nd imprisone d. n Pasen riot ritish government served s gimmuu:'n on ldl':o soviet 7overn:ne:n?'o'f necow demanding complia lu;'- ofnnations. P fw. with the ay 13----Great Britain tol her reparations offer was ?n?:fia':f.'{ and Invited her to make a better on'en "M'iv zrl.;i?"'w sql;gla"uu' Interna-- onale 0 e or 0 n tion in Hamburg. paned conven-- May 23--Russia ylelded to British Jan. 1--Turkey reported mobilizing m:'-k' to move against Constan-- iple, Mosul and other points. _ < _ May .4 demands '""IY _ 25 --Four _ Europea pasy yielded on all points made by- the U !'n ed atu:n 'and uin{neAd s'reoment n':; yment of costs 0 m E. Tlhke erican army on esns 211224 PV h O uon e IPRCOC OO C yment of costs of American ny on ons toplane deen ALmY on reat ritain eclined to re America's .r.l{ht to interfere mffi'?:? m not 4 tllmd to olv;m this oonntry- tch as rations, or liquor s# o , * U tocks for .I"I 10 __a mesits is % i2 "T«".'y' #%6$--Turks and Greeks at Lau-- sanns reached agreement on repara-- Juns $--Germany asked new repara-- " conference o' total num' and of-- annuities of 1,500,000.000 gold ing Prewen poltoy in the Hun:*"**""** .?r::.'*r"'}li's'm""« \P. 1921, Wesiern Newspaper Union.) INTERNATIONAL u--'uw' court began second im gue. @1 withdrew Saar or-- s of 1, to which England Oct. 28--Premier Poincare announced France would not permit reduction of )npcntlon' debt by board of experts, nor abandon the guarantee. Oct. 30 -- Great Britain accepted France's reservations on Nptnt?m board of experts. -- _ _ . _ . @ k -- Bept 10--Irish Free State admitted to League of Nations. evacua SepL. 1'__[1.;" agreed to to * hapu. is--Poklr m"'h'"" ol dine military gevernor of Fiume. -- Britain for right to build navy 'r-.l' 1 and &")lg: in . Tangier . across from Sept. 24--Chancellor -- Stresemann of Germany formally announced ~official :.&.n'::-uru of passive resistance in e r. eB t fha lne o m ton Italy declined to evacuate Corfu until Greece gc.ld 50,000,000 lire indemanity. Sept. 25--Council of ambassadors or-- dered Greece to pay indemnity to Italy. Bept. 27--Italy evacuated c'ortn. Sept.® 28$--America won _lngfnn_uu:l ;--lffin;--;i;F;i to Fe'iizi:o"}'eiir::t:g tm'-mtovrmnzflrwmm amount of its debt United States and Great Britain cancel ie a Aug. 2%3--Italy demanded from Greece abject apology and repuarations -- for inyrder of lizlian military commission-- ers in Albania. : h s Aug. 31--Italy, declaring Greece's re-- pl{ unsatisfactory, . bombarded and selzed Corfu and landed--on --Bamos and other Aegean islands. Greece appealed to League of Nations. _ 'g Sept. 1--Council of ambassadors up-- held Italy's demands en Greece. Bept. I--Gruco and uu' tormuz accepted terms laid down by coun of ambassadurs. 6 Premier Poincare of France an-- nounced Germany must settle repara-- tions question befere an economic ac-- cord could be remached. _ _ _ -- _ _ =~_ seaplane race off Cowes, lt:gluu. 1 Oct. 2--Allies conrl-ud e evacua-- tion of Constantinople. _ ; Nov. 9--United S'ates refused to par-- ticipate in examination of Germany's capacity to pay because of French re-- strictions. _ _ ¢ i ~----* _ _ Aug. §6--Unites States and Turkey n'los treaties of mu: and commerce and on extradition, at Lausanne. . _ _ _ Aug. 11--Great 'Britain handed. to France and Belginm note declaring Ruh: occupation ""?' and a fallure, insisting on impartial reparations in-- quiry and declaring France must pay enough of the -omg_?om her to enable Britain to pay Amerfca. _ . Aug. 17--Ratifications of four--power pact and naval reduction treaty negoti-- ated at Washington conference for-- mally exchanged at State department. -- Italy informed Jugo--Slavia it im-- t-!wq't_o keep Fiume. ~ _ _ _ _ Nov. 4--Poincare said France would not yield on reparations unless her creditors ylelc'l&d on debta Nov. 5----Chi refused to pay Borer indemnity to France. . _ ol _ Nov. 13----France proposed l&'fllt- ment of experts' committee to investi-- gate Germany's resources and ¢spacity to pay during the next three years. _ r&v. li--Cthp@llol' Stresemann an nounced he would repudiate treaty of Versailles and abandon the Ruhr and Rhineland to the--French:--------__ 'Nov. 27--International conference to halt rum--running opened in Ottaws. Canada. Dec. 4--France began restoring the Ruhr to German rule. Dec. 6--Allied warships landed troops in Canton to protect custom house from Sun Yat Sen.>, _July 20--British draft of" n{'ly to (.):.r:uy submitted to allies and United "1}.'36" ¥--G r'o'u*tfiii'iil;-u" m""rm: agr on a mutusa niee l»c against unprovoked aggression, to lead to reduction of armaments. . _ . Aug. --15--United States--Mexico com-- missioners compieted their conference. -- Aug. 21--France's ngly to British note delivered to Great Britain; offered littke hope of agreement. _ l c -- Mexican government formally recog-- nized by the United States. _ _ _ _ Sort. 4--Mussolini eclared . Italy would withdraw from ue of Na-- tions if it insisted on arbitrating the Italo--Greek affair. ; -- Oct. 19--Chancélior Stresemann an-- nounced Germany would pay no more roarluou t. 24--Germany asked allies for rom.tlou conferenice and moratorium. 26--France accepted British u':" for appointment by the reparations commission of board .of experts to fAix Germany's capacity to pay. . Nov. 21--France and Great Britain reached accord as to demands on Ger-- many concerning former crowRm prince and resumption of military control gom||niulonc. and sent mild notes to eriin. Nov. 23--industrial magnates of the Ruhr ani Rhineland signed treaty with t'» French for resumption of work and payments. _ & 5. C. A;p. 30--Greece accepted some Italy's demands and rejected othersa _ Nov. 24--Germany refused fl'pl'ou(:tlol for allied military ~ontrol officers. s _ Dec. 7--C. H. Griffis and two others sentenced to prison b{; German gourt for attempt to kidnap Bergdoll. _ _ Dec. 9--New treaty of friendship and commerce signed by U. 8. and Germany. Dec. 10--Council of League of Na-- #ons met in Paris. -- July fi'--m-&r Poincare of France, l:'?"ch. rejected most of the demands e by British prime minister on Ger-- man reparations. e ho n .l _ _ July 16----Allies and Turks agreed on terms of treaty, leaving out oil con-- cessions. -- -- ~July 24----Turks and allies signed peace treaty of Lausanne. gzz C Dec. 11--President Coolidge announced he ;rvroved of the participation of American experts in the German inqui-- rles authorized by reparations com-- mission. + , Dec. 18--Tangier open port conven tion signed. ' FOREIGN Jan. 14--President Obregon of Mexico ordered expulsion of Papai Delegate Filippi as a pernictous foreigner. . July 11----French senate ratified naval and }Lfllle treaties. en C July 12--Great britain in France and {mn to join her in ls'.'z!o Ger-- many's latest reparations nolte _ _ M e c ow rch 71-- mine. © e¥ n'g;f;c"'l'lpt:ll"cut. §$37,000,000 out ot March 24--Guards doubled in Berli as capture of. secret «papers rovnlo' plan of German Nationalists to March on capital _ July 13--French troops of occupa-- tion "v.u.'rew Limberg, Barmen and Liberiecld. 800 -- Chindss president's _plea for met with renewal of fig peace provinces.. * whting in several _ March 20--Labor party in British par-- Hament demanded end of capitalisam. _ March 26--Twenty thougand farm borers of Norfolk p M e ns y tm archbishop Zepliak glc 'chureh con':Ie:lmood' ?: m:.".u? t:; ussian suprem y .c"'mgl e court for revolution-- March 31--Mgr. Butchk Catholic vicar general, ':'x%:'mu € Moscow for revolutionary uu'm.:'. Archbishop Zepliak's sentaence com-- muted to imprisonment for ten years. Rumania prohibited all Koman Cath 290E "Awedizh cabmet $ wedish ca nA onentineg siretenn . rove --Ru man th dvlr war; Premier "nthr:z':::l'no"'." "Arn 10----Ltam 't:nh. chisef of w *+/ Y 7...-- Ameatiy _ April 14----Great plot of Irish repub= _ July _ 4----K working w A A, t all points y sn " J 1---- ties :Pwlovo' v'v'uuuu- uv'l.'li-l tion reaty. J l' $--Kour --pow Pacific treaty nt.lun_:d_py S'nuh 'e:t:-bor.__ c a _ April 14----Great plot of Irish repu H1okR u.um'!:t'c'-' oinelais ana wreok t A?S h'-'-'b. Valera ordered the Irish to investigate WFrench regime of Bept. 27--President Evert appointed War Minister W military &:utfl of Germany. iners in the Rubr de-- el.;:.".. fim: fll::' It cruahed . 1 r revo with capture of Ferdinandove. . _ Bept. 23--King Boris dissolved Bui-- wha.'p'rnmnt and. proclaimed : a state siege because of Communist and peasant uprisings. * Sept. 24--Germany o.cld:'. aban-- doned passive resistanee in Ruhr. Beavaria revelted and named. Gustave von Kahr as dictator of the state. s Oct. 1--Menarchists eaptured fortress of Kustrin, Prussia. in gtint Mitmu ie ioni gcverninente br" m m, munic governmen in# dissolved. * Oct.. %----Kustrin recaptured by Ger-- man government troops. . . a 8 _ Oct. $--German cabinet resigned and Chancellor Stresemann. began forma-- tion of a virtual directarate. July 16--British parliament rejected Labor r'ny'a motion propocll' gradual g:lun on to socialist form of govern-- nt. July 20----Gen. Francisco Villa, noted ex--chief of Mexican rebels and bandits, slain from ambush. Aug. 27--Irish government party won in election®. j -- Auf. 28--Admiral Yamamoto made g:om er _of Japan, succeeding the late ron Kato. Sept. )lrsganuh army . revolted against the cabinet. .. » Bept. 14--Spanish cabinet resigned; directorate ~established under Irod- dency of éh.n. Primo Rivera, leader eof the 'revolution. _Oct. 13--Reichstag confirmed Chan-- cellor Stresemann as dictator. Aug. 12--Chancellor Cuno and the German government resigned. Gustave Btresemann undertook to form new cabimfet, the first coalition majority gov-- ernment in Germany's history. . Aug. 15----Eamon de Valera) arrested by Irish Free State. flor't. 13-- Wilitam Cosgrave re--elected president of Irish Free State. K _ Oct. 5----Marshal Tsao--Kun clected president of China. » German Socialists --yielded to Strese-- _ Oct._10--France refused to negotiate with Germany on resumption o'_' work in the Ruhr, preferring to deal with the industrial :gronn. $3u9 on Herlin bourse, the mark _to: 1,000,000,0-- to the dolar. kving to ._"'."'.' Oct. 17--Bocialist ?vornmfltt of Sax-- on&and 'l'hnflnTn effed Stresemann. t. 21--Rhineland republic set up in Aix la Chapelle; movement lpl'i'j to other cities. e Oct. 23--Communists fought bloody battle ~with m.ml'co in Hamburg; 44 killcd. separatists --ousted from several--cities. for the German states. _ Oct. 27--German government ordered dismissal of SHaxony cabinet. _ __ ?chi.. 2$--Baxon government defed the relc Tuks & Oct. 29--Chancellor Stresemanmn oust-- ed the Saxon cabinet. Angora assembly prociaimed Turkey a ror\:blh and elected Mustapha Kemal president. > Oct. 30--Ismet Pasha .made premier of Turkey. h © July 22%--Belleau Wood, in France, dedicated as memorial to Americans who died there. Aug. 6--Teixeira Gomes elected pres-- ident of Pbrtu?nl. HMHenry Suilllvan of Massachysetts swam the English channel. 'Au{. 21--German cabinet demanded $100,800,000 from the industrialists. __Oct. T--Finland refused to pay Rus-- :i:."l.uo-nny. (or death of cheka Oct. $--Reichstag, by beayy majors lt'y, gave Chancellor Stresemanm vote of confidence. _-- Chancellor Stresemann {Ioldod to Ba-- varia's demand for greater autonomy for the German states. _ Nov. 1--Kru si with Frekck pp signed Ruhr accord Nov. 3--Socialists quit German cabi-- net and Stresemann assumed dictatorial powers. _ _ _ O e t P tC 0 2 0 Nov. 10--Former Crown Prince Freq-- erick William returned to Germany. Nov. 12--Adolf Hitler arrested. Nov. 20----Rhineland separatists cap-- tured Mains. _ -- 0 -- _ Nov. 21--Mobs from Upper Silesian towns looted and burned estates of rich hrm:r- who refused to sell food; many killed. _ _ _ ce Aug. 8--Chancellor Cuno presented to relchstag his rescue plan for Germany, including a gold loan, taxation on a gold value basis and a heavy levy on industries. » Oct.. 9--Chancellor Stresemann re-- fused demands of HuTo lu-.iaa and other industrialist®, which would have made them dictators of Germany. _ Bavarian monarchists mobilized .for march on Berlin. Nov. 8--Hitler and Ludendorff tried to overthrow Bavarian government by royalist coup. Von Seeckt made su-- reme military dictator 6f Germany by F'ruldent Ebert. ; _ Nov. 23--German Chancellor Strese-- mann and his cabinet, denied a vote of confidence by the reichstag, resigned.. __Nov. 2%5--Dr. Heinrich Albért made chancellor of Germany. * _ Nov. 27--Failing to form a ministry Doctor . Albert --resigned i cnancellor. _ ®"* se German Nov. 28--Matthes, head of Rhineland re ubllc' ousted by associates. glov. 9--Stegerwald hllln, to form German cabinet, Dr. Wilheim Marx, Catholi¢c leader, was made chanceljor. T. Alq. : Wy --.~ > megpipnatnaet y nese ban Civil war broke out in Bulgaria President Li Yuan--hung of China fed from MML June 14-- Yuan--hung resigned as president of China. Btamboulisky captured and killed in Bulgarian village. * ~ June 22--Manitoba voters killed pro-- hibition law, substituting sale by gov-- ernment. > July 15--Mussolini clinched his T. as dictator of Italy by forcing parlia-- ment to pass his electoral law. _ Nov. 9--Putsch of Bavarian Facisti suppressed and Ludendorff arrested. K'ov. 10--Former Crown Prince Fred-- June 9#--Stamboulisky's ':uut gov-- ernment in Bulgaria overthrown in al~ most bloodless revolution, Professor Zankof made premier. Dec. 2%2--Germany completed negotia-- tions for foreign loan to support her new currency -- Dece. 4--u.nr German manufacturers arreated for big tax frands. ese bandits wre m, AeRaors, "haistins»+f Americans., hm' ene amillion dol-- lars' ransom. ..LY %----Chinese vernment ordered nds bandi e poiaines eP h Tragin W Irish Free State Pad oiAAA ~_~r :m LA . lring_ minister of Great ;flul:. _ May #2--Stanley Baldwinp appointed Bnt.u'h priute -lnl-w. 9 May 26--Communist strike and rlots wiley iob Soalont ralgeed ¥ ----Po cabine 4 Witos made premier. _ ® -- Dec 11--British Conservative gov-- ernment decided to retain office until mecting of new parliament. . L . Dec. §--Conservatives defeated in British elections. Rebellion in Mexico, led by Adolfo de la Huerta. ti Dec. 17--The Greek government in-- formed King George it considered t advisable for to leave Greece untll the national nblr had decided on the regime best befitting the country. Jan. 2--Becretary of the Interlor Fail announced his retirement from the cabinet 'O_I Uu:h 4. Hiess 4 Progident n# vetoed th .::-:-,l") for larger pptp'log.. * _ Dec. 20 ~=BSecret papal consistory opened in the Vatican. "'f).'c'."fi'-'--i'fn'f.'iia queen of Greece went to Rumania. Oct. 4--Revolution started in morth-- 16--Liberale won in Greek elec-- DOMESTIC , THRSDAY. DECEMBER J , 1923. ':gr'ct.o' Japan, and John Barton Fayne 0 named as American mem-- blor- of flnu.a States--Mezrican commis-- sion. April u--ousnm court, in T to % doc&oa. foreign vessels carry-- ing ll}nor into American ports, but overruled -- Daugherty .:Elnlon that American ships. cannot liquor out-- side territorial limits, jb + dvidl .-- April .. 16----United -- States Supreme court® upheld eon':tgtuunduy .f&p- per--Tincher grain futures act. 4* it .6 *z ar. _Two Federal court decision» forbade search of autos and homes by dry agents without search warrants. . . crat, elected mayoer of CHicago. _ _ April ¢--Defendants in Herrin (Il1l.) _ Feb.-- 12--Senate confirmed appoint ment of nator Poindexter as ambas sador to senate. March 4--Congress® adjourned after gemocutle Alibuster tied up legisla--> on. March 5--President and Mrs. Harding and f.rty started for vacation in Florida. --March 7----Wisconsin senate, 26 to 4, d.lea&ad bill to --abolish National Guar . L «« March 14--Charles F.. Cramer, fon- eral counselTor veterans' bureau, killed self on eve of senate investigation. ; . March 11--'-Auoiie'§.ae'66ril Daugh-- erty said President rding was can-- didate for renomifAation. 4 +o _ March 31--Mayor ef Gary, Ind., and 54 others eo:&icto' of {tcuor con-- April ¢--Defendants in Herrin "g mine massacre case again aequitt elected president--wermeral of D. A. R. _ April 24--FPres :fl':iii"m"'fii.k commit-- ted t{u ,?d-n;h" tion : world court plan in New York speec! Charles B. Warren, former ambassa-- dor to Japan, and John Barton Payne -- Feb. 27----President Harding appoint-- :.G'Hubut' Work -;or:'t:ry of the in-- rior anm . w tmaster V eneran td 8. PP *** Brig. Gen. Frank T. Hines appointed director of the veterans' bureau. _ Feb. 2%8--Ship subsidy bill killed in Mondell of Wyoming appointed mem-- ber 'of War Finance corporation and l'l;?'nor of lowa governor of Porteo co. M f March 2--Investigation ordered. by senate jnto charges of waste andg mis-- management of veterans' bureau. _ March 10--United States debt com-- mission arranged to fund Finland's $9,-- 000,000 war debt. _ April §--President Huarding returned tr::flvmtgoq'h, gu:{. ; n# 3y _ May 11--Frank McManamy of Wash-- ington, D. C., made member of inter-- state commerce commission. . dnc May 17--Alva B. é&m appointed United States senator m Colorado: May 21--William R. Day mlgod as umpire of the United States--German mixed claims commission; Judge E. B. Parker of Texag appointed to succeed June 4--Unitéd States Supreme court declared unconstitutional state laws barring the téaching of foreign lan-- guages in schools. _ ns _ Richard M. Tobin of San Francisco uhm:uuud for minister to the Nether-- nds. Ma: «_ £ Nt :; rch 1«--House passed rural credits Benate requested President mh"fi. nations to limit production of bit-- forming drugs. _ _ > M 45 May 5--E. H. Cunningham of lows made member of federal reserve board, and K. E. Jones of Pennkylvania mem-- ber of farm loan board. Fuplae t ; _ May 13--Advisory committee of 100 named by Secretary Work to survey problems of the American Indians. . . him July $--Farmer--lmbor party in Chi-- cago convention ro%udtaled the Reds who «ri ' to form Federated Farmer-- Labor party on communistic lines. July 7--Army balloon won natiqnal elimination contest. Lieutenants l%sth and Null, piloting a navy balloon,.lost in Lake KErie. _ July --8--United States anthracite July #$--United States anthracite commission reported in favor of gov-- ernment supervision of mines . but against government ownership. _ _ eredits bill. o 7--Last American troops .&:'!Z landed at Savannah. Ga. of Porto Rico Bup sourt ruled a Hindu cannot be u:mhoi -- _ Convention of Shriners opened in Washington., yA Cl _ June 11--$upreme--court held--Kansas industrial court was without power to regulate wages in packing houses,. _ _ iJune 20--President Harding started oL his trip to the &ut n.'?Aflns Sentences of 24 men.imprisoned for obstructing conduct of war commuted by the Presidents _ _ _ mss 2oL _--July 10--President Harding | Iunena. AlAcke. rs ng landed at Jaly 17--Philippine cabinet and other officials resigned after controversy with Governor General Wood. July 28--President Harding taken ill in San Francisco. July 29--President Harding worse; California program canceled. -- _ Aug. %2--President Harding died sud-- deniy in San Francisco, _ Coal commission summoned heads of anthracit» operators and: °. arsuge, " _ "!"C AC : 'nlnon to coh ";dlo blem. fifi' mn.." .5'.'3"2'...'3.'&'2 | uTe Ni Outt bassed Dritish _ May 4--New York legisliature reé-- pealed state prohibition law. _ _' _ _ _ _June 23--Unuited States seized sealed liquor stores on several British liners at New York: . -- ' June .m'l'lulo commerce com-- mission a ed "mlfned car"' prac-- tice in coal transportation. June 29--Budget Director Lord an-- @ouncad surplus of $310,000,000 for fis-- al: year. . July 1--R. W. Bowden resigned as American observer on reparations. _ July_ 5--President Harding sailed from Tacoma for Alaska.: "uy _ July 16--Magnus Johnson, Farmer-- Labor candidate, elected United States senator from Minnesota. . California procrm eanceled. Juiy --80--Pr t . Marding gravely i11 with broncho--pneumonia. _ _ 0 Kive defendants in Werrin mine mas-- sacre trial acquitted. _ Jan. t{-flo&u passed resolution for constitutiona! amendment prohibiting further issuance of tax--exempt securi-- fun _ July 4--Convention of radicals opened in Chicago. _ e e ols C _ Au«, 3--Calvin Coolidge took oath as President at Plymouth, Vt., and went to Washington. _ _ No es l Harding: funeral train started from San Francisco for Washington. . Aul!i #%--8tate funeral services for Mr. rding held in the capitol, Wash-- ington. h t o on cueB re _ _ Aug. 10----Warren G. Harding's bod lu:es in vault at Marion; ¥ Borvlcu in all lands. * °_n ¢ .'-gfl" _ Governor Waliton of Okiahoma placed Tulsa under martial law after renewed fogging®. _ _ 00 c _ o "'x;i'fi---lx-(:fnflourtn C, Bascom slcm VlrEI-a appointed secretary * nuly 1 "h'::':g\fl"b?uu ing --ring n& of B-O.'Il-l. Ga., broken up %y 84 ar-- reats. A H--Amghracite negotiations col-- #2--Buceessful tests made for --sonst air mail sorvice. N--ot-l\;:mo: P'im'h':t nl.od by !0'0 ge to try settle an-- problem. 2 _ h Jan. 19--Senate passed agricul-- tural eredits bill. the Jan. 24--Federal Judge E. T. San-- born of Tennessee nominated by Presi-- dent Harding to be associate justice of Bupreme court to succeed Justice Pit-- llly. hk 0. I approve report of judiciary compittee .r-,-m( Attorney 'General D.u'urty elean bill of nealth in impeachment in-- vestigation. _ -- _ ~ May 2%2--Charles E. 'nununb'otf. noted radical, was found guilty of violating the Michigan anti--syndicalism law. _ tem _ Jan,. 2$--Robert Woods Bliss fomi ..g.tu minister to Sweden. Feb _?_._ Senate passed the crura _ May 3----Army monoplane iu'a'm"' by Licutenants )lncnudé:nd elly made nonstop flignt from mpstead, N. Y.. ' Aug. 1%--President Coolidge gave full =Dpfovll to Harding hd'fl .;n- K. DeW. Burton selected to succeed to April 3$--Judge W. E. Dever, Demo-- Jan 2§--House voted, 204 to 11. to 16----Senate passed British ; oill. pmt Refly resigned as go governor debt-- rural from debt Robe: g» Robert PRA S /+ [ Th y .\ >A s Commetiions a00. _ Aug. $1----Anthract _G'tlnon" are and erators not satisfied with Pinchot 'l:t :'nd -irtka begine, but negotiations con-- nue «« Bept 29--Governor Walton of Okia-- hema proclaimed indefnite 'ootpono- ment of special election whith was to d.c'm. whether legisiature should meet to invescigate his actions. e t . Oct. 1--Governor Walton of Okla-- homa abandoned military opposition to special olrflo- of OQciober l' but 'called new election for December 6. . sal conventions Qil!'q"qi%-i in dorsed Cooudg':-b:rnmu ed Mc-- taFeliette :%m"""""" aidates. o'm ."fl--g:un ml&% ett .;g his u-p.-- to oom.' «t m Dec. 16----Unt Supreme eourt recessed until ';'_._.I"" K. :. < nR -- lcfi 3----American -- relief -ouur: for pan ¢arthquake wvictims start on great scale. _ _ o "~ C _ Bept. 6--G. M. l.ltztbor of Vanwert O.. elected commander--in--chief of G _ _sert, 15--Governor Walton put . all Oklahoma under martial law. o Sept. 26-- nder orders from Governor Walton, the Oklaboma National Guard prevented the meeting--of the house of representatives in special session. | --Nov. 21--Dr. Frederick a. Cook,, fake North 'polo %;n::nrer. conxnwedk"ot oil stock frauds sentenced :o prison. , Nov. 24--Former C rnor Walton of Oklahoma®indicted on criminai charges. Nov.-- 30--Gov. W.--T. MeCray of In-- diana indicted for embe#szlement. + Dec. j----flshuw:u met lmt'pd e R ¥ bloc pre-- e ization of | house. vented organization of the house. _ . .tllimo' 10 as date for national conven-- on. Dee.: 1%1--Conference of . representa-- tl'u!;. of n'n:;'v'wc,lr using states opened al rrisbu C i uied Dec.. 15-- m«rw ordered r'luoo of -- all ro:llh' mprisoned violators of --war la j #ticd _ Aug. 2#1----Governor Pinch by President Coolidge ..".'..'.':'.,'.'J:".':'! th;lclle.grogl:m. i C d ----C llco an t nnr.tcuo troub w», l'?n:l.;:.ol'. Aug. 31----Anthracite strike oficially bo':n, nog thuong eontinutng. pt. 1--»'P|nhotl oo-romln u'eeptod by leaders of anth minersa. ¥ nept. 8----Miners and ore ;: r:c:u-nm of -lm 0" t Oct. #----Ametican e bor, in convention W'"oflt voted .a'm formation a Iabor againat the recognitien z..vh't' R lan government. prosident :i A. , 3?.' Kian meeting. Bept. T----Anthracite miner#' represen-- tatives accepted Pinchot's proposals. Oct.--2--Oklahoma voted decisively in favor of constitutional amendment au» thorizing the state lo!ulntun to con-- vene itself to consider impeachment charges against state offficials _ _ Nov. 15--Senatur {trim Johnson for-- mailly declared him=--if a candidate foOFf R.infllmdrmml nomination. ov. 1 rnor Walton of Okla-- homa found Guillty by »--nate court of impeachment.and oustes {rom office. -- aat *fi i * Dec. P--- --Republican national commit-- teo ugeto% _Ctleveland as place and Milwaukee Nov. 12--( decidea «:.: states from : 18 no . treai» SrAFrY. > . _ rector of the Dec:.17--W. G. McAdoo formally an-- nounced his. candidacy for Democratic presidential nomination. Rat aA _ Bept. 23--Three balloons destroyed by )lchg:lng in Gordon Bennett cup race starting in Belgium; five balloonists killed, including two Americans. Jan. 9--Erie rTIlvuy signed . new wage agreement with shop crafts work-- ers _ _Jan. 3i----Raillway labor board re-- stored to a1 Imen the eight--hour day and time ,m_ half pay for overtime. Oct. +4----Resignation of George Har-- ye7. anbasmmane to Raland quiounced Oct. u---:ekluonu"u{uumn met and prepared for impeachment of Gov. Jack Walton. 4 -- _Oct. 19--John R. Quihn of California _ Dec. 27--American Association -- the Advancement of* Science m'g Cincinnati. May 14--Flood and fire pirtly de-- stroyed Hot Springs, Ark. f _.May 17--Severe earthquake at Quito, Beventy--three killed in burni of schoolhouse at Clsveuqd. 8. C. _," June 15--Reports received of earth-- quakes in Persia in which .6,000 per-- ished. &* June 17--More earthquakes in FPorsia; C T ong T1 --Mt King in victent <Iu n& ent erup-- !tot',n;tv"m --towns destroyed. . . Aug. u----%xploflon in coal mine at Kemmerer, Wyo., killed 90 men. _ Dec. 15----Destructive earthquake Colombia and Ecuador. "")u|' '{'Ei{ 22----Thousand men at Mich:-- gan City Pullman plant struck in pn',- test against employment of megroes __March _ 28--Armour--Morris _ packer merger formally completed. _ ---A---"-"H"O' Industry raised of mmon labor 11 per cent a hflcflA pay of otber classes. _ _June 10----Disastrous floods in Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado. ~ [' _ Aug. 18----Terrific typhoon' at Hong-- 5:1.: destroying vuo'o'-', property and : ~AG@:~~$#1~--Milllon~ 'dollars damage dog"y Rod in Arkansas--valley, Colg- Sept. 8----Nine United States de-- stroyers and one liner wrecked on coast of southern California in fog; 27 lives lost. -- _ S d ¢ elected com _ _ April 14--Six hundred xo.l:on. killed by tidal waves in Corea Japan. > United Ty'rothotu of America or-- dered by federal trade commission to discontinue practices which the com-- mission declared would oub't emplpy -- Ing printers to maintain stan prices for commercial printing. --_ Jan. 3--Twenty persons killed in' col-- lapse of bridge at Kelso, Wash.~ ; fire on Ward island.--New York. _ _ * March fintm- -uorm in bm:atAm&W.V..- % March 1 e hundred and fAfty Greek soldiers drowned when trans-- port Alexandre sunk. --_-- ;. e o 4009 Aug. ~2----E immediate .e dgay in the : ment of was Oct. 23--Lower house of Oklahoma legislature voted to Inmh&""nof Walton and the senate suspe him from office. _ Bept. 1--Earthquakes u# resultant fires .destroyed most of Tokyo and zfilkcaél}sm and other cities; 225,000 e °0 7 _' Aug.. 21.--Anthracite operators. and miners broke off wage negotiations, _ Feb.: 8--Mineé vixsibflfi at Dawson. N. M., entombed and killed 1%0 men. _ gfiéfilg'l'lbn i'l';'til'i\i near Cumberland, men. Feb. lfi"fl&,--}" . and three attendants killed in Insane asylum Aug. 30--Bavage riot in | . 30----Bavage riot A ','whop_ big mob MI 5--G..A. R.in annual parade in J. Gr ohn R. Quinn of California mander of Aml'é-_q Legion INDUST RIAL 816« DISASTERS W T t 4. Gary announced nation of the 12--hour i_industry and adjust= f Denver made di-- In--~ | lowa®. . g.!f; | _ April rd ?n' radl a®: k . "n:;é'o;'u" Atkins of M. & ( 't--BAward O. Brown, ¢ C iFudince . neahnnet futl way mag * *lee 11* Joige . th Rathom, Providence Jou ¢ h William. A. h\n _' Seo. 11=--LAWwrEnce is aviator, drow in 3 m-&%sn ( Rock Ia) 0K c COol _ Dpe. 14«=Dr. HaroldA N. ;'3::'.'53&"9.. re tC c Rallw "Ei:l pullman . 11«--Rock newed wage agreement wi Jan. 21----W. P--Whit 3. "isconsin ga-- * w{' m'l' ."um * P IT O R 4' " .:'. 6yA 3 im + Lo t 2e e Rev. Mre. Colerev. ichmonr e i"i"' Spiritualist, in Ch ? %& 2A _ Jan. 7--Dt,. Emil G. Hirsch eminent -- Jan, :$--Dr. Paul Reinsch, former nited . State .'.l t * HanF Ci)_lenry (Ciows, ~ New | BPR an. --Henr New _ banker. * * te . Feb. 6--E. E. "".H"."S'-e!xom ~. o oaiaee Jan. 10--George Hamlin, not '}-;3' + lcan tenor. 2o en i J.n."u----Con-t"ulu. {ormer king e Greece. l ) y JW. M l:o('ro. IMIM.W k. an. 'ongressman ° a toya of i'ew hoxht.';.' 0+ d 4 exa ndre lub'&. nch & xlodcrlc Har English 1108« p and historian. 1 M' __IARB: 183--Wallace : Relid, i pMo-- Jan. 22--Max. Nordau, % man phiiosopher, in Paris. _ _ ture star eE I & Nov. 18%----George C. Taylog, preside .A'n-fl'cank Raiiway Express company, ew York. ¥ Nov.: 24----Fréd Dix ' odngr of Ch_rlg}l.*e}mm "'fii}'efi--u"""txi'fif'&im*, % mbe {federal' reserve board. ts dreber e July 15-- --Dr. L Wilbur Messar, of Y. M. V. A., h Ch 5.92 July 186----Louis Cou; Du «list. > 1._ *. - 1/ yR Jo::' 'M. -- Siddaii, itor ~, Magazine. * ifa tia July 19----Rear Admiral Q D. 1 ufldh of * the ltln blown up in 1898. ¢ S ®p. Ne William Holabird of C k tect. t July 30--Sir Chatles Hawt lish actor. & (hie ons Aus. 2----Warren fGamaliel | President of the United States. . Aug. 9--Randall Parrish. a _ Deo, 1--Earl of Loreburn, format Brku-r} log! cmnoollol". * H . 0. annell, veteran m 04{;:;. at Dangville, N. Y. e Jeo. L----Bit Wl≪ haim. ia, Oe Peorla, HL . Aug. -- 10----Jnagul P'!"':"--_ P 2.j .: ""Nud. 11--Marie Wainwright, actrsss, in lcrht%l_l:;:" o C i Au:-: 23--Baron Kato, |premier of ':flu Douglas Wiggin, American an-- r. Aug. 31----Thomas Mosker, blisher, in Po'rtl_tan Me. _ K "f' J '-- May 20--Dr. .Floren eran leader in un' May 28--Jos . P **May '$1--.Ciaude . Ki ay un man from. North w tamous Ereuch spriter ous e June x'l:-o.; Luis Mexico's ric T.... Maurice lett, . June 1 International June : 22--Edwa American se or.. "©>' Jnl{ %----Rt. .. Je * riiy $--Willigm B. a Y | Bociate -- justice . of 5'1 preme COurt. _ -- =..}° > _ William R. Thayer, and journalist. :'i "A..'ri"n 'l" _.Sept. 15----Dr. C. F. Mill botam= lut'ern émfiso spaugh, n t. aul J. Rai x ple and hunter, at sea. "*rs '* g:pt. 1:3 M\u'x Bohm, American artist pt. 23--Viscount Morley, f statesman and Author, M " * *' *s--Bdwin G. Cooley, edueaté®, _ July 10----Helen Ring Robinson and ?'oum- mcaoum an atata mans taw s an state senator, <b9g. +4 concu.' 'nu' Luther® W. Moti ""*L" 12. , . Y uly 11----Albért Chevaller, ; R&etor.------ 5_ib w4 L en l coce dedhccnc n July 12%----United lt'tol liam P. Dillinkh&m of Verm . _ Bept, 1--Edward Payso® Datton, pub-- u-ho:' of N_ov_)'orll:'.:. : ue " d J July 10--Helen Ring Ro hica ®C ;:'52-"'5 5-33' g m® . 12 NECROLOGY Athsntat o. ® : sds \ + ts -- nous: Ger--,. * Lk _ 14 (ew | York /. . a Hom-- / 3¥ & t