CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Feb 1924, p. 6

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3 Br/rl: -tirrs. Mood m s Chicago shopper rg"t,,r',, 'My. ' 'iW'C,rr" Thexlplnnt child of Mr. and In. '-iiilf:I,8aq Book was buried may. Ii-tttiii?' an trtatathem ot St. Andrew's Gitiid Ittlic,irCiritrm,'rr,e,teuted Walnut" " the 'ffl' /9yqlrt, at In Wm. .lL"ft't1','tdr." JlEij",'vti',: *3... 134 In. B. C. Hook were in fiiPif (,yif)iiiriiii on human nanny. Etb, -:_',I"IL Old Mrs. M. C. WW enter- Ertij/ti.fittf tqrqsntr-ft" men " their home IRt/iretu- evening. Cum were played. During this period of years Miss Deuce_opened stores at Round Lake ad Area, later selling than out. _ in 1917 she purchased the Rush on)" In Waukegan trom In. Hulda Ptters, and in 1920 the Mas-l " drug store in South Chlcsgo. trs) the string of 1922 she took over the Pork avenue store and sold out to ' Brooks in November tatt. In Sen umber. 1923. she purchased the "Mn drug store on the north side. akin; her pharmoelat, William Sita. msn. 1:. " a partner. In the past the y rs in firs, drug stores and still retains, holdings in tour although pie is only actively interested in the downtown and north-side stores. Buying and selling drug stores is . not only interesting, Miss Druce de- chm. but profitable. And during "is time she has been able to help " chute and start three boys in the drug business. H SCHANCK HARDWARE C0. Mtaa F'tortncq l.)ruce, premium: " Once Drug Co., 17 N. Genesee St. W has sold her interest In a. non ll uruyalue to new 'tartl"r, Guy 1110mm, n was an Ichabod loudly. Thu tn the third time that Mrs: Dace has bought and sold the amnion! store. Back in 1900 trhe puehued the store from Charles Mu. who originally established it In Onyslne. This was her ttmt "trance in the drug world Ten you: tour tthe sold the store to 1 III named Kent. who m work- ing tor her at the time. A 'yeu later she bought the store hock And in 1917 sold it to Philip Hildebnndt. buying lt aguln three you! Inter. She sold half lateral to Guy Thomas at thls time, the latest buyer. .. hiss Florence Bruce, Who En- tered Business There in 1900, Sells Store. Courteous salesmen, tlettnlinews, Ateaer and quillty .ot merhandlse jun been responsible tor her suc- Amttr, Ind ht the motto "Defeatintr "out. therein nothing that cannot be "has." is found another reason tor tor progress. _ James McMillen and Mancel Wight. m of Illinois University, spent a 'IMr, dug at we" resgquve hopes. .lttatt)tiSrtMi IGRAYSLAKE G SOLD THIRD TIME Why delay in solving your heating problems? Right now is the most economical time to install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the, Fall Ruth comes. with high labor cost and advancing ma rket. ' Having bought a quantity of Rudy Furnaces at a low point in the market, we can quote you the Gest furnace job on the market at a very teas enable price. The Rudy has the. smoothest, in fitting castings, and is excelled by none in point of fuel economy. A Rudy will ave Fru my every year you operate it. Avail yourself of the Rudy Heating Engineering "rvie-ituut any olthtttitm. '5PREPZRE NOW, c, DONT SHIVER" NEXT WINTER GRAYSLAKE We also Specialize in Sheet MetabWor'k Rudy up: "h didn't Wain when Nod: hi the Ark." We Bought to Your Advantage ttqtrr8ttittttattMttMe* Rev. June: C. W. Petty And an"! of the boys attended a comm at the Jun'or Y. 'M. C. A. in Wink." Sunni»: __ Mini-310mm!) ot Chicago - [at Wednesday visiting in the Godfrey; home, Marvin Peyton spent the week and mm his parents. Mr. and In. Pey- ton. He Is attending uhool It Ur bun. vl'Il, m I. -. .-- ---'.' in. 'iGi.%riii"rii' went swam! and Sand: yin QMcho. - . "tdr m u mind out - sound. l . Baum Whit. about M a recently with his ("hot " lam. Mr. and Mrs. Warn Gm"!!! a! chudren spent Sunday With 'platter in Wanna-n. 7 wit->- aiu, Strung returned hallo Saturdny from Victory lie-odd In, pill], and II getting you: Ito-gig. -___ Mm. Fred Horn and In. Charla Weaver spent Prmny,irl Chicago on t shopping trip. um Lydia Krupp vigrtftrFYla1arugy. Arlington Heights with friends. Hefnnn Bueschlng ls seriously Ill with plourily. Mr. and In. Hicks and funny and Yarn: Wk wqre Burlington vi+ tors Sundny 'rtterttopn. _ Mr. and Lira. Merle Gtrbluch of Bar. rintrton visited Thursday with Mr. and Mri. 811mm. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Landwer and fam- "v' waned Sunday with Mrs. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Lee Land lly' visited Sunday with at Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westphal (nee Frank) of Bonner's Perry, Idaho, sent tutnomicetttettt of the arrival of a little daughter at their home Jan. 16th. , The meeting n'ghta have been 'chanxad from the°2nd nad 4ttt Sultr- zdu MIMI to ther2nd and nu My hum: of etch month. Nam be sure and come My night» Mn]- u-y 12th. Very invariant mine-I. 6dt P. W. KUtliBKER.'Cierh. Born. to-Mr. and Mrs. Schumncher. of Barrington, on Monday Jan. 28, I little son. Mr. and Mrs. Schumacher were former re sidems of Lake meets. Robert Thorns met with I painful accident white working on the ice. by =~unninz a pike pole through his toot.. He will be laid up for tone fine. -iridirriGr."iir. bunnion ma Mrs. Damnion were entertained at the home of Mr. Phage Sunday. _ _ _ "'iiuriia/ Prehm and Miss Rose Tonne spent Sunday with their re- spective families., _ _ _ Mrs. Emu); Boderberg and daughter alumna Tonne and Richard Tonne attended the show " Burlington Bat- urdny evening. , _ "71%ngan lrion has moved into the rectory of St. Peter't ghurch. " - . Sunday evenin gthe Bvungeucal League Ill! give their monthly pro- gram in S Peter's church Mr. tad Mrs. Frank Dial". 103th (mn- 'ttmt, It" Elam: Rama and LeRoy Halter are on the entertainment com- mince. ATTENTION, NEIGHBORS OF IVANHOE CAMP. No. "SS, M. W. LAKE ZURICH .u 1..-). M rl, that -.;um~m hi" :wnou: NATION MOURNS " l DEATH OF wooaow WILSON -WOI. Fob. '.---M'ttte "In: mambo: otdoath. Woodrov wo. IO. mm b " modest mu. brick house h tt and today while . rev dam uuon and to Irtspirard worm puud may " nu ma on Ms doorstep mum to " name-n. A mud!" "are In we. Anon 1131'! an? war-duo Wilden! be can. in death a oven lower. more [ovum symbol ot the idem 'tor which to on his Illa. And Mn pun lna from the stage of world amt-a. onuwhlch " had so long played the leading role. called forth .expreaalona of sorrow In ouch mum. on - Wan-unmet, From the tar camera of tho any today came manager: to mourn MI} ulna. The aunplo ally ot - that bore the word- of an European' monarch lay alde by alde on the hall table with the tingle rou'that wan the mute ottrrrhttt or a plalnly an» ad woman who» identity was ob. aetmtet- "by the tear-atalnod vell that hid hor taco. . Tho world, no lea: than' Antenna. hattened to give Woodrow Wllaon In death that whlch had has an nled him In the latter day- ot hla turbulent ttft-the alncero acknowl- edgement that when the book ot tune la cloned. hit - wlll be noon to stand high among the great onea ot all time. . loome- ttt sorrow end at re. and cums from many pieces todar-- from London, where he domed to visit n King end called him "Sir" instead ot "Your Majesty," from Paris. where he spent the moat mo. mentoue due ot his epochs! life in l'retncing the map ot the world; from Rome. where he was Brat unclaimed yith tt - that was almost Moln- rouei and then hated with n vehe- mence that mounted to obsession; from the American. whose closer kinship he noughtxo further; from the hr ott Philippines, whose inde. pendence he meored; from the Orr ent. in whose 381i" he occasionally dipped with a strong. arm and. Wherever the printed word in known and wherever the-echoes ot 3 great regtntiittt msnetatmerwstodrmr Wilson was known with and the nocinim that 'vae' sometimes denied him in life. moms to him today while he slept 1 his int long deep in the quiet house i in f? street. 't _ in the national capitol end on ttutr lie buildings everywhere sorrow we: expressed- by in: whipping a he" rut! in the cold February sunshine they will Tomlin so tor thirty dirs. the period or omen! mourning set aside by pneumatic: of President Coolidge. F -ut ,tlugg"tt1, itself, the sounds at eoRttiet bitter partisan strife that have naked man week. were attiled. Both Hones tSe,'?,':,'. mat and than adjourned» t, of respect to m memory. 'nd than vm_oxpru- non. of album and of mar-no. evo- (mm than who in "to had or posed him an! blocked Mi pouch: lleavr, T r i . . x . I k , to"llul'"'"Ull'"d Jk",".,,',','."' m tkates, "'01.". i. '2Pir" " A! iiiiriae.atv S-GIIOI Water Pu With a Self-(Joni: seetiort,rithIhmUe Large Radiant vii oval dun-out Features 30min. Covet. l One eolution Inseam today was to have the (armor president interred 'privately in Washington. and than {inter under calmer circumstances have the remain: removed to acne iplace where tittipq arrangements might be made to have " grave tte. |come a national ahrine. That inn1 'nnai resting place will become a l point'tor pilgrinunuee was not doubt- ied today. and this tact has-tube tak- en into account in. whatever arrange- ments ultimately are decided upon. QUIET AT HOUSE The emotional tenuneu that was no marked about the Wilaon home in B "not since the former president Brat tell aerioualy~ in on Fridaylgave way today to comparative quiet. The curioua and reverential hundreda who stood in daylight and dune". in the atreeta adjacent)» the ham had diaappeared today. The nmdertatrersl _ uniehed their necessary tub." and, there was only the trample; of nee. now have bringing memes to break the aoilc'ade tit-.8 attest. oo. caaional pawn-by .wouid halt tor a few moments. glance curiously " the curtained houae and then pace on. Sometimes they lifted. their hate in I involuntary tribute to mention lead- ler, who lay within. Lot! to annulus, a? family or the 1m waldo-t won d have his mum] um". and " burial cou- ttttttted " private Om. He "I and ha been to; am you". they "id, c print. can". who died In " an node-t home In the bosom ttt " my- A Tho, "not In which the utm' um abut" ttin mult". even that one. when " wul an": In him to rest um untur- mu Idoctdod| this tor-Int. with a mule. that land In root In profound dunk. "I distrust. _ But more In when. publlc om- clall ud par-u Manda. who be not. an It. will" would ho to corded 3 Mon! and band con-ll- mt with the honor- ho won and the My! place he won in an world at llc MI outta; nnd opoclul lite. Milka Howard Tut. when: be snowed" in the White House. an! new tho vmblc Chic! ot Justice of theRJnitia out» anatom- tyntrtrih one of thou. No sooner ind he ox- pmud hi: do» maul sorrow over Mr. Wilma death than " urg- ed member: ot the family to permit 3 auto tuneni. There has new no detinite decl- Mon upon the place ot build. 7 Artintttott' Nuonei Cemetery. where lie- the union's heroic dead, "and: relay to receive the Commander in Chief ot the union's mate" armed forces, should ttttttttttera-of the family denim it. Tho and scene wu simple: and Its Immunity mad? it more hurt-m6- lns. On either "do ot the bed in the summon. high on the third btor and overlooking: the little an!" whore the-tom" madden: "lotto .lmd the mummy dars.with " blue: thorn stick and " my chair, at. in. Wilson. " vile. mid Mutt "In ret-WUson. the daughter, 'spestt ,holdmg 1 hand that had chanted the {course of the world. . PAteetdrt University, where he was ttrat professor, and then pres?- dent tor tsit manyyean, and trom whence he came like a Bamintt me tear. into public "to. wbuld like, to have him "ck. tor burial on the campus grounds with other datin- gulshed noun 6t Princeton. T The my Aid of MAtt Du church will meet nt the home of In. - swam Thur-any mac-I. In M. As this In . most mvcuc-sm place for o, . up atteqNgte. h expected. acorn tnnateittt, with no unm- unoo o fa to wothon. an at m mumm- noor n out of an - 2ttii1i'ifiii?iittlliiirt "and of "I the m- M te' ttt the an, M us a "'3'". Virginian would like to see his mm team: place be": the not: that "no him Nrtlt--att Staunton, with its ttiatorieal memories. tht "Mary 3. 1911. Pruldem wu- "tryout before a Joint mum of Cactus 'ttd expl-Md_}ho circum- stancu lending to the break. Ho naked tor a vote or eetrttid---a" got it overwhelmingly. . Mrs. Wilson bore utr, pggjgr . 19¢ attain with remqnble riiiiiTiiitisjtte [and n period of near cannon unme- dlltely following the former prost- dem'a death. She had been m: con. lunt nurse Ind'companton for ulna years. the In! four of with be In a semi-Invalid. nnd since Thursday the nu been eonatatttiy by " bod- slde.: She in holding " thin had In hen. when the Int gentle my told the watching phypjcknnl mm it wu our. T - Washington, rob. 4.---Woodrttw Wilton death name "may Jenn you! to the day after the Unit" Batu lever-ed ritiong with the lat. perm German government. __ - At the foot ot R" bed, " heavy 070. 3nd hound loco mm mm turn. stood Dr. Cary T. Guy-on. who-é per-ohm attd profeimionnl re. lulonahlp with the man on the bed extended over more your: and who" friendship in clout than my lie. Int nun. Occulonolly he moved "and to the "do and (on the wak- enlng pull. new fainter nnd mam until " I": it could not be 6m " througtt the "Int-Ilka. manor- ont skin. Bo mm W" a. India. tion of Illa that m and! scum do port-n could nmccly be dumb- "He In. Just 1 and mu, so!" ' HALF BAY 2fa'tPgrffg it. south: I". "I In an tuttAetMu' M m. Dummy when M-hail Scum:- I. "Wed. The 1mm 0: the tmild. tt '5- Wm!) 6mm was . _ and any JV. nvu mounts t',',i'irici', - "count. depositors. ( van my, " nun-nun an they Baa. to order another '3sar load" ot -- to so "and. Guess ther Rik have to on»! avers! more " coununu Mtar 12 to an can at tho um moan. mu Mutt who II -tatig (or "minus-nu". The mu and Cook's unaided the Fund human held " Gume Int Stand". and u ands-stud that In. J. G. 0008 n- olectod president ot the Det-ties 8m Don. 3nd Albert tRattt than": ot the rum Dept. (Mu In two "presenuuveu rial! an. "and" (II the In." ot oetM-, _ n. Tlhr.-amalt attqaded the new" or milk product. In Chicago Monday, bolu the 'tet-to (ran this dutriet. Lu. Dohroodu but one.» "In: filled the pulpit In our church Sunday. Hts "to neonatal" him this time. 3nd they "up" with In: Mics u) C. J. Honduras". Ca' We on - to eee tturauusouer ment at the denth at Root. J. Bennett ot Pentium. can. Mr. Bennett " his death won " you: old end nttrib- uted " good in]!!! Ind old use to) proper livinc. being modem. in ell thump. with regular hour: of rent and plenty ot exercise. "in: no coffee. no liquor and no tonneoe. He lived in thin community about titty you: no. ego. when he moved to Chicago. being president or the wholesale grocery mom ot W. M. Hoyt & Co. Ind n true- lt' of Chicago Contrretrationai Mis- sionary end Extension Society tor many years. Several your: while Rev. C. W. Warren we: [inter here. nevi;- lted our church several times; else made a liberal donation toward our new church building. C - Who said we were to hula I. mild winter? Last Monday m n dandy sample of it-rain, irteet, hail and now. all I nrapid succession. and In 80 mile an hour wind. that which the snow came and blocked an the man, But it will be different next July. Two suits for divorce were Med to, day In'mmuu court. one ot which was that of Joseph Plptak, min-t Margaret Liptak. He charges her with having beet Intimate with one Alex Tom. . NAMES OTHER MAN IN DIVORCF, SUIT The other unit Is thug Dobruc: Must Jonh chars"); deienion. Both filed by Atty. LG. Welch Quinlan-hooks. T-ooo- Win I we" like to have 1 free Moo- m " the Tommn [loch-h ThrTorrimrtmtpemomtratori, waitirttttottiveimt tomb "In demonstration ofthis idu cleaner. Simply tele tiltttee,caliorwriteandsar. mmnuanco. 7. I924. an; of Kathryn Joni: Dobrucx, Both suits were tuiattgmnniumtmitoENre--teeritaeraasdrht+ "-itEhhmrsthananrutther-inuEE1lmll1r1r, Alli atie-hsrtheanali-iott1.s0.rear. -agrr'rmEorrrit, HERE'sAREhLSUUTMT0Nt Iiukethatbirdwiththerentmonerf1rthe other way! Watch the expression change-- when he-or rou--9tr' rent to himself. hcanbedone. Wecandoit.Jtstrhmte50 andwe'liiadirewlain. I oorrnow. ' W. R.lliRANzllli)N, Jr. M 'iiiitiltiiii Biiiiillliirin Pay Rent to Yourself THE INDEPENDENT - New Universities COUPON Didimnn You Can't Afford To Do Your Own Laundry Work When You Can te It Done at the Price: We Offer WET WASH---20 lbs. for 95eand 5e per " for each additional lb. --, A DRY WASH-M flat work ironed. bath met. and wearing' apparel dried "fluffy with- ouVatarch--Whs. for $l.80 and We a lb.' for each additional lb. THIS PfCNRES " all-too-frequent situation. Andthemanisthinkintriustwutanyofus thinks under like conditions. These are TWO big time and momy savers. The Reliable ' Laundry Call Highland Park I78 today and tell us when Phone Libonyvmo 07-! Di ti were... Dry Cleaners and on. Try Them! 'rate.-."""""""""- -' me--".- . 0& Hothetlt Highland Park IN

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