k ----36%--inch lidgerie cloth in the desired shades. 59¢ sl value," $ YAPOB ... «<«iccsatrserevisess --27--inch Colored Outing-- Aannel --an excellent soft and Auffy quality. -- 25e value, -- . sl Y -- YBPOB ... issc civcvenciniusecrenees Mb --42--inch _ " Wearwell" -- pillow tubing (8 yard limit) sl 4 'YRPOB ......:sismm--:ismclte Ahtgrstrage ----42%--inch Pequot tubing, sl full bleached, 2 yards ....... --40x3814--inch Pillow cases, &ér-- tra fine quality, 7 sl # . IOF "...:s scA« c+esercvetvapnrotrpece --42%x36 and 45x36--inch pillow «cases. Very good quality. 'l §0¢c value, 4 fOf ............._..«. DOMESTICS, OUTINGS AND LINGERIE CLOTHS --56§--inch.. Wool.. Snlt_lm. and Skirtings. $3.50 values sl YBTO .......1....... ccriveorcreatvrectreces --27--inch Ripplette for chitdfen's eclothes. 39c value, * sl $ YUPOR | «s--s--.-- iernivercsesreccasyruscieg ' ----36--inch Percale, lights and darks, neat Agured pat--~.." 31 terns, 6 yards ............._..s.. ----40--inch Agured J4awns,° volles and organdies. -- Hundreds e < of yards, 59¢ values, 4 yards s'ii --40--inch all--wool Epingle Poi-- ret and wool Crepe. $2.98 31 ¥alue at 1--2 yard_................ --18x3%--inch Bath Towel. Fam-- ous Cannon make. Extra ' heavy, pure white. 6 for .... l ----Turkish Bath Towels, plain white and white with col-- sl ored check#s, T5¢ value, 2 for ----Turkish Bath Towels, plain white and white. with colored borders. Good weight. .sl 39¢ values, 4 for ............ ----8--quart aluminum > sauce pot 'with cover (........_...l.l... --#--quart aluminum pan-- olod,dgblc poflcr sa¥ebreven 6t ht ----2--qaoart aluminum welded spout' percolRior ...............«.«0s ----11--quart-- aluminum water ----314--quart aluminum tea HebthB < .;,100.pvcer000Weressersiystresires --8--quart three--piece,com-- bination cooker ......!............ --SBelt--basting large dou-- DHO TOBRUOK |....l....y5..ereecuustririiees _OoDDp LOT OF Women's Out-- er Apparel $1.00 --40--inch »Silk Crepe de Chine; large color range, including sl fAgured crepes. Yard ......... Barred Marquisette and Swigs Curtains ruffied border and tiec back® 40 WMARLEH BMIF ...l............ ... c.secn,0.0eccteaneene enserernenresqncnsotinsrires --BOUDOIR LAMPS--Wired doll ; --BOFA PILLOWS -- Squ with lamp frame. sl lows covered with blue Formerly priced at $1.25 sl voiles. White and whiti to $2.00. Yard ....,......._._.... with colored dots. 4 yai «----CRETONNE--36--inches -- wide. | ~ Pretty patterns and colorings. | --DRAPERY SILKS -- Worth to $1.00 yard, at '1 for clearance. Choice of 3 * YRFON * 1. . 2ivcer. concs iven sens uauiviesiynient lot, per yard ........ ... --§4x54--inch ° hemstitched . table Cloth. Full bleached. 'l Mercerized Damask ..........s.. --18x36--inch -- pbart. linen -- huck Towels, plain <white and . with colored borders. ~39¢ value. 'l 4 POF =........c.clccccnrsiveenrpegnGantpeenn't ----Universal aluminum sauce pot and sauce pan ................ ----3--plece aluminum sauce RitJL WOb ...,(0..cccutvcvccranseusvenll --Aluminum dish . _=~~*~ pan --SHERBETS 10 : for -- $1,00--« Footed glass sherbets 'l 10. for wientvevily o on bevcinciness butliedialked * (Becond Floor) A few conts and dresses will be offered for clean-- up at $1,.00. --12--inch _ all--pure -- linen -- un-- bleached Table Damask. sl Regular price $1.98. Yard.. ----Sample lace curtains. point and fringe trim, TEMCOI, | .....:«coluccue cxurhrnatnatabnrts --Another lot of lace cur taint it 2 LOF ;:----cespeccerencrss Ruffled Curtains $1 a Pair Store Opens Thursday, Dollar Day at 8 A. M. -- In Many Cases the Quantity s Limited. Many Small Lots Not Advertised. Be Here Early. Dollar Day Sales on the Third Floor Dollar Day on the First Floor Aluminumware LINENS, TOWELSY AND TOWERINGS WASH GOODS AND SHIRTINGS (Basement) WOOLENS AND SATEENS ... $1 '~$1 5 Yards $1.00 Fancy -- border © curtain Marquisette. A mighty value. 5 yards $1.00. $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 Marquisette ----TUOMBLERS 20 for $1.00--Op-- tie clear glass table tum sl blera,. 20 for ...................._.. ----GOBLETS 4 for $1.00----High fboted sherbets., Lead blown. sl Rxtra fine glass. 4# for ........ --WASH TUBS $1.00--No. 3 aite wringer with attach-- sl MEOMUS | ..........s.2.c2ccsccznscsses s seess ----WAFFLE IRONS $1.00 -- Re-- versible waffle irons, sl ----BROOMS 2 for $1.00 ---- Good stock, well made household -- @43 brooms, 2 for ..............._.... #4 --SUIT CASE $1.00----Fibre sieel frame suit case, 24--inch 'l ----MAMMA DOLLS . $1.00----Good bize, well dressed doll, scays sl MEMMIBLE _ * s sys se vesvieys over onccrvnivies «----TOY AUTO $1,00--Andy ) In No., 348. Made of "l' ----COTTON -- BATTY --$1.00«--Pure white cotton, 72x90 inches. . m .fl"fivm.mn.n--"n#«'tak ----36--inch very fine quality nain-- sook. 59e value, ~ . § IOK |.........cclccccvcscccecc cce ccrnseaties sl ;;"-ln:h whn'e Shaker fannel. tra fine quality. --36--inch Bleached Cheese sl Clath® 120 vards ......_._..... o# --36--inch Bleached Muslin. / sl Good quality, 8--yards --....... --$6--inch Unbleached Muslin, fine weight and quality. $l B °C o e ----8--4 and 9--4 Bleached and Un-- bleached Sheetings (72 and 'sl 81--inch widths) 2 yards .... --36--inch Vela Velour in brown, grey, tan, navyy. $4.95 sl valye, 1--2 yard .....,........... --40--inch _ Charmeuse, -- brown black and navy. $3.00 sl" value, 1--2 yard L...._.c....0. --$6--inch black Sateen, extra high lustre. 50¢ value sl ----3$3--inch Imported Pongee sl ni natural cofor, yard ....... ----3§--Inch "Lady's ~Pride Checked Nainsook. -- Flesh, blue and s white. 45¢ value, 4 yards l Cloth. 12. yard$s -- ..........._.. --$1x90--inch Bed sheets, bleached and seamless. $1.69 value, each ........... Madras ----2000 yards of best quality 32-- Checks and plaids, 5 yards.... --$6--inch all--over laces {for dress-- €s. Beautiful patterns. l Worth to $4.00. Yard ...... --White _ and _ colored _ Table Scarts. Some are hand--embroid-- ered. Worth $1.98. @1 ----18--inch unbleached Crash Tow-- eling. All pure linen. + sl 29%¢ value. 6 Yards .......... ----18--inch part linen Crash Tow-- eling. An offering seldom sl made. 8 yards,. ..................._ --16x30--inch Cotton Huck Tow-- els. Very fine quality. 20¢ sl value,. 7 for ...........__.___._._.. @ --CURTAIN GOODS--Swisses and voliles. White and white sl with colored dots. 4 yards.. ----DRAPERY SILKS -- Reduced for clearance. Choice of . sl lot, per yard ..............._..__._._._. --BOFA PILLOWS -- Square pil-- lows covered with blue sl or rose material ..............._.... --7%--inch bileached Linen Dam-- ask. Striped and floral de-- sl signs. $3.50 value, 4 yard ----18--inch all--linen © bleached Crash Toweling. White and white with colored borders. ~ sl of Housewares ¥.ill be DOLLAR DA Y ular and extra sizes. Wool Unionsuits and silk striped wool Anished (all eotton)© Unionsuits. Reg-- Women's Unionsuits o Fl ~_ $1 (Basement) $1 $1 §1 $1 $1 $1 full Willow clothes basket. good sl size, Htrongly made-- .............. --RAG Tm $1.00--Size 25$x50 inches. Hc 'l YIREMD * Lperseiifirees bive vos ty c ues ow eingl ---- Women's full--fashioned pure Silk Hose. Black and sl colors. -- Pair errersenerserseeeree renans --«*MWomen's highly mercer-- sl ized lisel Hose, 2 pair ........ ----Men's Mergerized lise! Hose. Black and brown. 'l ----Girls' 29¢ combed lisel 31 Hose. 5 PAIHB ... G--«unro4u --Girls' fine ribbed hose, sl 50 value, 3 pairts ................ ----Women's sleeveless light weight union suits." sl B CROEF .ncclececessisenseeesdesesersssuncese ----OIl, MOPS $1.00----Wizard sl oil mop, $2.00 size ............... --TOILET PAPER 20 rolls $1.00 ----T--oz, rolls of high grade sl crepe paper, 10 NIHG-- ... ..0+o --SERVING TRAY $1.00--MaA-- hognay Anish frame with 'l --BOTTLE -- CAPPER . $1.00 -- Sampson's all--ateel bottle 31 ----BEYVERAGE BOTTLES $1.00 DOZEN--So--called quart '1 «--DI8H :fii $1.00----80--qnart grey. enam dish sl ----S8AUCR POT $1.00----14 and 16-- quart sizgs, convex shape, sl Yrith ©00%0r }.icl._{l4::> ...c2..« ----Women's $2.00 Union suits in tight and-- loose""knee sl BEYLOR . .......l.i..Xl.lee ce Prsescairrent ' --Women's low neck no sleeve. Highly mercerized vests 4 l. B NOW sc.cclssuyyiiccicenceverepuccrcntense (First Fiogr) ----Men's Athletic Union Suits of fime nainsook. 'l B -- LQP "...;--1l....srfremsbee, ceaterestznssd4 ----Boys' and girls' Union suits. Broken assortment. sl CBOLCGR ....cclls..ccsrescvescenssarlarinese Fiegk W1o4t). .. --té button length chamo!-- sette mousquetaires, pair ...... --Gauntlett Gloves of cham-- olsette, value to $1.98, pair --Short silk gloves for wo-- --té button length chamol-- sl sette mousquetaires, mx asSane * ----Gauntlett Gloves of cham-- sl olsette, value to $1.98, pair --Short silk gloves for wo-- sl men, 2 pairS .............._.._.««...« Pss . Toilet Goods, Bags, -- Neckwear, Ete. ----Pepsodent or Pebeco Tooth sl paste, Three tubes ............. @A ----POWDER AND PUFF3, Choice of any $1.00 powdet with sl mercerized puff.. Both for ----Men's Dress Shirts. Manufat-- turers' mill tun (slight imperfec-- tion in weave of cloths) sl $2,00 .YRIHOG ...:s..csuvccculses0n ----Men's muslin Night Shirts. sl Cut full, All -- sizes .............. * {First Floor) --Women's linen and lace collars. 89¢ values, 2 for. Made of fiesh color glove silk substandards. $2.00 -- @41 value. Women's Glove Silk Men's Shirts Underwear Hosiery (First Floor) Gloves -- --= BASKET $1.00 -- 'The Best Stove ~»On the Novth Shove' millk _ es q: .. $1 at Choice $1,00, The ivalues are Dollar Day Specials ----TBA POT $1.00 ----Large. size pot -- of imported _ earthenware, neatly decorated. ,l $1.00 value ............_....... .ms ----HOT WATER BOTTLE = s $1.00--Metal bottle with pad 1 ----¥ACCUUM -- $1.00----Pint 'l size. Universal make ....... ... --DRESS APRONS $1.00--Made of fine checked ginghams, sl Cut PUI ..c..cssssiscevepf¢rrtnderccssooos --CORSELETTES $1:00--An ex-- ceptional value. Latest 31 styles, all sizes, «.............._.... W --WOMEN'S BLOOMERS--$1.00-- Made of Lingette in bright -- sl scolors. Cut Pull.......l... ... ----TAILORED BLOUSES $1.00-- New blouges but slightly soiled from handling. Made of sl fine white dimity ............... ----SWEATERS $1.00--Odds and eads of all--wool sweaters for wo-- men, misses and children. sl Women's High Shoes $1 Pair ----MIXING BOWLS $1.00 SET---- Made of yellow glazed sl earthenware. Set of 5 ....... --WASTE BASKETS 2 for $1.00 ----Made of decorated sl miktal, :¥ fOf ....}.............._.Aw . (Second Fioor) f Silk and fabric Dresses, Sport Costume Cogts and Suits--of all--wool materials. Included ni these groups are some new Spring models. Do not miss seeing these wgndertul Dollar Day Specials. --CUPS AND SAUCERS 8 for $1.00 --St. Denis _ and regular shapes. .8 cups and 8 sau-- 31 SOUKK AOF «.ccetecinrscccucccenses . ve l ----TFABLE TUMBLERS $1.00 doz-- en----Pull size, light cut and 'l neat pattern, Dozon ........, Girls' Warm Coats of all--wool materials. Some have fur collars. These coats are priced at half and less than their reAl WOTEB \...;...........3.......00000;criccGorscecccrccstnse ----INFANT'S--KNIT WEAR 2 for $1.00--Samplé _ line -- worth, to Women's House Slippers ----Another lot of sample infants' weéar. Worth to sl 2. 50; 5 E.. ... ... n enc ln se runbomennons A Dollar Day Hat Sale that will surpass all previous sales from the point of value--giving. Large assortments. Choice ............ 8 Felt, leather and cloth slippers in all sies and many colors. '1 $1.50 value. Pair .........¢, Black and brown calf shoes in lace and button styles. sz Regular $4.00. Pair ......._.__... High and low heels in black and brown leathers. $3.50 ¥alue, pPhIC .....................«@ilie (Second Floor) Genuine Fox Chokers. Full size. A regular $25 value, at $10.00 Fox Choker. Very Special ...... $10.00 Women's high shoes in high and medium heel styles Of black and colored leathers. p > Women's Oxfords and NT THUBRSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1924. Second Floor Dollar Day on the Coats, Suits and Dresses $10 and $15 Women's and Children's Hats qualities L4 Children's Coats cW1 --WOMEN'S BLOOMERS -- 2 for $1.00--Cut from fliesh color crepe. A value seldom equalled at l 2 for s s ----CASSEROLE OR COVER DISH $1.00--Semi--porcelain casserole or oblong covered© dish, with sl gold lines. Cholce ............. «----BOUDOIR LAMPS $1.00--Un-- dressed doll. lamp with wire frames, wired with cord . sl Tethlh EWE "..i12c220cs06c203--seirvesccaner --CURLING IRON $1.00----Elec-- trie curling iron complete 'l with cord and plug ............ --CLOTHES HAMPER $1.00 Made of splint with hinged sl BVEK . suceGlvecicvensvivuprrccecereeerirruge --8, 0. 8. 4 packages $1.00 Best aluminum cleaner. Also for cleaning other wares sl and woodwork ............._.......... --BRASSIERES and BANDEAUX 2 for $1.00--Of pink, broche and silk striped materials, | sl B NOK (.i..l....eieivcnerraivencerpesencesens + -- UNDERMUSLIN-- $1.00 -- Wo-- men's night gowns, princess slips, skirts and envelope chemises of fine muslins and sl BELRSOOKS ...../......./..::....cosscone --GIRLS' DRESSES $1.00--Made 1 ----MISSES' MIDDIES $1.00----Mid-- dy blouses of white twill sl White COHATLSB s.l.....suss...l.ls. S ----BOYS' KNICKERBOCKERS $1 ----Knee Pants of wool materials and drab corduroy. Sizes 31 80 I4: YERTS | ;...:..5..--vsccvizericesscres Button shoes in black and brown kid. Sizes up to 8. > sl $1.50 value. Pair ... ... ... In black kid and calft Low heels $5.00 value Broken 'assortments.. Low heel styles, also strap slippers. sz Regular $7.50 value, pair.... High heel style of black and patent leatheTs, Pair c.._.... --Single blanket in pretty plaid patterns. Bize sl §4XKT6, bigh ......L............. --OHIb blankete _ Size 36x564. Plaid patterns and deep 'l FeRD BM BRE .,204,--00. --<1 + . «s an ce erigh Growmg' Girls' Shoes black kid and calf leathe Women's Oxfords Children's Shoes and calft leathers, e se Of -- plain, broche and striped materials. _ Late style. Sample lines. $1.00 *** $1 "_-- 91 Sample Corsets $1.00 (SBecond Floor} (Basement) ----CURTAIN GOODS 8 yds $1.00 ----36 and 40--inch marquisettes and scrims, plain and fancy sl borders, 8 yards .................... --COTTON SUITING 8 yds $1.00 --Dark colors suitable for house-- dresse, sacques, etc. SI $ YATOS c0.00.0.issevuctercscrtisrrasincreae --PERCALE 12 yds $1.00--Dark and light colors. -- Narrow sl widths. 12 yards '................ --GINGHAM 6 yds $1.00----Splen-- did quality. Checks and $l small plaids, 6 yards .......... ¥-- --CURTAIN MADRAS 2%. yards $1.00--Rose, blug and tan sl color effects. 2% yards ....,..-- --TABLE DAMASK 2 yds. $1-- White and white with colored borders. 60 and 64 inches 31 wide. °2 yards ............_.....% --CURTAIN GOODS 4 yards $1-- Swiss with grenadine. Pure sr white. 4 Yarts ......._."...._._« --3%--inch GINGHAM 5 yds $1.00 --Fine quality.© Neat pat sl terns 5 YArds .......-- .0 --OUTING FLANNEL 7 --y4s $1 --Soft nappy fAnish. Good sl colors and patterns, 7 yards --36--inch SHAKER FLANNEL 5 yards $1.00--Good quality, pure white filannelette. sl & (YAPO®® ............l...lllecc ces --WINDSOR CREPE 5 yards $J. ----White and colors. . _For wo men's and children's sl lingerie.. 5 yards --......._--.--.---- Sixglarge tables of cotton remnants of every weave. Table 1 8 YATOS |............cccascucqellll}} Table 2 $ YRTOGB .............corescesssensssce Table -- 3 j 5. YRBUTHS ~.....:--::~:scrcesssessersiree Tables 4 and 5 K YRIOE 1...0.0.--:ss--scstessersencecee Table 6 B YRIOY | .. ssaesf e vsenccsecclectenerds Dollar Day in the > Bargain Basement --WOOL GOODS 2 yards $1.00---- Cashmere, serges, wool, sl challie, etc., 2. yards ........._.. ® for men, women and chil-- sl UrCB. | PBIF .....:ccccccucvscccescviesess --Soft sole bedroom slippers for women and children, sl 2 DBITS |+....serrscscevsscccserepecstoase * --Women's high shoes of _bl.ft and brown kid leathers. SI High heels. Pair ...« --Children's button shoes. sl Small sizes only. Pair .......... at each shoe ----36--inch COTTON CHALLIE 7 yards $1.00 -- Comforter challie, attractive designs and pat-- sl ternsg. 7 yards ................_._-- --36--inch CASEMENT CLOTH 2 yards $1.00--Natural color, high lustrous finish. Art 'silk. sl 2 YBIUB ...............c....czscescccosesse W (Basement) ----Women's pure silk hose, black anwd colors. Sublu'ndnrds sl ----Women's pure silk hose, 'l sustandards; $1 value 2 pr. Women's hose of art silk 31 with lisle top. 3 Pairs ... ----Women's and Misses' wool sl hose, $1.25 value, 2 pairs.... @1 ----Women's sport hose, riche-- '1 lieu r{bbed, 4 pairs .......... ; ----Women's black, white, sl and brown cotton hose, 6 pre * ----Women's cotton lisle hosé&=* White, black, grey, sl tan, brown. 5 pairs ............ Men's silk hose and men's gllk and wool hose. ----Men's art silk hose. Substand-- ards of 50¢ value. ----Men's Cotton hose, sl ----Men's lisle hose, --Irifants' all--wool cashmere hose. White and colors. Substand-- ards of 50¢ value. :4 nmsl ----Boya' and _ gitlin' . Ane C heavy rl»:b.lm., 3506 ¥alue. . 6 ...L.'»........a....:..' --36--inch LINGERIE CLOTHS 4 yards-- $1.00----White. and , fiesh. Striped patterns. "l M . FHRMH ----.cl.. .. ... 202; cGanrss cnives paa it 2 (Basement) . --Leather sole bedroom slippers --Boys' and girls' shoes worth $3.00 pair ($2.00 a pair) sl ut ChCH BBOG .0,.:iin.csi...ccsre5ic? PIECE GOODS FOOTWEAR HOSIERY Made of ginghams, cham-- bray and sateens. Cut full and neatly fnished. Panty Dresses $1.00 (Second Floor) $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 (Bargain Basement) --Women's Jersey and wool crepe dresses. New styles, ss Dollar Day Special ................ --WHITE APRONS 2 for $1.00-- Maids' and ~tea: aprons of fine white materials. Samples. sl B\ AOT =...c.lclzcssceec esc cce revningece ns W¥ wfi --SWEATERS $1--Women's, in-- fants', girls and boys' sweaters. Many styles and colors. 'l CROLC@ ® ..........cwccoue ce cssegneccecserads --CHILDREN'S OUTER APPAR-- EL 2 for $1--Odds and ends in rompers, overalls, dresses, sl playsuits, ete. Choice 2 for.... --58x58--inch Table Cloth of mer«=. .. cerized damask. Hem sl stitched and pattern cloths.... * --Dresser Scarfs --and table' run-- _ ners. White and colored 'l . embroidered. 2 for .............« ----42%36 and 45x36--inch Pillow .. cases. Good quality. 'l f & TOF ............ ccicsieecovenscevisrasiet WR B --Samples of '"Wearwell" and °. other known makes, 42136 sl % and 45x36 sizes, 4 tor ... @L | <--Bed Sheets, samples and sub-- q standards, mostly all sizes. Sl 3 Seamless. Full bleached ...... * (Basement) ----UNDERMUSLINS . $1--Gowns, envelope chemises, petticoats and princess slips. White and fiesh, lingerie cloth and crepe. _ Yalues to $3.90 ..........;......... 31 --UNDERMUSLINS 2 for $1-- Gowns, envelope chemises and petticoats of fine muslin. sl %: ROF °.......:..scsccenncossovccccsccnevras ----SAMPLE WAISTS 2 for $1.-- Women's white waists, mlled-sl from showing. 2 for .....~... ----WOMEN'S BIOOMERS 3 for $1--Of fiesh and white crepe and lingerie. -- $3 $ IOF <..............ccccccressescarescnteres --CORSETS $1--Sample sl lines, values to $4, at ........ WOMEN'S AND CHIL-- DREN'S APPAREL -- --BOYY WAISTS 2 for $1.00--_ -- "Honor Bright," made of cham-- _ bray, khaki and per-- ~ sl 3 cale. Substandard. 2 for ... 33 --Another lot of boys' f sl f waists at 3 for ..............__._.. *3 --MEN'83 SPRING CAPS $1.00-- Samples. Made of fine, ali--wool suitings. Wonderful sl valnes ... »odudi oo teristin mt --Misses' "Vellestic," heavy sl feeced unionsuit .................. ----Infants' Vosts, sleeve and sl sleeveless styles, 5 for .......... --Men's and Boys' Athletie Un-- fonsuits of white nain-- sl §0ok, B OR : .........cciccccccccciscccen ;o;;er;' overalls, dresses, 'l playsuits, ete. Choice 2 for... ----INFANTS' AND MISSEI' WHITE DRESSES $1--Of sheer white muslin.> Sizeés to 14 $} years. Choice ................._@# --PANTY DRESSES $1--Made of ginghams. © Hand--embroid-- sl ered pockeu, neatly > finished --SLEEPING CARMENTS $1.00 ----Women's, also men's. Made of heavy outing. ~$2.00 sl values..-- Choice .........._._.___._.._. --INFANTS" WEAR $1.--Coats, Cashmere Sweaters, Jack-- sl ettes, Kimonas, etc. ............ ¥ values ..... TOWELS, DOMESTICS, : TABLE COVERS, _ SCARFS, Tte.: _ --Turkish Towels, pure white with fancy colored striped ,l Border, 3 for .................___.\_... --Turkish and huck towels sl 39¢ values, 4 for .............«@_._. --White huck towels with sl colored borders, 6 for ........... @ _ (Basement) --Women's winter and union suits. $1value. 2 TOF .............cccccceeresmesssser --Women's light weight suits of fine yarn. § TOF --......i.cc.ccislccseresceesssmes ----Stamped pleces, ready to '-';2 broider. Sample !ines. 'l y J ITOF .............l.ccoormasmmaruf, m ----Another Tine of sample 'l(- stamped godods, 2 for ............ ¥A ~----Sample lines. Many styles,. Cholch '............ ----All--Wool and ailk mixed Yarys, 500 values, 5 bails . ----Knitting yarns in black and colora,« 2 akeing ..~.... STAMPED GOODS UNDERWEAR HAND BAGS 81--inch sheeeting, seam-- less. Choice of bleached or unbleached. $1.00. Bed 21/, Yds. $1.00_ '8 AND BOYS' APPAREL in dn (First Floor) _ $1 --$1 union-- spring $1° $1 $1 8+ 444 iss ue int