ZIO'N, INSTITUTIONS AND INDUSTRIES wlllUBURGllLENNv0LMlA -924 tiibilllPllitllllhrlG ollPlllElttil0lllhtlG Saturday, March 29th to April Sth Inclusive Spring Opening In Shoe Dept We have now in stock many, of the latest styles in Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers, fawn and gray are the leading colors this Spring. . Many different designs are being shown in patent leathers. Florsheim Shoes for Men. Always the latest styles and smartest shapes and very best qual- ity. High Shoes in brown or black, _ Parkway last .11i..'.1...lr.1i'.'..1lt.1.'...r..'.rl'.'...,.$M5 Ladies' Dark Brown Kid Oxfords, militat r ' Meld It....'.-.?."..?..'.?.']'...')) Ladies; Fawn, cutout 'pat- tern,, low heel Slipper, whiehismugr 7, _ flyrdut Edinond's Foot Fitters, $', black or brown Oxfords, i a; Men's Work Shoes--- Boy's Shoes, brown or black, made in new Square toe, Goodyear Welt, rubber heels, sizes 21,13 to Boys' Oxfords, black or brown Goodyear V welt 1lfli'i'.i1'.rf.... $4.00 $71K) $3.50 TO $5.00" Step. Out In One of These New Hart Schaffner T & Marx Spring Suits ' ' YOU'LL get a lot of pleasure out of it. There's the satisfaction in knowing you're Wearing the best style to be had; the feel of fine, rich woolcns and expert tailoring. Then later on you'll appreciate the way the clothes keep their shape and the way they wear. Best pt all, you'll realize you've saved your/self some money. Extra strong values. . '35 to '50 Ladies' Black_ Patent Leath- -r' er Slippers,Ctiban ' heels, 1 strap at $550 .Lailies' Patent Leather, an- kle strap slippersrr/ H A $3.50 AND $4.50 $7 .00 CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Florsheim Oxfords, Parkway last, very latest patternrat .--..r.'mmt"'e.-'.'r 1ta1sioil Brown Oxfords, made on Fenway last, size 6 to ll, at -......... copyright "" Huh Schllnet & Mam , 111w Ladies' P a t e n t ,Leather Slipper, crdés straps, very" st rlish 'is/i,?'..'.?.'.'......-.......................') Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords, fh1bai1 and mili- ., tary heels .tli..-......86.50 last, $9.50 Men's Cherry Red Oxfurds, the new a". -m-F-. square toe last, _ - Men's price ..me.rP"."trrmtr_'P.'.'t.rm_t.re "_."..'....... 'Pre "$6'50 and 0: Little Gent's and Youth Ts & _ black Or brown Shf)('sr,............ $3 $3'50: Ramon Brown Oxfords, made over strand last TTO' n'ettv $ at , " I ", 7.50 at Youth's Oxfords, size 13 'to Ladies' Patent Leather Stray Slip- Perf, veal dressy, baby French 1100] House Wiring, Fixtures, Factory PotrtnrTiring, Farm Lighting Planfs, Street Lighting, Sign Lighting. tt tt _ . - . w ' . - '" . House Telephones V Radio Sets Burglar Alarms ELECTRICIANS We have a nice line of Bring overt:oatings. Now is the tin. 'talt _ru " . o "\ kg [ , r Four Selechon. We are sellmg eravenetted Overcoat: at E.? 'llilti ca , o o o " 5,1" A b"-' Be individual and have one to your on; taste. l 1i'J'e'8liiM8illlll r lil " .' " '.-=="='ca",=ci __ , li,ililUti RaittmllilEssatt h -. 2li171l f £2 Tailoring Department Estimates Cheerfully Given Free' RECEIVING SETS FROM $2.50 UP Ladies' Gray-Strap Slipper, Cuban heel, very latest at 'f..rr1r.jiyh00, Large Girls' Patent" Leath- er, low; heel, Slippers, Cut- out pattern, . gwlut at, M Call Ub--Phoqe 69 l Electric Service " "., Depattmeritr ". Spring Opening Sets Installed Complete on Short Notice We carry RADIO supplies for all 3 needs, Exceptionally flne may at SPRING , RADIO EXPERTS AT YOUR SERVICE $6.50 m O.UR-s. tul FLOOR $3.7 5 $6.50 Selz Shoes for Men, biz/14k kid, brown kid and calfskin in high shoes and Oxfords, Q Mit AND RR Mt Men's Shoes _ and Oxfords at at -.-.-_.. Misscgand Children's Ox- fopl, and. Strap Slippers, prices $2.85, $3.50 and $4.00 false gray buck, cutout stylesffor-$2.50, 3.50 naii.s. 0.600 A)" $6.50 [3:5 ,,i $5 TUB $5.50 RADIONICIANS 'i-lit')' to!" t i331 tr: 'k7