'., 'Aitos. m.mr deda __. My". it yrtter tram Outside 1o9riitit4i,iytft.iki) . th'mugle Io.oking out. . T you dun't heliévg it, il " {d8 ty a grind pry and dol't tempt a (which? circuit Hue - A - ' y tense F _ 1" , J - . m - Senator win. in "its1lrikiii.r.ipwau- m the other ttt admitted the; so a an "a. toi'phothé an cacao Ttitmnce Governor Snail wilt air-ttart/tit Illinois When he paid "by entwined hirtersg wavy (ingenzdylen, it's a question jg to oiritr, then Govern" Small, tlt man of $11 means, or the Cttimdo Trig bune is to gun the state of 1m. ." He amsaren"trr,ettttitt lieve Ecsingtirn is much of arrttattttivet himself and ms in him merely a puppet of the Cttieago fribune. Swift amt" dill!" realize the significance of y "twinks. He didn't realize he was corroborating exactly wtidiiei)ttiv. said frequently in them all- umns: That we must plat lithe: the Tribune or Smart to and}? iwvernorU office at Bprirtgfieuisif we' elect Srrtail,, tte'il he ttmr- vrnor, if we elect Essington, the Tribune will sit in the executive chair at Springfield. T . _ _ . lamina-a1 prosecutors searched statute hooks in vain yesterday for qi law warranting prosecution as the result of the tlag hissing incident at the paelthst meeting in Evanstnn Sunday. Sun}: an act, they found, is.a crime ptdee' the federal statutes only in the District of Colum- 'bla. In other words, folks, it a man with anarchy in by. heart walked up and/51m on Old Glory at "the Lake 'ife?,t,',tirggy,1ioht',?, door, you couldn't send him to jail 'r;,'---)?, Ralph King, 'of the Sun srtaff, got THIRTY" DAXfS for just practicing the unwrittén law in news- tiprrdomrthat ofmpro'tecting a source of information. Apparently the statutes could be revised with consistency ml fairness. ' _ .. V _ t _ 7 Aspirations of Rodney Swift were struck a telling blow by Firm): Olander, seevegary of the.Illinois Federa-' ion of Label; before tttlf meeting of the. milk wr, ducers and union. labor _ fin Waukegan Tuesday night when he, urged-thott/o .voto-for-anyou'e for state senator in the 8th District BUT Swift. - I , _ ' .SMALL'S'FIVE BASIC PRINCIPALS. - r Len Small. governor'of Illinois. was born on a farm near Kano! /kakee. 111., in 1862. Remus asked recently when he. became a {number of Modern Woodmen of America. He paused some' 6:131 " or answer and then replied: "It was a long time ago. and with-" put convenient memorandum to" refresh my memory I should say snore than thirty years. I know it was way back in the dam when -_ was too poor to carry any other 'insuranog' than fraternal insur- "- e, and the Woodmen plan appealed to 'me as it does now." , GAernor Satan's five basic ,yinciistes are: . , Hard Work ' g, . Constancy tdi' Purpmse . ' _ A Christian Life r' . Loyalty to Friends , ", , Application of the GoldenRule . _ This forms the background-of Neighbor Len Small's life. His _ imentary education was acquired in a little country school- T " and he worked hard during off hours. as does any ambi- tious farmer, boy who wishes ttrsuceeed. -Governor Small's hard I P ESSINGTON " PARKER-LABOR. name. M . Bill No. 444 sitiridriit the way for any hopes that are,el Essington might hold for tho favors'of laborers ond other tradesmen. . - _ 1rt nous tanner, 00y wnp wants up omycsu. 'vavluv- -..90. u..- toad building program is known overywhcre and is" occupying the 'armziomot this and foreign countries. While baring with mod- 'uty the- great honors which have come .to him. Governor Lea Imam still remains a neighbor in 11r.oodcraft.--The Modern Wood- In the same way the platform-of Gov. Len Small fact only attracts this class of people; it also carries their Echdorsmncnt. N C" "e""."")".'!!?."'""?'"."""."'":"""":':'?":""':'." . . . " ." iT"; l" . T.." - Should be . ttur can Ralph King today " humming 'tip 1mm can id ..~. '. filAT"--and he says it listens better to'him "than the the yptgilt 1ste2'5e 'ltr,,', f Victor Olandcr, secretary of the Illinois Federation Lot Labor, developed thabpoint at the milk producer-union Uhor meeting in Wankegan Tuesday. Bill No. 444 went through the senate with but one dissenting vote. It jailed, in substance, any agreement on the price of a gonnnodity a crime and punishable as'such. " made it triminal, for example, for farmers to get their little com- mnity cooperative societies to "agree on prices. Each " agreement Would be a mtreint of trade "under Bill . o. 4d4. Ellington, then a state senator, introduced the strainer-t. . F " t jailed, in subatomic, any agreement on the price ot in The Ttftnm. an." m" the queeeion a tis m. a" . t-eis't M BO ed, are 't enough to take a" 'ommodity a ammo and punishable as such. It made it of the 'tei-les-its-tio-is. It merely an "it". a" 11t111f C A51. in": them any." tieMed m triminal, for example, fog farmers to get their little com- been too [M- M tty Mn," Small, "any..." IO!" a Cemnty mm or men DID land on top who: ' munity cooperative Midi" to agree on prices. Such pope} om. Wall, "abort: efficient and doing their M" -h. the job .9 down to Aurora, Joliet or our» other, city , _ an agreement Would be a restraint of trade under Bill the aim? ' , uc-errata. . _ No. 444. Emington, then a Mate senator, igtrodueed the mdebw-'m mum on pk in who"; .. , i -3" go the {applaud}, in Do no - to tum-abut at instmmcm- C. no to mu m "in", pom and-w 'rtrt-iiiiiititt,,',e, and our a-tttttm tor Wm thrtatN tg-ttgt-tt a .But tho American Fegeration of Labor, bhcked by -m" low," a "was at. tho itiatiw,iti,ii1,'s', Bl or not it'd] my, Fttthtg a. m ha a. farmers and civic clubs, defeated. this bill in the house. I" "a midtown. not...» cet In etsi-iidiitiiti {at "porting. " follow in 4tedqe% - wild: but!» "the (beam: of 18rittgton, and his Chicago 'nempuporv - as in! Ite-tire' do" plan the M," M 'w . p on, and and: In. no." - m'w' on: outer-s were shattered. no: publicity and effort! had W'Wflmflu I , F, __ *wug'u on!» Ihlhgg. and can. Mt, poisom! vim minds of the people to such extant. Ohn- Whip j C . Jt,t,tttt',"2t,t k Ft, 4 w , ; my: it deter. . _ I gin: pointed out, that the senate. paw-tin it without a my!" 'k' MM, t'aettt I ,' that tap CrF".'r'. i, tl. hotly: Pf "In." ttt Mn cw [m N to thought. A, t ' . '.: t ' "V C, _ eCeS=EEli2gullr,, _ Ru _:.i.'ftffjtarst1tj, a 'iiiiiEGallti' ' ' . C] ' (a. t..i-teaqtt4wt4i, l sdltt;Aaiitt1iiiitiiiidttiitdtj . A . k _ . '.t', 'MII, 'Sl rm E w- El!Wl!..iMllltgst: (sy. 'diii'tittt29tfiiitaii ItiSi'iialgttiti' Ekiliitgle, tia"kuG'c Pl ' V * 'i'jiL C,, 4.5- fi'.;§~'.§'.'~m. .ibertyville I n dependent :50 County may" . WWW WWW 88 1 it appears in the song. ANYBODY BUT SWIFT. I if} [tt3fhii i'iittigimi'mk o'" shown ivith'checrs" '. hand up- - TIM mention of Ilhtsiugton'ts name b " "t ., _ 2atrgh from the crowdod halt. "tlov. 'dldllh'f t" primary should Jre (mpg-ls": of the av' w her" JProbably 1jlskiitgtoiPf'would In: just as fait tl ee" sun of voters who enclave sugh legislation.". ym. "use new". mt: "natorul candidate her. had. Wu fel in. that"; dlet.rict viouno because of the "edition " the loads; tttgtfth'irt'p, but now he announce! his going to use dn! "his ' tttNut' the!!! the young more diiirriiutum"tomrrl. mu: -.A_gm_who will do that in we" is m the men! chm he ha- in. gas in him to make gm 1'" . me;: it shows? he'tGertiskarustsandperautentaufuilodriirattdua 00-; emu. That'. what we need in ' "tets.in tbrine-d:':. that's "duly what we have NOT Ll'lut'tc'iltl1i,l'i'd he's never' been a GO-GETTER; he has beeia puner-triik in the'trhces; he: has obstructed rather than GONE AFTER Mic: our district.} If George gets to Sprir?g6eld they'lt surely-W he's on: the job] add so will the people who elects him. He than to peseess the marks of . mm who will make good at the'capital. l First, a member of an antiattooae squad being found intoxi- cated, say the police who add " been a common occurrence. Netrts. on his person is found a quart of Itooxe-,atow, in case Blackwell should deem he val/raiding the houae" where he was arrested, thi"thought alike and so frequently charged against dry-raiders all over the country, "Did he carry the booze on hie pawn in order to "PLANT" it and thug make good 0111 a"; Blackwell is placed in an indefensible poittiors-he will have admit he by! the booze teriatist, his owe: think or Ite, will have to let the Menace ride that he had it in": pocket to use as a "plant" admit the woman whose home hy'was arrested at. ?"ithet de- fense will sound good. .7 _ The arrest 'of Ira Bljekwell, member of State's Attorney Smith's dry raiders on th Ccturrge of being drunk and disorderly is a matter of more than passing moment because of the facts surrounding "st: N . . , _ . WRST-He's charged with being drunk. SECOND-on his person the police)" they:found a quart of booze. . "., - __ . THIRD-He was bailed out on bonds signed by a man who has been recognized .in North Chicago. "ut bootiezger. ' Now, the 'lncongruiiy, the irqnicaf features» of all three of these phases of the matter becomes apparent without deep thought. And lastly. a man whose place had been raided many times for hoodegging, was called out of hit bed by Blackwell to sign his bonds so he could get out of iaii--tilat at itself looks bad. Sure- ly Blackwell's relations to the man so often suapected and raided mint not.have been very antagonistic or unfriendly. If not, why hot? Why sycha friendehip that the man would bail hip: out of jail? Why would a_dry squad member be able to all upon a sua- pected bootl'e'ger for bonds? One would think it 'would have been Went ptohiltitionist who'was asked to sign them rather than the man who did. _ " l. . And, syrtltt Blackwell casg do__esnt srtt.e11 tttrod in an way you tram' upon it. . 'Cl" T . C' t it 'l "U Speaking as one of the Illinois newspaper men recognized and honored by Governor Small by being chosen to fill a pasition in, administrative circles in this .state I feel that the'vicious inuendos hurled at the newspaper profession by the Chicago Tribune in a front page article last Thursday should draw, forth bitter resent- meat of newspaper editors over the state regirdiess of party or partisan affiliations. It is true as. the Tribune says, that perhaps fifteen newspaper men at present hold positions in the state ad: ministration. Well, what of it? Aren't newspaper men in Illinois as intelligent, as loyal, as conscientious, as vie.rousdsttlrtful: as efficient, as trustworthy. as sincere as the average layman, law- yer, doctoa or other professions? -, Out of a total of perhaps 'thirty-five hundred "h" positions the newspaper craft has atroutrfi.fteen representatives! The Tri- bane seems to think that this is too many) Just why? _ Governor Small is one of the first governor: tp recognize the neGpaper profession as n producer of men of iudgmenteet,Bclersey and generaradiptatien.ti, the state's executive work and in so do- ing he not only has honored the indiiidual newspaper man bet he has given recognition to a profession which, prior to his think! tration"tUa..toiied for this or that governor before and thereto:- tion and yet has not been recoknGd or "rewarded" if you choc" to' use that term. ' ed? Don any other elm do as much in a civic way, in on uplift- ing m,'in o constant": way as the newspaper man? Just why should a (oven-nor be CBNBURBD for calling to his aid men who redone: in touch WITH THE PEOPLE of his state than ANY, other, clue? Who, more then the newipaper mm have the node, the pea-soul denim oldie people ofhis community. and of the mama. M then? In fact, when yd: "t+e'ttse situation doesn't it - than that even more mum-men hevm't been clued into mime service of our" statein the put ed- minietnticul and even now because of theirhheimate Midge ol public mete-n? , . - PM job: out of may!" hundred im't a vary by ratio ut'ttttettt"o""t.,,eviu1Veonee"'ed,in momma state did". _ , 'r. Humid-Lanna STATUS in 'A iitw 1thrrrrrrt. NEWSPAPER MEN AIDINGADMINISTRATIVE . WORK? WHY NOT? N shouldn't the newspaper profession be so recogniz- r_' MARCH W, ever t 'ti/iii),","!!')? ; he; 3"" :rict. 1 ',lb"iil'(' " __ j-0b i ib (.1, \1 "Win? aiFiuiviee pa. was: begin at hem? than Mee-tkts-te-tttttect-tit-tdu,') had "up Iumor. Mr. Harding and "up" ware newspaper mm evidently would desire to on holding ALL the jobs em dim long ago have resolute} the Tribune's en- ta-ist-edt-mature-ei-tlm-tir-io' he m5 Mum Malia; at their part inmate pundit. the m, aer.tiirai-eieiireeaidetdevenituGsaii- m nan. w. ItCOtDiek has elected U. 8. Senator even thigh he"! Idiot the Chicago Tribune stock and has been one of $0 MtttttB, fhcthe "we My McCormick, by being a news- paper In: W1 bil" thew because it might influence the policy d, tisirtetrr4ikhr, benign: We office. An; no, In Mulligan ami- (i pi? en of Iliitfois those hon- otéd T i,itti,tttti','ite 'it'ietllta1'ry,1lidl,1t, we resent tltr, . I ' , Mtirs ' merely got our 'i'ilf,'i) editors of Illinois ti, 'lit' 'b' t ~ 014* if the? dim't be [ ttheir associates are araib, 'I' .' tl "rs * T in; arm}. re jp" ition as tLe cut-and- drtirr i'itk' Jil wt . c Trib in, 'l;ur4t' preiers.cs an Mike hAie'ii?,'t" 'li t thd., ('l,'d';,'lra','I t"r, " y r excited; may) hunc'apapu men Laid state - Wm taxiiay l 5'an Muted ublic aiiairs und be- came bf their kno V M, ' . i ., ', '2Jlt;t1i make, all t'nycgs being equal, even [$155 of men who." to the fact that the ' . , itdBItttii" att' relegated the Tri.. bune's influence in tfi ""1 ~11?" " ite scrap-ir-cap. No doubt tha"' -"y the Tribune no? seeks to chastice all of us who happen 1 33539:: mm :34 have ajganiin Ln... Swan's efficient ..'.ratlog"'6i. nap gttatrs. " ,', SOME OF THE ISSUES LAKE COUNTY CONSIDERS. . L., _ The Chicago Daily News, left car tti,the Chicago 'Tribuhe on matters political onf Thursday evening printed a long dim on Lake County politics and " usual, misstated mitiiy arch: mu a they ampere. -' . . V "A 1Nthe first place it referred to Lake County as the County "to which Governor Small brought, his trial" when the fact " Brimdage musnur'u the one who SELECTED Lake County aa the trial county. Several counties were indicated by both sidea: ANY of them was agreeable to smair-rand Wundage, picked LAKE County. Yet tlre Chicago News says "The cdunty which SMALL picked." , ' " - . Next, the News refers to the sentence of Ralph King G jail and adds that State'a Attorney Smith and his friends not, Lake County "frustrated the plans of having the governor perm King)? In this connection' may we ask; How long since Col, Smith and his friends were so close to the gdvernor that in case he WA'!"'- ED to eommute Kinghr sentence (which ht never Was askedx'to do and King" nor his: employer. wanted him to dir); that Col. Smith and his friends would be ABLE 3o "frustrate" the plan, if n plan HAD. been in the thought; of anybody? How long since the state's attorney's crewd wouhtbeibte to influence or SCARE Gem, emor Small from ANY position he might desire to take? _ - The News says that State's.Attorney Smith is the issue tn Lake County. Eek NOT the issue. By clever. political moves, it' now appears, Col. Smith and his friends lywe played in great luck-so. MANY candidates have.eutered the race for prosecutor that the situation looks jimmed up to a finish. "And reports are current that, a certain "opponent" of Col. Smith holds frequent conferences WITH T the prosecutor on matters political-and re- ports have it that" C?USmith is_playing i foxy trdtrte by Ireepjritr this candidate IN the race and his crowd ts even backing the cam- paign of this 'topponent" who hasn't done anything to date but STAY IN as a candidate. . . The issue is not oi Smith 'in Lake county. There are him get issues; one is the bane of: Shall fair play prevail in Lake com ty? Shall the rich Lake Forester be treated the same as the pier Weakeganite? Shall the DeLuxe 'get and blind-pager have more rights and more leeway than e one who runs his game from a soap box rather than a swell basement or front room? There's a BIGGER issue than EITHER OF THESE in Latte county". 'It is: Is Lake County going to put it's stamp of mean! on the vicious attacks made of: the honesty, integrity "whim of Lake County juries by the Chicago Tribune ind New? Shall we IN biuridouN'rY tolerite without hitting tuctr,rthe.oftr repeated statements of the Chicago {Tribune that Lake "anti it the BLACK-SPOT in Illinois? Shall we go out and elect the Tribune's [ammonia] candidate. and than say AMEN to the 'trit;ine's Wiatiocn of our citizenship? Shall we help deer . governor whom the Tribune admits it WILL CONTROL may. ml and spirit? Would the black-spot of Illinois THEN be shift? ed to COOK County? It surely would if the Tribune at in the govermtr's chair at Springfield? " Lake County goo: strong FOR SMALL it means mu- preedon of thanks to: the personal attention he has given the road: of LaYe County; it man: an expression of amniotic. for the fact that HE for the first time in history has recognized Lake County in giving it some state --patronage, in other watt "no JOBS for RESIDENTS and TAXPAYERS of Lake County. 'Be-' tore his time other gourmets never Rented to realise that Lake County we: IN the state of Illinois. Isn't .that worth eatmideew. tlon? 'Doeen't it show that the (memo: has Done something tor Lake County in ROADS, in PATRONAGE which other govern- on haven't had the DESIRE or WILLINONESS to do? Do. it not matter that for the (int time in history Lake County was given THREE MAJOR JOBS, in fact ANY DBCENT john? In the pant we've hat! a couple a deputy game wardens, a deputy fire harsh]; etc., but hever More haa any governor done Snr- ttSt aovee'rsqtr Small has along this line for Lake County? 't that mearshtretting to the citiuna as a whole? Often mm am not or wish to HOLD the" place. at!" WW but no boasted, arep't btoad enough to take the "e, IT, 1tdtget', and. If :itedi?, anew) uireilttascr er, g t V qr "mire instance gum: t I , ' .. Cl ' . 0v uid s',','; "tiii/M' Ui ch _ .' a," wm »-'~., m' = f I " . "h'atiiere" _e)r.iif1irji9 fi'Skk Eil" R" o I In a. ' - . " n a tV trlien%D land on'mp rm 7 "who... Iain-007:0:- Ara' . , t had . l Aurora, Joliet or 30m. other city , 'tmaqtt Atld "m. 1 rutDo-atttotum.at-ta" PtlitiRak " GeV-tttet-st-mated a... a..." ,," Pr putting th. tl.""'" in» an aunt-Mutt" 1 "i gsialot SAGE 0F L BLUFF C 1.001130 ESTATE OF Echo..§ "to "ttse.tcoettrt H1 rutrerer3fi%" h ChieMo,. I you: no film on SyJJay I the 'Ctr'gun snags rtsythrol a dry. toiso.W.mt the mm; M July» was made some this pro ' :1» m9 cqanty court held the can. fiian Who Was Highly Re- spected Village President Betrayed His Trust. V EXONERATE VANDERKLOOT Cane looted me s"'.'.'.. par) in In: hands and utiliru Nun's no.5.)tn'. 2.5.4 bonds and sums of money which nctti 'aeen intrusted to him as guardéim ot the child who at present is anout 12 years ot age. While an apnea: vi" be taken by counqd fur the o'mh- nne estate, thearotUt is that ms evi- dence is such flu! result in a simi- lar ruling to my ruling ot the (wwzn'y and circuit courts here. ' WA. "GRAND OLD MAN" Tho sensation cehoets on .tho Nun h Show been" at the fact that To. tllIrf,it'ef2d residence in Lake b, In: con-Mend than use on the village; was "conned, by being and. my" Jenni time: and was on. an In an town who was'very MIN! hauled. in. bet to much so am he- vu' 'trits continued bs) {think mum to "all!" ot prop- erty ate. and h was "an!" I. an "(Milt In" of honesty and in- tinny. .'. , ' IXOI'IMTII VANDIRKLQOI " no will: ot the court held entire. tr me "than and removed any "and" on no am who William Victim 1.11%" In Wanke an as u "the member and presi- deny: the Glen "or. Country Club. in course of the mu Vinderkloot. had' proved the: while he was 00- mrdtan ot MI niece that he had " lowed Cochran to handle the entire property which represented about $40,000 in "in. Aetordintfy he was this " Bhoithat at no. time had he 12111de say of the (and: but T had left all to Cowl-ens. - . the eiatei ot Coax-ma um! Vander- kloot patently. trying to hold 2t: ddrkloot "wanna: for the spam! . don: ot Coolant. mule he. Tate. derkloot was I 3rrgtmrdiatt. on 'v, the {thund- a»: he Atoq1d have watched Cock-nu no" don-1y." . ' A yw'tstlidlt ' Pencils Heard tu'uidcnootu'nhd that Cochrano '5! to that] augment! any 'e "o.tttbitttr. tron Vuderkloot on to. count at the lane thawing tint had allow" Cockta- tun any ot the estate. t'ltTr,,e,','eit"t ot the Coch- mo at: . - to the Circuit Court and the datet%iott at tho latter court can on My; tho out": are another that! will to taken. only». or IOOTH go. Cochran. to: may you: was "tamer a! the Booth "than" Com- pany in Chicago. arc-loom or Lake mutt on! was cautioned "the grand. old nun" aka." value. Citizens " mt too-tn Mm regarding their pendant "an no he woo looked upon " one of the moat stnunch citizens a that community. . Cochnntdhd a airman no and It WI! an; that the revelation came out that toms ot the child's fortune was 'tri-tata.. ' _ T , Following 11:. out}: of Cat'hranp the Centrufrmt, Company ot Chi. cago' was nursed and)" in place ot Cochran and std'erkloo! and the compunyln its investigation round the $13,500 shorts". _ 1 The" it was n revolution when the an" an. out that " was " ported to I". pun than 812.600 la bundling It. at"; orn- young girl. She ll . and daughter of the me Adgun Vuicttloot I well known tenant of lab. will. or the uuount lost In Ill Inoculation $T,000 was in tho In». of Donal which the esl" due. showed had been cashed try Coehnn and n: to his own use. TM W In court were thirteen"... Itollowlnt tho mm" of the Becki PUtteriett fond Maul! unduly qrtbarraased and " in turn Nun speculum; In tteder to n- - his fortune and In doing In "Mind pan or the mm. a! his child ward. _ pm out "II: it". Anew with 0"",wa bou- "iniisrtei. t"Ut, an. we: on W not. cry mommy m M" treed ammo». d - IA. BLUFF ao ad m 2m u ttutga Ciiek. "I a} m TJ BEE Its