"MURDER® VF®~CT OF JURY IN THE ~-- _ INGLESIDE CASF Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nader and fami-- 1y and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Homlin, all spent a week ago last Sunday with relatives at Fox River Grove. Mrs. Ben Dix was a Chicago visitor last Thursday. Mrs. Will Fischer spent a couple of days last week with friends in Chi-- cago. © 'The Sast Side Fox Lake Cemetery Bociety vill moet on Wednesday after-- moon, Juane 4i"}, with Mrs. Everett Cul-- ¥er and Mrs. Horace Hulver for their regular mee'ing and a picnic supper will be served. All visitors are wel-- Inquest: Fails to Shed New Light on Odd Slaying; Rec-- ' ommend Further Quiz The murder of Artie Loeb, 35 year old bachelor, whose body was found at Ingleside two weexs ago, may nev-- er be solved, it was indicated at the inquest which was held Friday after moon at Libertyvile by Coronmer J. L. Taylor. Among those who testified were: o ~Beveral of the Eastern Star mem-- bers from our village attended an all day meeting at Millburn Thursday. . "ifi'. iin{ie Kbufiedy. a sister, 4838 Gladys Ave., Chicago. The testimony showed that Loeh's clothing indicated that he was not struck by a train. Blood spots at var-- ous intervals indicated that he was scarried a mile from the spot where he was killed. -- Mrs. Clara McClaska, a sister, 1928 Cicero Ave., Chicago. -- Mrs. B. J. Hooper spent last Tues-- day and Wednesday with her sister in rj.r.b:-algzé,;l"ox Lake marshal, who believes he s*w Loeh in an intoxicat-- ed condition ;the night he was slain. --H. Hendricks, Ingleside, who took notes and measurements concerning the case. Chas. Boesel, section foreman, who found the body lying along the rail-- road tracks a mile from the scene where the killing took place. + Sheriff Edwin Ahistrom. . The jury arrived at a verdict that Loeh died of a fractured skull, and that the identity of the person who killed hbhim was unknown. The jyry recommended that the sheriff con-- tinue the investigation. ~ Mrs. Rrodas was in the city a coup je of doys last week, called there by the scrious il'nc> of her mother, Mrs. "-Aporwasborn'fc"hi'.tnd Mrs. For-- |'begin at 7:30 p. m. 'The Count of Holmgrer two weeks ago and|Monte cm:g"u by Alexander Dumas Mrs. Holmgren has been very ill.{and has a known place in story BShe was operated . on at .the Victory lore. Don't miss this great picture. Of HOUSEHOLD GOQDS Saturday, May 31 AUCTION SALE BASE BALL % Beds with springs and mat-- 1 Leather Couch Terms Cash 1 Book Case. Rugs, large and small. Libertyville vs. Lake Zurich SUN. JUNE 1 N it 2 LAKE VILL A Mary Bader Premises AT LIBERTYVILLE 532 Brainerd Ave., Libertyvillé 2:30 P. M. Standard Time o'clock, Standard Time DTE NNNA Memorial Hospital ten days is now on the gain. f Mrs. Sophia Hall of Englewood, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. 8. M. Sherwood. The Allendale boys took part in a celebration of Boys' Week in Chicago, last Saturday and marched in the par-- ade. A special car took them to the city. Captain Bradley and their in-- structors accompanied them. "usd G. P. Manzer, G Koppan and C. B. Hamlin attended an enthusiastle M. W. of A. meeting at Gurnee one eve-- ning last week. . PCs if § The Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scouts held a surprise party at the pasonage Friday evening in honor of Mr. Went-- worth's birthday, and they had a splen did time. 1 CHURCH NEWS _____ Church School at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. . ; Young people's hour at 5:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30. In honor of those young people who have work-- ed for four years to earn a diploma in Antioch high school, the evening ser-- vice of our church will be held at the high school at 8 o'clock.; A Baccalaver-- ate sermon will be given by the Rev. Mr. Rice, ~of Millburn.-- Everyone is urged to find a place in a car and go over to the exercises. p Tuesday, June 3, movie fans of the -- Ruth Allen and Ruth Alice Cannon spent several days last week with the Allen family at Hebron. 3 j lirs Bartlett returned home from the hospital last Monday evening, and is improving. _ _ _ noghlns 4n & _ D. 0. Douglas of Waukegan called on his mother here on Sunday. _ _ _ _ Mis Hilda Twoeed is telephone op-- erator now, in place of Miss Allen, who resign@d. 4 Mrs. Carl Reinbach and brother. James Leonard. and wife, who have recently returned from Cambridge. IIL where James is teaching, visited their sisters in the city a few days last week. * mil?s 'Jarvis and FElizabeth Jarvis were in the city on business last Thursday. s ce The former postoffice building, now owned by W. G. Hucker, has been leased by Al Maier as a tire, acces-- sory and battery station. * Mr.; and Mrs. Rippberger have de cided to reside in the city, where Mr. Rippberger has his business, and they have given up the 'flat in the Fred Hamlin house, which they, have.oceu-- pied for some time. R _ Several of the Lehmann -- horses were shipned last week to be exhibit-- ed at the Eastern horse shows. _ _ _ The schools all about us are closing. Cribb school closed Friday of last week with a picnic: Monaville had a picnic Monday and the Lake Villa school closes today (Thursday) with a picnic. ltA Getraiy & Pirudictentsdih 4 Siracnthints d rages +4 v en it Lake Villa Community Moving Picture Sho wwill see the largest picture we have yet shown. The cast will be alf star. The hero's part will be played in a vital, forceful way. This picture is so large that we cannot show any other for lWck of time. 'The show will 1 Gas Stove: -- 1 Wash Machine, Wringer, Tubs and Boiller. . Garden-- Implements. © 2 10--gal. Crocks. Pictures. * Dishes and Kitchen Utensils. 1 Table Lamp. 2 Mirrors. 1 Heater. Fruit Jars. Miscellaneous arsticles too nu merous to mention. Lincoln Lusk, Auctioneer Stove Wmlfl"'"".onlcun. here were sIXLOC: sIAU--| TT 111 _ 77 HURCUGONT t picture we |uates, as follows: Edward Bleimebl, appendicitis, is g t will be @ll-- |yarie Bonson, Earle Frost, Robert|is expected to b I1 be played | Gastfield, Clarice Juhrend, Marcus |home this week. 'This pictur® | gnigge, Eima Lewis, Grace Lewis,| At a meeting. ot show &DY | munice Long, Jeannette Meyers, Wal--|last week, a bon( he show Will |a~» Neweamb. Wallace Reichelt, Geo. |authorized, in di SKULL FRACTURED BY BALL BAT, BOY SERIOUSLY NURT were entertained -- by Mrs. Frank Hempstead Wednesday afternoon. The progra mwas in charge of Mrs. A. R. Warner. r 'The Lake County Guernsey Associa ation will hold the regular month-- ly meeting Monday evening, . June %, at 8 o'clock, in the office of the Farm Bureau-- at Libertyville. > Miss Lois Adams of Ravinia, was the guest of hber --grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Adams Sunday. Mrs. J. C# Hunter and two daughters of Centralia, Mo., are the guests this week of. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muhbike. Mrs. Anna Sherman is visiting her son, Clarence Sherman, of Chicago, and also her son, Austin, who is i1 at the Cook county hospital, this week. Bchool closed last Friday. with the graduation exercises held at the Ma-- sonic hall 'There were sixteen grad-- uates, as follows: Edward Bleimehbl, Marie Bonson, Earle Frost, Robert Gastfield, Clarice Juhrend, Marcus Knigge, Elma Lewis, Grace Lewis, Eunice Long, Jeannette Meyers, Wal-- lace Newcomb, Wallace Reichelt, Geo. Stryker, Wesley Stryker, Helen Roll, and Verda Varner. . James M. Gran tham was the speaker of the evening. George' Stryker ~was : Salutatorian. There were two. valedictorians, Wal-- Jace Newcomb and Wallace Reichelt, as they tied on their work for the ~----Mrs. J.A. Reichelt, Jr., was the lun-- cheon guest of Mrs. Fran Cain at Highland Park Monday. . -- _ Blow Brings Paralysis; Forced to© Operate Raise Skull Frederick Fitz, 4 years old of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fits of J wood farm, Waukegan road, 1 fractured skull resulting from accidental blow from a ball b the hands of his older brother. The boy is at hte Victory morial hospital He, was _T there Sunday noon, the time ¢ The boy is at hte Victory Me-- morial hospital -- He, was rushed there Sunday noon, the time of the accident, and taken to the operat-- ing room where doctors performed a delicate operation and raised the skull to its normal position. An X--ray wasn't necessary to lo-- cate the fracture. The break ran along the left forehead, the frag-- ments of bone being pushed against the brain in such a manner that it brought total paralysis to the right side _ Frederick, who was unconr-- scious for several hours, was un-- able to talk while the bone pressed on the brain. His speech was re-- turned by the operation. The injured boy and his brothej were playing in the barn. Throug an accident Frederick was struck with the bat. i a delicate skull to its Doctors stated -- that his condition was hopeful today. h eV All except two of the teachers m' returning next year. Mrs. Carlb Ander-- ron has accepted a position in tus Chicago schools She had the third grade, which will be taken ca.» of by Mrs Alvin Knasak, wao was a v«rYy succc:sful teacher hera sevoral years ago. The past year she tauzh: at the Ouk Terrace school al Highwoud. . Misses Ethel and May 'Titus will sp.+1' the summe= at Bouli ;, Folo , and attend the unizersity thase M: and Mrs. Lesiia Brand of High-- lan 1 Patk are building a 'ringatow on \IDusrflield4 Ave., near W. W. Clark's . hom>. !md son, Jack, of Ravinia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Biederstadt last Bunday. llra.."CMi Anderson and Miss Ber-- nice Tucker of Highland Park motor-- ed to DeKalb Saturday and atended the home coming of the DeKalb nor-- mal school. -- C tel ' Miss Viola Rockenbach, who hbas been unable to be out for several months, is improving. _ _ Mrs. J. A. Reichelt, Jr., gave her re-- port of the Illinois Council of Parent Teachers' -- Association> convention at Springfield, at the Oak Terrace school in Highwood Wednesday evening and at Northbrook Thursday evening.~ _ __Mrs. Robert Pettis will teach at the Northbrook school again next year. _ Mrs. Pearl Boch Miller and son, Lin-- coln, of Foley, Ala., were guests of Mr. agd Mrs. Ross Sherman Tuesday. _ Rev. M. L. Thomas is attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church at Grand Rapids, Mich., this week. + Mr. and Mrs.< Clay Donner of El Paso, La., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muhike the past week. . _-- _ -- --Miss Isabel Biederstadt of Highland Park and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibbs Misses Susie Easton and Wleanor Meyor attended a benefit card party at the Edgewater Beach Hotel last Saturday. Mrs. Emily Miller of Northbrook is spending the summer with Dr. and Mrs. Becker. The Royal Neighbors observed Mothers'® Day with an appropriate pro-- gram Thursday evening. Theore were 71 in attendance, with 27 guests from the Highland Park camp. A saurprise shower was given at the home of Mrs. Elsie Lama of Chicago in honor of Miss Frances Klemp. Evangelical (nBgualow Church) The ministerial' conference held in this church last week was welt attend-- ed and several of the denominational epeakera added greatly to the pro-- gram. The ladies of the church serv-- o4 the morls in the church dining room, and they certainly were not the Ina«t epving in their preparations. A wedding party of alx . called on Rev. Stakemilier, and aftter the cere mony, a bountiful woedding dinner was served in the parsonage, The pastor and his family, Harold Vant and Misa Orma Johnaon, of San members of the Garden Club ERTYVILLE | INDEPENDBNT; THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 DEERFIEL D MB Doctors and from Knoll bas < & in # ~ Me & d & 4\ O&o M o 6 A M s ~"1. The closing exerctses of the high 1| school will begin on Thursday eve-- 'metbelnnulmD- * | tion. to s will be held. ~There '|will also be an exhibit of the work *\ done the past year. The date was changed from May 30, so as not to in-- in the giv of onfll.'o'l: T¥ about three wee ning, w« the annual recep-- tion. to s will be held. ~There will also be an exhibit of the work done the past year. The date was changed from May 30, so as not to in-- terefere with Memorial day. * . Bunday evening, June 1, the Bacca-- laureate exercises will be held at the high school and, as in former years, this will be a combined service par-- ticipated in b yall the churches of the district. Rev. Rice. of the Congrega-- tional church of Millburn, will be the speaker and a large crowd is expect-- ed to attend. the services will continue the church --Special sp« been arranged for,. and services are promised. Mrsa. Harry Lowry and sister, Mrs. Grant, were Chicago passengers last Monday. . P Mrg: Frances Williams and Mrs. Es-- tella Bock: were Chicago visitors last Friday. Joseph Westlake passed away last Sunday evening, after a week's iliness of pneumonia. Obituary next week. Mrs. George Kubapt entertained her father, Mr. Schmail, from > Jackson, Wis., the past week. * 'The children of the Junior Dept. of the Methodist church sponsored an en-- tertainment which was held at the An-- tioch high school Monday evening of this week, and which proved a suc-- cess in every way. M¥rs. Emily Edmonds of Concord, Mass., spent the week end at the home of M1. and Mrs. John Woodhead. Mrs. Gail Clark and children of Ev anston and Miss Simmons of Eagle River, Wis.. were Antioch callers on Friday of last week. -- _ > . * Mrs. 'Warriner was a Chicago vis-- itor Monday. Mrs. Inez Ames, who was operated on in Waukegan two weeks ago, for appendicitis, is getting along fin», and is expected to be able to be brought At a meeting of the village board last week, .l:o:dlmoottlo,oo!o:u authorized, msuouo $100 and $200, to 'be in ten years. The money will be used to take care of judgments Against the village. f Tigh sehool be the high se at school"l'hnnw«cm.!uo& _ 'The Antioch postoffice was moved last week into the new quarters in the Grice building, on Main street, ry-- A telegram was received here Jhe first of the week stating that Chas. R. Horan, 'who is attending the Uriver-- sity of TIllinois, was very ill with sinus infection of the head. j Mrs. Ada Overton of Chicago visited her parents here several days last Harry Lowry transacted business in the city Friday. s rmu"nodolod. The new building ; much larger and the local postal workers will have a great deal more room to handle the mail. the completio nof the new Majestiic Theatre, and the opening date will be anmounced soon. ° Miss Ella Ames returned home the first of the week, after visiting at the home of her nephew and ~wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ames, in Waukegan. 4 4#%4 4 4 4 + 4k 4 4# 4 4# 4# Mrs. EKime# Stickies is spending some time at the home of her son at Ingleside.=. _ -- _ l' | _ Mrs. Gertruie Porry has been taken to the TLake Cnmryr%ucml hospl'al, | where she will x«geive tremme--su _ _Rev. and Mrs. F. James spent last Tuesday in Antioch, where they vis-- ited the Mf sochool. Mr and Mrs., Frank Martin of High-- land Lake, entertained several rela-- tives from Chicago over the week end. The many friends of Miss Leila Mc¢-- Millen gave her a miscellaneous show-- er at the Congregational church last Thursday evening, in honor of her ap-- proaching marriage to Leslie Faulk-- ner. Miss McMillen was the recipient of many lovely gifts. ow / s | Bevuoral menmts of the OrJjdo«e of ine kastern Stat went to Libartyzville les: Thursday av--r)n8, w ):i: 16y "o.o entertaiund by the "Bhptor . at 'that place. # i; -- Mrs. Lovewell, of New London, Wis. spent several days of last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. P. Waish. Mrs. Almond Thurlwell And ohildren returned Sunday from Darien, Wis., where they spent a week at the home of her parents. r Be sure to attend the very fine pro-- gram which will be gvn at theopera house on Memorial day, at 2:30 p im. Mr. and Mrs. W.,C. Petty left Moa-- day for their home near Rloomingtoa, I!1., where they will apend their ,¥a cation. Mr. and Mrs. Deyo Morril! of Beloit, Wis., spent several days last week with relatives here. Mre. J. O'Leary, of Chisago, spent the week end at the Godfiey homeo Several lHttle friends of Miss Alma Thompson were 'entertained at hbet home Saturday afternoon, in honor of her eighth birthday. _ _ Mc _ Miss Dorls YSweet spent several days with relatives in Chicago 'd week. Not a Bad Description. A new neighbor came to call on me, and she brought ber amall four--year-- old boy. This child was a striking child with red bair, -- He 'was the fAirst child Klaine had-- happened to notice with such bright locks,° ""'W': walked right up to him and salid, s your hair is regular setting sun color, lnn't 1t?"--Chicago Tribune. he work. 'They ex it three weeks. , iring the absence services will conti G R A Y S L A KE A N T 1O C H rip is to secure pic-- k there and use them stereoptican lectures. ey expect to be gone the first | preryer ./ / sc l| CHAUTAUQUA WEEK HERE JUNE 17 TO 21 P O O P _ _ 1 _ TL OO ipontrmmmmmman ";;' ym s 4 k es oo n U . " 4 #w® P 0 e + " J ',_"_,f.i:,'mxfi:i_. J se es euypns4 65 a'é:k A o v o on o hk fls ies j w wie 093 Nee P a h s : ~At' w aal -- & hk s wytex . . . « t C / 0 ~<y. n | is noudl ' T us i ie e _¥ N opE P P < " NA wteols > } y wapee a Te | o odra s oi » u28 *4 p #5% t o Wiaed a o f z .""'j-'-':rr-'tj;;-fifi'.-n. I hy 1. > > ' P ' " m s m P Jhs . : V*JM $ L. " 4 5 & «/y ,' Pa + §C E. {'S" & / f akw N s # L 206. & ~ 3y . / "A A,. T i. sA 1 broaas e 1 t e' * # M en -- M f g ty . idw iA n §. K % l 114 & k: } e k wilhe ;*'_':' Kal ¥. C J 7 6 m . y (Cap~ _ E) Es\ A4_*\ * * C _ ; f SW M C . P e h l * _ Cl ---->2 1 l ' J" w(\\ . ' . gre a 4 P +7~ + ~4CCL / Expect of Tempered Oil * \. what you expect of tempered metal," 66 4 Montague _ Light Opera Singers GREAT edpath Chautauqua FIVE BIG DAYS _A ETAL does not break or fracture when correctly tempered for its duty. Tempered principles, applied * to oil, bring like protection to your lubrication. Ordinary oil comes to you scorched and brittled by the furious heat.applied to drive it from the crude petroleum. But the modified and controlled heats of Tempered processes draw, unharmed, the richest fractions from selected crude. The final test shows how great the advantages. After hours of deserves to be your single choice.~ We urge it for the higher protection it affords your motor And we urge it for its real economy. Because it lasts longer. And because it reduces carbon troubles.. We have it for you in the correct weight for your motor Give it a fair trial. Call on us. hottest running, Tempered holds from 10 to 36% higher wiscosity than other good oils. Comparative tesis prove this. @W2CR TB\ J TT DA @WwISss Notable Musical Production Presented by the Picturesque Costumes and Scenic Effects ' ENTERTAINMENT ~NUMBER Fifth night h Season Tickets $2.50 Libertyville, lIllinois adhams ----* Motor Co. or Oii erxred «4