F% ie RE ¥e ' VOLO BUS LINES --~ BRING SHOPPERS _ TO THE DOWNTOWN The newest business venture of the North Shore line, the four busses tha! ¥un each day between Waukegan and Volo, meets with the approval of the merchants. Merchants Declare that New ? Service of North Shore _ 'c Boosts Business. I 0; There are four busses on the sched-- ule now, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. They are so ar-- ranged that those employed in Wau-- kegan can commute with little diffi-- culty. The route lies along Belvidere street, to Grayslake, through its busi-- ness district, thence to Volo. Although the service was only start-- ed Sunday by George Kenry, manager #or© Waukegan and district, some of the business men assert that they IhUve met Grayslake and Volo custom-- ers whom they have not had the pleas-- wure of selling to in some months. #% % % % % % * * * % % % % X% % % # 4 % %& % % % % % % 4 % k & % % % % Miss Maude Rotramel returned to her home in Paxton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dupker spent Bunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. L. V. Lusk spent Thursday in Libertyville, where she heard a club leader from Urbana. She will have charge of a sewing club for girls in this community. =-- -- As time and weather warrant the service will be increased, according to Mr. Kenry. _ Mrs. Geary of Wauconda is visiting her son, Bernie, this week. _ O -- --Misses Esther and Orpha Russell motored to DeKalb Sunday, and Orpha will attend the summer school at the Normal. © Mrs. Essie Fisher has been very ill the past w§ek with brochitis. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh-- ters spent Sunday in Libertyville with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker. "--There was a large attendance at the community meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chat Thompson Thurs-- day evening. The pictures were on Porta Rica. Ice cream and cake were served. ' L. V. Lusk spent the past week buy-- ing cows in Barron county, Wisconsin. 'There will be an ice cream social at the M. ,. church Wednesday evening June i8th. The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. L A. Huson and Misses Vera Vasey and Dorothy Dil jJon. There will be a program and amusements for all. Don't miss it. _ Mr. and Mrs. Arno Frantz and their daughters returned Wednesday from & trip of several days to Memphis, Tenn. I"VE'-- i.uh'ikvfi.finebm-- becca Merner and Clara Werner as hostessées. _ . . _ Mrs. Ray Dobbin gave an aluminum Shower for Miss Helen Bergdahl of Highland Park at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. W. H. Neville, last Monday evening. The Wilmot Progressive Club give the regular party at the school Satur-- day evening, June 14. Mrs. Fred Haggi spent Monday with Ravenswood, who is quite ill. Mrs> Mary Koeblin spent the week week with her sor, William Koeblin, and family in Wilmette. > © Mr. and Mrs. A. Cashmore and fam-- ily are enjoying their new bungalow on Chestnut street. The mock trial bréach of promise case given by the Woman's Club Sat-- w'!'-l:;;v""fc;fi;'n'--s- Missionary Society of the Bungalow church met Tuesday aft-- ernoon at the church, vul_x_nesdamgsg "*******'********* Rev. Stakemiller and family, H. R. Vant and Miss Orma Johnson return-- ed Sundy from ten days' motor trip to Pinesvillie, Kentucky. ulc iy _ * D EERFIEL D * J % 4 % % % % % % % % &# % % % % % The Quality Store Grayslake, Iilin fast Fabrice. FAST TO SUNLIGHT . B. Godfrey FAST TO WASHING FAST TO V 0 L 0 genuine Ever-- A. L Taylor is building a new home on the lot he recently purchased on Rosemary Terrace, Mrs. J. A. Reichelt and daughter are aliending the commencement exercis es at llunois University this week. Miss Dorothy Reichelto is one of the 'graduates. urday drew a full house and was hear-- tily enjoyed by all MissAugusta Cut-- ler is to be congratulated on her work. home Saturday Henry Peterson, the local motor cycle cop who broke his lgx several weeks ago, and has been at the High-- land Park bhospital, will be brought G., to William Sullivan of New York on Saturday, May 31, at St. Sylvester's church, Chicago. -- -- | _ ar. and Mrs. Lincoln Pettis spent the wéek end with relatives in Wis-- | consin. ; _ Mrs. Ed Therrien of Highland Park | was the Sunday guest of Mrs. Julia peterson. pas o L 20000 12023 is Gamilw _ Mrs. Elizabeth Carolan annouces the marriage of her daughter, G_noo C. Becker, and Julia Peterson sang solos and Mesdames Becker, Peterson and Selig sang a trio. . _ _ _ _ | stutnchinddbnt' ~ Ed Landau has moved his family into the west apartment of the Oscar 'Bt-echam house. l The Lake County Guernsey Breed-- ers' Association will hold a picnic on --Thursday, June 19, at Thom Hill, one half mile fro mDeerfielsé.. A jolly good !time is assured by the committee, J. L. Waddell, E. L Vineyard and W. A. Temmerm@#&r¢k. -- Mrs. John Willman speént Monday 'visit.ing in Chicago. 5& l _ Rev. M. L Thomas delivered the memorial address at the Odd Fellows hall on Monday night. Mesdames E. _ Mrs. Sadie Beckman and Mrs. Frank Schar attended the district Rebekah meeting at Crysta) Lake Saturday. Tuesday P. C. Bickerton of Chicago drove his car into the car of Dr. Davis which stood in front of DPr. Warner's home. The case was brought to trial before Justice Frantz. A fine of $50 and casts was imposed, as it was shown that the driver of the Chicago car was in no condition to handle an automobile. Both cars were badly damaged. % _ Mrs. Emma Hoffart and son, George were the guests of W. H. Kist Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buckley of Chi-- cago spent the week end with their relatives here: . Miss Bernice Tucker of Highland Park was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson Saturday. Ky., have moved into the Koeblin apartments. T REPNUERUE 200 CCR Miss Lillian Rockenbach of Lake: Zurich has been visiting her pal, Miss Barbara Huehl. The Evangelical Sunday School con-- vention of the Northern Illinois dis-- trict of the Evangelical Synod, which met at St. Luke's church in Chicago, was well attended. Miss Barbara Hueh] attended as a delegate from St. Paul's. Gervices Sunday at St. Paul's Evan-- gelical church: Supday School begins at 9:15, as usual. Church services in English at 10:30 a,. m. _ Mrs. Fred Labahn entertained the Ladies' Aid Thursday, June b5th. > Speed. "I am going at record speed," said the fiy that had lit on the revolving phonograph digsk.--Boston Transcript. America's Four Foremost _ _ Automobiles Telephone Libertyville 440 Packard Chrysler R. J. L Y O NS LIBERTYVILLE and AREA Paige John' Wilcox, of Antioch, whose son, Lee P. Wilcox, is being beld in connection with the shooting Martin Jerde, Wednesday, June 4th, on the Wilcox farm, informed the Authort ties the Jerde brothers were report-- ed to have made threats that they in-- tended to dynamite his home and that he and his son had been livipg in fear the threats would be carried into execution. "-- 'The senior Wilcox was in Wauke gan Thursday afternoon .to furnish information to the states attorney's office as to the trouble which led up to the shooting. -- FEARED DYNAMIT-- ING OF HOUSE; IS SHOOTING ANGLE Feared Man Who Was Shot and His -- Brothers Would Young Wilcox is said to be in an extremely nervous state of mind. He is being held at the county jail pend-- ing to developments in Jerde's con-- dition. Jerde, at the county hospital, is reported to be getting along nice-- ly. Surgeons were unable to remove the bullets in his right leg and in his back even after X--Ray pictures were taken. His condition is not regarded as.serious, however. -- Jerde with his brothers, Elmer and Alfred, are alleged to have partici-- pated in the pitched battle near the Wilcox farm three miles west of An-- tioch. When Motorcycle Policeman Thos. Burnett took young Wilcox to Antioch the Jerde brothers followed them for some distance; according to the authorities. _ -- Several witnesses stated that young Wilcox is believed to have done the shooting. The Jerdes had been working at the carpenter trade for Wilcox, who is constructing a house in the village of Antioch. The senior Wilcox told the authorities that the Jerde Broth-- ers had made threats to "get" his son, and had also made the boast that they would dynamite his house. _Mrs. Dougras Luce entertained the Ladies' Guild at her home Wednesday of 'this week. : 'The Thimble Bee will meet at the parsonage Thursday -- afternoon to tie_ _gullts_._ g. sn Miss Ebling, who taught in the grade school the past year returned to her home in Richfield, Wis., Tues-- day. Miss Bbling expects to teach at Cedar Brook, Wis., the coming year. The high school graduating exercis-- es were held Thursday evening, when 14 pupils received their diplomas. The high school glee club sang the songs and Joel Eastman of Valparaiso, Ind., gave a fitting and inspiring address. Last Friday evening at 'the high school auditorium were held the exer-- cises for the eighth grade, at which time eleven pupils graduated. The ex-- ercises were very fine. The glee club sang two songs. Helen Van Dusen Carry Alleged Threat A N T 1 O C H Telephone Area 191--W Prof, and Mrs, G. D. Beck and fam-- ily of Urbana, and Miés Lelia Warfel of Bardoiph spent the last week at the home of the Jack Drom and W. E. Drom families. wather Flower ht last week at the home of his -:Ku in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of Ash-- land, Wis., and Catherine Clapp, of Chicago, visited over last SBunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Watsou. and Roberta Lewis played a Dor-- mm-ul.b.muu h.'hphndumm Theh the ev. Mr. Btanton gave the talk for the class of graduates. _ Mrs. Grant, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. P. Lowry, tor about six weeks, returned to her home in Chicago last week, Mrs. L. A. Van Dusen is entertaining her mothér, Mrs. Dent, of Gary, Ind., this week. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hadlock and son, Howard, :rl Junior Mesha, of Chicago, out Sunday and on the afternoon they were accompanied Mrs. John McDougal of Colorado is visitink Antioc hbrelatives for a few home by Mrs. Margaret Davis, who will spend a week there. C 'The school children, parents and teachers, to the number of about 300, enjoyed a picnic at Sylvan Beach last Tuesday. Everyone had a most enjoy-- able time. L, A. Van Deusen, who is stationed at Indianapois, Ind., spent over Sun-- day at the home of his family here.. Mrs. John Engman of Chetek, Wis., spent past week visiting old friends here Children's day will be observed at | the Methodist church next Sunday{ morning with appropriate exercises. Anyone having children to be baptized please bring them. . 'olk " Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Harrison and Mrs. Jennie 'Sandborn atlended the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Roy Noy ton, at Woodstock, Saturday., _ -- Chas. Hacan of Urbana is visiting relatives here. John Woodhead and Robert C. Abt were Chicago business visitors Fridu: _ Several from here left the first of the first of the week to attend sum-- mer school §t Champaign. % % % % % 4 % % % % o %# &# # --4% % % #%| * FRE M 0O NT CENTER*i Rev. F. M. Bay spent Tuesday Chicago. ig cA n" rin * _ Mrs. Henry Hapke and daughters, Louise and Eleanor, were Waukegan shoppers. Saturday. hy e ~ X & 4 & % % 4# % % % % % % % % % Dr. Gallahue, veternarian of Grays-- lake, made several professional calls at the Willow farm the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Obenauf spent Thursday and Friday with relatives and friends in Waukegan. _ ___ _ John Meyer and Mrs. Louise Wehr-- enberg were Volo business callers last Wednesday. * John Dowe of Kenosha called on friends bhere Friday. Father Flower #s) and refers undoubtedly to the bright ness of the shining sun on the mour» tain tops of the state. Meaning of "Idaho." rame "Idaho" was derivedg T 12,1924. 'PASTOR OUSTED f BY COURT IN BlG e CRURCH RoW The Rev. J. H. Keagle is not entit-- led to possession of the parsonage of the First United Evangelical churth at Highland Park, under a ruling made Tuesday by Judge Kdward D. Bhurtleff of Marengo, in the Lake County Cireuit court at Waukegan in an injunction suit. Judge Shurtieff Rules Rev. J. H. Keagle is Not Entitled to The Rev. J. George Finkbeiner had filed the bill for injunction, claiming that he was entitled to the Tunlon of the parsonage because ReY. Keagle nwo is pastor of another faction of the church which became divided last year when Rev. Keagle was pastor. For a time the two factions both held meetings in the same church, but one met in the basement while the other occupled the main auditorium. That the Rv. Mr, Trlnkbelner not only has girded himself with the arm-- or of the Lord, but alsois putting up a stiff legal battle is indicated by the fact that he has at last succeeded in being permitted to occupy the parson-- age, but recently also obtained an in-- junction -- restraining B. O. Fritsch, Possession of Parsonage. U Stuffed Manzanilla National Tea Co. SUGAR Pgl'égED PKG. l 5 c LARD foQlP i. 24« CAMEESE i 25 :»'.' 1 w» S a a) m. Bordens, Carnation Cl § 098 Q--IV5,.,0!-- 612 MILWAUKEE AV. CA¥ANP?,Y : 20 § 9. A.P 10° --_NA'I:L?NAL RAsPBERRY _ ° PINT %}lctom nyr:;t:n?uo:. mv:: refr:.hg'. BO'I'TLI ing drink A | [ LK * 32 20c E V E RA G E PRICOTS ,,.»® ARDINES . Imported Norwegian The Magic Cleanser Naptha IVES 190. QUALITY GROCERS VISIT OUR STORE Pure Rendered there would be a riot unless they were restraiued by court action. A motion for a new trial was overruled Tues day but Rev. Keagle's attorneys were given 90 days to perfecet an appeal to the Supreme court. SISTER OF MRS. VOLIVA WEDDED The wedding of Miss Gertrude Em-- manuelson, sister of Mrs Wilbur Glenn Voliva, to John Mehbhaffey, also of Zion, took place in .th city Tues-- day evening at the $arlors of Zion Home. The ceremony was witnessed by about 300 guests. and was per-- formed by the Overseer. The Home was prettily decorated for the o¢ casion. . « The bride untis recently was em--: ployed as a stenographer in )ho Zion Institutions. Mr. _ Mehaffe is + a :luchor at the Conservatory of Mu-- c. The couple will reside at Bethel Blvd. and 27th street. + Sexual Différences. A womun's head is always"nfluenced by noer hbeart; but a man's beart is al-- ways influenced by his head.--Lady Blessington. _ KING F 4 ? OSCAR 21c lian 4 tw . Gran. C yp l2 Heavyy 2% o. |9%c " 57 Ib. 2/ 25c 35c Meets Each mmx Night at 8 o'cioock MRST NATIONAL BANK BLD&. Visiting (Members Cordially invited GRORGE SMALL, N. G. WILLIAM M# LAIN Sec's,. VICTORY AFFILIATED COUNCIL NORTH AMERICAN UNION Visiting M~mberse Cordially invited. Meet. gooond and Fourth Wednesday Evenings of Each Month. WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres. GEORGE C. SMALL, Becretary. DEAN BENNETT MARY CARNEY, w Prefect. Correspondent LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!IS Meets 2na and 4th Tuesday of Each Month at Gridiey Hall. Visiting Brother are Cordi="v Invited Attorney at Law LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LUCE BUILDPING Res. Phone 136-- M Office Phone 18 By U. 8. Government Veterinarian D C. Grirnell, Inspector in Charge Phone 329. Libertyvilie, I!L. Office With Farm Bureau, Office in First Natioal Bank Building Hours:--1 to 3: 30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence on Broadway. opposite Park LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Res. Phone 2588: Office 344 Reverse Charges on Business Calls Cattle Tested for Tuberculosis FREE OF C H ARGE FRED GRABBE ArTORNEY AT--LAW -- Office at Home on Cook Avenue Telephone 163J LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONI8 DR. O. F. FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. before starting. wu.muf-ua- and material on your house complete for a sot figure so you may know just what cost will be Going to Build? Phone Libertyville 145 4--120R, R. L. GONSALVES INSURANCE ELHANAN W. COLBY Phone 217--M -- LIBERTYVILLE AUCTIONEERING Cemetery Woerk of Every Assistant State Veterinarian LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS VETERINARY -- SURGEON MARBLE AND GRANITE Qlassee Bolentifiecally Fitted Over Pesatraesea Dong Btore, Waukagan WRhimeis Office Phone 1%8; Res. 131. . _ Office Hours: 10 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. 1 to 8 p. m. 116 South Genese St. _ WAUKECAN, HLLINOIS s Dr. L. B. Jolly MANUFACTURER OF Eye, DR. J. L. TAYLOR ACME CAMP NO. 176 MU. W. 4 A. Meets First and Third COLUMBIA 1.ODGE ----Po. 131 A. A. Grandy F. BAIRSTOW