CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jul 1924, p. 7

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The mecting was supposed convention ior Klansmen and of Northeri illinois. The .beavy rain in the mornic and th. coue that folJlowed dur.n: the meeting raised bavoc for the au tomobiles and hundreds were stuck. It is understood that a class e timated from 300 to 500 was io | naturalized, but was haited by tl outbreak of the weather. Mike Torkey left last Friday for his home in Fiin\,-- Mich., after being em; ployed here iar several moulhs. , The Eimer stickles (amily has moy ed to the house on Centert Ave., form erly occup.ea by the Almond 'Whuri well iamiy. | Mr. Thurlwell has movy ed to his new home in the Moore sub division. MiSs Bessie Wagner who is atterd-- ing school at De haib, spent the woek ena at her hoine here. Sbunjay sue at-- teaded the weading o' Mils Mary Rouse at Area Time and . clustr bombs _ were hurled in the air and couisd be seen for miles and hundreds o. specta-- tore, disinterested in the ctéremor-- les, hbhalt d to watch the fireworks. The mecting was supposed to be a #% % % 4# % % % % % % % % * * *% % 4A Mis. Tom Goiwitzer is no lon: ployed at the liook grocery. 35 sic Snyder uas iaken her jla baturday, June 28, at Oak J'ack, the weading of Miss Alice Strang and Rob-- er. Washbura took place. Mr. and Mrs. Washbure left immediai«'y for Deuver, Coiorado Springs azsd cthr places of inceres' in the "west, -- Upon tteir retur cnthey will take up their Things were booining aud taouw sands of cars 'lined h. fielcs) & roads when the drops siarted ! fall, but by 11 o'clock scoree of muddy machinesg and dedragles mates began lo~ pun inio Waukegan for relief from the el ments. No effort was made to hait traffic It is understood, and many automo bile parties from Libertyvyille made the trip aiong the road to \v. the sights. _ Airn. Powers is enieriainiag uer &8 ter from Pesia. ¥ & & 4 * % 4 *4 *4 *4 % *4 % % % % % A rain that bordered on a cloud burst daumpened the bopes of sow 10,000 Klansmen and friends \v' gathered on the Grange hbal! rou: BSaturday evening for a big ou...~ meeting. _ KLUX BRIVEN OUT OF MEETING WHEN 10,000 People Put to Flight in Meeting Near Here Sat-- urday Evening. r N".:E 1 l"" Y¥ L :Y c-'i'::.fl\'.i;j"n.",.l'.(, & ': -;"lltlo.. DOWNPOUR BEGINS ""~"V "lcal" G R A SA A KE Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company T ake a Low--Cost Tour via Motor Coach The North Shore Line is operating a serigs of delightful, inexpensive motor coach tours--now. Big, new, comfortable, de luxe coaches --out-- mc ootte. onger en 0 Miss dui PS v *--MARL TESTS 97.5%.--PURE ---- ~-- _ ON THE C. V. WINTER FARM NORTH SHORE Not long ago a fine. bed of marl was found uy C. V. Winter of Wadsworth, on his farm. Samples were sent to the University of Illinois for testing which showed 97.5%, pure lime~ This is a very fine test, and, considering that this marl is ready to be applied to the fields without 'grinding, makes it .a valuable find. Although Lake county soils as a rule are not very sour, usu-- ally growing alfalfa and sweet clover successfully, yet fields have been test-- ed that are in need of limestone over much o fthe county. j There is an open air auditortum with a seating capacity of over 4,000 peo-- ple. . Sheds are available for automo-- biles, in case showers come up. Ac-- cording to the announcement coming to Farm Adviser .Doerschuk, there is plenty of running wa'er on the grounds, so there should be no short-- age 6f lemonade. Bes'des there are plenty of shade trees and ample space for picnic lunches, where everyone can have elbow room. Transportation facilities for getting to Lintoln are exceptionally good, as two paved roads touch Lincoln. Speak-- ers fot the program have nok yet been announced. organization 'director of the I. A. A , has been in Lincoln recentiy making arrangements for the big picnic, which is to be held on the spacious Lincoin Coun'ty Chautaugqua Association site at Lincolm -- Every convenience for handling' a large crowd is available, according to Mr. Mejzger. This is particularly true of Ela town ship around Lake Zurich and Wau-- conda. It has been fourd more diffi-- cult to grow alfalfa there. Applica-- tions of two tons or more ground lime stone> or marl per acre will pay in Plans for. the annual lilinois Agri-- cultura' Assoctation state picnic at, to be held at Lincoln, 1ogan county, Aug. 26, are rapidly taking shape, according to information reecived by the Farm Bureau of Lake county. G. E. Metzer, such cases PLANS FOR THE BIG L. A. A. PiCNIC NEARLY COMPLETE resiuence bere. Both are young people, and best wis long and paoepy life ase >c L.+ many friends. Suzcay win Sheldon LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE Telephone 74 dat lhe .. indl Jack O JOad V¥ R O vay ol lais week. 4 v. &nd Aos. Walter Hacimon of ~woud, i1, were Saders here iaal «4 mMAlci Mu he post cif'ce R splendid sport and health--giving rec-- reation, choose either Wisconsin or Northern Michigan. And for an enjoy-- able trip choose the one best way--the North Shore Line. Cool, clean travel and cour-- teous service make the journey a vacation adventure in itself. Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connec-- tions with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, Crystal Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads connect with North Shore Line trains Step from your North Shore train in Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train at the terminal. _ Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Man-- istee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake and One-- kema. Leave here in afternoon; take nu'fif steamer from Milwaukee, arriving in Mi gan next morning. Fast trains leave for Mil-- waukee over the North Shore Line, at fre-- quent intervals. You may buz a "through" ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of des-- tination. &4 * Your "Uacation in Wisconsin or Wichigan beUCI V n Canagiag Co 'p2 Y¥ it pack of peas Wed arie is ucw wsuple.> 1 1¢ Bol J _ J ernoon, and Mr. Hay gave a short f Ela town address.. He was a pastor here some and Wau-- »ea£s ag0. more diffi-- Allendale school held very interest-- _ Applica-- ing exercises at the school last Satur-- round lime day afternoon, and the work of the ril1 pay in boys shows progress of which we are proud© -- Excellent work was shown. ARc i1 10 DA L4 De d b ?gnix. SOME bETTER | _ AND MAY LIVE, IS / _ DOCTOR'S OPINION M. 3. Miller and daughter, Miss Bal, lenger, were Waukegan visitors last Wednesday. Mr. Miller has not been in good health recently. »irs. Anuie Webster came last week from North Dakota for a visit with her bruibhes, al. poiter, and family. Mrs. Edwin Cook, who, with her ausband and small daughter, drove through from Montana recently, vis aea ariends bete 'last week. aiv. and Airs. Earl Cragg and sons of Higoland Park, were Sunday guests o1 Mrs. and Mrs. Thayer and Mr,. and Mrs. Hurd. . ~--~THe Ladies' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Herbert Nelson Wednesday arernoun, Juiy 9. and is this is the ast meeting before the bazaar of July 12, a good attendance is desired. -- All are very welcome. + -- »mr and Mrs. 1r. W. Gray and son of Chicago, Mrs. Mary Kapple, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kapple and daughter, Mr. aid Ars. Haroid Lruce and son of Grayslake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hamlin Sunday. i hev. and Mrs. C. L. Hay, Mr. Lay-- man and Miss 'Bessie Layman, all of Umicago, came out for the commence-- ment exercises at Allendale Saturday State's Attorney and Assistant Go to Bedside to Learn Story. * K % 4 % % M. 3. Mille enger, were @1 d n M M 1 i DT LA KE VILL A 0. n Ufné n( Ir j *4 4 % 4 4# % * * % % O to alscuss the case miith decided that would be decidedly '&¥:d the matter. ut, of _ Zion, and 'uik, held at the +sundac, are still charges. The sher-- the charges would 1 their was a more I»nx' condition. 1 that Dix was stil condition. l of Lake Villa, stab-- 'ov ing an evening hborhood ol Trevor we, wWas _ reported ) in. F. H. Beebe, s «tiending him. \. V. sinith and i. Block, went out mins in the com-- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924. * 4 ¥% #% * % % ¥% Tuesday, July 8, Tom Mix comes to town in his film, "Do and Dare." Tom appears as the descendant of a great pioneer, Kit Carson, and gets out to do some of his hazardous adventures. He gets to a country to the south and passes through stirring times. Let's boost our community show. 'The Daily Vacation Bible School will start Monday, July 7, and will continue to Friday, July 18. Boys and girls, from very little folks to Boy Scouts, and Camp Fire Girls, are promised an interestin gtime--of they come. School will start at 9 a. m. and close at 11:30 a. m. There will be a picnic every week. CHURCH NOTES [ sorth with empha Church School at 10 a. m. ' akn_lj _._. Morning worship at 11. When sum--| -- mer comes, new problems come. To ! k w wow & o# o# % meet these new problems, the pastor | . will preach a series of sermons, en--| LA K E f titled "Four Fallacies of Fortune." The | second of the series is about the privi-- / * * * * # # % % lege which we hear so much about, / Mr, and Mrs. ( "Personal Liberty." | cago wese guests . Young people's hour at 5:30 p. M. _ Meyer Sunday. Evening worship at 7:30. "A Ser---- Mrs. Dossel of mon to the Pews." Anyone may c0Om® Miss Marguerite and listen' in to hear what the PastO" jast week. has to say to the pews. 4 Mrs Senna is v The East Fox Lake Cemetery So ciety is giving a lawn soclal at the A M. Douglas home Saturday of thi: week, and a bazaar in c@mnection. A large #umber of friends and rela-- | tives from out of town were entertain-- ed at dinner at the Willow farm last | Bunday. . | Several auto loads of friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Obenauf drove out { the city Sunday and enjoyed a dl;(?s outing at their home. . Leo Meyer is the possessor of a new five passenger Ford car., A large crowd attended the dance and supper given by the members of St. Mary's parish at the Ivanhoe hall last fuesday evening, in spite of the heavy rainfall during the entire eve ning. Mny who pinned on going were disappointed at not being able to at-- tend ,as the rain made the roads ali-- most impassable, and it was thought by some the dance would be postpon-- ed. More than 200 were served at sup-- per and the fees clearea from the eve-- ning's entertainment amounted to the sum of $229. Rev. F. M. Bay extends his sincere thanks to all who helped in any way to make it such a finc success. Mrs. James Kerr was 'lfum' sick a few days last week and her daughter, Mrs. George Mitchell, came out from Chicago to spend a few days with her. Next Saturday afternoon the men of Lake Villa will gather at the church to help the pastor remodel his garage for the accommodation of his automo-- bile. Any man who can come will be welcome at 2 p. m., or earlier. ****************jx- * FREMONT CENTER * I * * * % % % % % % % % *4 % 4 % % (Too"'Late for Last Week) Misses Elvira Behm and Anna Her-- tel attenued the craduation exercises of heir cousin,.Miss Wegner, of Lily Lake. which took place at"Chicago last Wednesday. Mrs. Ellen Shultis, Mr,. and Mrs. Archie Shultis and Mr. and Mrs. Ward BStarr of Waukegan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Douglas Sunday. Mrs. Helen Frederick returned to Fremont, after spending the past week with her daughter, Mrs. soe Guerin, of Waukegan ,who has been very ill. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hapke Sunday, June 15, were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaiser and daughter, Sylvia, of Joliet; Christ Hapke and family, Mrs. Louise Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wehrenberg, Chas. and Albert Mason, -- George Hertel, George Hironimus and sisters, Misses Kathryn and Bertha Hironimus. Homer Rowling, of Eugene, Oregon, but well known bere, as he was born and lived here until his perents, Mi. and Mrs. L. W. Rowling moved west & few years ago, was nurried in Cui-- eago on Saturday, June 21, to Miss Herbie Olson, of Chicago. Atter O€L. 1 they will locate in Detroit, where Homer is employed as traveling sales-- man for the Allen Electric .\&anufa& turing Co. Beveral schola:ssh'ps and cwards woere given by friends of the scheoo *i 4 Capt. Bradley. The address of the day, was given by sudge Maiy Bero'mo cf Chicago, a very ta ente© woman. Oth ers gave shori addresses.. The poople then were enterained outs'de by the Allendale boys© bund and a diill. Some of their stock was also ou exhibition, and altogether it was an occasion long to be remembered by those present. C. B. Dicks, Jr., atrended a dance at Channel Lake Saturda yeévenins, and became engaged in a discussion that ended in him being stabbed. He ts Row in a critical condition and unable to be moved to his home. ° The following from. here attended the Corpus Christ! exercises at St. Mary of the Lake at Area last Thurs-- day: _ Rev. F. M. Bay, Mrs. Frank Frederick and daughters,and Misses Irene Hertel, Anna and Lena Barn-- schmidt and Kathryn and Bertha Hi-- ronimus. weee 0; GURNEE HIGH SCHOOL STOCK JUDGING TEAM IS WINNER Competing with 77 other Iilinois teams, the cattle judging team of the Gurnee high school won first prize in the state judging contest held at Ur-- bana last week. This team consisted of Avery Vose, Emil Martens and Ken-- neth Clark. This is quite an honor for Lake county and speaks will for the work at the Gurnee high school. It places the team in line for national competition at the National Dairy Show to be held at Milwaukee next October. It will be remembered that Whiteside county, Illinois, boys last yeat won the natlional champlonship and a trip to Europe this summer as a With 16 boys in calf clib work in Lake county this summer, we should be able to develop some more very good judging teams by fall. There is opportunity at both the Aurora and Springfie!ld fairs for this work. Read The Independent, only $1.50 a The regular meeting of the Modern Woodmen will be held July 8 instead of July 1. The meeting has been | changed from the first Tuesday until | the second. Members please note the --change. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meyer of Chi cago wexe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goo Meyer Sunday. Mrs. Senna is visiting at the W. G Hartman home. Miss Hage Kohl is visiting her par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kohi, until Thursday, when she leaves to take a position at Lake Geneva, Wis/® f Mrs. Dossel of Chicago visited with Miss Marguerite Clark several days last week. Miss Nellie Huger of Chicago spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lanus. -- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Comstock attend-- ed a reunion of Mr. Comstock's rela-- tives at a basket lunch served at noon at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ha-- ven at Libertyville Sunday. The af-- fair was held outdoors, and all report &. most enjoyable time. ~ -- Mi#. and Mrs. Albert Prehm and daughter, Mr. and M.;g. Howe and um-i ily of Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Otto | Frank and family enjoyed a picnic last | Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wewetzer and family visited Sunday with Mrs. Frank Hank@north of Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mordhorst and daughter, Grace, of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. E. Goodluck and Charles held a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodluck last Sunday aft-- ernoon. -- Miss Ruth Dixon visited with Miss Blanche Berghorn We are sorry to report Mrs. Gainor has been seriously ill the past week, but at this writing is slightly im-- proved. Miss Lois Weaver is visiting rela-- tives in Waukegan forca Tew days. Miss Crystal Simons and a friend of Chicago visited Sunday at the Simons home here. ; Ciaude Haines o fChicago was the guest of one of our popular young ladies over the week end. -- Mrs. E. A. Ficke was a Waukegan caller Saturday. Ms. and Mrs. Wm. Tank, Mrs. Her-- mar Prehm, Mrs. Walter Prehm and day party for Mrs. Waiter Heishrdlu children attended the birthday <party for MNMrs. Walter He'muth Saturday at ber home nea» Fairfield. The evening was speni in playing bunco and cards, followed by dancing. The most deli-- cious lunch was served by the guests and all departed wishing Mrs. Hel-- muth many happy returns of the day. EVERETT WON GOOD GAME FROM LIBERTYVILLE SUNDAY The Bunco Club gave a birthday par-- ty in honor of Mrs. Herman Kracht Monday evening. x Mesdames Schallenkamer, Woeaver, Fink, Sowerberg, and Bicknac: attend-- ed the Eastern Star at Palatine last Friday evening. ° ~ ~(By a Fan From Everett) ° Settling down to business Sunday, Everett won from Libertyville. The score was 7 to 6, the game at all times being in doubt, and was anybody's game in any inning. However, good fielding, combined with heavy hitting, turned the game in Everett's favor. ing him w been issued $a I1\ € Lake Zurich Breaks Into Coust With Peculiar Case that h s Two Clear Sides. STOCK POiSCNING _ BRINGS CHARGES AGAINST FApiLR : In the fourth inning Dawson, Maran, Stoerp and Therrien scored, the last two seing askisted across the plate by a 1WhAg drive by Gardner. The two runs in the fifth were an-- nexed by Tom Moran, one of the best all around catchers in the league, and by Therrien, a new addition to our team, who has been covering himself with glory in center field. The winning run was made in the ninth by Rasmussen, who also is play-- ing a much improved game. There were several critical moments especially in the eighth. °: Bases full, one of Libertyville's heavy hitters up ~--managed to connect and drove a hot one Oover second base. Stoerp, with a wild leap, speared the old applé with one hand--and the chance to score was lost. There is a game scheduled for July ath. Come on out everybody and sup-- port your team. They'll win for you it you back them up. Let's have ov-- efPybody out at the next game. For particulars consult the manager, as it is atill doubtful just what team we take on, although it is Hkely that the Lake Bluff boys will be here. +ved or untington. mned the complaint He charzed, it is 3 William Schu ib wa Outt L A KE ZU RICH 1€ to ie )uUund D n ~"rds much diffffer-- that the only tiume e funtivngton farm in was sick and im feed the stock. sa'd, that schultz, tr.enasW®p. haa of Lake Zucich Sunday UXAt Subscribe to The Independent----$1 W. F. FRANZEN, Jr. Lifting Yourself C of the Renter's Cl Secure an ideal enviroment for your family--and that melnt a Home that is your own. We'll be'glad to show you the way without any obligation on your part. s That is what you will do when you buy or build Your Own Home. There is no use trying to be contented with unfavor able conditions. ' >z ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW--WEEKLY DELIVERY SERVICE Special Delivery for Picnic, etc. § 3% ATLAS BEVERAGE a residence, store. warehouse, or building of .'" brick, frame or stucco? Then communicate with -- : Phone 81 TELEPHONE 50 Telephone Lake Zurich 15 or 64--Reverse Charges Territory Everything West of Northwestern Freight Line Do You Contemplate Building __ HAYING ; MACHINERY , --_, Rakes _ Loaders Rope Forks Pulleys Schanck Hdwe. Co. Telephone 39 THE TASTE OF THE GOOD OLD DAYS Alexander S. Burgess Mason and General Contractor JACK GOODALL You will soon neéed DEERING and McCORMICK MOWERS A full line of repairs LAKE COUNTY DISTRIBUTOR ZION, ILL _ Estimates Give LIBERTYVILLE, +A %

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