CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jul 1924, p. 10

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'JQM' sheriffs dnd county highway moteorcycle officers arrested 59 per-- C on charges of violation of the z: laws over the week--end. ~--'Phose arrested on charges of speed-- Ing, including many Lake county resi-- Gents, were: ~ E. D. Sax, Winnetka. '"M' I.C::ti -Won::h.wwkegm. ette. _Percy Frazier, Fhicago. Jos. Dorn, Chicago. ._ Sack Reid, Chicago. Lester Hintz, Green Bay Road, Wau-- SEVERARD LOCAL AUTOISTS Marcoco -- Satz, -- North Chicago, charged with passing car on wrong wide of street. y -- Wallie Satrum, Chicago, reckless driving charge. . -- c C : "i;;; Vincent, Gurnee, charged with 'riving with bright lights. s D. J. Zimmerman, Chicago. Robert Markwerts, Chicago. L1 E. White, Chicago. Mike Coffarello, Chieago. 0. Q. Dorman, Milwaukee. O. E. Wagner, Chicago. N..Matthews, Chicago. K: Josephila, indianapdlis, In M. Huberty, Chicago. M. F.; Brownr, Chicago, !!1. Anton Schintlét, Chicago. EK. J. O'Mailley, Chicago. B. Klein, Chicago. R. A. Wait, Chicago. Roy Weidlin, Chicago. August Olson, Chicago. George Gragido, Chicago. Donald Mcintosh, Chicago. Harry T. Bird, Cmca%. P.~A.Crow, Detroit, Mich. H. B. Rogers, Congress Park Herman Toffonn, Chicago. * Walter Esser, Chicago. N. Snider, Chicago. Eigert T. Johnson, Chicago. J..O©. Pricher, Chicago. _ W. J. Groshoor, Evanston. Wm. Knuski, Waukegan. o Thomas Dunn, Austin, NJ. Raymond Hyleake, Chicago. , E. Lindewall, Waukegan. A. Kilein, Chicago. ' W. J. Jarmsen Chicago. f H Frye, Lombard b A. C. Holt, Pruce Lake. G. R. Lyon, Waukegan. Sam Schwartz, Chicago. Chas. R. Wiley, Chicago. > Irwing Weit, Saugatuck, Mich. Otto Schube, Oak Park. 'Walter Schwanke, Chicago. 4 , R. S. Holiand, Chicago, five ; 0 Wm. Fennell, Chicago. Ey A. L Potter, Chicago. £1.% Geo. J. Bruhn, Chicago. Lorraine Scharenberg, River Forest. Jdack Larson, Chicago. Richard Vought, Chicago. ' is Office Had Unusually Bavy Run of Speeders Over Week End. m i. |} OPHICIAL LST OF , ROAD TRANSFERS TRAFFIC RULES| 4 sa«e"Coomt? "Iriim ano _ _:Mfiu&%%mnkphmud Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company LBERTYv:®C ~i~=kFT? OFFfICE . T ake a Low--Cost Tour wia Motor Coach 'The North Shore Line 6@ operating mator coach tvours--now. Big, new, comfonmble, de luxe couches --out "l,v --l' "%~ '*"*'u"'a i 1'-hud Wis consin, including the femous Dells. cloding Gost cipy 97.50. Lhu «t -wm'rjt" fenve. sn 2, WB nppers 1 --180 miles to Lake $.. Chicago, Telephone State 5723 LINE G Slater and wi to W R Franks WD $10 Lot 3, Subdn of lot 248, Lake Forest [ -- g Edith H. Keceley & F M--Kéeley to Mary E. Fowler WD $10 St. $.50 Lots 40, Fowler's Cedar Lake Subdn. ; W Schumaker and wfi to P A Pet-- erson and wife jt tens WD $10 St $1 Lot 50 Washington Fk Sec 20 Waukegan. * * A Pauluson and wf to H H Miller Q C D $1 St $1.50 Lot 36, Petite Lake Park. C T &.T Co to G $390 St $.50 Lot 186, & Co's N Ave Addn. rin and wife jt tens WD $1 St $1 Lot 8, Blk 3, Lake Bluff Heights, Sec 21 Shields. E P DeWolf to G G Wilson & Carl W. Obhm WD $10 St $13.50 Lots 5 G 1 & 8 Blk 1% McKays Addn. G G Wilson & wf et al to Wilson & Cbhm WD $10 pt of lot 12 and glil of lot 11, in Blk 12, McKay's ld&l to Lt °F1 . 64, 65 T14, 75, Subdn July 12, 1924 4 Sarah--A. Higgins to Catherine L Pitzer WD $10 St $3 Lots 1 2 3 & 4 Bilk 9 Exmoor Addr to H PK. C A Newcomb Jr to P Stanul & wi jt tens Deed $450 St $.50 Lots 5 & 6 Bilk 37, Washburn: Pk. G G Wilson & wfoet al to Wiison & Ohm WD $10 pt of lots 11 Bik J%2 McKays Addn. . G G Wilson & wf et al to Wilson & Ohm WD $10 lot 10 & pt of lot 11 Blk 12, McKays Addn. V J Killiah and wile to A C Rinds-- kopf and wife jt tens WD $1 St $1.50 Lots 9 and 10 Blk 3, Lake Bluff Heights, Sec 21 Shields. F T Fowler and wife to D W Wii liams WD $10 St $10 Lots 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43. 44, 45, 46, 48, 53, 54, 55, 56.)7, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 14, 75, 76, & 77, Faewler's Cedar Lake M.Przyborski and wt to J L Przy-- borski WD $10 St $.50 Lots 23 and 24, Blk 47, So Waukegan. t s A L Hall and wite et al to Butler Candy Co WD $10 St $.50 Lots 6 & 8, pt of lot OR H Edwards Subdxl. _H Jackson and wf to T Warren A Nagel WD $10 St $.50 Pt of S 28, Antioch. "$a & E Heckendort--and wt--et al +0 EC Raffel and wf jt tens WD $10 St $.50 Lot 76, Allen Farm Subdn on Gagts Make. § J F Martin and ywife to G W Mar tin WD $10, Pt of W hf of SW ar of Sec 23 Antioch. Hooks of pearl 'shell are used in trolling for albacore, bonito and sea plke in the waters of the South seas. V J Killian and wife to--E W Per-- LAKB COUONTY TLE AwND TRUST COMPANY. Abstracts of Title; Tities Guaranteed. 810 Washingion 84 Odd Fishhooks LINE R splendid sport and health--giving rec-- reation, choose either Wisconsin or Northern Michigan. And for an enjoy-- able trip choose the one best way--the North Shore Enne Cool, clean travel and cour-- teous service make the journey a vacation adventure in itself. , Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connec tions with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, Crystal Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads .éonnect with North Shore Line--trains. . Step--from your North Shore train in Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L, or Milwaukee Northern train at the terminal. + gonnections ar; made }n fiil:mk& with ere Marquette Steamers for ington, Man-- istee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake and One-- kema. Leave here in afternoon; take nfi steamer: from Milwaukee, arriving in Mi gan next morning. Fast trains leave for Mil-- waukee over the North Shore Line, at fre-- quent intervals. You may buy a "through" Your 'Uacation in W isconsin or Michigan ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of des-- tination. i * Telephone 74 SHORE \ I Morgan Deed E.A Commings The dead: ~Max Schoenfeld, 34 years old, one of the proprletbnk:' the Antioch Produce company, $ tioch. * . .: One man was killed outright. and his business partner escaped. by jumping , when'a "Soo" Line passen-- ger train demolished their truck at LakeVilla crossing, near Cedar Lake, south of Antioch. -- ---- -- The injured: John Weisman, 35, only slightly bruised, business part-- ner of Schoenfeld. & ous. The machine in which. they were returning from Chicago with a load of fruit was a one--ton truck, and it was completely. demolished, The accident occurred at 7:10 o' clock Tuesday evening. ___ . Schoenfeld's skull was crushed, and his body was so badly mangled and crushed that death was instantane-- the Max Schoenfeld Crushed t« Death as Train Hits Truck-- HIS -- --PARTNER -- JUMPED Residence and Office 1609 Wash Angton St., Waukegan, NJ MERCHANT KILLED, 1 ESCAPES, IN 00 LNE TRAIN CRASH _One of the béautiful of €a0 Paulo, B 'razil, which has fallen into the hands of rebel troops and, inset, President Carlos Campos who m . "himself unpopular through certain official appointments, f < 3 -- 6 . load of Fruit Near Antioch. DR. J. L. REDDING locomotive of the train striking VETERINARY SURGEON _ PHONE 1095 | Waukegan, Ilinols Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad, of Waukegan, was called, and Frank 'F. Fowler, of Cake Villa, was named as. {foreman --of the. coroper's jury. The inquest was postponed until Thursday~ evening at seven a'clock, Central standard time, at | Strang's morgue, Antioch. three minutes earlier... Wwirinks Schoenfeld leaves a wife, and bto-- ther, the latter being a resident of Kenosha. . Schoenféld and Weisman lived at Kenosha prior to going into the fruit" and produce business in Antioch, Schocafeld was an ex gervice man. ® to have a viaduct constructed at the place where this accident occurred, in ordéer© to eliminate a dangerous grade crossing. The highway cross es the railroad tracks diagonally at that point, and due to its --proximity to the lake if"i8 usually quite foggy there at night, ; ie the ~truck : was ~No. 17,-- nortHbound, and had just_jeft Lake Villa about it ~pquarely. ~The tructk was burled B" They're Humorous > _ The dumbell is a natural descendant %rom the blockhead.----Good Hardware. Furnishing Power for Home en Conveniences -- . have been made f °. _ OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6,000 square miles--202 glrn and towns--with GqsorElecm'city THEO. BLECH, Dist. Manager\ _ GUS. KRUMREY, Local Rep. _ Wrirtkanin WWiinals Telephone Libertyville 1443 --Public Service Company of Worthern Illincis has been awarded the Charles A. Cof-- fin Medal for 1923, ie a trib= ute to the territory in which this Company operates as wall as to the service it This award was made to this Company in competition with the electric light and power comps & se of the 'United States "for distin-- guished contribution to the development of electric light and power for the conven-- ience of the publke and the .benefit of the industry". . ~~ PuBLIc SEenrvicEe COMPANY * When <4hings are well kepnt and spic and span the effect on us is somewhat like that of a new suit of clothes. We "take on" our environment and our spirits andinttiative are infuenced by our surroundings. Paint builds mofale 'because well--painted property ex-- presses happiness and thrift, ... . \~~C__"Tom Thumb" ""**_~ _ Tom Thumb Was the . professlonal name of Charles S. Stratton (1838 1883), a famous American dwarf ex-- bibited by P. T. Baraum in America and Europe. When first placed on, ex-- hibition (1842), he measured two féet in height, and wéighed 18 pounds#s; in 1863 'he bhad increased to 31 inches, and Iater to 40 inches, 2: #:# the time necessary to produce a growth of tail, * , Japan has produced nothing more novel and interesting than her breed of long--tailed fowls, says Nature Mag-- azine. The tail feathers of one speci-- eB on n e e oee >*5 Long Tail Feathers * a.8¢ AInfluence of Paint Waukegan, HMincis ELECTRICITY is the modern serv-- ant in the house, saving time and | labor and adding to the comfort of the home. In the cities and towns served by this Company electric appliances are being 'used in large numbers. Connected to this Company's transmis-- ° sion lines are: * ~ 102,500 electric flat irons : 56,400 electric floor,lamps _ _-- 33,500 electric motors 26,300 electric vacuum cleaners 15,315 electric washing machines ,3,165,780 incandescent lamps In addition to the above home conven-- iences, this Company furnishes electric street lighting in 137 cities and towns and provides the power to pump water in 69 communities. * e And from the Company's gas plants is piped the fuel for 91,600 gas ranges, and to miore than 300 factories, using approximately 3,300,000,000 cubic feet of gas per year. ' No. 3 in a series of statements about this Company's business_ kegan, Walker and Marweed of Lake Forest and Julilus Bradske of Gurne® put. on %e great old plans for the Lake ty Horseshoe tourna ment for this summer at a meeting at the YMCA Tuesday night and ac cording to their plans, horseshoes TO FORM VILLAGE CLUBS ENTIRE COUNTY 1O : JOINJN HORSESHOE "Barnyard Golfers'" Meet at Y. M.C.A. and Plan Extensive Horse Shoe Tournament . City Champion Pennington of Wau TOURNAMENT SOO0N Makes Your Home Cool in' Summer--Keeps You Warm thru the Winter Hazed ~Porch 8 x 22 ~Ft. ¥Full length . sizes. Reinforced . w it h bar -- through ~the center. Many sizes GLAZED PORCHES We furnish 2 double 8--light win-- dows .and 2 single S8--light win-- dows with casing and trim as shown. Also one glazed door Large stock of Bathroom combjzations, closet outits, Bathtubs, --__ etc., also Soil pipe fand fittings at reduced prices. COME TO THE--CAMPS and make your own #elections. of screens, P Price each.. soc --__*_ $22.5¢ Sales office: Sheridan Road at 22nd St., North Chteago, 11. Fhone Waukegan 308 ¥ull Length Well Built Screens To Fit . IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS towns 'are asked to be present Another meeting of} the barnyard golfers will be beld at the YMCA next Tuesday night and ine piaues wili be completed. Represeniatives of all«e" The is to mwm m Ertoks r p at %%4 rum off elimination W'l i each mmunity ~to determine the best pitchers. Then there wil} be n of Round Robin tournainents at w!'fl every club will be represent-- ed and each club will entertain the other clubs on the home courls once during the season, In this way, ev-- ery team in the county will play in a tournament on tBe courts of «v<ry other team in the county, Then al-- ter' the completion pf. this series of plays, there will be a lLakze County tournam<nt with the county cham-- pilonship at stake.> . « tounty' fatl during . the " vurot doore searon. / C h (iive us the dimensions of your porch and .we will name price of windows--required for glazing. 44 \|

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