CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jul 1924, p. 12

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; wHEELOGFAUTO)~-- SEROSNV.S FIVE MNUTES _ Wlillam (Bili) Rogerson, 64 yeaws Old, veteran crossing flagman tor'@e Chicago & -- Northwestern . railroat¢;, died at the whee} of his automobile Tuesdsy night .and concern for the safety of others was. Wt im bis mind until his dying moment /Mr. Rogersen, accompanmied by his wite, bad just driven away from their home at. 223 South Lincoln--HSt. When they reached the corner> pf Victory street and Glix Rock ave-- nhe, Mr. Rogerson suffered an at-- tack of heart disease, but be had the presence of mind to drive the car to the side of the street, and stop the engine. A moment later be was dead. The attack is believed to have been aggrarated because of tihe faet that be had difficulty in starting the car A neighbor helped him start it He had purchased the machine ouly . a few weeks ago in order to get around better, as he had been a sufferer from rheumatism for many years. Mr. Rogerson had been employeg by .the Northwestern for a great many years and when he became crippled with rheumatism he was placed in charge of the crossing at the foot of Madison street. He was unusually optimistic and cheery and. had thousands< of frtends, including youngsters as well as growhmups. Mr. Rogerson was a very observant per-- so# ,and a friend of newspapermen, being a most valuable "tipster" for reporters. When "Bill" didn't have material for two or more news "stor iesw" it was indeed a dull day for re pocters. * ds ® r"l_e-;-u born at Black BEarth, Wis. and was the oldest of ter» ehildrem Besides his wife he leaves one WR, Vateran-- Railroad. Flagma Prevents Accident to Wife by Driving to Side of Road. E;'.,.",, a former marriage, who lives im Portland, Ore., and sevem brothers and sisters, as follows: Ed-- HAD JUST BOVdHT C wirn T. Rogerson, 19 South Chpfl-] strect, Waukegan; Albert, of Dakota; H. H., of Palmetto, Fia; Wra &. HJ Allen and Mrs. A. R. Marriott, botir otf Oak Park; Mrs. Alice Brandel of Chicago, and Mrs. Frank Kelley of Milan, Ohio. His diath oecurred about six o' cleck. The inquest was held today at the White & Bebin funrneral home, at which place the funreral will be held Saturday, i 1 Clocks of Waeed ° ' _ ¥Eli Terry, borm in Windser, Con®., In 1772, made his first clae«ks by hand, the movements being of wooed. He was the leading maker of weoden elocks in America and invented the sihelf clock which introduced the piHJor--scroll top PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY is offering: to its 21,500 stockhalders, most of whom live in the territory and are customers of the Company, an opportunity to subscribe to a new issue of 7% Cumulative Preferred, Shares through the exercise of "Rights". \ The warrantsevidencing these rights were mailed direct to the shareholders, and enable.them to purchase new stock on most attractive terms. -- Use your "Rights" promptly as they become void after 5 p. m., August 1. If you are not a stockholder you may purchase "Rights" from us and subscribe on the same basis as present shareholders. . UTILITY SECURITIES COMPANY Fiagman Addimonal in can be obtained 1j desivred from district oifice of the Public Service Company or our CHigage headlfecsters, Additional information can be obtained if desisred from amy district OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Warning against misleading adyer ;m- of many .go--called. civid ser-- vice schools is --givxen in--a statement joined in by the United States Civil Service comurission and the Associat 'ed Advertising Clubé of thé World. The following points are emphasiz-- ed : . No school of tins kind bhas any commection whatever with the civil servic> commeission or with any other beanch --of© the geverement:. "No-- schoot can-- fdemish civil ser-- vice-- information of value which can-- not be obtrined without cost from the -- eivil -- service commission . at Washington or its representative at the----pastoffige» or customs house in auy'® o€-- appreximately %500 cities. "No schoot car guarantse appoint ment im the~classified civit service. Appointment ~tam be obtained ounly GIRLS ARE REGS / TERING OR WEEE-- Il END TRIP OF "¥.W."; der the civil~service rules; no school cam cause a competiter to hbe cestt fHed for appointmenxt out of the regu-- lar order; aw deternmlined by his exam:; Regisirations are now -- being re-- ceired:at the ¥. W. C. A. for the week-- end camp for busines girts. The out-- ing will be held the week--end of July 26--27, the girls leaving the Y. W. C. A. building at 2 o'clock Saturday af-- ternaon, and returning Sunday eve-- "No-- sebook ecan give zdvance in formation regerding: -- examination ot examination®. Large--numbers of. applications for examinattons received at the civil service offices, according to the com-- mission, --indicate that many . civil service schoole accept as clHients and take money from illiterate -- persons who could not possibly pass any kind fore> supper. Aiter supper there are any number of things to do, econclud-- ing with a huge camp fire with its ae« companying somgs, stories and stunts, Sunday marning tge girls. hike to the nearest town to church, returning to an old fashioned chickem dinmer with all the trimmings. The after noon is spent on the lake, in the weoods, or resting and reading, accord-- ing to individual desire. * Altho the time spent in camp is short, an incredibly large amount of fun can be enjoyed. The girls who attended the business girls week--end camp last year are unanimous in their -- Then there is a picnic supger,, fol-- lowed by a short vesper service, agyd soon it is time to leave for home. . 72 West Adams Street, Chicago, I!I. le. Telephone Randoiph 6262 Loubsvilie, Kg. '_!"'!;o'drh arive at 'camp in time for swim. walk or row on the lake be-- %. examination un domeits riains s «ooltitfiid ns mein ue e nmre ie i gge + + <oge "Yow."ég Northwestern railread tracks, being placed in ex stly 35 minutes. The bridgeo was assembled by the American Bridge Construcetion com-- pany, loaded: ow flat: care=and> shipped to the spot where it was to be-- plac-- ed. A huge crame put it into position in-- abuttments that had beem con: : strueted: by the-- road> builders. The bridee is for use of automo-- hbilists : and~ pedi@strians; tad--was con strueted to etiminate the use of grade _ Antwerp is so green and pleasant a city, writes Michael Dong, that in no other port to which I have come in my journeyings have I foun® guch a wealth of treea, growing --down the length of the great streets of mighty and ancient buildings, making so kind 'a shade in the truly named Piace Verte. tower, 400 Tfeat high, watches the ,mlxg course of the river which has 'the keels of so mabny genera \_ Planos with patented actions made throughout in metal are now Being manufactured especially for the trade in damp or huraid countries, where the¢ wooden parts of piano actions. have usually only a short life. pany of North Chicago, bas just com-- pleted the opening: of a new romg between Eleventh and Twelfth 8tg., leading from. Sheridan road to the steel mills, and a steor bridge was _ Letting Bere Down Eay A boreé is usually considered a harm» less creature, or of that class of irra-- tional bipeds who hurt only them-- selves.--Maria Edgeworth, : oonnaines 1 even the romance of railroad bridge building, anud the small boy who dreama ot great achievemenits A# a construction: engizneer can. look tor-- ward. to nothing more exciting: than preparation od blueprints and the as-- simbling of huge bridges in factories, br approval, and pnc_:_tlpally every one PLACED ON NEW STREET is planning to go this year. mmi who wishfurther particulars are asked to call the Y. W. C. A. be-- tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p. mX A printed folder containing full particulars, & list of things to take, registration hlank, etc., will. be mailed upon request. . = Structure. Put in Place by Means of Huge Crane; As-- sembied Before Shipment. Madet» industry is taking away Tribute to Antwerp * 125 POOR TOTS «> _AND MOTHERS ARE se sprvourie GO0OD TIME IS PROMISED One hundred and twenty--five happy poor ehiidren and their mothers: from the northwest side of TUhicago de-- parted this morning in the automo-- bilea of twenty--five members of the Girls. Will Go to Camp on July 26in?fm; for Swim or 3 AQ" "" Saturday, July 19, 2:30 P. M.: }hfiqm ece Tvvici::} V:OK*%-; m;:and the was (cidk, 1» the owacs of a Cheyeint Six Roadiesr wtnivaiims dhe | WALTER HAGEN.CHOOSES CHRYSLEX SIX Mhfim champian: for secoad me by virtue lb«; at ild:-t&t * a (Daylight Saving Time . -- "v x E Grand Avemue and Marion Avenue,2 Blocks West of Butrick Street € | Waukegan, HMimois _ _ | | 'A beautiful FVORY WHIETE HOUSE CLOCK will be 'An Ingersoll Yankee Watch will be given away to car this sgale. .._ o This will be a fast sale and may not last over an hour, be on the ground at the start. 'And Hundreds of Dollars in Cash will be given away free. You do not bave to make a purchase to get any of these presents, just be on the ground at 2:30 P. M. Daylight Seving Time. > TERMS--1/, down, balance 18 months to pay. No 1924 taxes, A Lake County Title & Trust Ab-- stract Guaranteed Title will be given with each lot. f Buy property in Waukegan for investment, vahics are rising daily, y f Remember the sale starts 2:30 P. M. Daylight Saving Time.--Grand. Avenue and Marton Avenue, 2 " Blocks West of Butrick Grand Avenue and the property. t Mileeds('.ash and Will Sell Regareless of Price! ALL LOTS MUSI BE SOLD--NONE RESERVED--COME OUT A free bus will run every ten minutes starting from the North Shore Sta-- on Washington and Genesee Street, going west to Butrick, then North to LOTS MUSTI BE SOLD--NONE RESERVED--COME OUT ~ AND MAKE YOUR OWN PRICE TWO ONE THOUSAND MILE RADIO SEr tions throughout the city will go to the camp. -- Twenty new cottages have al-- ready been built and seventeen are under: construction -- This will make it posible for families that have been crowded together in single rooms in the city to bhave a whole cottage for their peivate use for the ten days' va-- cation. 'Yhe new location offers ex-- cellent swimming facilities and a large dining room--{for-- group meals, ac-- many, of them widews, and their --clél-- dreu. will have ten daya' resat and rec-- reation at the new sixty--three--acre damp which was formeriy® loeated-- at Glen Ellyn. For twenty years the Salvation Army has made these vaca-- tions possible for city--worn mothers and children out of its homeservice fund The next trip of the season will be made July 25, when moare thin 150 Rotery ~club. for . the. now Salyation Army rest camp at Camp Lake, si% Dakiend Hili:, 1>=*/0;', viere the Ameri-- | i in tw 1924 was gdock'ed. I; was at | partaussd the car. 1 6 d chithe 104 t > to each of the first hundred gentliemen attending * Uncle Eben "MDe world is gittin' better," sald Uncle Kben; "only It's hard to reulize de tact when. evxerybhody's busy callin' attention to alt de AiWerent improve-- ments . dat's posnitite."~--Washitngton cording to officials ol the Saivation Army. 'The camp i» stuty miles from Chicago on paved roads and tive min-- utes from the Camp Lake: station of the 3oe line . > _ Engiish milltary genius was recog-- nized throughout the world as early as the Sixteenth century, when the wise Bhah Abbas of Persia engaged Eng-- lish arimy officers to train the armed forees of his ancient and primitive em-- given to each of the first fifty ladies attend-- F. K. Weiton, emplegyed in the of, Hce of the county treasurer, reos'd'img an NMortX Ave.. Waukegan, but forws erly in Zion City, has beeu called t Pazmlena, Calif.. by the --deuth at Ma slster,. (Mrem_C. E5. Stoughton. who passed away last Seturday,. -- Mr., Web tom arill arrive there in timdofor tize funeral services on Thursday. _ _ . Dm:.' 1%. and: Albert, 17 yearts old; & , James M. Welton, of Paca» dena, and also two brothers, F. K Weitou, of Waukogan, and Harry Wol-- ton, ol . Beach. .. Mrs. . Stouzhtou'x mother pased away only: a few months ago. Aithough Qa sever re lid;d in this city, nw:m'"'gihim made many ; visiting here on vqflout:'fldou. who wifl regret to fjearn of her death.© James U. Welton, father of the deceased, Mrs. sw-n?- had been suliering tor the-- past twoelve years from tu-- berculosis, het last serious, iliness mflu ubout three weekse. She was August 2§5, 1818, being nearly 5t years ot when she paseed away. Mrs. sm:fl:u. with her Busband 2084 fantily, moved to California four years ago in hopes of regaining ier healith. Besides hor husband there is let to mourn-- her: loss three daughters zud one son: Myrtlie, # ; Helen, 15 MOTHER DIEO RECENTLY Book Without Punctuation _ Wimothy Dexster, an cccentric Amer» mm-ww"at Pickie For the Knowing Ones" in a second edition he added punctwation at the end and told the readers to "pey-- per the. dish to sult themseives." SISTEROF E.E _ WELTON IS DEAD Employe in County Treasurer' Office Leaves to Attend fl"' may posibly veturn with his son, ¥. K. Waliton, and make his home im -- Faneral services will be helid Thurs-- day with interment in Pasadena. of Waukegan's IN CALIFORNIA Funcral. apprect-- 99.

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