CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jul 1924, p. 1

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As climax to several gang fights at Electric Park, Waukegan, Saturday night, Chas. Ives. Lake Forest college athlete, was kicked and beaten into insensibility, and is in a serlous condition at the home of a friend at 212 Westminster avemue, to which place he was spirited afte: the fight, and half a dozen yuung mes were jalled by deputy sheriffs. : Battle at Eléctric Park Satur day Night Brought Out Riot Squad: 6 Jailed. The others jalled ; were: Henry Opeka, North: Chicago, who was re-- leagsed on bond;.Arnie Panttila, Wau-- kegan; Gunnar Berg, North Chicago; Joe Mack, North Chicago, all of whom were fined $50-- and costs and their fines suspended on pyomise that they remaig away from Electric Park, hereafter, and Elmer Hovey, Wauk: gan, whose case was dismiss-- ed. io ; Ofte youth, alleged to have been the leader of one of the gangs, is still in jail pending: the' developments in Ives' injuries, and is held , on $3,000 bond. He is George Zupon, North Chicago. Hele charg:d with assault < with intent to do vlolegt injury. . P 'D.A. Weale guarded the place Sunday night and half a dozen youths were 'dispersed when they started. to. cre-- ate a disturbance. . _ .. 0 .. ... A John Doe warrant wu"fi Monday, ernoon for ?Ou 'man who is believ6d--to be {responsible for the condition -- of Ives. .It.. developes, that Iv was taken rrdvmo- scene "a ti:.,gl by Keith Marsh,'® cham, who: t 'him to MaArsh's quarters. < 4' START THE WIDENING OF WAUKEGAN CEMENT. ROAD Plans call for the laying of highway "'aprons" nine feet wide on either side of the present eighteen foot pave ments. They wili extend for 500 feet «each way from the crossing and will allow both right and left hand turns A0 be made on a two--car radius/where 'now single lines of traffic tangle with weach other on the narrow paved road. Sites for improvements. ; Maj. George A. Quinlan, county su-- iperintendent of highways, announced esterday that contracts have been warded for this improvement work mt the following intersections: Glen View road and Waukegan road in en View{ Domlr-tor street and Wan-- 'Kkegan road, Milwauree avenue and 'Ballard road, Dempster street and waukee avenue. ~= -- Other points to be widened include iggins road and Eimnurst road, Irv-- ng Park boulevard and River road, The case against Zupan was con-- tinued until next Monday at 10 o'clock. & The concrete work 'beaw S&taurday on the widening of the Dempster and the widening of the PDempster ; an4 Waukegan road inmecupn. and :z- 'provement crews wWill ta4tkle a dozgen more of the "traffic jam jJars" during the week. > + and. Waukegan: roads,=River -n= Waukegan roads and several in-- tersections ~west "and south in the county. Joo _ APPEAL TAKEN BY ATTORNEY -- 4 -- . ~--emzetnanerar en e _JN $25,000 ESTATE TAX CASsE . MORETROUBLE FOR--VON---------- rhz':u:.&o:ta:' ?u n:: i»adl'yv- The "Aprons" are to be tegulation paxem nine inches thick agdrwi serte ?xdnftfio the Dflfli *(fllég wayae'ih addition 'to offéring twire the cooom cvemanirnis®s ce cemaitt be s BEATEN TO DEATH IN GANG FIGHT & . LAKE~--COUNTY INDEPENDENT ¥ uze Py "p en w on mige o op ogvendim enc x W a'fvalue of perhaps: $400, '"of ed work, was stolen y 'might when rob-- their way into the of-- fices of the Yale Dentists in the Largen "building, -- NortH _ Genesée Thieves. Jimmy.Open the Front * 3or and Bregk Open Locked Cabinet. + 1 momlncl Then it was found that the front door had been forced open with a jimmy. , The same instrument was .used in forcing open the door of 'a cabinet in which the gold was contained. The thi¢ves worked as "exoncrated of blatmie if they knew exactly where to lo-- caté " brecJous metal for they remoyed oRly the drawer which con-- hlm} he gold. A small quantity of gold in an adjoining office was untouched. . DEATH OF WAUKEGAN MAN ; MAY BRING DAMAGE SUIT hope' that this may --be a clue to the ijdentity of the robbers, At the Yale Dental offices Mond it was stated= that it was dimclx to estimate the exact size of the robbery because so much of the gold was in finished crowns, inlays and bridge work. o s 1+ . } ~_After Hapson struck Mr. Rogers he 'took thg victim to a (hogpital:./At, the l°°!°h}',r .!1%9*).'?-'01?9-"93;&- _Captain Kennedy, head of the iden-- tification department, of the local police station, took photographs 6of Tingerptints this morning in the Ave., late mr-a{ m?. petition for cause of actl lois 10,000 dank ages against E.' H. Hampson, 14% Llioyd Ave.. Waukegan, following death of her husband, Dan H. nq:i "who was run down at Glen Rock a Chapel street, July 9, by a car driveh by Hampson. "The m:m'nm-'t-fi-'m('e court, bein reliminary .step. to the Aling of n%u'?f%o% damages 1? the cir-- cuit court. Mr. Hampson is employved at the Jonn--Manaville plant. I Mrs. Louise E. Rogers,. 438 Lincoln «--HORN; AUTO, ib esn on '--j_s%;_:a'!'g ? "th o ty kn W ied yemamet | J L c axi? 4 /7 °L /, i i / ~ § a / f ' 4 \ *¥ ) |', / / iA k \_ " H 'v'"',i" / 244 \/ \"/\ > -'. .':: ;# o t is ) W | 4. + 4) 8 f o XPLex,. Y ( ' 1 ¢' (,-m' 4 v 4 , * 8 > [AE {* #. N d atks d "\"';w_»-- | ( aet '"3 $ ; _ Tus awfT NC _ ) _ ¥ W'}W Ja' i bX n *\ _.-- 2 u--x{f}& i mau| on . ' '-:f:,'r'fia-"(:{'fl/://////& y o Q\ '/l' --g2"": /; 1R R -- 4~> + > t m "lie por . M Sog: Sn | _' FISHING IS NOT THE ONLY SUMMER.SPORT / -- Gee wz / HE'LL ~SCAFR e d e m discovered og:x'ied Monday ANAY C AYIB J _ . iu ) 4 + ~* AJ 1 S ®_L/ & / \.j e a: YO (A Mz th._"* f\® efi 1| _Li_--fl yoicest i\bif | -- Dora Schroeder, Libertyville: Wili admitted to probate; estate valued at $1,000 > bequeathed as follows;-- Chattel -- property in Wauconda -- to |\ Henrietta Hrnéir," granddaughter; §$5 'to Minnie Wheelock, daughter; $5.vv to =Charles Schroeder,-- son;: chattel 'proporty in Libertyville to son, Geo. Bchroeder; remainder of: estate "to _son, George Schroeder. j $10,000 WILL is ADMITTED . | TO PROBATE COURT MONDAY' Action in other '¢géates was tak en as follows: ? «Amon 'op number of estate matters beard nday in probate court, the will: of Irving E. Etieglitz of High-- land Park, valued at $10,000, was ad-- mitted to record. <All was 'bequeath-- ed to his wife, Helene W. Stieglitz, to whom letters 'testamentary also were 'issued. -- » * Fredericka . Tasche, Barrington -- Report of sale of, p:rrsonal property Tpproved. : Lewis H. Felter, Antioch--Petition for probate of will filed and set for hearing Aug.~ 4, 1924. John Richardgon--Claim of Daisy Richardson allowed for' $500 in full settlement.'. . f 4. Lewis H. Bryant, Waukegan--Exe-- cutor. authorized to sell and transfer shares of stock. 4 Anna Marie Bader, Libertyville -- Final report and account approved; estate closed; executor digcharged.> Charles Richard . Witkens, Zion-- Final report and account, approved; estate closed; administrator discharg-- ed, 8 s . 'Thomas McCann, Waukegan--Fina! report and account approved; distri-- bution ordered. s 4 Sarah Hook, Grays....e--Inventory and appraisem:nt bill approved. Ailce E. Moreton, Highland Park-- Inventory -- approved; ~appraizement waived; administrater authorized to pay $50. in payment of butial Int. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 17, Enutéred at the Postoffice at Libertyville, Illinols, as Second Class Maill Maiter. ILLE INDEPENDENT ~ & / Lake County's Big Weekly P 85% \'; 3 Bre*/ \|\ j Ginculation Greates than othes WeekSes in County Combined \WOMAN DIES FROM \-- INJURIES IN BlG STORE COLLAPSE Snedaker Survivors State They Maven't Considered:=Dam-- | age Suit Yet. --~Mrs. Myra Snedaker, aged 47 years, Bo. Utica St., Waukegan, died at two o'clock Saturday morning tt the Vic-- tory Memorial hospital from injuries received Friday afternoon when she was covered by bricks= and> debris that fell from : a scaffolld that col-- lapsed at the addition 'being built to the Blumberg furniture store.. The er)nriu that : contributed to her 'degth are .not' known.: Three doctors, Drs. H. C. Hoag, the family physician, W. 8. Bellows: and John M. Paimer, were called: to »attend her. They found the womah in great pain and a state of shock, which held ,them powerless to act.© Due to her condition it was impossible to make an examination,'or to «ad minister ether. She was comatose tbut unable to discus= the accident or her injuries. How the scaffold happened to col-- lapse is a mystery: Oscar Carison, in charge of the work on the build: ing for Richard Maki, the contractor. stated today that the cause for the accident could only be a matter of speculation. w * "It just 'happened," he said. "If --we chad ~known what --~caused the scaffold gave way we could have -n& :.snln\,nd\ avoided the accident. 'The. way dt, appears to have !de-,pfljhm;h any PENSION FUNDS FOR COUNTY TEACHERS CETTING LARCE boards Is in thbe,, army® apd one ghp Adl in Teey tad i ts o f R Ban M here a tvd r--Of R Frank A. aker, the husband, she is sur-- vivéd by. thiee sons, Albert and Earl of Waukegan, and Rubin,; who morning. Three sisters and a ther, all from out of tf city, ¥vive. + M M uk T u pleted Friday by B" flfl? nty super-- lpmmiont l: ;O N,gdm:t a to-- . " were. or the ibmw."knsm * this being an increase of $500 over tha' of the previoug yoar. po e -- (Thete d@dre now" seven teachers in the county who are annuitants. Theose each receive $400 a year, having taught fihool 25 yea e unty .. sguperin nt Friday r ma k 4 jlal and ation! t atate de btabistion! report#=fTor"' th® stat partment of public instruction _bappened is not 'through any s mm "v:fl the tim aup f away. e thought woeo had taken every taken every 'fl one *nb» .pretty --blue oned at ¥#s of the ) "him this Sur MIKE DETHORN IS BEATEN UP; GIVEN A BIG BLACK EVE Mike Dethorn, 46 years old, of Washington street, Waukegan, has a pretty black eye. It adorns the right side of his face. L nb t hy in the neighborhood of: his former home at the time, about two doors away from the residence of his wife. Either a sandbag or a 'club was used for the work, Dr. J. E. Wailter thinks. The skin_--over the eye was gashed, and the blow centered on the right side of the face, according to' him. -- Nelson. . J.. Lamson, 2%5, will never his son ,ten days old. The father Mike isn't showing it on the street, however, but is in the Victory Memo rial hospital, where his wife occu-- pied a bed several weeks ago after she had been beaten and jeft. for dead in a garage at-- the-- Dethorn home on Victory street. That is why be is living on Wash-- ington street, The embellishment to his optic came at midnight Sunday. He was Mike thought he was being follow-- ed and turned to 'see who was be-- hind him. Then the lights went out. He was, unconscious for an hour, in the home of, a resident of Victory street and--awoke to lpok into the face. of Captain Thomas Booth of the night police, whom he had met be-- fore. : A He Occupies Bed in that Held His. Wife Weeks Ago. The wearer of the black eye was bound over to the grand jury on a charge crediting him. with the as-- sault. Later she sued him for di-- vorce, and asked that he be restrain-- ed from disturbing her in her home. LIVE WIRE KILLS FATHER; NEVER SAW HIS NEW SON Dr. Waliter arrived <~and hbe was taken--to the hoapital.. ukh 'Just who launched the. attack is a mystery. .. Mike didn't get»a look at the e o + oo ueby crpriet | uc c.:fi'fi':m made no report of the . At, the station,, Assistant Chief of Police Isaac Lyon said, to-- in contact with live wires while at work in Los Angeles. a joyat , His. widow, who--came to. .Wauke-- gan-- to be near her mother,, Mrs. Catherine . Mills,, 109. North Victory street, .when the; baby arrived, jeft the LakeCounty bospital only last Baturday.. -- She and her ten days old son being at her mother's home when the news of her husband's death -- was received Monday. He was an em ploye of .the Los Angeles Light and Power, company and was fatally burn-- ed while working at. Sub--Station No. 12. Details as to .the exact manner in which Mr..Lamson was killed is un-- kngown, but it is believed that in handling a switch his body formed an are when a short circuit occurred. Heé died Sunday night at 8:40 o'clock. Mr. Lamson was born in Ohio and during the war entered the navy, be-- ing stationed at Great Lakes fop a year during 1918. He worked for the Public Service company in Wauke gan for a year during 1919. The cou-- ple was married at Los Angeles, Feb. 7, 1921, The new born son is the only 'child. . "We'll try and find who did . it," was 'his nt'ategx.ent. ita AT€ M came before general Hie cl:qth time his wife was beaten. HMe was held at the police station for several days, finally gaining his lib erty, via the bond route, M% torney Geotge Field. 'He was over to the grand jury at that time. WOMAN STRUCK BY AUTO . _ IN WINTHROP. HARBOR Mrs. Lamson came 'to Waukegan May 25 to remain unt!l after the ar rival of the baby. Details of the funeral have not been completed, but it is expected that the body will be brought to Waukegan for Interment. He was a member of the Masonic Order ,and occasionally visited the local lodges while at Great Lakes and in Wauke-- gan. IN WINIMARUT. MHARDBUR | the grand total due the ' ,__. _ ~smmnssseme 2o county will be .--..----,.$97,298.175 Mre. Alex oJhnkion, 67 years old,| The distribution g the county this of Carmel boul&vard. Zion, is in the: year from the staté was m.mfl Victory Memorial hospital where she the county will receive a 'slight ad-- was taken late 'this afternoon after| vance next year, If the 'distributlon Being ' struck 'by an automobile in is made according 'th the new plany iWathrop 'Harbor. | | or it miay be necessary to #cile 'the 'Doctors fear that her skull is frac-- amounts to the districts to come with-- tatred' and are taking X--ray pictures | in the amount that will "Home frtom of 'the head. 'She Is conscious. Sev--; the state. S \ eéral deep wounds wéere made'in the ht uo o To o hsad from the colliston. '-mnm- mn4uK iage . Th wer monmas wan From what can be loatned the woman was walking north in Sher Igan road at Winthrop Harbot,. A car 'driven by H, H. Calkins of Bar-- rington, I1)., was. coming from the nm? _Evidently the woman falled to see the car and cross:d, in its path. She was knocked to the pave ment. Deputy Paul Jengon of, Winthrop Harbor Dlucad the Injured. woman &n an automobile and rushed her to the heapital. y m ' 1924 WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Hospital Several This improvement brought out more bidders for the contract than amy let by the village for many years, there being nine proposails submitted. . The Melloy bid was only $78.88 higher than the Construction & . Materials Co.. of icago, who submitted a bid of $10,-- 841.80, The highest bid was that of Nicholas Santueci, of Chicago, offer-- ing to do the workMor $12,602.80. A proposal of Earl 8. Knight was not considered,--on Account--of --a--clause in his bid specifying that he must have both the contract for the water mains and the sanitary sewer system. . As the sewer system is to be put in by private contract, Mr. Knight's bid was not considered: j LET CONTRACT FOR WATER -- ; MAINS IN NEW SUBDIVISION At a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements Monday nigh:, a con-- tract for installation of the water sys-- tem in Elm Drive and other streets in the new subdivision of Newsom, Mil-- ler and Wright, located omn what is known as the Butler place, was award-- the Melioy Construction Co., the bid of that firm being $10,762.32. It is proposed by the owners of the new subdivisfon to rush the work of water mains and sewers, build side-- walks, eic., and get everything in read-- iness this year so as to be able to pave the streets next year. ' Beveral lots have already been sold, and a number of fine residences will be built as soon as the street improvements have been completed. -- 'The report on the county school budget to the State office has just been compieted <by County Buperin-- tendent Simpson. This report is com-- piled from the reéports' of the ditter-- ent districts 'of the 'county and is required for the distribution of the State School fund under "the provi-- slons 06f the law passed by the last | tegislature.-- The district budgets are \required, if the district is to partict-- 'pute in -- the distribution. Four dis tricts did> not report and for that | reason will receive next year no ' part of the school fund. These are i districts -- number=-- one, -- forty--five, | eighty--two and ninety. x f -- The board of trustees of the village held a meeting after adjournment of the 'board .of do¢al improvements. The appropriation ordinance for the ensuing fiscal year was passed with out a dissenting vote, and which is printed in another: column. S The marshal was instructed to see that"all boxes, machinery, eto was re-- movéed / from 'the sgidewalK 'on (East Cook 'Avenue. .+ ' A peliti®a was presented asking for a sklewalk on'the south side of East Cook Aye., 'from the 'l'rlggm& John-- mon to the Franzen Lumber Co. The property owners affected were notified to build the walk within 30 days. This motion passed with one dissenting vote. TWA §f 4s The 'matter of providing receptacles for waste paper, etc., to be placed on corners in the business district was discussed apd 'réferred to street and alléy committee. " It is. proposed to have these boxes so that people may deposit paper which is otherwise thrown on the street. This will make less work for Marghal Limberry;; who is & self--Constituted street, cleaner." The next meeting of the board will €George Raton asked for a new side-- walk on' First street.' 'Motion made to refer request to the 'street and alley co:ndfittee. A tie vote resulted, the mo-- w 'being carried by the yote of 'The cletfk was instructed to chéeck up with former Police Magistrate E. D. Hubbard, and to reimburse the lat-- ter for supplies purchased by him. be held on Tuesday, August 5 BUDCET HAS BEEN FINISHED REPORT OF COUNTY SCHOOL The new: distribution is based up-- on the following items: tha total num-- ber of teacher--school days, teacher training, and total number of days attendance. tb President Hyatt, SOLDIER--SAILOR REUNION IN WAUKECAN ON AUCUST 21 The distribution for teachere--school days . is . $45,309.50. for , teachers . in CIABB A.........--~--.~--...------.--23,220,00 Class B .........._...__.__---- 2282.00 CIBRSB (C > .««««eeacgeacu..««« '3'." For days of attendance....25,615.25 CIRSB C > . .«««seearnpyeanupeas«ss For. days of attendance.... To. rural school that have teachers who are normal school graduates ': addi-- tional distribution made of. $100 each; there are five such districts in the The annual reunith of the Lake County 'Qolqbi:u'.'lld .;flwl Au? lon w held An W a . on m'ut # t was dmlfl'xnofl- ing of the aerganization Monday after noon. The reunion wil} be held at the courthousb square. +Not only the veb erans of the Civil War, who are living In Lake County, but: many--.4rom Aat garet. 4 away places attend these reouniont" | the y $OURLY: xae+s«=ssame we_«_.. 50000 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE | _ The victim had.been--around Wauke-- \gan for some time--and was an odd:job man. -- He. washed--dishes. in«restaur-- ants, portered in a, bakery, and worked for the street department of. theveity i,tornnhortt!me.. 3 & "Buldings n Water Stree . uildings in er. Street. n%lith Bottle. uid Henry Hentee, a police chargeter with a record of a balf score O ar-- rests for drunkenness and: disorderly night in a runway between the Soren-- son blacksmith shop and a soft drifhk parlor in Water street, Waukegan." DEAD MAN FOUND © IN RUNWAY WAS._ -------- POLICE FIGURE At his siue was a *4 ounce boftle with seven ounces of liquid 'in it. "The tabet indicated the contents to be Ue-- natured alcohol @&nd was ~marked "Poison." 6x 89 of the body pending the arrival of th underthker: & c o 9P Q' Hentcé had been seen in the after-- noon by police.* He appeared, \or normal then." Chief of Police --J. V. Balz--saw him again at 6 o'clock, prob-- ably an hour before the death, apd noticed that he was apprently gober at that timé. 6 6 4 on The body was pitched forward in the ~little (runway, which is' just's space wide efough to permit '-"gs between the' buildings. The po! were called about 8 o'clock in the evening and Capt. Thomas Booth and Policeman George Toulous took charge | beate ~hbts ~name 30 *y@ | l?':'e: 'n widow, li |§'n('fl-1-ffinm._ 1 I N:m#'bma Hentce had been dead about an Hour before the discovery. in the opinton of Lloyd White, who was called % the body to the morgue. The M the victim was bloated and purple®a usual condition arising from "modn-- shine poisoning. Y s An effort was made after the dik covery to locate a man named Walters in Winthrop Harbor, who is said to be an uncle of the 'deceased. Police 'bf that willage. promised . to. notifty: ;t._l. Hentce had 'attempted his 'life a few months ago 'while 'in the 'police station. -- He bad beenarrested on' a charge> of"drunkenness> and placed in a cell. During the night Desk Serm-- geant G""u':c Hicks ----heard" 3 ::'&'La' 10 inyestipate: He found en partly strangled f ponder: which ne had 'tried to t# o the bars in an. effort um% ~'Art 'Kautg.a.wowlmr of a o8 d'm;k & gd in ?!Ilator .m'nmw €rei y. | He was on,his. 1 to 'the blink whes he notlontothe form of a .man jn under..the. runway. f16 . called. Patrolman~ 080LA lougse, who foung. the, man *mgombngd in .the, crowd m which hom w «y sds es h %e body. was thce down betwebs g:' b\!\.udlnql.', e . F'!':':' m the ground to. the, as x i . sn ie is o cupy. Hentce vuxrm'wh way 'back' below the rnq'::y theory'is that Be was seated on | incline and dropped to the for 'his Icft leg was fractured -- below the"knee. The drop that point of "the runway would be about six fegt. k e o Gey ace L siuuk uc ae c d o t nict on es cce 'Police say he was a regular "cus tomer" but harmless. He was w 55 to 60 years of age. y v Hentce had 'Tesided ;t the sh-- burn "hotel, but l%ft that g& 8 %nm." Mtte 'mmmniy' f ay 'knew little of, his ; the exception of a Mbh'?v e in Ehleuo. of whom 'he was : to be very 'friendly 'to. M¥ \ Nauta," at "the 'inquest, stated thiat he bad often seen 'Hentce go in. tween --the buildings 'there. ° _ .. FORMER LAKE COUNTY MAN --+ xnm)nuu'm&l MRS. LOVINA was a 'br0lhet of tfl of Half Day. He Iot J. B.--:Keily~sf= * a cousin of 'tflm Waukegan®. *"> "~'*~~ ag Su Mr. was a w' c ny t " as "Bid" Henrys" . the was 1 h wiP

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