CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1924, p. 5

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OUR WANT ADS GET: SURE RESULTS 6 < PROTECTION: l « Building Resources |; For All~Purposes]| F YOUVE planned to build, now is the time. . Whether you desire a small garage, n 'home, /m office building or offide space, we have the proper ; resources to hill your requirements. > . We advise early completion of your plens end letting of contracts to allow you the benéhits of early #@aron prices on materials. Don't take.a chance, mule?&ne by consulting us before you build. . L #L+* Couon Let Us Help You __ _ Plan Your Home _/ «T niideniomimnniainicien it fiarecmecoomnzeris Libertyville Lumber Co. Telephone?47 . The .safety and, wise disposition. of : funds one person alone or ex¥en two or three. of:the. officérs are the of direc-- |® o o iie o t uin SaTe the bes g possible in banking:service; and back of them government supervision wit hits many 1&ws for-- the regulation of incorporat#b'mp. y n s You will find here all that motern h-nhfi king & has to offer in 'w"t'lm;'{." ' 2y 'There is no lack of style in Racine Soft Dress Shirts, but comfort has not been sacrificed. On the contrary, it is greater than is customarily found in a dress shirt. An inspection of our stocks will reveal a wide range of patterns of uniform bigh Schanck Building /.. . Three--fold-- < a" v 4 j ¥ > . T. & t\ Jfia.EI '!@{' ' '2& & T xfi{ ' !! (;er('l'. & wl AA & W zmA 6 Py & w i. i is -,-' | Th NA FIONAEL-- BANK-- ~ Allfsl'g . 0. CARLS§O N MEN'S FURNISHINGS # Soft Dress Shirts: A T is sw Down by the Old Depot Libertyville, III. «9M PZ x ¥9y E. " 4 Frank Petges came the Tirst Of this week from Struben, lowa, for a visit 4o fthree weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petges. ~ Mrs. Delos Ames and daughter, Mrs. £31 E. Tage and Wi nd and little daugh-- he | a' ;fl' pids, Mich., are the Aajests of L ille relatives. AMr. and Mrs. Abner Tayl@® were in Gurnee Bunday, where they ¥ikited the J> Feeser family. "3 E* -'uu Fern Lester is spen ing her va-- eation with relatives pn a near TAko Villa. 60038 . Miss Martan LIN is visiting her aunt Mrs J. Peco, at Leighton. . . / Muriel and. Berni : in Indiana P 6 uow in a» Jack Sinl ; ),,"ffl; '%€ in u9e Stee: .n 5 } #. * '!".,t-'t"!'f* 7 infa l A ~ } w k Y*!i P TA t i 1 mcaOth *of--Fergus F&lls, Min-- faihe + car on 4 fri Mr, Awchen moyed from heré { fune PA 'about 18 years ago -s- Minne-- 44 t ie part $ . . Misses Liste"May and R: § Huson: Me . ldre here this we 8 \vi'lmi::m.a T gran e@l@ visitin i Swhoer. parents, Mr. and Mrsa. Frefi 3 » The Migses Marie Hogam, 'q'gogm. M# Waukegan, Q\_& riday, guests j'of __Mr, and Mrs. Charles G, Fliwell of Highland Park, visited 8 y at the home of Mrs. Elwell's 'fatheg, Dr. C. R. 5 a m -- % 4 " "':"'"' Jamily. id | 'Denanis lost another dog Monday, and Misb Fern Lester and the tax was paid, too, as a tag worn ation 5nh ,e:m.ei: ;?'e':d#.:";:; by the dog testified. He was sent to MAko Villa, s 3 happy dogville by a passing motorist *# "° / 15' at the corner of Milwaukee and New-- ' Mr#, George Pearce and @§gughters, bexry avenues. Mr. Coonfer properly Muriel and. Berniece, are v ret--' @isposed of the remains. and little M. Amne mot shec Wobda? And spent t relatives. Mig#s Seena Kruckman is # at her me'on Hast Church stregt. 0+ The Misses Delia and Cora Marsh are entertaining Mrs. Laura Higley Galloway, who was for many years a resident of Libertyville and vicinity. home of Mrs.--Peonny 8 J anston,having left the Monday. _ --_--_}>~ * UM¥" Afil 'Mrs. Charles M. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Chamberlin left | Monday--on a~--motor trip--to--Berlin and : other-- Wisconsin towns, where they will spend several days with relatives. Mrs. 'M. D. Penny and little daugh-- ter, Doranne Jean, are NOW at the Mimm'}nother in Ev-- m s MESWT . 0 rily r2ke Mr. m% Follett and daughter, June, Austin Tripp and John Bai drove to Joliet by auto Monday, and s the day with rela-- tives. > **%. e se : td Sithin on lt M 5 __Hugh Reld Was here btannug. kss havie :n%c'rom W.Shing- mother, MBL H. Aev. M gml'l- is in the AFMYy, and n o i nvighen xt t Sn w LM? ', stationed at ridan. s x ; -- $ ue ty 1 0 C rnint + * ~Walter Parker 'of Orayslake, accom-- panjed by Miss-- ie Boehm, of Lib-- ectyville, and * € nche Persons and Bernard Decker, of Waukegan, visited friends in Rockford Wednes-- day, niailng the trip by auto Short Items of --E:lglll Interest . to Lil;e'rtyville People Local and Personal w 3 Sink and chil k egd in Berwyn w $ H./A. Berg, and f: mMSURANGE + PROTEGNION »!=s 1M . There is no obligation asking information o % A am always glad to be of service VDNALL 3* WING to the lérge number of week end pleasure O seckers who must be accommodated" on Satur-- day evenings, we suggest that you who have leisure attend our dances during the week. & This will enable ug to give you better service and you will more fully enjoy the superior music of the "Senfators," our regular 8--piece orchestra. Mre FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent Provident !utml Life Insurance Co. _ l'hanneliLake Pavilion nevihanansz--zss»»"Mnoorporated ) . Walter Alt Deg. Plaines, ; Mr. and ] The new Channel Lake Pavilion is one of the biggest pavilions in the state--Dance space 6000 square feet. fl?&on d 1 ro her s ago. | | #et ol ; and R&GB, this we@lf : Mr. and Mr at e Hogu;; n ukegan, We' s jof Li s harles G& I sited Sundsy ,-ll's'tath 'harles M cect i duning Ne se unsm o m is i amepime n vemneatie men s hospital last nd Elea-- re here s --Marie Ek ECC ECCCE OOR P Oe PE CC 6 |\ Mr. and Mrs. John Hanlon spent last n spent Sunday in Russell with James Hanlon. her sis--|' Harry Putman, the well know horse ly. trainer, who developed several good s ones at the Libertyville track, is in urg and | charge of ,the hors e"Upholder," and ent last|has been a consistent winner in the . W. F.|Grand Circuit races this year. f . THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924 to Chi-- y with r Patrons During the storm of Sunday evening the chimney on the J. J. Wilson home, Brainerd Ave., was demolished. There seems to be some difference of opin-- ijon as to whether wind or lightning is responsible for the damage. Anyway the chimney is a wreck. A beautiful new American flag will be dedicated at the mornihg service in the Methodist church, with appropri-- ate sermon and music, on Sunday, July 2"th. TBe G. A. R.,;the American Le-- 'gion 'and "the Boy Scouts are--invited to Tlc{pfle in the service. Every one~invited. ~-- (George Bock I'ft Monday for Cicero, where he will*} remain for several months at the home of his sister, Mrs. Amelia Martin. Mr. Bock recently un-- | derwent an operation for hernia, and has not fully recovered his strength. He has secured light emplc=>ement d Cicero. The Independent will follows Mr: Bock to his new home. l A general meeting of all ex--service men of the lmperrl and --Canadian forces resident in 1linois will be held lon Monday evening, August 4, in the Indian room of the Fort Dearborn ho-- tel. 125 W. Van Buren street. Chicago, at 8 p. m. . Many officers and men are expected to be present to commemo-- rate the eventful date August 4, 1914. The enterprising firm of Kennedy Bros.. local agents for the Ford Motor Company, have erected a large tent an the lot between. their salesroom and Main 'Garage. The tent is to house their used cars, where they may be properly displayed. They have had a record breaking season in the sale of Ford cars anda tractors. * td An0 t P SAudicecbeine Afhcmbanne Co.,; and Principal Underbrink, of L. T. H. S., made--a fishing trip to Gage's Lake Saturday. They "had the goods" to back up their stories. Mr. Under-- brink recently returned from Archie, Mo., where he has been spending part of his vacation with relatives. He is now taking a course «of study at Chi-- cago University. Word was received here Wednesday morning of the death of Fred Scott in Wenatchee, Wagh. Mr. Scott is a we'l known resident of Libertyville. He went to Washington last October to care for a large apple orchard in the western state, which he owned. His health failed him several weeks ago, and be died in a hospital there. The message was a great shock to mem-- bers of his family and friends, as they bq;fleved him to be much "lm'proved' Burial will take plage in Wenatchee, as the remains cannot be sent home. Miss Dorothy: Sayers, employed in the W. W. Carroll store, is enjoying a vacation and left last Monday for Wat-- ertown, Wis., for:a visit with relatives. Merrill Weiskopf, of the Libertyville Battery & Electric Co., has 'been car-- rying'ms'hand i na sling since last Fri-- day. ; In' a tussle with a car of the queserdviininncan ty Cns ons nag: doei hi on nenae mm Nivver variety, his thumb was caught | between the *winderup" and the tin | sign showing the village license htd' been palid. The car was not damaged to any,.appreciable extent. Merrill was unable 'to locate a crutch. Walter Kidner, young man about town, was arrested by Marshal Lim-- berry last Friday on a charge of plain drunk. Kidner was telling the world what a good man he was and became rather loud. The marshal escorted him to the village jail, where he slept off the effects of the "pizen" he had im-- bibed. He was faken before Justice of the Peace Schnaebele Saturday morning, who figured $25 and costs would be about right to pay for the spree. Kidner is a good scout, but just got a wee drop too much. i c apagpetes se ETt C'M 0O N .I N --every body SIPNEY CHAPLIN, LOUWISE FRAZENOD AND A TRAINED SEAL "Galloping Fish" FIGHTING BLOOD NO. 15 A U D IT--O RTIU NA Libertyville Battery & Electric Co., | Telephone 400 ° | _ Libertyville, Ilinois. { k THEATRE LVA Fri. and Sat., July 25 and 26 DOROTHY DALTON as a ing Apathe in the best of a risian love stories 'The Moral Sinner' Based on Mrs. Fiske's famous stage success, "Lea: Kleschna." It's just one scream after another cu in nE Eon en re ce e oo n en k uc e ue ce ue e 0 L L THE WATER'S FINE sUNDAY, JUNE 27 Plain Flannel Dresses _ Telephone 29 ALSO ns .. . W. W. Carroll & Son Go. | The tubular style with just a hint of sleeves, pockets, the minimum of accessories, above reproach. A very short length of 54 inch Flannel at $3.25 per yard, makes a smart, economical frock. In g'ey, all Pa C e tok l MbDeropent TAK E HEED reseda scarlet and emerald. SPECIAL PRICES! GALVANIZED ~BARBED WIRE---------- --per 100 lbs. .. .............s..}.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK _~*«--BCf UAOSBCH... . ._... -- Aauws a 4 o4 MR' + + *o* 2.QUART MASON FRUIT JARS GLASS TUMBLERS SASH CORD ~~*~~--~mper 100 Frank H. Eger| A short letter from a man at fifty to himself at twenty--one On Everyday Necessities | ,_HARDWARE 508 N. Milwaukee Avenié, » \ | (\~ ----per dozen. ... --per dozen .. per LIBERTYVILL®E "SAVE NOW" SAVING feet .. SYSTEM AT THE WINS ....-.i......"?l \. {3:}""' C JARS " _ in...... 0e ' --wish I had. BEING MISINFORMED S TO '--ONLY $1.50 FOR A YEAR --zins big ! fy) ILLINOIE. * & ® ; Tdephone 17 ~~$5.250 \..$1.85 agrotingtus AP uC Nn 45 5Oe My% 3 *

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