CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1924, p. 20

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SC] The following year, citizens of Libertyville temporarily advanced funds necessary for the purchase of It; acres or land in the north- 19mm portion ot the viliqge. With the "xteeption of the years 1862 and 186t, during the late civu war. an- ttual fair! have been continuously held down to tho present time. The Form-iv as shown by the record! has been successful and has always carried out its prograrm and paid its premiums in full. In 1892. its competitor, tho Waukegan Pair es- sociation. died, and since then the county society has enlarged its field and gained rapidly in popular favor. The policy of the management, on- pecially since the your 1892. has been one of marked liberality towards its patrons-the public and exhibitor.-- until it has ntepped into the front rank of lllinoin institutions of its hind The officers have ruined that while the objects of the society an. to encourage and promote the "art of agriculture, and all of the industrial pursuits connected there. with," the funds necearsry to do an no mostly drawn from peopie. whose interest in xtock and sni- cultural displays. is not what make them attendants year after year, but rather from those who so to witness special novel exhibitions. and shove - all. well conducted races. The so clety's success in the past five years has been most gratifying .and in epite of hard times, the attendance has steadily increued with each your in 1894, the old grounds were inadenunto. for the comfort of spec- tator: end exhibitors so that in the following year six acres ndjoinii; on the south side were purchased. from the Galloway estate. The old 'rnce track wss obliterated and s new one ot the most approved kind was conetrncted, the old buildings were torn down and entirely retntht preparatory tor the 1895 lair. They bed herdly been put in ehapo when _ a cyclone swept through the county, with the feir Nude in the center " its destructive course. Tho build _ in" were all. medically. deetroyed.' r. The expenses at reconstruction and' ,r 'iand "when had left the iroarnry ~ no Mien tor this disaster. but , i CB ." end ttte board ot _ ' ., Sled . went to we?! , I . " E Lak a _ m , " It' 'AK urer. Hurlbut Swan. nelson un- . don, Thomas H. Payne, Elisha tfrglrarrrosa. Itt round numbers 'N!", ley and Philomau Caldwell, board of was expended. and the present the directors. buildings. fencing and appoint-enter The first tair under the auspices (with the exception ot some annual' ot this society was held at the a1ijflirjiiirriiiieiss, and addition out"! Kay track in Waukegsn, Wednesday. made). was the result. The fair tte.; September M. 1852. The treasurer's .lowing was a gratifying success. and , report of the receipts and distsu.rettyidtsa paying nearly ".000 tor pre- menu show that. it was a modestniiums and general "pens". the m. bezmuing. They were respaetive1r',detstedne" was reduced to 82.000. and $152.50 and $153.09 iGfiiiiii.tFIliiiiis.' assumed by Directors Colby. De and stock exhibits and speed trials Wolf, Gotham and Redmond. The were the features then as now. - Gi, following fair: of 1890 and 1807. The second fair was held in 1853 have enabled the Board to reduce the on the French 'farm at Liurtrvutelnoatimr indebtedness to 3500. in tents hired for the occasion. TheI The society own " acres of valu- society had no grounds of iti own able land in the village of Liberty- for several years and seemed to ville. many splendid buildings. and upend upon the rivalry existing be- has unquestionably the best one-half tween the two villages of Waukegan mile track in the state. with its beau- aml Libertyville to provide the we tifully constructed stretches and essary facilities for holding its an- turns 60 feet wide. the latter thrown nual fairs. which they did alter. up to the regulation grade of one nately until the year 1857, when the inch to the foot. Opposite the "first society nezotiated with the county turn" the ground rises from the rtroard for the use ot a portion ot V t the poor farm at Libertyville. In the ------------------"" records of that board, under date ,.r-ri---e--rr---' of May 2. 1857, is the following: I . {Intuiimv (met to in: w.zuk:';..zu limli W31 orruiece, with [Mu-Has an 111 prim summer exhibit-J wen court tiouso at Want out hub! they Mum low of arbor and 1101 Lake, county has aim 93219111119 mum U the year 135.; tri.' \\'.;uk.".',.;u uunicutturaT Society $.21 unsung-1. unit the late Robert [hm-.33" AN its prune nova. Earl! suusmtu' Nahum.I new held In the old (our! tous,, at Waukegan, and witty out tub! they stimulated the great low t»! arbor Jud Hora culture which Luna county has since displayed (tumor 4. 1851. at one of tho Io- ciety'a meetings a remlution wu- ofi'vvd proposmg to chann- its all. to .Lhe Lake t'otirptr Horticttttttmi' com-(y. Thin was prdbably the In.- gestor of the movement which cul- minated, a few days later, in the or gauization ot the Lake County A3114 oultuml society at a meeting held in the court house. Octaber Iii, 18515 when '69 members were enrolled and paid the annual fee ot one dollar. Utter nine additional members wen added to the roll. At thin moon-I the following officers were elected to serie one your: John Gage, prev "Witness our hands at Waukegan, in mid county, this 2d day of May, A. D. 1857. "R. A. FRENCH. President of said idem; H, P. Nelson and John Bu- tom viceorasWrtttss: Human C. Seer. necre'ary; gauntlet L. Down. mu- urer, Hurlbut Swan. Nelson LII- don, Thomas H. Payne, Elisha Grid. ley and Phitoman Caldwell, board of directors. Society "NATHAN C. GEER, Secretary ot said Society. 'SAMUEL M. DOWST. Tmasgrer of said Society." . June 15. IEW, the Supervisor: rec- ommended the leasing ot ten 5cm or the county poor tum to the so ciety. and ampinted a commune to locate and survey the same. That committee reported bacY to the board on July 22. 1857. and the chair- min was authorized to and executed a lease to the society In nccordlnd with the report . - moiety. known as the Lake mount! Agricultural mciety. was formed at Waukegan, in said county, on the 15th day of October, A. D. 1851. and that the same has continued inner lstence as such society trom that time to the present, and that said moiety now consists of more than twenty members, who are now legs! you!" of said county, and further that the uses and bentrrtts of said society are alike free to everyn eit. teen of said county, who are dia- posed to associate with them under the constitution and trrlaw.Cthereot. "Witness our hands at Waukegan, in Kaid county, this 2d day of May, The first tair under the auspices ot this society was held at the Me Kay track in Waukegan, Wednesday. September M. 1852. The treasurers report of the receipts and disbumb- menu show that. it was a modest beginning. They were respectively 8152.50 and $158.09 Agricultural and stock exhibits and speed trials were the features then as now. - "To all whom it may .concern: This mar certify that an agricgltural The society laid out a one-third of a mile course, erected modest buildings and continued to hold in Annual exhibitions there until 1:11. History of Lake County Fair hssoeiatiiit BY E. P. DEWOLF 1893 WW? in a» W, pp, C _ . 'r, 'al it} "w a; it.ft' If: '/v A b, t_a,.r. [ _ . t "q'T, E. P. DEWOLF. "fl Elk s' Ci,iiiiat,iti, truck 9 a. "regqtt-l' sun. at; In a "an mm mm when m. who do not In: no so Into th-nd animal It! the not tattt " $wtieM untu- tuna. T'totttturoqrittmsdouttt- um smoth- M110 tho auction at "use! building to wean-loath tho "crush; um": or me up; poultry. on; no -aMrxrortr'ttsr this "In" '.e"' tumuuon in been well mum. so that dunno. can be paid IR other "worm: ttmtt'etey'wltttout impeding; than which we the maln'sourcel ot b comu Tromnx race: have alwa- 'baen an amusing mum of the In". and the reputation for "In" which the society in ttte {among Inventors and horn 9t, '1. on. that our clutch: m '03 tt Iguana of. Race- nro um. we 'called "cording to the man. ad puma audit mu Thor-ecu": h an up to and new" the yaw In; given in "" numb: but." tiauttNat-stMtoboetr our} N: u way-runs I to " noon-it - tttttn the pun-Lune 'met, The "at Iona ta' not the old come. in a '0ch m. holov 2:8. 'vu mu m (3:050. who on tho tg-tttgd n 8:... OW' (3:83") MI." It to 1:". Yeah a (8211). low it to 8:35. but Loo F'orutu- (8:11"). a! lughmj the. you all (8:80) am "mutt it " may. At the no; mum} the rim hold on the now ttelt/ Carota (2:10"). pm" It In ':M16.:' Ind in 1391. - Bay placed tttt f! 3 Big Days ' at the Fair 7-Professional Circus Acts-7 S . A Big Prize Given Away '.~ . - Free Each Night Buy Siaton Panes -- They Are Charles Harbaugh Lumber Co., What a Time You'll Have'. Fox lake Ingleside' Long Lake will not'be complete unless you attend the Par the M now-out a noun in; van can" and hold at tin can hon-e u Wuhan. on 0m "It. 161. John (I... I'll alou- of.» an, "a HIM 0. Our. "emtarrt whereupon it In: "and to or..- In a can}! Welland new. A coagulation In mm m an ttb lowing P0e01tmt Ila-tuned wanton (I! "$.00- ' .0. ttitius.darss.oretott th- fonowlni uncor- for the ell-um you: John 0.... from; K. P. Not an "6710.. .3491. We. Prom: In»: C. (but. mow-y; 8- M. Dovnt. Tram; Hum awn. Net. an but". Than. M. MO. mm mm. Haunt Who", new the The an: ttie of a: society In hold in "no." on ,Wodnmu. 8»! and. ma. . m. not), . LAKE couurv AGRICULTURAL scurry so?" Aumvnnnv . . . "FYIIIIR SID. 1M. b Tho that count, tair was "Mums. ot.. in 1851. allows"- it was held " Wauke'nn. "admi- J. 1851 I. move-out moo-nu- " In men! lam-1cm".- at "I was». In: a» (mung at {no out, to: tho pronoun. tad Mte9tt, "can! ttt a. "term or." an. _ . . sum Doll m mum more at " LAKE oouurv amuuum 00cm" .- ", Mr. Hal-u ll "Patt u m Latm, Count" . . .', tuck no!" "and a 1:15. in. (not. County Independent Sept n ' Big Nights a! ir Wankegan 'ttit WOW! 'ttttrd .51 who! tn tget Mr, Outer and It. Hog and... Wine..." " I Auk m. u m or Undt It. Join harm: tho was. gut and" the malnu- an "on "Pic "to" claw the location $221.2? tttatt: tUtd "m - _ .; . _ with will!" not! at"! tho M on. have that." "tfmtutgaettandttyot-t water" fatr "oerttu tn Norther- !lllloll. N "atter.--Yu Wu mi - AN: r." into-M to to 106r.-t. P. FGUeutvu hum-u In... at uvglu canon. m: . tttut w IL": in "mid out": - "up." tt_fttJot_mhitotreauatiiett was at In. no": (allow-u. - latt u m tho Ignoring mutant: . "" in 'ttdebt" to I. W. Mu hunt. "mum. Mr a. and» MI- W of m mr- oven-anon the. emulation." 7 No Ouch-IA. jut "can. wig» k "HinatrtadottarattipttitntF not all Jt bionic". t0erteiitt- "beluga". Pit-L, 'sstituotaiuiausqromattio. trirtsooeeiuattoaoeto- Valuable mutt. County Poor I" 'ttmt-gt-qt- . pal-Mp'lhmlum "Hmuusut. on... 'yrMtra.rtb-eeettt.esutowe. known-amen I" mur.bttn ttrertge.tmtto.i" thallium" If a» you um. um- Benjamin 'etfttAperttar-retabiotr. "rrdut-0ttattam,endttiurtasM- an: "In." .tetlt We in. no" J/WF', Franzen, Jr. 'Pl A cGood, Place To - Buy Your, Hardware: Our Office Phone is 50 Home Phone is IM-M I W, F.'Franzen, Jr; Jensen' 8 Landing Fox Lake, Illinois _ Camp Grtrundtte-Boats toRent' j aijhichltrAi, I; , QM Accusatio- at! thtpgtud _ . "Good Service u a P-tite N tii' . com 1tiaattrttiiji,liaiiiji'i' McClure's Garage. c.'.,,",:"' Established 1910 by present'_ mm Hardware Plumbing Beating Excursions on the "Edda" Phones Wuhan, 0131-1, no Aha Local Telephone. RoundLake, Il Automobile. Repairing . Q 133m. ILLINOIS 133 East Cook Avenue LET US FIGURE Witlyrou on your requirements of Lumber, Coal, Feed and all ma- terials connected with this line. "hertrritu,minois' t a-iiiiAtr"aNtttittiF0u.'l' . C I" "if" mum II _ hub. ttttt m to. harm m' WWam! Sumo lp a m In "I." Net In M M110; " , Mutated W. m. dlgeo-tt u "Must. - tho summed Writ, ttrt (MM wound") in m nit-love u: teats m of ittmitttrutettt, "I." IN IN" - on: and tulle. In. biow.-o"etoetus B. M'totutnguiiAts. ' '. Pi7TPa3r?1r.P,, it? , ," w :. '.",'gTiiit? .1 'fi'. Iii _'t3lr?liial, 71 L, " V , F: a ' . "et: A???" J T tst' Ix, '?ttii! M t . "A "t'sl gig; 'T ' " V t,)'ttljiiil ' m" ' _ T -;m " "W " .t'l'?t- . C"t 'A'4-Y'

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