Board of Wducation, 1. F., 1Of rent <of poliing place ......--:-- Ernest Neal, for erecting booths C. B. Mason, for erecting booths 3.00 theonw _ Of ~@I@COHLOM..,.zss00000..000sm» Krank Mxor, for posting apccimen polling place "...... Libertyville 2 seot. for one day ;du-n;-'--v---b m $58.10 Weset Deertiald ,. for one day as $59.00 . Jndge of Rlection .........----> H. E. Eiohler, for one day as . Judge of Wiestion :.....=..++ k. B: Hill, Lor one day as Judge-- * » RDeerticeld 7 Wm. J. Obee, for one day Judge of tbawCt@B ..c....}. James Bowden, for «one: day Judge of Kleetion .....».> Thomas Dooley,; for one: day Judge of Kleetion ...,...... aAs .. $.00 Endorsed filed June 6th, 1924, Law A. Hendee, Clerk. is ui: (LEAL) Supervisor Thompson moved that the bill of Cbristine Darrow _ for $2,500.00, be allowed, in inll for. all claims and damages against Lake County. . oi Aye and Nay voto being, had Sup erviswbor Thompaoh's motion was car« Hed by the following vote: Voting: Aye are Supery » ;s« Austin, Achen, Brown, Rarke, B : sob, Cook, Dilger,) Fleke, Funk, Ha.' Jogh, Hob-- an, . Moldridge Muttor, . Holistein, Kelly, Masther, -- Maws, n, Meyoer, THURSDAY, .8SEPTEMBER 18, 1924 Notary Public. . K. A. V. 8mith, Stata's Attorney. . tor -- [|nor, Potter, Schaefer, "W. J. NVoting Nay: None. Absent and smot voting are Super-- which is 'also involvad . in--proceed-- ;ln?.".ll'thtM Court. trat this l!o'noullo! Boarda rebate the Anxes : amounting: to :1-" . per lot, i'""' the ~hus already paid and. that such rebsate. be made ;.arvm értoneous assessment act and that the refusd be made on the basis. of the valuation by the Town-- ship Assessor of the State and Coun-- ty Taw and County Bond--~Tix, and that this MHonorable Board recom-- mend the refund of the proportionate amount of 'the School, Town, Road and Bridgo and other taxes. . _ ~ All of which is respectfally sub ; mitted. -- ie | Supervisor Bletsch moved that th¢! * __"_ _",/ senpresent it in the col-- Petition . be: referred to the Co-nn-l"?'"'" to represent it in the col-- tee on Erroneous Assessments. "mto,yt these back taxes for the * Motion carried. eounty," it being understgod that he Supervisor Holdridge moved to ad.| *hould receive ns his fees 25% .of journ until tomorrow morning, June the taxes collected or aw¢h persent-- j0th, AD., 1924, at 10:00 o'clock | NEC. 88 is agreed upon by your A . M. Anance Committee and by bim. Motion carried. We expect. that a similar arrange-- Wankegan, lilinots. | ment will be made with bhim by the June 10, 1924.]| City of Waukegan and intend to Board met pursuant to 2djournment submit the same > propositiun to L BG MWM clamcia -- _ irashmow . ninubking othér taxing bodi¢s. -- das +/# Wankegan, l!linols. ' June 10, 1924. Board met pursuant to adjournment with Chairman ..raechner prosiding and the following members present: Austin, Achen, Brown, Burke, Bletach, Cook, Dilger, Ficke, Funk, Harbaugh, Hoban, Holdridee, Hutton, Hollstein, Kelly, -- Macther, Martin, Mawman, Monahan, Murphy, Meyer, MeCu} lough,, Naber, Obee, V Connor, Pad-- dock, Potter, Schaefer, W. J. Strat-- ton, C. H. Stratton, Thompson, Ver-- cwe, Wiioox --33, August Kuebker. were resd and upon motion of Bup ervisos Mawmab, unamimously ap proved. Miss Mary Polmateer, Juvenile Pro-- bation Officer, submitted the follow-- ert, an attorney in Chisago, who is representing the City of Chicago and other taxing bodies in stmilar suits#, and have been informed that he will be willing to handle the matters here. + _ These suits, 1 feel, should be handled by an expert in that lane, If the Board is favorably in-- tlimed 1 sugkest that the matier be referred to the Anance committee with power to act and a conference ean bearranged by the committee and Mr. Gilbert. Supervisor Bletich moved that tha (Cammunicarian he referred to c as"" Supervisor Bletach moved : nty Board woud authorize this the ¥Finance The following communication wate read by the Clerk. oo t d9tK * Jt honorable body take some action in this matter, Respoctfully submitted. the -- Insurance -- Committee -- submitted the following report. _ RNeptr sn To the Board of Supervisors, Waukegan, WMinols. Gentiemen : _ & The Insurance Commilie@ . Aefires to report that it has gome into the matter of Insurance on the Court House and Jail quite thoreughly and after consulting --varions members, of the Board has coneludged D81 in# best interests of the County are served by insuring : the Connty years in ~$1.10 bat we Hnd tho benedit to the extent of $% por b* Insnvecing fo-- 8A y4a-- aapt 0 Mospital Committee BHupervisor Murphy movred that the Ray Puddock, Chairman Waukegan, somt