"S. C. P. TIBBETTS _ IS ELECTED HEAD OF a. W.C.T.U. Animal Meeting Held Friday at I the First Baptist Church in Waukegan. In C. P. lebetu of Luke Forest, v. elected president of the Lake "y W. C. T. U. n the 29th unnual "Ranch " the Baptist church ot "an. Int Friduy. Ont so delegates were in attend- - 00qu from Area, Antioch. Mid. Ounce. [Aka Forest. Lake -. No. Chicago. Zion. Highland INN. Vernon Wtucondu. Mllboum an mung-n. a . a -. V...---" MBq meeting wu opened by devo- - ted by In. Cart Human. 1' morning -aitttt w" given - b reports ot the nrlonn deput- "I which In" shown you pm a. on: you. the "spot;- of the Ttrlte Et?e in: county. "in: of other: took place in a Moon with the result: u to]. .-dertt---Mrts. C. P. Timex". lab Forest. m Prom-Mn. Orphn Hut-ding, Ann. -etary--Mrs. Margaret Mercer, "an. " qt-nurer-Mrs. Mary Meta". nukes". Auditor-Mrs can. b'o. Chicago. . Anti .kiiareu---iirs. Florence Cri- I'hl. Zion. _ Bible in Public gehoolts---Mrs. Al. " Peterson, Waukegan. Chm weitare--Mrs. Orpha Hard- lnx. Area. , Christian Cittzentshiir---Mrts. lil. C. mun. Waukegan. 'Ommty Ftsir---Mrtr. Orpha Harding, Aron. ' Flower Mission and Relief wore--- Ilsa Elsie Chase, Gurnee. Health and Medical Temperance-- - A." "n". mnltu ....T. '_.."'-"""' in. P. G. Petprson.--Lake Forest. ggterature--Mrs. Mary Metcalf, Yunnan. _ ' -._, "um-m "a? IN"! Contest-Mrs. Margaret I can Zion. Home": "ootinmr--Mrm Marv lake. Gumee. _ ' Part"-'-"""" 13an an", Jo u". "'auhwnn Sundav .Rehootr--Mrs. Samuel Sim. -tthr. Lake Forest, Tnmnomnm and Mrvont3---Mrs. J, G. Plddnr. lehland Pare. Women in r.sRttertrr---Mrq. Chas. Brr"-"tn. Lab BMW. Y P B. Ser.---.) Roy Twenty- - Wankénw. L. T. L.--Me. Marv B. Luke. Gur- Just. Wau'roaan. Prism Po'orm--Mro. Andrew Et Inger. "rarrro"'se. mstgicitv--MrR. R. E. Thomas, Wlukemn. " Sabbath Lt"zorvttnt'e-- Mrs. Carl [{1an wpit"orrttn. Benrntrtle "nmnpmnoe Instrurtun't .--Wrtr F,ste'lorarrett. Borhtl Mara'itv __ Mrs. Jennie aw. A "ream": namnahm ls tttithernr h Pe mnn'v to at even Chi-mun ms" to tho m".- to "vi-tar and to vote. . . .-- "-A Aanno". - Vlltc. Puke w" vo'md for the tyt-ttttV uve enforcement of but being done by our Comm: of'eeittltr. - - u-HLL-AA- -.. "uuttrd James. Won. 80163911 and spare---). Ida Far By our Luvvuv qr ..,.N. In. C. P. T'bbettn was oiected Calcutta mm thin onuntv to tho State ronvent'on to he he'd at Chi. atn Novem'wr 12 Lt. And misc 3 "N731? to tho worH's Nations] untenf'on in Chhsco Nov. 14-19. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Mesh; and TWO) 'dllldren of Chicago motored out last' Sunday and spent Saturday and .Glnday at the home of thei mother. In. Margaret Devin. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Drom rnd Nation Punch are enjoying a motor trip to 1Wisconsin, visiting relatives at Cht- Qek Ind other places. In. Thoraid Laursen and baby of man. spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Laurence. Aobut 22 friends and neighbors of Mrs. Pete Lnurence gathered at her Fume Maud-y evening to help her cel- a "ctr. her birthday Inniverury. The - "at was spent in 911ng games, ' -1 a delightful time we: enjoyed. A IA-r'h was served. She received meny Mala] gifts. t - - m4"_ -.." .'eg' Treasurer-Mrs -tiuertntendenu: Am Mean lzatiorr--Mra EGsnmmstie---Mrs .0!qu nuns. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brogan mud theh dung!!!" of Chieturtt spent Sunday of ha! '99! at the home of Mrs. A. J. Levin. Mr, and Mrs John WoodhFtid anter- mned Prof and Mrs, I'M and baby. IrAthertnr, of Madison, Wis, over tho - end. Ila: Beulah Dram left Sunday of ht weak tor Champaign, where she wttl attend school the coming your, 7 Hr nnd Mn. George Baron left Stetendsr on a vacation motor through "Wsronaln. In. Prod Sherman and Mrs Ray Btttton of Wilma! vow gum-u but Nudity of Mrs. Alice Hun and It! Slum hum. Thundny mornlne of last Wonk at on Cnthnltr church a pretty doubt» "In: took plan. Father Lynch of- 'heated The contracting parties wore MI Runynrd and Ml" Harriet M and Paul Chm-a and Mm Mary 'llk Ratnrard, Only tho Immadlato roll- ll'll o! tho hawthorn nttondod A -ttntt breakfast 1n- urvod at the - af Mr. 1nd Mn Prod Runysrd. "I couple- Irft tmmodlntpty on . M Veddtnd trip The vtttatrr of Antioch v" shocked - reverting 'hnn word wn rot UGG' of the "rittttq Unloa- mnch work done m- "" In ANTIOCH E. C. Yager. Wanke- Mrs. Margaret Mer ot Luke Forest F. M. Browder, trs 'own rt " "r. up -- Mesh; and l'"? P. Tibbettl. Rose Nel- last trip ummammmu Amman-w," 'ere on s fishing trip with Bury Bani um Dr. aid Hrs. an. sun; sand left Antioch South! 0"" it my with Arnold W Me.' Lewis VII born in El Polo. Ill. 'ttre. 19, 1810, and csrne to All" in Moi. "Member 4, 1898, be u married to ruin Theresa pr and to this union Jere born two children. one dying lseveral yesrs Mo and one damrttter, Roberts. besides s brother, L. "K lLevds, of Waukegan; s sister, Mrs. iHaiUe M. Taylor, of Duluth. besides s large number of friends. mourn his loss. The funeral services were held la! the Methodist Church Thursdsy Ut- ernoon " t o'clock. with the Rev. E. 'L Suntan otticiatittg. Burisl wss in Antioch Hillside cemetery. Rev. and Mrs. Stanton on attend. ins the Rock River conference " iWertintt thin tweet. "UNi k MINUTE- SAVE k Tli" IS STATE 9 mm NOW Springfield. lil.. Sept. M.--Seere ury or Sale Louis L. Emmenon not only lune- automobile license. to motorist! or llllnols but he in giving out with them the policy of "Lou o tnirtate--Sttve a life" This nlogln stamped on metal discs the size of I half dollar is to be found in the pockets of thousands ot automobile drivers thrrughout the state and accident figures indicate it is also in their minds. ' Gross after gross of the discs have been distributed, by the secretary Reports to the bureau of vital sta- tistics here indicate the campaign for "tsensible" dxiving Is having ef- fect and the total' numtfitr of au- tomobile deaths in the state in 1924 will be lower than that of 1923. Taxi cabs companies or some cli- ies have supplied their drivers with the discs to be passed out ttt cus- tomers as a went argument against excessive speed. Their use has cut down demands from patrons to "step on "ramparts say. Let's win this '15,000 Home of the Home Lighting Primer tall at theoffitxtofthe Electric League, orthee1ectrirt--r,vintryxou, intiruisGridrthirdiinieJt. If ymrlave'not received a oppy Pint Prise-$15,000 Model Electticnl Home fto be built on lot provided by Read this list of International Prizes ' $1,200 tehoumttiptogumeiunarca- dim Unimity or College of accepted ma. 'rhledNaer--'rso--iBor,iair1--t6oo aehMnrsttipinAmitorCanndinnUtg. - at College of accept" sanded. 'orrthll'thr--'rso--isaosr,iatrr--t6oo aetttAtmttipirtAmerhatnorCanndirtnUni,. - or College of med mm. " Pthq---rwo--t Boy, I aer-in SehtFtttphrtAmerhasnorcnnmtinnUni. - or Calico of accepted mad-rd. xtttPth-rm's.--t Boy, I Girl-$300 ttehtstnretiphtAmetrenrusrC-nthsg. - or can. of mod "I. 3E??? WOMAN Mil; Ill Loom Hatter. 411 Greenwood ave nue. Wankeun. waa detained " an inquest witneaa by the police ot Watorxown. Wia., Wedneeday ioiiow- in. an automobile accident which reeulted in the drawning ot Ire G. A manner ot Milwanteo' Mr. Hatter. together with Y. W Leary or Chime. were riding in an autonomic on Highway 10. three mile: woe! or Oconolnowoe. Wie. early Wednesday morning when their car collided with another machine according to diapaichoe roachinu More. The other car along! Into who Rock river and Uta. nunet. Gh " waa drowned. Louis Harier, Waukegan, in Car Which Collided With Auto of Woman Victim. G. A. Zlmuor. the won-Ir: Ino- bnnd. Joseph oBylo. " minnow. alumna. Ind Toni. Cm, at Port. up. WU.. the other occupnll. a etuted from the uubmerrod at. In Zimmer, however. was pinned under the car In ouch I manner that ID. could not be "Muted. The party were returning to lllwuukee from Wntertowu u the time of the loci dent. Both Messrs. Harter nnd Leary n eaped serious injury. They we" detained temporarily In order that their testimony could be preaentpn at my coroner'" Inquest. A "commit-'5 jury at Watertown' Wednesday anrrmmn re'umed n vet diet of M'P'dontnl death in the case or Mrs. Zlmmer. _ rho jury. empzmelled by ('oxuuer L. J. Aum'hach nf-Jcnn'rszyn county reported that it was unable to n, the blame. alter the investigation. Mr. Zimmer and three other per sols escaped death when they climb- ed from the car and clung to the top until help arrived. Trlu to Save Wife Joseph Boyle, Mllwnukee. was the driver ot the machine, and Miss Theresa Casey of Portage I: suffer AUTO m PUNE INTO ROCK RIVER Lake/County Elettric League Watertown urued I eer in the use How would you like to win a $15,000 home? Here's _ your chance! All school . boys and school girls over ten years of age are invited to enter this contest and to try and win this wonderful home. The home and ten scholarships to,unisrersities or colleges will be given FREE as prizes to school boys and girls of the United States and Canada in this Home Lighting Contest; see local prizes. To conserve the eyesight of the nation's children is the purpose ofthis contest which is sponsored by the Lighting Educational Committee of the National Electric Light Association. Pttzeskrwhiet-ehoo1borortdr1mnveompeet Fire: PWao--Rnditttutsrtutter_,qr . . . . . W1ue,$t40.00 Second I'rise--gtnditraet,3-ttsbimeir . . . . " 95.00 riAtrsrimr--Bor'. Watch. mm White game-u . $30.00 Girl'sWudahvrht)whitogold 14kt.16 jewel. Win-v. . . . . . . . 30.00 Second Prise--Boritrrt-t poeHt Mk . . . . 6.50 airtitm-tpoehehodnk . ' . . 6.50 Auo1oenischoettrtrizeoeheitrmoteeoese- tiromo-ehou-rtrtrtnrtietpatetnooese" mstrro.--Bttr'irttrttrsPer--qd,rtttte1irt. . oth1ltxe2t,tra'S'2hn,g't/ . (School-I'm . or") setonefr'ri--Bttr'eatVatrdt o o a o a o o o (IR-Galahad! . . . . . . . . to be Given FREE.' In: fun In." an that a. has. Mr. Ila-or. Mr. Bathe and a" loch-u. naval... who were no can mpg-u. M yuan! In. The, {In "mn- vm can" In ten not at water. but thy may" to tear "I: the "do cumin- In in Who and hold to the to» In!) their - lbovo water tttttil help "rived. The III-chino remained on". Mr, Unmet made e vein effort to hold his wlte'e heed nbove the water while he clung to the car. Posing motorist: - to the tee- cue ot the party, but In. Zimmer wee dead when brought "bore by night petrolnen from 0conomowoc. Care rm e Curve. According to members ot the party. they were on their we, to Ill]- weukee utter "ending the events; with "lettu- tn Wehrtqwn. .. t Thu at was nearing n Might curve when the other new" con- mm; Lou - of Wanna an M. w. m of cum. an. from the vat. TD. No cm struck use]: can! " Bo". and. n "for! to "has In lacuna to the std? of tho 'rd. It navy-v -- - '_-v__ ___ - __ mum to the std. of tho M. I: doing no. it tatt an when" and want do" . " toot caulk-at and Into the river. - - _ Tho wanton police downturn articul- of Janet-on county and members of the lupin! "ut took the victim- to Wutortown. In. Bim. mor "I I - ot Chief ot Polio. Curry in Porn". Marshal J. D. Riggs of Fot Lakelat the Prior uncut-lint room. Thursday took -Sun Snrden. proprie- The body wt" lutrt I short WI! out tor of a soft drink parlor It Fox in the lake. fully clothed. Ind'the Lake, to Wankegen. and turned him _ clothing in good order, it we: loom- over to Sheriff Ahlstrom. Sui-den ed. in charged with hnving presented: The widow can live no mum the village of Fox Lake with "why he should take his lite and hie check tor ..25 to apply on " hev-temployer. with whom he ind been erase license. The check you relfitteen years. termed him a relieble turned by the Merchants and Form- and responsible men. ere Bank of Gmyelake on which it 0 . w....-.----------.-.-. is drawn with the notation that there 'Consistency is the hobgoblin of in were not sufficient funds. Set-den tie minds." Or, in other words" don't was": arraigned before Police Mag- stick to your minutes " though you lstrete L. H. Phillips of F9: Lake. ore proud of them. _ SMiShlllllhil1 new . 0N CHECK ahfl(ili ---Andtuse1ocniprizesinrourdutrict Imam. ocTmtiFt, 2, nm FUN" PlCKED OUT Of LAKE AT l HIGHLAND PARK Body of Insurance Agent from Chicago Found Drifting; Doubt Foul Play. The body ot lineal H. and". 5830 - "um. Chicago. vu [than from the [no " Highland Park in. Wain-cu gnu-con 'u the toot of no.» Winn-u "can. when it vu no. We. by and» dam ot that "iatibortsood. "on on opp-anaco- " had not boon In tho "to: not. than two hours. No would. not"! tho body and more In no "td-te at toll m. weanling to the Prior - uklu room when tho body III Be wu employed u an egent [or the Equitable Life menace Oeu- way. A we I. let; " the death. Att lave-(mum: tn being conduct ed by cum ot Police loom of Highland Perk. Eliminating the " certain probability ot (on! play be In trying to determine if mneu or an- enclel troubles could have entered into the man's lite. 'Cirnsistency is the hobgoblln of In the minds." Or, in other words., don't stick to Four muukes " though you us proud ot them- Dr. Maurice Penny. deputy coron- er, bu called an inquest which will be held this afternoon at the o'clock " the Prior undertaking room. The body was just 3 short In, out In the lake. tully clothed. and'the clothing In good order, it In lum- ed. J. N, BBRNARP, Proprietor Telephone 202 -::- Liberty "You Want a Real Herd Sire the of a wonderful you; ball, read the following tleseriptive , matterof-beedsire Whoseheadsare ea"tareteetediseintigb We": Hissire,couyNYPaicHNEtntAtl.is out of the former world's record cow. Madam Pooch Pauline. and by a son of the former world's record cow. Margie Newman. e _ Huaam.kmErorvAuEruEyir.2naioese of the most beautiful cows at Bell Farm. is by Finderne Pride Fame. whose dam, Finderne Pride Johanna Rue was a world's-record cow and her three nearest direct sires areal] out of a world's rcord cow and his sire, King Hengerveld Aaggie Fayne, was out of a world' 5 record cow and by the son of a world's record am. His sire has two world's record sisters: his dam has two sisters that are world's champion sisters, and his dams sire has two world's record sisters. With such breeding. a great deal can reasonably be expected. from our herd sire. BELL FARM POSCH "RIDE ' . . Birchmont Farms BELL FARM. POSCI'I PRIDE JOHN LrMcriioLsoN..yf1.. Ao..ly I Insurance of all kinds Phttete '54." ' mum" Libertyville Garage W In tho with not FWM'W -hqrquat1ttear. "on" a" ruin my" a-ulllIllltllL,-. -e- - -- "w, rise -. an." t.t"S't '04 ftttd',rt,5 "wars: Mk: 8g',S'tA"%= Thou who must pp, foe mud- _..._ -xr.---q-%. 'lld Chlt GGG _7afiirGr" Jftiut that "aiiGGta" "W'F 'lowatlver- te',ergu1'eaetrc2'Er. Gilikat-iirainetudod. 11:0»th and empty ieFiiGiiuaetitustase"out atieaatooet. M. w-uinso-ryt1.f' t',.",d7tG'lrl1L"l'a"v"Gur" like dd; COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS and Mausoleums More Than a Million In Daily Use DOWN BY "" ELECTRIC STATION ', Superintendent. Telephone McHemy 632-14 (Under reiaspervision) HONOR ROI L '923-1924. L D Proctor tdgtNfiird'."r21fl8'fffd; 01 ['1'me gi thaw-dad" m]...b.n-.w Libertyville, Illinois The World's Quality Car W, [Ill-oh INCH-SIDE. ILL