CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1924, p. 8

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& pocket knife. Williams died at the hospital. . & Richardson was captured at Spring-- field, IIL., after being a fugitive from gustice for more than a r':ar; Accord-- Ing to Milwaukee authorfties, Richard-- son is also wanted there for the mur-- der of an unidentified negro whose throat was cut in a poolroom in that city several months after the maurder of Williams in Waukegan. The state's attorney's office in Milwaukee claimed they have the signed confession of Richardson that he murdered the un-- Adentified negro of that city during a Wken. brawl, In event of a pardon : Richardson from the Illinois insti-- tution, the Wisconsin authorities like-- 1y will cause him to be re--arrested to face charges of murder in that state. 'Negro Slayer of George Will-- liams Taken to Joliet Pen. to Serve from Now On. MURDERER GEORGE RICHARDSON STARTS _ LFFE SENTENCE prisonme eourt for fams, ans taken to fluence of sonfessed, "e had b« ered another word he (Richardson ) vould cut William's head off. Williams was alleged to have cursed Richardson and the latter made good his threa, cutting Williams from ear to ear with WILLIAMS GIVEN 6 MONTHS JAIL SENTENCE FRIDAY Oscar Williams, colored. of North.i Chicago, was sentenced Friday to six months in the county jail -- upon a plea of gullty made in the circuit eourt that grew out of an automobile mecident in which Miss Ruth Weis--. man, of Chicago. was badly injured. . Negro Who Injured Woman in Auto Accident Will Be Pa-- Miss Weisman was riding in an automotile driven by Wilson H. Rob-- bins of Chicago. Prre--accident hap pened in 14th street. North Chicago about four months ago. The court orderéd Williams be re-- manded to the custody of the sheriff, with the order that the probation bMicér be sent to see him. It is planned, it is said, to have Williams 0e _ Williams was arrested after the crash and has beep in jail since. pay the hospital bill of "Miss Weis-- man and the damages to the automo-- bile, he in turn being paroled to earn this money. Willams is said to be in fa?r of this plan and willing to pay $20 a week. ~ Miss Weisman was in the Victory Memorial hospital for several weeks suffering from a bad fracture about Géorge -- Richa ed" who was i the hips FIERY CROSS FAILS _ TO BRING CLASH _ AT HIONCITY Aug. Froelich, Auctioneer. T!URSDAY, OCT. 80, at 10 a. m.-- Mr#a. "red Stelling, 1 mile south of Tiam« :1 Lake. 30 head of livestock, 1 m«\ team of bays, 6 and 7 years; 1 bizck mare weight 1400; 2 work borses; all farming tools, feed and tion sale, either farm or household goods, telephone or write William G. B@chreiner, McHenry, IIl. Phone 93--R. " satt m [m sA'ES ADJUDICATION NOTICE CO A 'hPugug.cnotlce l;: hereby given that & the Subscriber, Executor of the Es-- AI(. Fm, Auctioneer. tate of Emma Maxham, deceased, will TI!URSDAY, OCT. 80, at 10 a m.--!'attend the County Court of Lake Mr#. "red Stelling, 1 mile south of|County, at a term thereof to be hold-- Diam« :1 Lake. 30 head of livestock, en at the Court House in Waukegan, 1 m«\ team of bays, 6 and 7 years; |ln said County, on the first Monday 1 bizck mare weight 1400; 2 work of January, next, 1925, when and borses; all farming tools, feed .ndtwhm all persons hbhaving claims grain. against said estate are notified and THURSDAY, NOV. 6th--Matilda 'requested to present the same for ad-- Gruber, 5% miles north of Barring-- judication. ton. All livestock, farming tools, feed| _ MARTIN C. DECKER, Executor. and grain. Waukegan, II1., Oct. 13, 1924. BATURDAY. NOV. 8th--H. C Buns-' 24--oct 16 23 30 An elertrically illuminated cross, burning in front of The Method{fst church in Zion Thursday n'ght. fail ed to cause any trouble _ Advance rumors were that the Zidn police might make arrests if an effort were made to hold a Klan meeting. WHEN YOU HAVETHE NEXT ATC BATURDAY, NOV. 8th--H. C. Bues-- ching, 1 milo east of Lake Zurich. All Mvestock, farming tools, feed and grain; some household goods. GBORGE DOBBINS--1 mile west of Long Grove. All farming too!s, feed and grain, Uvestock. Watch for UCate and bills. Milwaukee Avenue at North Shore Line Choite Restricted Homesites $500.00 UP TRBLEPHONXES® Office 469 List Your Property With Us SUNNYSDE PARK TRACT roled, However. nuI tnt Res 186 M Jol M W F 11 HWANT ADs" per gallon, Pure bred Scotch Collie puppies. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. road, 2 miles west of Liber-- tyville. Phone 678]J2, 43-- FOR RENT--160 acre farm, all black soil; all under cultivation; good buildings. Phone 661--W--1 or 301 J. FOR SALE -- Pure cider vinegar, 50c FOR SALE--T--room hous*; gas, elec tric; large barn; Jot 100 x 150 feet. 313 Fifth Ave. Inquire 2727 Belmont Ave., Chicago, II1. Louis Sprengl -- 1t FOR SALE--Gray touring ear; good .condition ; phone 139--J. WANTED--Baptist widow, 58, wants permanent housekeeping. Have one son. Mrs. Fisher, 318 W. Fourth Ave., Spokane, Wash. \ 43--1t POR SALE----Kitchen range, sultab_{q for lnundry:.-l;;x};;--w;)t--i";r 'coiavlf;f wlll\ sell for $5.00. M. E. Andrews._iss_' Newberry Ave FOR~SALE--Pure cider vinegar, 50¢c per gallon? Hocking Valley silo filler in first class ¢condition. Pure bred Scotch Collie puppies. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St.--road, 2 miles west of Libertyville. . Phone 6'!8-.1--3i 39-- PVR FF & akild 1. BB i. A 1 M3 Adtl cta uzn $850.00. REASONABLE TERMS TO RIGHT PERSON. BEST BUY OF THE YEAR. CALL AT LIBERTY-- VILLE GARAGE. 39.--tf en e FOR SALE--1924 LIGHT SIX _S'Il!_l)g "STOMAX" RELIEF * The Wormley Company of Roch-- elle, Illinois, makers of Stomax Relief a remedy for gastritis or other stom-- ach trouble, will send free to the first three persons living in Libertyville, who order, a botle of Stomax Relief. _ BAKER TOURING CAR. BRAND NEW. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE, MONEY TO LOAN--We 'hauve a com sid. rable amount of special funds to loan on improved farm or city prop erty. We invite your ingqu'ry. First Bank, Libertyville 10--¥ FOR SALE--Twoteams and harness. Call Saturday asd Sunday at the De Vault Farm. § 41--6t FOR RENT--Modern 5--room--flat. Tel-- ephone 220--R. _40--tf FOR RENT--To couple only, 8#--room modern home, furnished; in 'choice part of Libertyville; for December, January, February and March, at $60 a month. Apply at Independent office. + 40--tf FOR SALE--Modern bungalow on a corner in south part of Libertyville. $3,000 cash. Bartictt Rézity Service. Telephone '442--M. . ~ 40--tf LOBT--About thrée weeks ago, a sum of money on Milwaukee Ave., Cook Ave. or Brainerd Court. Reward. In-- quire at Independent office. 42--1t FOR SALE--Seven room house; fur-- nace, electric light, city water, sew-- er; ~electric lighted garage; fruit trees. . Property 66 by 297 feet. Loca-- tion, Grayslake. 35&00.00. Discount for cash. Inquire 155 care of The independent, Libertyville, IIl _ 41--2t also FOR SALE--Winter apples and win-- ter pears.> M. C. Wirtz, Area. 42--3t | Pubite Notice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Clement Ham-- el, deceased, will attend the Probate Court aof Lake County, at a term \thereof to be hbolden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of December next, 1924, when and where all per-- sons having claims against said eatate are notified and reauested to present the same for adind!catton. } CBLIA HAMEL, Executrix. Waukegan, NI, Oct. 8, 1924. 23--oct 9 18 23 ANTEi»--Work by the d Richardson, 444 West Par bertyville. Phone 102--M. FOR SALE OR TRADE--One 17--pes-- senger Janesville bus body, mount-- ed on a one--ton Ford chassis, fully equipped with starter, generator, lights and ne wth'es; not driven over 300 miles; just the bus to haul school children or passengers. _ Also have several fine Beagle hounds, eight months old, ready to run rabbits. O. L. Stanley, 421 Lincoln Ave., Wauke-- gan, I!1. -- Phone 1196--W. / 42--1t FOR RENT--A 190 acre farm, near Long Grove. Apply to Mrs. G. H. Anderman, Palatine, IJ.. 42--tf WANTED--Work by the day Richardson. 445 West Park Phone 102--M. LINCOLN LUSK AVCTIONEER Telephone 316--R LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!8 8 A L E--Wyandoite roosters ; pie pumpking. --Phone 301--J. 43--tf ADJUDICATION NOTICE price reasonable. Call ~ 43--tf day. _ Mrs. ark Avenue, a 42--1t gas,' elec 43--tf Mrs Ave. 42--1t LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENCENT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1924 TELEPHONE NO. 9 Brunswick Radiola Week -- October 25th to November 1st The RAY FURNITURE AND PAINT STORE i ~ A great advance'mefit in Radio--the Brunswick Radiola--combining the world--famous Bruns: _ Phonograph with the superlative achievements in radio, the Radiola Super--Heterodyne and Regenoflex--an entirely NEW conception of the musical possibilities of Radio _ Hear the Brunswick Radio today--the new musical instrument Al ie sc i on -- _ Moderate prices--liberal terms in 44 i'zg"a: ic'::o;;tma of payment-- instruments A stientific comb developed by n tar o9' scientific combination, deve s tA sca.4 the Brunswick laboratories in connec-- 89 28 to bring this instrument withi1 »tion with the Radio Corporation, the the means of every home, many dif Brunswick Radiola embodies the best ferent types and styles have been de that men know in music and in radio. . veloped--and liberal terms of paymen Not a makeshift, simply a radio re-- provxdet.l. , . ceiver set in a phonograph, but a per-- -- Brunswick Radiolas are priced as lov fected, tested and proved combination. _ as $190, embodying the master crafts An instrument you can buy with posi-- -- manship in cabinet work which char tive and absolute assurance of lasting _ acterizes Brunswick. 2§t::acn°n throughout the yegu o Sofie embody the noted Radiol * 4. a a. a.. | TT ataerendwrim mhm thfl Ra.di ERE is the newest and most -- Nothing in music--music in the mak-- H remarkable of all musical in~ _ ing, the current triumphs of famous struments. An instrument _ artists of the New Hall of Fame, the protlaimed by world's musical and _ music of yesterday, today, tomorrow educational authorities the outstand-- --is thus beyond your reach. Con-- ing musical achievement of the day. sider what this means to you; the ad-- Whatever may be your conteption of . vantages it offers to your children. the musical possibilities of radio, or of _ 'The Brunswick Radiola occupies im-- completeand permanent home enter~ _ measurably a unique position in the tainment, you are urged to hear it. world of musical art. radio what it did for music! At another turn, you have the recorded music of all time at your command -- gour favorite records played as only a runswick can play tgem. At a turn of the lever, you have radio's greatest thrill -- the amazing Super-- Heterodyne 6r Regenofiex -- to bring the mysteries of the air into your home, tonal possibilitiee multiplied by the famous Brunswick Method of Reproduction, which now does for --*u» Remember--in Brunswick you now ' have the choice of two supreme h musical instruments: the Bruns-- wick Phonograph alone® without / Radio, and the Brunswick Radiola, j which is a Phonograph and a Radio in one--a new musical instrument --more than a mere combination. So as to bring this instrument within the means of every home, many dif-- ferent types and styles have been de-- veloped--and liberal terms of payment Brunswick Radiolas are priced as low as $190, embodying the master crafts-- manship in cabinet work which char-- acterizes Brunswick. Some embody the noted Radiola S:&-Hetergdyne. _Others the Radl- 'awaiting your inspection. To be sure of getting ome of these in-- struments, choose now. No. 3 and 3A. Advance models are now on display Special demonstrations, day and night, Open Monday, Friday and Seturday Evenings CrsF y 3% "!% Radiola The Brunswick Radiola Super--Heterodyne Amazing selectivity permitting you to "cut out" what you con't want to hear and pick out instantly what you do. Consider what this means in big centers. Combines the superlative in radio Requires no outside antenna--no ground wires. You can move it from room to room--plays wher-- ever you place it. with the superiative in phono-- graphic reproduction--a phono-- graph and a radio in one. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOS formut ing allwood mfifl «t S

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