CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1924, p. 8

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44 Invocation. ' Hymn--"All Hail the Power of Jesus Name." There will be three services and a banquet in connectidh with Dedica-- tion week. The first service will be held Wednesday evening, Oct. 29th, at 8 p. m. with Prof. Leslie E. Fuller ef Northwestern University as the speaker. On Friday evening, Octo-- ber 3ist at 8 p. m. the Dedicatitm banquet will be given by the Ladies' Aid society; the Congdon School of Music of Kenosha, Wis., will furnish a musical program and Rév. H. B. Amstutz, the former pastor, will give the address. On Sunday , morning, November 2nd, at 11 a. m., Dr. J. H. Odgers, the district superintendent, will speak. In the afternoon at 3 p. m. the church will be «dedicated. Dr. E.*Burns Martin, of the Park Avenue M. E. church, Kenosha, Wis., will give the dedicatory address. The program is as follows: PACE EECHT Prelude, Organ: "Largo" -- Hattie Forman. * Violin--Stephen Janik. ~ Solo--"Open the Gates of the Tem-- Finance committee--J. J. Gould. chairman. rs. L. G. Bennett, Treas-- urer. -- Bert rer, Mrs. G. Connell, Mrs. F. W. Gou Mrs. C. Casterton. WILL DEDICATE A NEW CHURCH AT NO. Psalim 24. ; Gloria Patri. Solo, "How Lovely Are Thy Uwell-- ings"--Ragnhild Holmquist Congdon. Reception of members. Anthem, "Rejoice in the Lord." Hymn--"The Church's One Foun-- dation." wot s chairman. Charles D. Ferry, Mrs J. J. Gould, Mrs. A. Willerton, Wil fred E. Gould, Werdon Willby. Dedicatory Address--Dr., E. Burns Martin. _ . Dedication. The committees, who, with the aid of members and friends, have made this splendid rural: churth possible, DEATHSEALS THE LIPS OF VICTIM, FATALLY BEATEN Church Which Was Destroyed by Fire Over Year Ago Re-- placed by Fine Edifice. 'The attractive new building of the North Prairie M. E. church has been completed and will be, dedicated on Bunday afternoon, November 2nd, at 3 o'clock. s s BSheridan Road. A sister 0f the dead man, Mrs. Mary Laukauskis, 718 Vine Place, called at the station this morning and .J"::: officers to do everything %fi to locate the slayers of her ~ John Dazareki, 62, 6f 521 West 28th rt. Chicago, and Joe Martitis, 52, 801 @outh Sheridan road, were The building was erected to replace the old church, which, after standing for 55 years, was struck by light-- ning and burned on August 27th of Bast year. The congregation under the leadership of their former pas-- tor, Rev. H. B. Amstutz, 'set about making plans for rebuilding at once. Work on the foundation was start-- ed in December and _ progressed steadily to the present time. The building is of Old English design with an outside finish of brown as-- bestone; it is divided = into three sections--church auditorium, _ social hall and Sunday school rooms. The auditorium is prettily finished in pine ef dark stain. Charles Siraks Dies at Coun Hospital Without R'egain)'rrg Consciousness. With the death last Friday at '7:50 o'clock at the Lake County hospital of Charles Siraks, 26 years old, 726 Kighth street, the Waukegan police are redoubling their efforts to learn the identity of the men whose terrible beating resulted in his death. The of-- ficers are handicapped by the fact that the victim died without regaining con-- sclousness--death sealed his lips be-- fore he could tell the names of his as-- sailant®: Following is a list of the five men who are being held as suspects: Joseph Gudonis, 47, 6f 204 Piccadilly Five men were arrested by the po-- lice as suspects early Thursday morn-- ing and still are being held in the city Jail for questioning. State's Attorney The men already being held by the authorities are known to have been with Seraks some time Sunday after-- noon or evening. The police are of the opinion that these men could shed some light on the mystery if they would. They have t apped--taem in many falsehoods, they sav. A'l these men agsert that Siraks was a'! right when they last saw him Sunda~ night. Bome time before Monday morning Bitrake received a terrible Beating which resuited in fatal injuries. Police admitted today that they are endeavoring to locate a sixth suspect and expect to have him in custody be-- fore night{fall. They are hopeful that he will be able to throw some light on the mystery. A. V. Smith this morning when in-- formed of Siraks' death instructed the police to hold the suspects pending a morerigid investigation. Prayer. Respon Building committee--Frank Schuitz, John Yucus, 33, of Lewis avenue. Joesenh Nimrod4, 24, of 201 South Tony Pamdts, of 201 South Sheridan Frank Walent, 47 esponse--"Hear Our Prayer." PRAIRIF ON NOV. 2 of 204 Picadilly placed under arrest by the local po-- lice today and were locked up in the 'city jail as witnesses in the Siraks death case. The police believe that these two men may prove to be vai-- jlublo witnesses. ~ Taken to Hospital. ' _ Siraks had been admitted to the hos-- 'plul Monday evening. At that time he appeared to be suffering from a skull fracture, although there were no indentations in the head. . Pneumonia followed, and after a few hours of semi--consciousness he lapsed into un-- consciousness that lasted up through 'the time of his death. |POR CARS REPAINTeD, reasonable The county teachers' meeting was held at Libertyville high schdol last Saturday. The program as announe-- ed by T. Arthur Simpson, county superintendent of schools, was as follows : ' | _ Richardson, 445 West Park Avenue, "Libertyville. Phone 102--M. . 42--1t on Tenth street ance. FOR SALE ------ Pure cider vinegar, §0¢ Coroner J. L. Taylor stated that the inquest would be held tonight at the Joseph Petroshius undertaking rooms Reading Bay. Instructors--Clyde L. Lyon, Profes sor of Reading, N. I. S. T. C.; Miss Elda L Merton, Assistant Superintend-- ent Waukesha schools. ' f Morning Session. 9:45--Silent and Oral Reading--Mr. Lyon. Remedial Work in Reading-- Miss Merto®. i ~ Silent Readinig Seat, Work Sugges-- tions for--Primary Grades--Miss Mer-- ton. ty '=@ In the morning he was unconscious and would not respond to their touch. Dr. R. G. Smith was called in the af-- ternoon and he in turn, notified the police. The man was moved to the hospital. The pneumonia developed through his night exposure, according to Dr. L. G. Brackett, who later at-- tended him. ' Siraks had worked for Frank Ma-- culis, sometimes known as Mitchell, who lives on Lewis avenue, a mile north of Grand avenue. He had been driving the Maculis team on the Bon-- nié Brook Golf club and subdivision just across the road from the Maculis farm. He had been employed on this job all summer. Saturday night bhe had been paid and was known to have had about $100 on his person. This was gone at the time he reached po-- lice hands, as well as his watch, which had been torn from the chain. The beating, it is believed, occurred Sunday evening. Siraks had gone to a home at 201 §9, Sheridan Road late in the evening and gained permission to sleep on the porch. He was given a blanket by his host. One relative lives in Waukegan, a sister, Mrs. Anthony Lukauskis, 718 Vine Place. Siraks, W hen in Waukegan made his home at 726 8th street. TEACHERS OF LAKE CO. IN MEETING AT LIBERTYVILLE per gallon. Pure bred Scotch Collie puppies. Bergeron-- Stock Farm,-- on Lake St. road,--2 miles west of Liber-- tyville. Phone 678--J2. 43--tt WANTE»----Work by the day. Mrs Outside Reading--The Test of Good Teaching--Mr. Lyon. _ =©~ _ GUARANTEED HOSIERY--Samples, Afternogn Session. 1:00--Little Lectures on Birds-- Miss Esther Hodge and pupils. -- moved from the grounds on the Ap-- pley property, corner Newberry and Mijwaukee Avenues. See us at once. Bellers & Peterson. * 44--1t and Reed Yellow Dent seed corn; four miles west of Wauconda, one-- half mile east of Grigwold Lake. Hen-- ry Geary. 44--2t tween Libertyville and Lake Bluff. Answer, giving location and price. F. Tracey, 1027 E. 46th St., Chicago, IlL -- 44--1t _.LOT IN O§BORN ADDITION 1 12 BLOCK FROM ELECTRIC sTATION soxml, ONLY $800. sEWER AND WATER IN AND PAID FOR. BEST BUY IN TOWN. . body 5% by 10 ft..... 1923 engine; pneumatic tires. $325. (See A. Niles, at the race track, Libertyville. _ 44--3t Long Grove. Apply to G. H. Ander-- man, 120 N. High 8t., Albaquerque, New Mexico. 444tt Quick service. W. Baird Bensley, Rookiland Road, nuhboun east of the River, LAibertyville, 11. 444t l'QR_SA_lg--_l% ton Chevrolet truck, better look at your chimneys and see If they need repairing. Estimates fi%q«rfully furnished. Frank A. Huber, 68. 444f FPOR RENT--A 190° acre farm near your size, free to agents. 'Write for proposition paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or» Quick sales, repeat orders. International Stocking Mills, 3407 Norristown, Pa. 44--tt WANTED--10 acreg <for" home be-- FOR SALE--White Cap Yellow Dent FOR SALE--Black Mingrca Cockerels WANTED--A big pile of rubbish re-- CHIMNEY REBPAIRING -- You bad FOP. SALM--Winter pears; yih a¢ lives. Wm. H. Petersen, phone 604--W--2 . 44--1t Pape's Large Laying Strain. $3.00. Home? Cook, Wauconda, 1: 44--1t About 250 teachers are in attend-- SELLERS & PETERSEN. _ F OR 8 A L E--Wyandotte roos!=rs | also pie pumpkins. Phone 301 ; j / "STOMAX" RELIEF | _ The Wormley Company of Roch-- elle, Illinois, maker# of Stomax Relief a remedy for gastritis or other stom-- ach trouble, will send free to the first three persons living in Libertyville, who order, a botle of Stomax Relief. FOR RENT--6 room house, good * nace, barn and chicken house; t& FOR RENT--16U acre farm, all black .soilk all under cultivation; good buildings. Phone 661--W--1 or 301 J. Nov. 1 to May 31. Near Ivanhoe. $8.00 per month. Phone Libertyville 230--W. office. permanent housekeeping. Have one son. Mrs. Figher, 318. W. Fourth Ave., Spokane, Wash. ' 48--1t FOR SALE--Kitchen range, suitable per gallon. > ng Valley "#ilo filler in first class :),:ondmou. Pure bred Seotch Collie pies. -- Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. road, 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2. FOR SALE--Two teams and harness. WANTED--Baptist widow, 58, for Iaundry; burns wud or coal; sell for $5.00. M. E. Andrews, Newberry . Ave. tric; large barn; lot 100 x 150 feet. 313 Fifth Ave. Ingquire 2727 Belmont Ave., Chicago, I!II. Louis Sprengl 1t FOR SALE--Pure cider vinegar, 50¢ Call Saturday and Sunday at the De Vault Farm. 41--6t phone 139--J. FOR FOR SALE--1924 LIGHT SIX STUVDE BAKER TOURING CAR. BRAND NEW. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE, $850.00. REASONABLE TERMS . To RIGHT PERSON. BEST BUY OF THE YEAR. CALL AT LIBERTY-- VILLE GARAGE. 39.--tf FOR SALE--Gray touring car; good condition; price reasonable. Call BALE--1918 . Peerless j t:.nnTg . seven passenger, with 1920 mo-- $350, Inquire at the uomm: . Jewett Car For Sale FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phone 41 : c Lake Zarich, Mlinois. A U G F R OE L1 C WINTER POTATOES John H. Rouse AUTOMOBILE PAINTING ROCKLAND ROAD. TELEPHONE 243. WILL SELL. MY JEWETT TOURING CAR AT VERY LOW PRICE. THIS CAR IS IN THE BEST CONDT-- TION--PRICED LOW FOR QUICK SALE. TERMS OR CASH. ---- C + GOOD KEEPERS. $1.00 PER BUSHEL. WILI, DELIVER. + TELEPHONE 604--R--2. Reasonable Prices. Workmanship and materials Guaranteed. Formerly with Cadillac Motor Car Co. First House East of River. W. BAIRD BENSLEY D. HEUVELKANP HOME GROWN HIGH GRADE 801 J. 43 tt will 186 48--tt FOR REDNT--Modern 5--roo0m flat. Tel-- ephone 220R. 40--tt FOR RENT--To couple only, #--room modern home, furnished; in ghoisce part of Libertyville; for December, January, February and March, at $60 a month, Apply at Independent office. ADJVUDICATION NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Executor of the Es-- tate of Emma Maxham, deceased, will attend the County Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be hold-- en. at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of January next, 1925, when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same for ad-- judication. .__ MARTIN C. DECKER, Executor. Waukégan, III., Oct. 13, 192%4. _ --_ corner in south part of Libertyville. $3,000 cash. Bartlett Realty Service. Telephone 442--M. --A0t LLO8T--About three weeks ago, a sum of money on Milwaukee Ave., Cook Ave. or Brainerd Court. Reward. In-- quire at Independent office. 42--1t MONEY TO LOAN--We bhave a con sid. rable amount of special funds to lean on improved farm or city arop erty. We lavite your inquiry. First Bank, Libertyville 10-- senger Janesvilie bus, body, mount-- ed on a on@&ton Ford' chassis, fully equipped with starter, generator, lights and ne wtires; not driven over 300 miles; just the bus to haul school children or passengers. Also have several fine> Beagle hounds, eight months old, ready to run rabbits, O. L. Stanley, 421 Lincoln Ave., Wauke gan, Ill.. Phone 1196 W. 42--1t WANTED--Work by the day. FOR SALE--Modern bungalow on & bOk GALE--Seven room house; fur-- | . nace, electric light, city water, sew--| er, electric lighted garage; fruit , trees. Property 66 by 297 feet. loe&i tion, Grayslake. "ibo.w. Discount tor m Inquire 155 care of '!'hol Inde ent, -- Libertyville, IlL _ 41--2t ; Richardson. 445 West Park Phone 102--M. * FOR SALE OR TRADE--One 17-- LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. #4--oct 16 23 30 Mrs Avo, 42--1t ADVERTISING IN THE INDEPENDENT BRINGS SURE RESULTS. -- YOU CAN USE NO BETTER MEDIUM: No Long, Expensive Waits Or _ Rentals Announcing / 1 Day ~ Battery Charging Service CHOCOLATE CREAMS, CARAMELS, NOUGATS, PUDDINGS, SNOWBALLS, &C ICE, CREAM LIBERTYVILLE BATTERY and ELECTRIC COMPANY We also Have the Above Neatly Packed in One and Two Pound Boxes . ONE POUND, 70c; TWO POUNDS $1.40 CIVE. THEM A TRIAL----SATISFACTION CUARANTEED. Home--made Candies FRESH The Soda Shop 7Oc 515 North Milwaukee Avenue TELEPHONE 400 Our equipment is rec-- ommended by all the leading battery man-- ufacturers. This improved charging method lengthens bat-- tery life and cannot possibly harm the battery. A well charged battery gives your car more power, brif'ghter lights, quick start, plenty of pep. Try our One Day Battery Service just once and you'll always have your battery charged by this improved method. A POUND in before 9 a.m. and it is ready by 5 p.m. the same day with a better, longer lived charge than you ever had before. Get your battery

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