CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1924, p. 2

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Ti qs FIGRT "SqUATTER" Lake County Files Appeal in Effort to Wrest Title from Gerbrachts. mn appeal in the supreme CO the circuit court here in the Rose and Gertrude Gerbrach the county in a suit to cl of some real estate in t Lake region. Judge Earl D. Reynolds recently signed a decree for the Gerbrachts which gave them title to 160 acres of tand, and upon this action hinges the fate of many other claimants to title of "squatter'" land, involving ncochs_Ad d Fhe action to the supreme court %s being taken by the county in an effort to get a reversal of Judge Heyunolds' decision. .Q'i*iii'.******l 4# ROUND LAKE * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown were in Waukegan Wednesday afternoon. Ed Luby spent a few days with his mmother at Donifield, Il., last week. 4 4 4 % * % * % % * * * % * * * * Raeburn Richardson was in Wis-- consin last week to attend the funeral of a relative. Clara Amann is spendimg a few days in Chicago this week. L. A. Fitz spent Wednesday and Thursday serving on the jury in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brown, from the Lake Shore weer Waukegan callers Wednesday. The county of Mrs. Caiherine Geary called at the KFitz home Wednesday. A. M. White spent a few days in Chicago last week. Clara Amann. Velma Fitz and Earl Jacobsen were in Waukesan Wednes-- day afternoon. Harold Kennedy of Long Lake vis-- #ted Thursday at the Bauer summer Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis were UDi-- cago callers Friday. Charles Streater was in Round Lake "Thursday. Lo -- lf;.--lzéo Hendee spent a few days in North Chicago with her mother, who very ill A | \ug LAND CASE IN Frank Winkel was in Grayslake this week with his mother, who is ill. in Libertyville Thursday. 1 nUCs l.0 0000 ar_WAAs warg Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor were in Grayslake Wednesday evening. LCC t e ts c4 --I-r--.-'avnfi Mrs. Edward Bacon and daughter were in Libertyville one day last week. o BRBBEB N NT CCC Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Howard attended the funeral of Policeman Gillis at Waukegan last week. Edward Brown -- and George Ray, were in Waukegan Thursday. Jack Daley was a Waukegan caller "Thursday. + i JE RERRR PCOE + Mrs. Dell Smith and Mrs. Milford Smith were among the Waukegan vis-- itors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blue and daugh-- ter. Marion, were in Round Lake last Mr. and Mrs: Tony Leonard spent Baturday evening in Lake Villa. «Mrs. Clint Hendee and Mrs. Emma * Huson attended the Armistice day gervices at Grayslake Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sin Claire and wons spent Sunday at the Sumner RBauer home. week Joe Fitz and Earl Jacobsen spent Monday forenoon at the Emmet Geary home. Out hunting pheasants; came home with two cocks and three rab-- bits. man and Mr. and of Chicago spent Bmith home. Don't forget the the town hall eve conducted by the J. A. Kelley ar Don't forget the church services at the town hall every Supday evening, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Landon. J. A. Kelley arrived home Monday morning from his trip to So. Dakota. Postmaster Murrie of Grayslake was a Round Lake caller Monday. «M:. and Mrs. Blue and daughter, Marion, of Oak Park, had dinner last "Thursday with the Harry Drummond Family. ; Mr. and Mrs Milford Smith spent Bunday with the latter's parents at Ringwood. -- . Martin Thelan and Milford Smith were c=lled on the jury in Waukegan Monday Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Martin of Xfbertyville, spent Sunday at the Frank Drummond home. 4 M;:. and Mrs. Gifford White were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs Anna Richardson and daugh-- ters _ Helen, Elizabeth and Louise, vis-- Sted Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Pfannenstiel! at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs: Delbort Richardson Art A "Tueaday Mr. a spent <: A. M. White went day to secure resery te Florida -- Bumner Baver was a McHenry vis #Stor Wednesday. -- m:m Mitcbell and Mr. Kelly of spent the week end at the -"0. : Howard is organizing a Mod errt Woodman camp in Zion. -- WMr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler apent Monday with Mr. and Mrsa. Gilbert Bur #Wmitt on the Sylvian View farm at Wanconda. o _ Mrs, Bert Easter was a Waukegan ealler Monday afternoon. ________ _ Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leonard spent Bunday in Lake Forest -- th;;n 8--1',550,000 worth of prop Mss Eil« SUPREME COURT: of Lake Saturday filed the supreme court from urt here in the case of trude Gerbracht against n a suit to clear title 1 estate in the Grass en MclIntyre, Fred Water-- r. and Mrs. O. T. Boefm spent Sunday at the Dell W ations for his trip in home of the former's sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank HC spent Sunday evening at Frost home. Mr:. Ward of Long I Round Lake Tuesday. Clayton Hughes was in Tuesday forencon. -- Mr. and Mrs. John Ds# dren Herbert Rimball O° LMM--SB®T CH00° two weeks of his vacation at the Jack\ Stadtfield home. sree ' Mrs. George Renehan was & Chicago caller this week. | Elmer and LeRoy Hendee attended a show in Waukesan Sunday evening. Mig. Pete Stadtfield of Volo was a Round Lake caller Tuesday. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the town hall. Everyone welcome. Allen Sundwell of Chicago spent the week end at his home at the Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. George Vasey of Wau:-- 1 C lc 28 MWm Lak RVELL PRRRNE ENRO O CC kegan spent Monday evening at Ed Turner home. Ts sog se BLOC 4w Dr..Clarke of Grayslake was in Oour town Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 'from Round Lake Shore, left for Florida this week.\ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and Ms. and Mrs. Bohne of Eigin spent:! sundav at the Rose¥@@unnill home in | Mr. and Mrs Mws. and Mrs. Sunday at the Volo. ¥ 010. Herbert Howard of Danville is vis iting his father, O. A. Howard. 1 W lc 00c3 LM1¥vam TLIIE A2°0 COMCIECE LC Mr. and Mrs. Pillings and children | _ _ _ _ _ _ and Mrs. Mabel Litwiler and children | __zzzrrzi_iiz _ | spent Sunday in Ivanhoe. \* 4 #% % 4 % % % % #% % * | Miss Brownlee, of the Illinois Bell | Telephone Company, WAS at the ex-- \I * P R A l R l E v l E W f' change here Wednesday morning. + The réception given Saturday eve-!" % % & 4 «o «& & % % #. % nirg Nov. 8. in honor of Rev. and| Julige Peden was a business caller Mrs. Landon, was A great guccess. here Monday evening. The program follows: -- --| Mr. and Mrs Charles Sturm enter-- _ Song by chorus of ten girls. | tained company over the week end., l Violin solo by Anna Erlandson. ' Mrz. and Mrs. Frank Stah1' are the | Readings by Mrs. Powers. parents of a baby girl, born, Monday, Song by Henry Thomas. November 10th. ! Duet by Marion Drummond at the _ xjp, and Mrs. A. G Maether and son |piano and Annia Erlandson. |Percy, called on friends at Lake villa Solo by Velma Fitz. -- _ |Sunday afternoon. On their way home Readings by Mrs. Powers. 1J3 0 o o baeac emanee Piano solo by Jeanette Gaffga. \--------------------'----_'_ Duet by v@lma Fitz md Henry. :--M \Thomas; Clara Soldner gt the piano. ' f + Violin solo by Jessie Drury; Clara | > Soldner at the piano. ' ; & Solo by Mrs.: Heard, "God Be With ' a 3 5 You till We Meet Again." -- /A | i ' l m C P ' o n B K F B f uns M mt & C2CE GPRT €2 0 M PPR DT C Refreshments were served after the entertainment. y £ % % # % # 4 & % 4 4 # % % * %# # +o LAKE ZIU RICH % .*l*l'***}'******* M:s. and Mrs#: Wm. Pfengston and daughter visited Sunday with John Schultz and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Landwebhr anod family attended the funeral of Mrs. Lanuwer's aunt in Elgin Friday. Miss Trances Sufton of Dundee returued with them for a short visit. with them for a short visit, _ Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Thies of Gilmer visited iast Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hillman. % I9o! PWV s es raaite a . POUTF 59 JS TM-- '\--PORTANT HIGHW AY and MrS. JUHM AMRMAW MACC C000 motored to Chicago Sunday. ' _ and Mrs. Chas. Moore of Chi-- were callers in the John Daley Saturday. rbert Kimball of Chicago spent weeks of his vacation at the Jack The dinner dance. given by the Chamber of Commerce election night at the Crystal Hotel was well attend-- ed. -- A radio was installed and the election were received all evening. A chicken dinner was served and en-- joyed by all who partook. Nick's or-- chestra of Arlington Heights furnish-- ed music. The annual chicken supper and ba-- zaar will be held in the basement of the Baptist church Saturday, Nov. 15, at 5:30. A fine line of fancy articles and a fish pond for the children. The P. T. A. will give a bunco and 500 party at the school house. Watch for further announcements. -- _ _A number fro mhere attended the invitation dance at Barrington Friday night. f -- _ Frank Valenta was seen back on the job Sunday, after a lay off of several weeks on account of a broken collar bone. . _ Mr. ahd Mrs. Herman \iKracht of Chicago were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and her daughters of Milwaukee visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Schultz Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laun enter tained guests from Elwood and Chi caco at dinner Sunday. Mrs. Faltzer and son of Barrington visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Car' Ernst. Several ne wthrough ro@#tes running from north to south are considflrod' hichly important additions to the state highway system. Amone them, route 59 begins at Antioch and runs almost atraight south through Ingleside, Wau-- conda, Rarrington, Mount Prospect, West Chicago, and Plainfield to a point near Joliet. Route 60 w}l'? start at Richmond and run south through Me-- Henry to Algonquin. Route 47 will atart at Hebron and run due north through. Woodstock, Huntley, Elburn, Yorkyville, Morris, Dwight, Forest and Gibson City to the Ocean to Ocean highway, and route 70 will complete the links in the Meridian trail to join Rockford on the north and Ca'ro on the south with solid concrete. d Mrs. John Daley and chil-- Frank Rosing of Volo was in Round Lake by the 'ISSUE INJUNCTION . _ _ ON SUNDAY; STOP \ ------ FARMER'S SALE \_ Mrs. Elma Anderson, of Wheeling.| 'lbeueve- in fast work, even it it| has to be done on Sunday, when !necesury. so her precautions stopp led a sale of their property planned \ for Monday as she stirred the sher-- ift's offiqe, the circuit clerk, her "lawycr, and the court into action on the Sabbath. l Mrs. Anderson, through hber attor-- 'ney, E. V. Orvis, 'filed a bill for separate maintenance Sunday, claim-- hn; that her busband, Martin And-- |erson, planned to sell their property "Monday on Milwaukee avenue, Deer-- field. ln order to prevent the sale '\she had to get Deputy Circuit Clerk L J. Wilmot t file the suit, upon '|orders from the circuit judge, who : | ordered the injunction. The sheriff's ';omce sent County Motorcycle Offi-- C' cer B. C. Hamlin to Reerfield to L'lserve the restraining order upon Anderson. The officer missed ®the »-- football game, but Mrs. Anderson 0 'won her po'int. Mrs. Elma Anderson of Wheel-- ing, Succeeds in Stopping Husband's Plans. 57 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK THIS FARM OF--180 ACRES WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT 215 P M. TERMS WILL BE ANNOUNCED DAY OF SALE. IT WiLL PAY BUYERS TO LOOK OVER THIS FARM. Public Sale NeHiRIXEEE NPE , EN M C TW M 0 l2 00 0002 ols hi > C 1 Stock Bull; S.Bg'o«l Horses; 35 Hogs--2 Hampshire thorpughbred ood Sows and Boar, 2 Duroc Brood _ .. Sows and Boar, 1 Chester White Brood Sow, 30' Summer ' Shoats; 150 Chickens; 64 Ducks; 8 Turkeys. Also _ two swarms of bees. | \ ~FEED AND GRAIN--25 tons Clover, Alhlf'a':nd Timothy Not being able to continue farming, on account of illness we will sell at Public Sale on the premises known as the Levi Price Farm, one and one--half miles North of Gilmer, one and one--half miles South of Ivanhoe, on . ~ Friday, Nov. 21st Fred Gross and Hattie Price | . --_ PROPRIETORS AUC FROELICH, Auctioneer. _ A. G. SCHWERMAN, Clerk.: 'S:t: \of Double Harness; 2 Single Harness ; ONE MACHINE SHED and 10x18 ft. BUILDING 1 Case Separator, 36x58; 1 Steam Engine, 50 h. p.; 14 B. Water Tank; | eight--row McCormick Shredder--new; 1 Flano Shredder, 10--row; 1 Interkational Silo Filler Type "A": 150--ft. Rubber Belt; Small Belts; Some Household Goods and other articles too numerous to mention. .| Consisting of 16 Ccy::--li&oen u.d Close Splrlngm':'l. ' amount 'Hay muB:;n","G m.-c'l'xsv;?dévet and Alfalfa; 21 acres shock Corn cut before frost; 400 bushels .Oats; 150 bushels Rarley; 40 bushels Wheat. % A large supply of Blacksmith, Carpenter's and Plumb-- er's Tools, Ice Tools, vises, wrenches and other tools. ag TYVILE DDEPEDENT, (Being a flrxe sale, it"will start FARMING TOOLS Xt '5 :30 A.M., Sharp Miss Flossie Kuedler Was a baiin=s calier in Chicago Saturday and ¥ou-- © day. . q 1 Goorge Umbd: ituck of Long Grove | t |was Lere on business Monday. 8 | Just a little problem for the Farm | : Bureau agent to work out for the| : |dairy farmer: A Lake county farmer | | bought 160 acres for $200,000 to raise --la little more corn for his cows,. How |, --I mary bushels to th#4 acre must this | 1 | tand produce to pay the farmer inter-- | , ~l est on the money invested? 1 e | Frank Holtie. Aart Miller of Wheek| |ing and Mrs. Holtje's brother of Chi-- n | cago, went on & hunting trip near o|Eigin Monday. . s| Miss Laura Sprague had the mis-- i-- | fortune to fall and fracture one of her o | ribs, and is under the care of a doctor. n|! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Priess entertain-- e ed their daughter and her bhusband n over the week end. i Miss Florence Maether entertalned' 'Miss. Verna Iverson of Des Plaines * over 'the week end. | Roy Koten of Chicago spent -- last x Sunday at his home here. § « | Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stoemp apd Mrs. , E. Dyer spent Saturday evening in Libertyville on business. l they stopped offat the Math Wagner home at G £Esmeie NPV OWE Et Frank was a business call-- er here m afternoon. Those who calied on Mrs. Coon at the county' hospital Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. A. Stancliff, uu.} Mary Krueger and Mrs. C. T. Mason, Theodore Mason and Miss Helfer. Mr. unj Mrs. Harry Knedlier and zon le't Wednesday for their home in Montana, -- after . spending several woeks hbere visiting relatives and friendr. Mr and jiare Eimer Stahl aave « baby bouy, born Wednesday 0f |.--»t week at the Wroekng hospital. LINCOLN LUSK -- _ AUCTIONEER Telephone 315--R LIBERTYVILLE, _ jL on time.) + 10 Collars. ILLINOIS. NOVEMBER 13, 1924 sin=~s ¥ ol FARMERS OBJECT _ | 'TO CONSOLIDATED |-- SCHOOLS IN STATE Claim Distance and Additional . Taxes Make Consolidation Impractical. Chicago, Nov. 11.1--A majority of ' lllinois farmrs look with disfavor upon consolidated schools, if answers to questionaires sent to farm . bureau members by the Illinois Agriculitural association, can be taken as an aver-- age. Three--fourths of the farmers who replied to the 10,000 questionatres were opposed to consolidated schools. The objectors to consoldidated schools voiced their reasons as fol-- lows; Bad'roads, other school--system satisfactory, distance from home too great, too expensive to maintain, too hard to get children to school, taxes higher, disadvantages to farmers, im-- practical, building not located right and too hard on little folks. The questionaires went to practical 1y every county in the state and little differénce of opinion was found in the different sections. £ The school survey was made by the educational committee of the lilinois Agricultural asociation in co--operation with the Illinois Educatiofial commis-- sion which was created last winter by the state legislature Bad Coughs Ended Quickly by Double-- Action Remedy Remarkable results in quickly clearing up the severest coughs have been obtained with a prescrip-- tion by a well--known specialist that does two things at once. It not only soothes and heals the soreness and irritation, but it very q\tx'ckly lot:.- BC PWRCmNonnF NOC EC P C P ens and removes the phlegm and eonftion which are the real cause oisfh o ;o upeg;lflut}: gh"wn' ing how y the cough stops. The: prescription is known utoBr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. It is guucuhrly valuable for night coughing. o promptly end this annoying and weakening scourge, simply before retiring take one teaspoonful of Dr. King's New Discovery and hold it in your throat 15 or 20 secqrds before swallowing. Peo-- ple who have been unable to rest on ac-- count of continual coughing have often gottEn their full 8 or 9 hours' sleep by this simple method. REREIOONEe . 20 200C Bike" ts 111. M . ... doBhantrtransined PDr. King's is excellent, too, for chil« dren's spasmodic croup, bronchitis, laryn-- gitis, bronchial asthma and hoarseness. 8 ME T on Shone --~. Adibe ham Needed in _ _~__--Every Home TEN YEARS' PROGRESS -- J. N. LERNARD, Proprietor Telephone 202 --x-- _ Liberty leadership of the * T-IB pronounced im : z Ta"Y::n' Record c[; ?-muu- doiler is best Masivated hr thee wa 1915-- 13,500 c mnd decreased price of the 1916-- 62,681 1911 77. s 1917--125,399 1919--14M4,¥3 me _ _ O .Gp.--S 1no apiacs Inowek mASrE 1918-- m" 'W than doubled the purchasing power of Your doier when Coring s "chewatsh Prices {. o. b. Flint, . although the specificatiorss and design . Buperior Roadster -- + * show marked increase in quality. _ Superior Touring --.-- + * Note the tem years' record of Chevrolet -- Superior Touring DeLuze + Note the ten {-n 1 27 °4 M _ TR ~\ 2 chinh wesnaiiiiie-- w 4t yadl 9e 94 mthm '.m"m'mm mm'w- a e & * 640 why it has become so + _ Buperior 4--Passenger Coupe + * + 7284 f'" ou'lo':-:'th.ult .-"u'...."z :yml'n-n-ykhu.n-odn fi.'"'""' t ! s you ri & Luter Badics on wA Claaad bMaiaio O Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M °o > LBR Libertyville Garage MONEY BACK Chas. D. Proctor Pupils Attending School Need At Mere Cost of Handling--Distributed Exclusively L --_ to readers of the | TAKE ONE HOME TODAY MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED Needed in Every Home and Office Y¥ ours For One Demand has been Tremendous. _ ihe peopIe like the book--your neighbors are taking it in great quantities. Many new words nevet HI PAMT RICTAACAT 0 C0 tionary. Tllustrated in page and double page color plates. Contains a wealth of valuable information, needed f in every home. ® A Luxurious Book Should be on the desk of every stenographer and within reach of every clerk. Get one today. INDEPENDENT All Brand New 22 Dictionaries in One w new words never in ANY previous dic-- =-- 98c The New Universities Dictionary J design Roadster -- + + + + + $496 2 o =:=r-d--.--:::: a m mmc--o'- 6« s t + _ Buperior 4--Passenger Coupe +« + 78 EPss Heatenssacems. it ; and pay Poncass "Frodk Chanis -- -- MB IF NOT SATISFIED Libertyville, Hlinois This Authoritative Book. LILBE&RTYVILLE

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