CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1924, p. 3

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Clarewte Hurlibut, 29, of Zion City, Thursday night was found guilty of the murder of C. B. Dicks Jr., 22, member oz a prominent Lake Vilia family, the jury fixing the sentence at 30 years in the penitentiary. Hur}k but claimed the stabbing of Dicks was justifiable on the contention that he did it to protect the homnor of Mrs,. Adeline Farnik of Zion who had been his companion for several years ~since she and hber busband became estranged. PLANNED TO WED HURLBUT The woman over whom Huribut and Dicks fought, said she had plahned to get a divorce from Fai nik and marry Huribut as soon as the trial was over. She will have to put off the wedding 30 years now, upless Hurlibut succeeds in ob taining a new trial, motion for which was made by Atty. George W. Field immediately cafter the verdict was returned. MURDER IS VERDICT IN HURLBUT CASE; GETS 30 YEARS Zion Man Who Killed C. B. Dicks, Jr., 'Over Woman, Given Drastic Punishment. The verdict and penalty . was a surprise, as it was generally believ ed a manslaughter verdict probably would be returned. Even States At: torney Smith appeared to be sur-- prised over the result. He had not pleaded for a death sentence, and it was indicated that both the pros ecution anq the defense were ol the opinion thait the verdict woulid be man#glaughter. The -- most -- damaging _ evidence against Hurlbut was the testimony of Mrs. Farnik. She made three statements to the prsecution before the cease went :o trial Then she was placed on the stand as a court witness, the court asking her a number of 'questions. This gave the 'state the opportunity to cross ex-- amine-- her. s VICTIM'S MOTHER «COLLAPSES Mrs. C. B. Dicks, mother of the viectim, -- became _ hysterical . while States Attorney Smith was making his closing arguments. "Oh, my boy! Oh, my boy!" she | sobbed, wringing--ber hands. ' J. D. Doyle, court bailiff, and her husband led her from the court room to an anteroom where she was revived. Mrs. Dicks returned just before the verdict was returned but she was not in the court room when It was read. As L. J. Wilmot read the verdict Mrs. Farnik began to sob, but when she looked at Hurl; but, who stared biankly at the 12 jurors standing in front of him, she choked back her emotions. TO FIGHT FOR NEW® TRIAL Atty. Field demanded a poll of the jury, a rather unusual request in the local courts. When each juror re-- affirmed the verdict, Atty. Field en-- affirmed the verdict,, Atty. Field en-- tered the motion {for a new . trial. The date for lrzuing the motion was not set, but probably will be Sat-- urday, to which date court was ad-- Journed. Huribut, on the night of last, stibbed Dicks. He said he found Dicks attacking Mrs. Farnik at Channe} lake. But there were two stories about this attack. One was Athat it was an in-- cident of a revel in which there had been abundant liquor. The other was that Dicks was an intruder and filit the girl was crying for help when her fiance struck with the knife. The jury was out three hours. Six of the jurors later vizited the county jail and when Huribut saw them he began cursing. ° Sheriff Ahb}-- strom intervened and ordered Huri-- but to stop. Huribut believed he would be ac-- quitted and wrote long letters to relatives that he would be home to eat dinner with his family by last Sat-- urday. His mother was in court when the verdict 'was read.. For several minutes she sat as if turned to stone, her face ashen white. A low moan escaped her lips. As the officers led Hurlbut away his mother tottered down the steps. * The father of Dicks, whose hair has turned white, and who appeared to have aged> 15 years since the trag-- edy, left the courtroom, supporting his wife, clad in mourning. The Grayslake Royal Neighbors en-- tertaine dWednesday of last week. The members of the Lake Villa lodge were invited for the day. Those who attended report a very enjoyable day. Most of the members from here were able to be present and enjoy the day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgkns from Chicago were visitors at the Leonard home Saturday, and Sunday were en-- tertained at Round Lake by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leonard. * Miss Manny, who has been visiting in Chicago for the past three weeks is back in town. Louis Hurd has returned from his :ll:t to Harvard, Sterling and Mor-- m. * R « Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reinbach motor-- ed t oChicago Sumday. Mrs. Jack Mil-- ler returned to her home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Reinbach visited his siz-- tPo:.kmu Laura Reinbach at Rogers rk. Mr. Wrase has been quite ill for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wrase are lving in the Warren Odette house while their home is being rebulilt, be-- Ing destroyed by fire three weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. William Becker were called to the city last Bunday by the death of Mrs. Becker's youngest bro-- ther. They will stay in Chicago for several days. s IDr. Jamieson was in town on a pro-- -- iItuig, Faber visited ; wite at houpn'nl.'h Chicago t'n'vooh 'A: A KE VIL L A June 28 bperation has been performed and she is much relleved, but still seriously 11L I".O. Atwell has been suffer-- dng influenza, but is able to be out agailu. Mrs. Wm. Walker has been ill with a cold and under the doctor's care. Mrs. Johr Palmer and daughter of Austin visited the Thayer and Austin families Thursday. 0 _ Mr. and Mrs. John Phillippi were Chicago shoppers Monday, * _Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller entertain-- ed friends from Chicago Sunday--Mr. and Mrs. J. Summers andfamily. _ _ _ Mr. Walker was in Waukegan last Thursday. -- o _ oo '-I-}.---;n'd Mrs. Ben Dix have been in Waukegan several days this week. 0 Mrs. William -- Sheehan has been staying at Ingleside several days the past week caring for her sister, who is seriously ilL h _ bungalow painted white The Avery House and garage were repaiuted the past week. _ _ _ George Helm returned home from the Lake Side hospital in Chicago on Wednelgeyoo( last week. Mrs. rge Hel mand Mrs Troy Ballinger were in Chicago one day last week. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, Jr., had for guests Sunday Mrs. Walker's two sisters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Larson of Chicago. 5 L Mr. and Mrs. Roselle Wallace, their daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krouse, and son Robert of Oak Park, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Thayer. last week John Gleapo:gru home Sunday. Mrs. C. D. Refcock is reported much bette:. She hopes to return to Chi-- cago for the winter before Jong. Ernest Lehmann has added a--ND°W green house to his estate, just east of here. -- . <i+ On the 29th day of October in Wau-- kegan occurred the marriage of Wil-- liam Alfred Petersen and Florence G. McClure, both of Lake Villa. -- Their honeymoon was spent in Chicago, Ra-- cine and Burlington, Wis. On their return here a dinner party Wwas given Sunday at the bride's home by Mr. and Mrs. McCiure. Many beautiful and useful presents were given to the young people. They will reside in Lake Villa. 1. 2o 2 K 4 IB ¥ ie Mrs. Mary Tweed Da'tiel O }*"" Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L Manny one day last week. Last Thursday afternoon ehe bunco five hundred club met at the home of Mrs. A} Maier. Mrs. Martin won first prize Mrs. Hamlin second and Mrs. Simson third prize. The usual good time was had. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Arthur Simpson. ~ M:. Hutchinson, who has been on the E. A. Wilton farm for the' past few years, had a sale, selling all hbis stock. one day last week. He had a very fine herd of graded Holsteins, which sold well We will all miss the familv as they were well liked here. family, as threy $100,000 BROKER: AGE FIRM HERE The Cosmopolitan Mortgage and Bond company of Waukegan, incorpo-- rated today at Springfield to act as brokers and agents for real estate and leasehold interests at 225 West Washington -- street. The -- capital stock is $100,000 which has been sub-- scribed and paid in as follows:. Mich-- ael Friedman of Chicago. $173.500; Esther Friedman of Chicago, $15.000: Harry Friedman of Chicago. $5,000 ; Charles Friedman of Chicago, $5.000; Sam Jacobson of Waukegan, $13.000 ; Theodore Blech of Waukegan, $10, 000;: Florence Blech of Waukegan, $4.000; David Osherman of Chiceago. $3.500; Theodore H. Durst of Wauke ran. $5,000; Charles M. Morrison of Waukegan, $5,000 and Fred W. Churchill of Waukegan, $1,000. THE INDEPENDENT--Largest culation of any paper in the Ce Mr New Universities is bhaving hber THE INDEPEND-- T argest -- cir the County in Wau-- One young woman was killed and two men were injured Friday when the automobile in which they were returning from a party at Wheeling, capsized into a ditch in West Grand avenue,, one--half mile east of the Wolt road. WOMAN KILLED, 2 MEN HURT IN AUTO CRASH FRIDAY The dead woman is Mrs. Constance Peterson, 20, 2022 Lane court, Chi-- cago. The injured are <Artbur Wuller, 4307 North Albany avenue, and Wal-- ter Newban, 2885 Elston avenue. Others in the car at the time were James Peterson, husband of the vic-- tim; , Mrs. Lillian Wuller, and . the Wullers' 3--year--old daughter. Mrs. Peterson was pinned beneath the car and crushed to death. Wuller | and Newman were cut and bruised and were taken to the Oak Park hos-- pital. } ( Machine Goes Into "?'i:'ch at Wheeun%; Three O in Car Escape Injury. t % # % % *4 4 % % % 4 t % % % % 4 * A P T A KISIC * # % % 4 4 + % % 4 * % * 4 % % % % Alice Bunton was a caller at the Grandma Busch home Thursday. The Daniels Co., who gave-- ehter-- tainménts at Prairie View for ten nights, also conducted a tontest for the most popular young lady. Two of our young ladies were entered in the beginning, but dropped out before the finish, leaving it al to the girls of Prairie View--Ruth Wolf, Marie Ladd and the Misses Herschberger. At the close of the entertainment on Thursday night Ruth Wolf was given the honors, the prize being a beauti-- fu} set of hilver, of 26 pieces. _ According to the county highway police, the roadway, which is of gray-- el, was recently oiled, and the belie! is the machinre skidded and Newman, who was driving. lost control of it. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Mary Schiey is still very ill _ * Mrs. Jacob Wolf has been every ill with hemorrhages. She had a severe attack of the same some time ago, and we sincerely hope for her ful' recovery. Herman Fels, a former barber of Prairie View, late of Wheeling, with his family, has moved to Des Plaines. This leaves but one barber shop for the town of Wheeling. Mr. Belmore has recently hired another man, mak-- ing three barbers in his shop. ; _ The Ed Giss family is enjoying the comforts of a new Ford sedan. _ TJust a word to auto drivers. Doh ot attempt to drive your car with lights dimmed, as many accidents of late have been «aused by the driver not being able to see far enough ahead. By al means, use common,. sense on the speed limit, as driving an auto is not a trifling affair. Consider the safety of the other fellow, as well as you own. _ _ The friends and acquaintances of Nick Zimmer were greatly shocked 'o hear of his death Tuesday of last Pine Tar and Our mothers and grandmothers would never be without pine tar syrup in the house for coughs, chest colds, etc. This was many years ago, but modern medicine has ugverbunablo_toimpmonthh time--tested remedy. _ Doctors. say the pine tar is hard to beat for Shicen redusngumtion thnt are the actndumoolthom? At the same time pine tar and honey soon soothe and heal all irritation and soreness. The kind that has been used with never--failing success in thousands of families for years is that known as Dr. Bell's Pine--Tar Honey. 'This is scien-- tifically compounded of just the right proportions of pine tar, honey and other quick--acting, . healing ingredients which the best doctors have found to aid in quick relief. It contains absolutely no ©opiates, narcotics or harmful drugs, so can be given to young children--fine for spasmodic croup. It tastes good, too. If you want the best, a medicine that often stops the severest cough overnight, be sure you get Dr. Bell's Pine--Tar Honey. It costs only 30¢ at any good druggist's. COUPON Still Best for C Colds and _ Mrs. Caroline Weland, a former res# ident here, had the misfortune of fall-- ing and breaking her leg several days ago. y o O L. Knaak was a caller at Mrs. Car-- oline Busch's Thursday night. J. Weist was a business caller in our town one daf last week. Ben Stryker was a caller at Mrs. Caroline Busch's Wednesday. A pleasant evening was spent at the Crestmore farm Tuesday night, the occasion being Paul Radke's birthday. Only the immediate family and a few friends were present, but all had a fine time. The evening was passed all too soon with music and singing, and yes, there was a dance in the kitchen, one of the latest quadrilles which Clarence called. After that the refreshments were served. Later all departed wishing Paul at least a hun-- dred more birthdays. Mr. and Mrs> Bunton motored to Libertyville Monday evening to attend a radio demonstration at the Max Mi!-- ler home. week. Mr. Zimmer epent his boyhood days and until after he was married here on teh farm now owned by Mrs. Mary Tiekam. The bereaved have our sympathy. -- Alice Bunton made a business trip to Libertyville Tuesday afternoon. . A serious automobile smashup took place on Milwaukee avenue -- Thurs-- evening, near the John Barrett place. George Frustorber, with a team and wagon hauling gravel after dark with-- out a light,' was struck by a' machine headon. One horse was instantly killed. Mr. Frustober and the other horse escaped injury. Following the crash another car, driven by John An-- derson, of this place, slammed into the wagon load of gravel, completely de-- moiish.1g the car and seriously injur-- in@ Mr. Anderson. He was taken to a Whe--'ing hospital, returning home on Friday night. He was taken to the High!:nd Park hospital. Sunday 'or treatment. It is a dangerous practice 'o drive on such a busy road at nigz't without a light and our farmers are admnnished to use the same caution a= they exnect fro mfolks driving 'he automobiles. > tion sale, either farm or househoid goods, telephone or write William G. Schreiner, McHenry, I!!. Phone 93--R. 39tf wWHEN YOU HAVE THE NEXT AUVC-- INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, §f PUuBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS THEO BLECH Dist. Manager. FRE E 30--Day Trial | Ira E. Pearsall, county treasurer of Lake county, filed notice in the ' office of the clerk of the supreme 'eoun at SpringfNield Saturday that, he would file a petition for a rehearing 'in his case against George W. Sper-- iry and 225 other residents of Zion for unpaid assessments on the paving "ol Elijah avenue, otherwise known as Sheridan road. NEW HEARING ON LION PAVING CASE TO BF HAD HERE County Treasurer Serves No-- tice on Supreme Court of Proposed Action. Pearsall sought in the county court here an order for the 'sale of the This kitchen unit, pictured above, is of roroelam ename] steel with larg:diflusi glass bowl. Makes your kitchen bright, light andr::ieery Light turns on and off at handy pendant switch and you can also plug in your iron, toaster or other appliance here. ' _ Our Special Offer We will install this superior light in your house FREE-- if émé have a ceiling outlet in your kitchen--for a 30 days payable with &)our service statement. If you are not pleased after days trial, we will take unit back and replace your old fixture. Could we make you a more liberal offer? Then, if you are as satisfied with it as we believe you will be, you can purchase this lighting unit for Only $1.00 a Month 1924 Telephons Libertyville 144--J This paper each prints more news and advertising than any other weekly in Northern lilinols. property of defendants. Judge Perry L. Persons ruled that the defendants did not bave to" pay, hbholding that the contract of letting the improve ment was void on the ground that members of the city council and board of local improvements weére directly . linterested in the contract for paving. SUNNYSIDE PARK TRACT OFFICE Milwaukee Avenue at North Shore Line Choice Restricted Homesites Office 469 Res. 186--M. List Your Property With Us $500.00 UP TELEPHONES Meets First and - Fridey Wights of Eaam in Grig I, First N fl'l Bank m ley Hall, rst Na Building. Visiting Neighbors Welcomp G, C. SMALL, W. NAGLE, _ LIBERTYVILLE LODEE No. 9G Meets Each M.nday Night at 8 o*aolt MRST NATIONAL BANK BLDP& Visiting Members Cordially invat2&, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIE Meets Z2na and 4th Tuesday of Easke Month at Gridiey Hall. Visiting Brother 16e Cordi~"v Invie# DEAN BENNETT MARY CARNEY, Prefect. Correspondent VICTORY AFFILIATEB CcOUNCIL NORTH AMERICAN UNIHOU8 Viilting M--mbers Cordiaily Invited, Meet. Second and Fourth Wednesiag Evenings of Each Month. : WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres GEORGE C. SMALL, Beecretarsy, Attorney at Law' i LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS --_. . LUCE, BUILPING Res. Phone 13§--M Office Phone KR Cattle Tested for Tuberculosia FREE OF CH ARGE By U 8. Government Veterinariame D C. Grirnell, Inspector in Charsgm Phone 329. Libertyvillie KR CORRESPONDENCE SOLICIT@ Reverse Charges on Business € FRED GRABBE AUCTIONEERING Office in First Natioa! Bank Building _ Hours:--1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p & _ _ % Residence on Broadway. opposite Pm _ . . LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS tp A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. > WAUKEGAN, ILLINOH Res. Phone 2588: Office 344 , \ A" TORNEY AT--LAW Office at Home on Conk Avenae Telephone '6%J LIBERTYVILLE, »ILLIONIS DR. O. F. INSURAN,EE wn.l. contract to furnish labe# and material on your Kouse completé for a set figure s> yom way know just what cost will be before starting. Going to Build? R. L. GONSALVES Phone 217--M . LIBERTYVILLE Phone Libertyvilie 145--.R--1MR Cemetery Work of Every VETERINARY SURGEON § Assistant State Veterinariamn _ 1# LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS MARBLE AND GRANITE Office With Farm Bureau, GAIL GRUMMIT., N WILLIAM M LAIN Qlassee Bcientifically Fitted Over Pearco's Lrug Btocn, -- Office Hours: 10 to 11 1. n., 1 to 4 a» m 1 to 8 p K. 116 South Genese St. : ..-- ho WAUKECGAN, ILLINOIS -- _ 3. Office Phone 122; Res. 12. MANUFACTURER -- OF DR. J. L. TAYLOR A. A. Grandy COLUMBIA 1.ODGE No. 131 MYSTIC WORKERS ACME CAMP NO. 176 F. BAIRSTOW MU. W. C A. C r dR Eie

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