CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1924, p. 5

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1 Libertyville Lumber Co. |$ EARL H. CORLETT $| W. W. Carroll & Son. INSURANGE 1< PROTEGTIION »*=s INVESTMENT There is no obligation asking information or advice I am always glad to be of service In addition to It protects you Houlihan Motor Service Dflyimmmkebdvmmu!o,wmlibu- tyville and local towns along Waukegan Road and Mil-- waukee Avenue. *~ 1208 N. Midwaukee Ave. 106 N. Franklin Street Phone 124R Phone Franklin 0328 Before Winter Comes C O A L COUNTY NATIONAL EXPRESSING AND FURNITURE MOVING Telephone 47 FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent SUCCESSORS TO WILCOX MOTOR EXPRESS THE EFFICIENT HANDLING OF YOUR ACCOUNT, THE FINAN-- CIAL SERVICE OF THIS INSTITUTION INCLUDES IN. FORMATION ON CREDITS AND ADVICE ON INVESTMENTS. Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. s . Far better to do it now. We can guar-- _ antee prompt ser-- vice? Just call 47. "The Bank of Service" See Us for Your Cordially yours, Down by the Old Depot Cashier s Mrs. Julia Lanning, of Athens, Mich | Mr. and Mrs. Andresen, of Chica came last Friday for a visit with her go were guests Supday of Miss Gyda Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morse were in Chicago Wednesday, buying goods for J. B. Morse & Co. Charles Cape, of Racine, Wis.,. was in Libertyville Monday. Mr. Caperis the contractor who paved Milwaukee Avenue. Miss Vivian Dunning, of Sfoughton, Wis., has bzeen here the past week the guest of Mrs. John Nicholas. Eldon Miller and W. F were in Waukegan Tuesday attend & meeting of the Templar. -- Mr. and Mrs. A. M.Tripp, Mrs. Mat-- tie Engiebrecht and John Ballard drove to Cicero Sunday, and spent the Charles Bach day with Mrs. Englebrecht's sister, Mrs. Jacob Barriger. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Austin went to Milwaukee Tuesday to remain several days visiting Mrs. Austin's brother, DPr. J. 1. Taylor drove to Osage, la., Tuesday, to visit his sister, Mrs. Penny, who leaves this week for Cal-- ifornia. Dr. Taylor was expected to return home today. The regular convocation of Liberty-- ville Chapter No. 272, will be held at Masonic hall next Monday night. All officers and members are requested to be presnt. Lange & Nicholas, the contractors, will build a new bungalow at Sunny-- sido and Stewart Ave. It is to be a duplicate of the one recently built by Mr. Lange on Lange Court. John McCormick returned home on Monday night from the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago, where he has been for the past month. Mr. McCor-- mick underwent two operations while at the hospital, and is now feeling much better, although not well The Kendall property on S. Milwau-- kee Ave., now in the hands of the Bartlett Realty Service, will soon be improved. The above brokers report the property will be used for business purposes, to be occupied by a hotel and theater. Triggs and Johnson are displaying in their large show window a number of cans pineapple, and will present the person a full case of pineapple who names the correct number of slices in the full number of cans. The Speckman residence at the cor-- ner of Broadway and Wright Court, has been converted© into a two--flat building, the carpenter work being in charge of Lange & Nicholas. _ Joe Wilson and Claire Smart are doing the painting. Win. J. Milier, sales manager of the Rockwell Manufatturing Co., of Mil-- waukee, was here Friday to see H. W. Robbins, who is employed as a salesman by that cowani._ This firm is one of the largest manufactures of high class mill work in this section of the country. > The new bungalow recently built by Lange & Nicholas for Richard Willer, our night policeman, on' Lange Court, has been completed, and Mr. Willer oecupied his new home last week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Boehm of Wau-- kegan, spent Sunday in Libertyville ivrlth Mr. and Mrs. Mike Boehm. The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church will hold their annual bazaar win. J.. MILiCt, S&ICS INADUECE ©} ""C i. 0 (va naws of t ho i Rockwell Manufatturing Co., of Mil.| ing the news of 'the' other brother's waukee, was here Friday to see H. Mrs. Bartlett and her son, Wil-- W. Robbins, who is employed as a | liam E. Bartlett left for Pennsylvia to lnlesm:x: Ig that company. This firm | attend that funeral~ ' s one e largest manufactures oll high class mill work in this section J. N. Bernard and his father--in--law, of the country. Herman Haunschild, and Frank Au-- _ > mann, of Chicago, returned Tuesday The new bungalow recently built by night from a hunting trip in Southern Lange & Nicholas for Richard Willer, IMinois. The scene of operations was , our night policeman, on' Lange Court, | NEar Quincy. They also visited Han-- , has been completed, and Mr. Willer nibal, Mo.. and returned by way of occupied his new home last week. |Keokuk, lowa, where the big dam, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Boehm of Wau-- across the Mississippi is located. The kegan, spent Sunday in Libertyville | 8Am® consisted mootly of rabbit and with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Boehm. 'squlrrels. and _ there seemed to be The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran plenty of room in the car at that. Jack church will hold their annual bazaar SAY3 he is not much of a hunter, and . on Wednesday, Nov. 19, at the church how was he to know the quail season parlors, commencing at 11 a. m. A |did not OPeN until Nov. 11th, the day / hot lunch will be served all day, the | of their return home? Anyway, they menu consisting of chop suey, baked | had a fine time, and he is now in fine beans, ham, chicken and cheese sand-- | ghape to dispose of a lot of Chevrolet . wiches, pie, cake pickles and coffde. _ | CArS. ' nb Local and Personal Short Ikhems of Especial interest to Libertyvilie Peeple TRY SOME OF OUR FANCY AMERICAN AMERICAN KRAFT swWIss _ _ PIMENTO KRAFT CHEESE Fancy New York Eating and Cooking CALIFORNIA FILGS NEW CROP FARD AND HALLOWI DOWNSVILLE CREAM WISCONSIN BRICK DATES APPLES Telephones 239 and 340 Fendick night to : Knights | ' Sellers & Petersen have bought the .Houuhan place of 6 acres, opposite the county farm, on Milwaukee Ave. 'Thl. tract will be subdivided, provid-- ing the board of supervisors move the 'county farm bulidings to a new loca-- tion, which is being advocated by the | citizens of Libertyville. ! Jos. Kohout réturned home Sunday 'from Joliet, where he attended an ex-- hibit of IMinois florists. He had en-- tered a number of roses and chrysan-- themums grown at his greenhouse east of Libertyville. Mr. Kohout says \this was one of the best exhibis ever 'held in the state. "W@eorge Frey of Deerfleld was in Lib | _ A bad automobile accident occurred ertyville on business Saturday. Mr. | Tuesday night on the new cement Frey says there has been a great deal ' road near the Buo Line. The Frank of building in Deerfleld the past sum--| Stafford Hupmobile was bound north, mer and the prospects are good for| with Mr. Stafford and George Sturm a real boom next spring. as passenkers and :}ordoab !'::dlck t Ford tone Bert Finstad received a letter yes m",'Ac "(:r cr'::!.x:d ylnzo the treday bearing news of the trag!t Hup, with 35 result that the Ford death last week of Earl Grondin, & was turned upside down in the ditch. boyhood friend, at Seney, Mich. Both Canar sustaingd several broken ribs the young man and a companion Were and was otherwise bruised up. He drowned while duck hunting when was brought to Libertyville where he their boat capsized. | was fixed up by Dr. Penny. Other Hereis a hunting story told by Jack g'.:::' ';;:'56 l;'v t'ilg.,uf"oxgt.wecx:'c! Bradford: He says he fired twite At ayron' gchwars, Mrs. C. Schwarz Joe a Jack snipe and missed both times. 1/ (onte, and a boy, George Hosack, He then put another shell in the €U4 a1 of 4250 No. Lamont, Chicago. They and killed the bird with the thi were also bruised up, and the Ford shot. Full details of the whole Aff@i® was a wreck. The injured wert re-- may be learned from Fred BockelMA® moyeq to thir homes in Chicago by at the barber shop. the White & Tobin ambulance, of | Lo oooA mli_hecs Lava hanvht tha w'uke"n' Hereis a hunting story told by Jack Bradford: He says he fired twice at a Jack snipe and missed both times. He then put another shell in the guu and killed the bird with the third shot. Full details of the whole affair may be learned from Fred Bockelman at the barber shop. Postmaiter E. E. Elisworth was in Evanston Wednesday night to attend f a meeting of the Postmasters' Asso-- ciation of Lake County and the North Shore. The meeting was opened with a dinner at the North Shore hotel and. Congressman ~Chindblom made the principal address. Officers were elect-- ed for the ensuing year as follows: President, P. M. Adams of Winnetka; vice president, P. M. DePew, of Zion; secretary, P. M. Ruth Hodge of Area. Charley Dyer is telling a goose story that is difficult for the crowd in Decker & Neville's drug store to be-- lieve. -- Charleys veracity has never questioned' heretofore, but then this is 2 whopper: He claims to have killed three full grown geese at 150 yards, with one shot, one day last week. At first he agreed to bring the heads in '{but now claims the cats got away with that part--of the evidence. It is 'a serious , controversy, and Charley | has a lot of talking to do to square ) himself. Harry Madiil Bartlett and mother, nfi-s. Harriet E. Bartlett, made two trips to Ohio in one week to attend the funeral of the latter's brother and sister and a sister--in--law, all dying in one week of heart failure. Upon their return home a wire awaited them stating that another brother of Mrs. Bartlett had dropped dead upon learn Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Gertrude Olen-- dorf of Libertyville and Chester Wolf of Deerfleld, the wedding taking place October 4th. Mrs. Wolf for the past nvoym"h'ub'u--flt'vduloul reporter hflw. or the Lake County Register, is well}l known and lWiked in this village. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wolt will make their home in Deer-- field, where a new hbouse is being completed for them. Thy value of real estate does not depend upon the ticker tape. 'There is a certainty and dependability about real estate that protect the investor or bome owner. Changing business conditions and market fluctuations have no effect on these safe invest-- ments. Their security is permanen' and ample; the increase in value, as time goes on is generous, averaging better than dividens from stocks and . bonds. -- Highly restricted homesites in Sunnyside Park offer unusual op-- portunities for conservative, yet pro-- fitable, investment. Come in or write, and let us show you, how you can realize large returns on your money tinvested, compared with other fneth-- ods. -- Sunnyside Park Tract Office, Milwaukee Ave., at North Shore Line, Libertyville.: Telephones: Office 469; Residence 186--M. We are open Satur-- day evenings until 9 o'clook. 46 1t SNO W'S PHONE 306 FoxTHEATRE FOX LAKE, ILL. 'A Good Show Anytime' Saturday, November 15 "BLOW YOUR OWN HORN"' . With special cast Educational and Gump Wednesday, November 19 64 Fanny Ward in -- "THE HARDEST WAY" Fox Comedy and No. 4 "Stee) Trail Telephone 29 unday, November 16 _ --' Ju'cqueline Logan in Pathe Comedy Comedies C RE PE 8 Barred, also plain fine cloth for f gift sewing. | Sewing for Sifts? PLAIN AND FANCY--MOST ALL COLORS 99 Read The lfidependent, $1.50 a year FIRST NATIONAL BANK Village of _ Libertyville 6% -- Best Knit and Everwear Hosiery These are the two leading brands of Hosiery man-- ufactured in Milwaukee. We offer you a large as-- sortment to select from and think that a:trial pair will make you a steady customer for them. MEN'S AT Special Assessment Bonds WwE OFFER FOR INVESTMENT MATURITIES 1 TO 10 YEARS DENOMINATIONS $100.00 LIBERTYVILL® _ ~AT We solicit your inquiry. LIBERTYVILLE, Hours 8 A.M. to 8 ILLJINOIH8. 25¢ to $1.00 $1,00 to $2.50 i4 t

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