CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1924, p. 8

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h4 WORK OF FORMER LOCAL RESIDENT IS PRAISED BY ' WELL KNOWN AUTHOR Dear Mr. Colby: -- For about a year I have been read-- ing the editorials in your Oil Month: 1y. I find them so lively, sound, well written, so far from the dull, the con-- wentional, half--scared expression in amost 0«' u:::u journals that I am ven-- turing _to 4 hyou where you got your uunm% ope you will not think this an'impertinence. I have been awriter myself for a great many years, have done some «dJriting on oil--possibly you have seen "The following letter was received wecently by Lester B. Colby, son of Byron Colby of Libertyville, and well known here, where he grew to man-- any book called '""The Hl;tory of the HStandard Oil Co."--and I have been an editor. 5i. Won't you tell me where you learn-- ed your trade? It is curiousity, but I hope you will think it islegitimate. Sncerely yours, IDA M. TARBELL Miss Tarbell is one of th bst known and widely known authors in the United States. She is the author of a m life of Abraham Lincoln, which is quoted 'extensively, and he history of the Standard Oil created a sensation when publishd a number of years ago. Mr. Colby is a graduate of L. T. H. 8., and started his newspaper career in the office of the Lake Stunty In-- dependent. From hre he weht to Chi-- cago, and for a number of years has been editor of a magazine devoted to the petroleum industry, published in Kansas City, Mo. That he is succeed-- interest displayed in his work by so noted an author as Ida M. Tarbell. Howdy Libertyville Battery and Electric Company mss vnmmmmmmmmmmmemm--~~ PEPONF, GQQ weccecomesmmcameseeo GIVES YOU A BETTER, LONGER LIVED CHARGE and SAVES ON RENTAL EX-- PENSE. WHY SUFFER the ANNOYANCE of POOR LIGHTS and SLUGGISH START-- ING BRING THAT WEAK BATTERY. IN TODAY. GET IT TONIGHT OR EARLY TOMORROW. \_ ONE DAY BATTERY SERVICE Eight to Twelve Hours Libertyville, --Home--made Candies A full assortment again Ihe Joda Shop Let us introduce you to our 'BUTTER CREAMS, ETC. HOME--MADE PEANUT BRITTLE HOME--MADE BLACK WALNUT FILLERS HOME--MADE PAN CARAMELS Our new chargin'g outfit recharges batteries perfectly in FRESH DELICIOUS Folks i J. A. Brand, one of Wauconda's pi-- oneer residents and one who had the distinction of having resided contin-- uousluy in Wauconda township long-- er than any other citizen, died at his home in our village Thursday morn-- ing after an iluluness of only 6 days, He passed away at 12:10 a. m., on Thursday, November 6th at the age of 14 years, 1 month and 27 days. Mr. Brand had been around as usual during the day, but during the night suffered a stroke from which he gradualuly grew weaker until on the sixth day he was called to his reward. 80 Mr. Brand was born on Sept. 10, 1850, on the bhome farm 2%4 miles west of Wauconda. He was the third of a family of five children the son oP James and Mary Brand. 'Three of his sisters preceded him to the beyond, and his eldest sister, Mrs. William Burnett, now resides at Rocqurd.' . 1 Rarch 25, 1874, he wa united in marriage with Miss Amelia Leonard, and to their union two children were born. John, the geldest, who had grown to manhood, died 21 years ago. Mrs. Edith Peck, the daughter, sur-- vives as do also three srs_ndchlldrep --John Arthur Brand, Dorothy Peck and Clyde Peck. Mrs. Brand passed away just a few years ago. . ; * Mr. Brand was an experienced farmer and spent most of his life on his farm, moving to his fine home in our village ten years ago. _ He was of a fg}a;i'al"aimoumon and had a pleasant word for all and will be greatly missed by his many friends. . -- 43 L4 imA l'su;;ra'l :é;ige;' were held at the home Friday, Nov. 7th, at 1:30 p. m., Rev. G. E. Scheider copnducting the W AUC O ND A Illinois § services. . Interment was made in the family lot in Wauconda cemetery. ~--G--+ ! James Murray, one of the oldest and most highly «respected citizens of 'Wauconda, passed away at his home Saturday morning, Nov. 1, at 3:30, at the age of 80 years. Mr. Murray had been in failing health for the past two years and gradually grew weaker un-- ;ll death Called him to his eternal ome. To 'their union six children were born, but only two survive--Miss Net-- tie A. Murray, who is a teacher in the |Chicago schools, but who was acom-- panion to him at week ends and dur-- [|Ang her vacations; Frank, who is 'married, resides in Colorado, where ' employed by one of the large 'ofl corporations, hblding one of the 'important fleld posmonl.' i s 'yeur;.. 'fi; 1'1'@;"&7 school director for 12 years and school treasurer .of Wau-- ! conda township for five years. M.;. Murray was born on his fath-- er's f&rm in Fremont township, where he grew to manhood. He attended the local district school and later the Wauconda Academy, After complet-- ing his course, he took up the profes-- ston of school teaching, which he fol-- lowed for two terins, but spent the greater part of his life engaged in ag-- ricultural pursuits On attaining his majority he was joined in wedlock with Miss Mary Rafter, who passed to her eternal home 12 years ago. l Funeral services were he'd Tuesday Nov. 4, at 10 a. m., from Transfigura-- ltlon church, the Kev. Father Gahagan reading the funeral mass and deliver-- ling' a sermon full of consolation for the bereaved family. Interment was made in the family lot in the Catholic cemetery, beside his good wife and father and mother, who had preceded him to his heavenly home. ooo e eR e on P CaT 1 Mr. Murray was one of Wauconda's progressive citizens and was a mem-- ber of the village board for geverar gn the reorganization of teh Wau-- Trust & Savings Bank he was unani-- mously elected president, which posi-- tion he held until two years ago, when on account of failing health, he re-- signed, much to the regret of all the bank officials, who tendered him a vote of thanks for his efficient seryv-- ices. and passed a resolution express-- ing their high esteem and confidencé reposed in him. 1 C cag ut car2 a N EVC OTTmT ARCCCC Mr. Murray was a devout Catholic, being a member of Wauconda Trans-- figuration parish all his life, and one of the church trustees for many years. to do his part in every enterprise-- modest and unassuming, and not a harsh word for anyone. _ ?TI;.M;Ti\ddi'riy Wauconda loses one who could always be depegded upon Besides his Gaughter and son, he leaves to mourn his loss one sister, Rafter, who made her home with him and gave him tender care during his i'iness:; Andrew V. Murray, the only surviving brother, resides in Chicago. iWe extend our 'sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. ADJUDICATION NOTIGE _ * | mtusmumtosstoomenusmsatecmenmememmctecaeceme Public notice is hereby given that -- the Subscriber,4Executor of the Last FARMS FOR RENT Will and 'Testament ofDaniel A. Mad-- ~------------==mtmtamaghommmenme den, deceased, will attend the Probate FOR RENT--3850 acre farm on 0";'.} Court of Lake County, at a term there.| Bay Road, near Lake Bluff, at $5. of to be holden at the Court House in ' PC" acre. .Inquire John Griffith, Lake Waukegan, in said County, o:" the first P Forest, II1. 46--2t 'OM.' of J.n"r' next, 1 ,'m . FOR RENT--160 acre "m 1% miles and iborn EN Parevos Navia® dl40M4 | from Libertyvilie. Paul MacGuffin. requested to preent thesame to said __._________._____.______."" Court for adjudication. FOR RENT--A 190 acre farm near FRANK C. RCSEB, ERxecutor. Long Grovea. Apply to G. H. Ander-- MILLBURN FEIRE INSURANCE ASSESSMENT NOTICE 4 The directors of the Millburn Mu-- tual Insurance Co. have levied an as-- sessment of Three Dollars (3.00) per thousand, to cover the osses of 1924, amounting to $19,354.65. _ Amount of said assessment will be mailed to members by the Secretary within thirty days. J. 8. DENMAN, _ Carried In Stock and for Sale By J. C. JEPSON, _ ANTIOCH, ILL. Waukegan, I!1., Nov. 8, 1924. R. B. Godfrey Lake Villa, HI1., Nov. 1, 1924. 46 2t The Quality Store _ Grayslake, lilinois Special 20%discount on all Millinery LEGAL NOTICES #5--nor 8 131 20 New Mexion e mailed to . 2 miles west of Palatine, offers 6 ary within young pure bred bulls, sons of Imp. NMAN, , , Bapton Burglar, a Dean Willis Bbull, Secretary. all over 6 months old and well on GUARANTEED HOSIERY--Samples, your size, free to agents. Write for proposition paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free.. Quick sales, repeat ordez. International Stocking Mills, 3407 Norristown, Pa. 44-- LARGE FRATERNAL ORGANIZA-- tion is in search of a man to OrEAD--! juicy hams and bacon. Call Palatine ize and Institute branch lodges in Lib | 12R1, 2 milés east of Palatine. ertyville. Must be financially re-pon-l._____...__.___.fl?__'.f_'_t sible. Previous experience in ~this |FOR SALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie work desired, but not necessary. Lu-- puppies. Bergeron Stock Farm, on crative, dignifted and steady work f0r Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Liber-- one who is a real mixer, and who is tyyille, Phone 678 J 2. A45 tt capable of bringing peOPI@ LO&@LRET, ._.__Lll l l en nnvcuco ic i l mm mm e Address Mr. Byrne, 58 W. Washing-- FOR SALE--Pure Bred Pekin Ducks, ton, St., Chicago, I!1. 46--1t° Brooklawn strain. _ Heavy layers. en m omm ommn mm tm omm mm mm lum birds, 8 to 9 Ibs. W. E. La-- man miy m Maal/a+ and Arnanarg huns-- | Ma adalaina Dhana £OK U 1 Ad 9+ FOR SALE--Market and Grocery bus-- | Magdeleine. Phone 625--W--1. 46 2t a 'l;x'e;;{ live town, best location. Ad-- dress D. C. H., Box H., Arlington Heights, IIl. 45 2t LOST--Yellow Angora kitten. Finder _ please notify a little girl who miss-- es her kitty. Reward given. Betty Gridley. Phone 157--R. 46--1t FOP. -- SALE--Mahogany grandfather clock, perfect condition; several sweaters; black beaded crepe, blue satin; grey cape, satin; blue cloth dresses; brown jacquette, 36, 38, 40; four pairs of shoes,. sizes 6%4 AA; several hats; child's coat and jersey dress, 6; baby play yard, scale. 'I'e_l- _ from foul seed. Henry Atwell Villa, IIL. Phone 36.° FOR SALE, PLAYER PIANO--Bar-- gain to party ccmpleting $10 month-- ly payments onrba}_np__cg_of _3309.40 due ephone Waukegan 960. FOR SALE--200 bu. choice rye, free FOR SALE--One large hot blast heat e:, like new; also 1 large kitchen' range with 5--gal water tank on side, and large warming pan oven; used very little. Phone Gurnee 10-1,1.' grain. $50 and up. Very promising | types; good lines and flesh. 45 2t IPOR SALE--418 acre farm near GHl-- mer; good land and buildings. Only $130 per acre. @Bellers & Petersen, 451 Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. on Wm. Mo'ton's $900.00 player plano. This is a chance of a lifetime. Ad:-- dress your reply to George L. Danner, 212 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.'_ FOR RENT--The Petersen house on corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Petersen Road, with about one acre of ground. ~ $25.00 per month. See Selers & Petersen, 451 Milwaukee Ave., Libeftyville. 46--tf JOR SALE--Seven room bxflck house, FOR SALE--Modern bungalow on & corner in south part of Libertyville. $3,000 cash. Bartlett Realty Service. Telephone 442--M. 40--tt FPOR RENT--A 190 acre farm near Long Grove. Apply to G. H. Ander-- man, 120 N. 'High 8t., Albuquerque, FOR SALE--Seldon Shorthorn Farm, -- with all modern conveniences; lo-- cated in one o f the most desirable residence districts of Libertyville. A bargain to some one who acts quick. Chas. Johnson, Libertyville, IIl. FOR RENT--Garage at 312 Maple ave. Mike Boehm. Phone $01J _ 45 tf modern except soft wood floors; fur-- nace heat; possession next week. In-- quire Sunnyside Park Tract Office. Phones: Office 469; Res. 186--M. U FOP. RENT--A good house or flat, all modern improvements; garage; a good location in Libertyville Good train service. Inquire at the Independ-- ent office. 46--3t FOR RENT--7 room flat, 2nd floor, new house, hard wo6od floors, hot water heat furnished. $80.00; with grrage, -- $85.00. _ Inquire Bunnyside Park Tract POffice. Phones: Office, 469; residence 186--M. 46--tf FOR RENT--8 room house on corner; FOR RENT--S5 room house, good fur-- nace, barn and chicken house; from Nov. 1 to May 31. Near Ivanhoe. $8.00 per month. Phone Libertyville 230--W. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Classified Advertisements AGENTS WANTED HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE TELEPHONE NO. i ". ' , Lake T6--1t 46--1t 46--1t 46--3t 46--1t BLOCK FROM ELECTRIC sTATiON 50x 150, o'#v $800. SEWER AND WATER IN AND PAID FOR. BEST BUY IN TOWN. ; LOT IN OSBORN FOR SALE--Extra fine bacon Hampshire hogs, ready to butcher, from 300 to 350 pounds each, in extra good condition; are corn fed; tender, juicy hams and bacon,. Call Palatine 12R1, 2 mileés east of Palatine:. 45 2t FOR SALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie pupplies. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Liber-- tyville. Phone 678 J 2. 45 t FOR SALE--Hens and Pullets. Green-- brier Farm. Phone Libertyville w brier Farm. Telephone (Liberty-- ville 607--R1. 46--2t FOR SALE--Two teasr}n--\gnd harness. Call Saturday and Sunday at the De Vaul ®Parm FOR CARS REPAINTeD, reasonable. FOR SALE--1% ton Chevrolet truck, _ body 5% by 10 ft..... 1923 engine; pneumatic tires. $32%5. See A. Niles, at the race track, Libertyville.: _ 44--3t FOR SALE--Gray touring car; good condition; price reasonable. Call phone 139--J. 43--tf FOR SALE--1924 LIGHT SX STUDE BAKER TOURING CAR. BRAND NEW. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE, $850.00. REASONABLE TERMS TO RIGHT PERSON.-- -- BEST --BUY OF THE YEAR. CALL AT LIBERTY-- VILLE GARAGE. 39.--tf WE HAVE FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT Quick service. W. Baird Bensley, Rockland Road, first house east of the Rive:, Libertyville, IIl. 44--t4t FROM $3,000 UP, TO LOAN ON LAKE COUNTY FARMS. INTEREsT 5% PER ANNUM. ~REASONABLE commission AND ATTRACTIVE PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES. R. B. DIXON, GURNEE, ICL. 4611 MONEY TO LOAN--We bave a con sid. rable amount of specia! funds (to loan on improved farm or city prop erty. We invite your ingquiry. First Natio..a} Bank, Libertyville 10-- _ _dental go'!d, platinum and discarded jewelry. + Hoke Smelting & Refining Co., Ostego, Michigan. 46tft CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH, CHIMNEY REPAIRING -- You had better look at your chimneys aud see if they need repairing. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Frank A. Huber, Phone 68. 44--tf AVCTION SALE Having decided to quit farming, I will, sell at public sale on the prem-- ises known as the Ed Posson farm, 3% miles south of Wauconda, on Rand Road, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924, at 10 a. m., the following: 33 Choice Holstein Cows, .milkers and springers, and 2 bulls. A large line of farming tools in good shape. FBED AND GRAIN--1000 bu. of oats, 30 tons of hay in barn, 135 tons of silage, corn in crib. Lunch at noon. Uusal tertnB. AUVCTION SALE > Will sell at public auction on the George Anderman farm, 2 miles west of Long Grove, on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1924, at 10 a..m. sharp, the following: 48 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK--22 head of Cattle: Milkers and Springers. 8 Good Horses--Team of brown fporses, team of grays, black horse, black mare, bay horse, sorrel horse. 18 Hogs, Fordson Tractor and Oliver gang plow. A full line of farming tools. 35 acres corn in shock, 25 tons baled timothy hay, 250 bu. barley, 150 bu. oats, 100 bu. wheat. Lunch at noon. LEWIS J. KNIGGE, Prop AUG. FROELICH, Auctioneer. , GEO. C. DOBBINS, Prop AUG. FROELICH, Auctioneer. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE_ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SELLERS & PETERSEN. MONEY TO LOAN ... REAL ESTATE PHONE 463 --W Chandler Car For Sale | This car is a RARE BARGAIN for someone who wants a GOOD CAR for a little money. Investigate this! ADDITION 1 12 41--6t . J. LYONS AUG FROELICE FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phone 41 Lake Zurich, Hlinois. WINTER POTATOES Pure Bred Holstein Freisian Cattle AUTOMOBILE PAINTING 20 ACRE CHICKEN FARM CARL E. RUDOLHP Prop. Phone LAKE FOREST 1485 ROCKLAND ROAD. 531 Milwaukee Ave. on «ood road mear Libertyville, $7,000. T to suit. Brick Bungalow in choice Jm of L&utyvl::v-g five rooms and u:'rrlu ot water--heat. Large shady lot. $5,000 cash. Will handle balance. | FOR RENT GOOD KEEPERS. $1.00 PER BUSHEL. WILL DELIVER. TELEPHONE 604--R--2. THREE COWS, 2 BULL CALVES READY FOR SERVICE, | 6 MONTH OLD BULL, 1 MATURE BULL FOR SALE. -- Reasonable Prices. Workmanship and materials Guaranteed. Formerly with Cadillac Motor Car Co. First House East of River. _ _ Bartlett Realty Service $400 W. BAIRD BENSLEY WILL: CONSIDER CASH RENTAL ONLY. OWNER IS LOOKING FOR TRUSTWORTHY, HARDWORK-- ING AND THOROUGHLY FXPERL ENCED TENANT. f HERD FULLY ACCREDITED OLD MILL FARM D. HEUVELKAMP 120 ACRES EAST OF TOWN STRICTLY MODERN HOME GROWN A DDRE 38 B OX 120 INDEPENDENT ve. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Phones 442--M--445--M HIGH GRADE LIBERTYVILLE, ILL®* LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.

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