CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1924, p. 21

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they have been over run by hunt-- ers in that section of the county and Kruger was called in to "clean ap" the situation. -- 4 In one 'day, Bunday, he did that Uittale thing, and as a result 16 amen have been arrested and are awaiting trial. They are all chrged with trespesing but two. These two men are charged with trespassing and shooting Hungarian pheasants, 16 HUNTERS ARE: ARRESTED BY i DEPUTY SUNDAY a bird upou which there has not been a season in five years. Waliter "Tessman and Percy Magness, both Oof Chicago, face these two charges. "Their case has been continued a week. _ 'Deputy Kruger of Prairie View, has become the ido! of the farmers in that vicinity overnight. For weeks Deputy er "Cleans Up" Situafimwflo Prairie View Farmers. * Joseph Hess, Elgin. Irwin Krueger, Elgin. L. Hubirck, Chicago. Ray Hammel, Des Plaines. © Wilbur Hammel, Des Plaines, Harry Jucks, Des <Plaines. "Thomas aKdlec, Chicago. Harry Linden, Chicago. Garfield Lindberg, Chicago. Charles A. McKinley, Chicago. Herman Trost, Arlington Heights Christ Trost, Arlington Heights. Herbert Helfers, Arlington eHights All the cases are to be heard be fore Justice Harry Hoyt. Thanksgiving matinee at three thir-- ty at Auditorium showing Jackie Coogan in "Little Robinson Crusoe." Mre. E. S. Krueger spent the week end with her daughter and other rela-- tives in Chicago. She returned by way Of Libehtyville and spent Monday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Henry "Wehrenberger, 6r. Mrs. Elmer Stahl and little son, Wesley Earl, returned from the hos-- pital at Wheeling Saturday and is stay ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stahl _ 'Mr. andMrs. Lioyd Ritzenthaler are the proud parents of a baby boy, born SBunday, Nov. 16. y Hs w o d oRradanc d Hresms! o o w t 0 C Mrs. Ulrich and daughter and hus-- band of Chicago motored out to visit Mrs. Dyer Friday afternoon, and re-- mained for the bazaar and supper in the evening. °. _ L o a Alice Bunton and friend were call-- here Monday afternoon. Iln Amann, who has been taking re of Mrs. Schiey, returned Monday toherhunelnuu.sndvmluvem Those charged with trespassing FoxT HEATRE FOX LAKE, ILL 'A Good Show Anytime' Colleen Muore in "THE PERFECT® FLAPPER" The Quality Store Grayslake, Hilin Special PRAIRJIE V IEW 20%discount hursday, Friay, Saturday _ Nov. 27. 28, 29 "THE HUNCHBACK OF --NOTRE DAME" With Lon Chaney DON'T MISS THIS ONE ! Prices, 20c--50¢c _ Franklin Farnum in "BORDER INTRIGUE" on all -- Millinery Wednesday, Nov. 26 . B. Godfrey With All--Star Cast Educational Comedy _ : No. 5 "Steel Trail" Sunday, Nov. 23 Pathe Comedy , Nov. 22 the near future for 'Texas for a visit. Another nurse has been obtained from Libertyville. Mr and Mrs. Charles Sturm enter-- talned company from Chicago over the week and. mA l kota, and remembered his friends by w some fine ducks le visitors Baturday night from here were Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mason and mother and Mrs. William Cruickshank and Mrs. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Devereau and Miss E. J. Moline of Chicago, also Mr and Mrs. Glen See of Charlevoix, Mich., called on the 1. L. Maether fmily Bunday afternoon. Mrs. C. T. Mason and son Ted and Miss Helfer of Libertyville spent Sun-- day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuley and family. i M--~ ' G. Maether and Percy visit-- ed V Sauer and daughters at Long Grove SBunday. n . 83 Mr. Steits of Freeport made a busi-- ness trip here Tuesday. _ _ Ted Mason Was--a Chicago business caller Tuesday. . Our supervisor, A. G. Maether, is a | very busy man at present He can be seen only early in the morning--ya' cloud of dust flying, and he--is out of sight geiting the right of way for the Lake Zurich--Half Day road, which has ; been about secured. The only ones | left are east of Half Day, and they are | expected to fall into line soon. * 4J 'The most exciting fox hunt of the season was last SunJay near Evérett. There were thirty Lorses and riders, and.a large number of auto loads parked along the road side to watch the horses jump the fences. --_ The bazaar and supper given by the Ladies Aid Society Friday night was a grand success, both financially and socially. . Much credit is due. Harry Tins, who auctioned off the many use ful and pretty articles; also some fine pies and rolls. The exact amount re-- alized is not known, but it is close to $200. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Lynch spent Sunday with the former's daughter at Forest Park. & +. William Kiepper hauled a load of feed for his father's horses Tuesday. Ennus Ladd, who is employed at the Frank Wélls home, is on the sick list at present. We hope for his speedy recovery. . -- Mrs. Anna Vaughn of Everett called on Mrs. C T. Mason Sathirday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knedler reached . home Monday, the trip being made in | five days. it was a very fine trip, and | only a little snow to bocher them. } Mrs. H. H Holtie is satying with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ritzenthaler at present wWHEN YOU HAVE THE NEXT AUC-- tion sale, either farm or household goodd, telephone or write William G. Schreiner, McHenry, I!L Phone 93--R. 70 70 Another big saving _ on dry cleaning' LAUNDERERS, CLEANERS AND DYERS . -- Phone Libertyville 67--R. Libertyville and Highland Park RELIABLE LAUNDRY Walworth County Holstein Breeders' Fall Sale Beginning Nov. 24 and ending Nov. 29, we will clean and Press LADIES' DRESSES for You will save from 50¢ to $1.00 on each dress and the workmanship will be perfect, as it will be cleaned by our continuous clarifying process----(absolutely WhiteNaptha passing continuously through the gar-- ment during the cleaning process) and pressed by expert pressers. Servic Ben Bachhuber, Sec'y., Elkhorn, Walworth Co., Wis Phone Libertyville 67--R, drop us a card or give to our driver when he calls for your laundry work. Very fancy or fine pleated dresses will be 50c extra. *1 39tf | Henry Arndt was found guillty of 'sn attack upon Evelyn Preder, 13 year old North Chicago girl, by |a jury in the circuit court late 'Monday and they fixed the punish-- ment at one year in the reformatory 'ut Pontiac. . ' j The girl, who is a daughter of ; Mres. Mae Preder, a widow,: told on the stand that Arndt took her auto riding and later to a grove on Greenfleld avenue, where be at-- . tacked her. GIVEN YEAR IN PRISON BY JURY Preder claimed that the girl did not resist his advances. Thanksgiving matinee at three thir-- ty at Auditorium showing Jackie Coogan in "Little Robinson Crusoe." North Chica?o Young -- Man| Convicted of Charge of At-- ' tacking Girl, Aged 13. Arndt was taken into custody at Marshfield, Wis.,. and brought back at the request of North Chicago police. -- %4 % %4 % % % % * % 4 4 4 4 % 4 % 4 % D EERFIEL D * Mrs. Ross: Sherman entertained a company of little folks in honor of her daughter, Edith, being the seventh an-- niversary of the latter's birth. _' Mrs. Minta Childs of Boscobell, Wis. is vigmns ber aunt, Mrs. L. C Hole. The Just So club was entertained Tuesday by Mrs..Arnold Keller. _ Mrs. Anna Sherman spent the week end with her son, Clarence Sherman, and family in Chicago. _ _ _ Charles A. Parson, who has been spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. E B, Jordan, has been confined to the house for the past two weeks. ¥4 %4 4 %4 %4 % 4 % 4 4 % 4 % % * % 4 John Hoffman of Peoria, has moved his family into the John E. Woodman home. The Woodman family has gone to Dunedin, Florida. _ _ 'The Wednesday bridge club was en-- tertained by Miss Cora Ender Wed-- nesday of last week. _ _ _ > 0 -- _Mrs. Ed Selig entertained twelve ladies at luncheon Saturday. The out of town guests were Mrs. Corey and Miss Kelley of Chicago, Mrs Kingdor and Mrs. Hill of Lombard. ol --i;-}--eivofievd thal the Easton farm of 102 acres has been sold to Evanston people. > m =rl xo4 2 Clitlhcé un The Presbyterian Women's Club hold their next regular meeting Mon-- day evening, Nov. 24th. The business meeting will begin promptly at 7:45, followed by a lecture on India by Mrs. Millican, a returned missionary LDRTYALE DNDEPDDRDIN,. THRDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924. --70 70 Mrs. Emil Frederick entertained eral friends Friday evening in honor of husband's birthday. .-- « all are requested to remain for lunch eon and a social time. James Grogan of Chicago was the ;&mudmtollr.nduu Brues laine. Robert A. Brown died Monday aft: ernson at the Highland Park hospital, after a long iliness The funeral was held this (Thursday) a'lernoon. _ The ladies of the Evazgelical bur-- galow church held a very success'ul bazaar Thursday eveniag. C Mrs. Mary Koeblin was teh guest of | Mr. and Mrs. John Schminke at Wheel ' ing Thursday. | Rev. Mark Andrews of Eperiam, Wis., has accepted the call to tho; Presbyterian church and will move his family into the manse the first of the Mrs. Peter Peterson, who has been at the Highland Park hospital for two weeks is doing as nicely as can be Thursday the Dorcas Society will meet at the church at 9:30 and sew until 2 o'clock, when they will retire to the assembly room, where Mrs. Fred Haggie will have charge of the missionary meeting. Mrs. Richard Bricknel of Lake For-- | est was the guest of ner sister, Mrs. E. P. Osterman, Wednesday. 4 4 % % % % % % % * # % % % % % % * FREMONT CENTER * 4 % 4 4 % % % % % 4 %# % % % 4 % * Frank Behm of Waukegan spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Fred Deinlein. W Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus, Del Smith and Harry Litwiler of Round Lake were callers at the Willow Farm Friday. Henry Hapke gave his wife a sur-- prise party at their home Thursday evening in honor of her 37th birthday. A large erowd of friends and relatives were present and the evening was en-- joyed by all. A fine lunch was served at midnight, after which the guests de-- parted, wishing Mrs. Hapke many such happy retutns of the day. j The annual dance and chicken sup-- per will be given by St. Mary's parish at the Ivanhoe M. W. A. hall Tuesday most cordially invited To attend. 1 < NORTH SHORE > tility Securities Compan 92 Wt.yAdmst., Chhg?)."lll Withont obligating me, please send Map and Miustrated Folder on the North Shore Lins and information about the 7% inveswnent oppormmity now offered. Mail This Coupon '"'The possession of a car involves ' more than ordinary physical danger," {lt continued. "A half dozen students 'crowd into a machine intended for ]two or three. There is excitement, fast driving, and frequent serious a¢ cidents. There is moral danger in the car. Whatever drinking and stealing, Itm.l other digressions which exist 'iamong college students, is largely in | connection with an automobile." ui6 i Urlnmu.i IIL, Nov., 14.--Student| owned aut lles will --come nndotl parental taboo if a request of Thomas | Arkle Clark, dean of men of the Uni-- vrsity of lllinois, is followed. Dean Clark, in a letter to parents of stu dents, pointed out the increase in the number of automobiles used by stu-- dents and declaring them a moral, physical and scholastic danger. . "The automobile is a waster of time and money," the letter said. "It en-- courages loafing and the taking of un-- necessary trips out of town to the ne glact of the students' regular work. Detan Clark ll!'equeghc Pt:.nts 0 se of Cars to ngznts at Univ. HJINOIS STUDENTS WARNED AGAINST -- HAVINGAUTOS FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has hbeen a world-- wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, tumbeago and uric acid conditions. correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gocn MepaL. gouw ME HAARLEM CIL Start Your Dollars _ Working on . North Shore Trains . your spare dollars in North | Shore Line Shares, where they can work full time at full pay,earning 7% dividends for you. Enjoy a steady, extra income from the service of our trains. The North Shore carries 16,000,000 passengers yearly. Business is rapidly by this progress. . Invest in the new limited issue of our 7% Cumulative Prior Lien Shares -- $100 each, cash or payments of $10 down and $10 monthly per share; 7% interest allowed on payments. | Over 3,500 thrifty people have invested in these shares. Ask any employe or send the coupon for illustrated foldet and large map of the North Shore '~ M North Shore and Milm Railroad Company 12 West Adams Street, Chicago Lifting . Yourself Outl\ of the Renter's Class | \. W. F. FRANZEN, That is what you will do when you buy or build Your M Home. There is no use trying to be contented with unfavor-- able conditions. e ptanXy . K. C Secure an ideal enviroment for your family----and ; wtxe a Home that is your own. We'll be glad to show ou the way ; -- without any obligation on your part. _ _ _ . _ _ _ Here is your way to profit TELEPHONE 50 ic3 Who ¥a ¥. #3* Y y3 K C

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