CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1924, p. 22

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ie T\ | LEAVES ESTATE o TOHs WiDow $150,000 is Amount of Per-- mn for' probate of the wili of C. Tewes, proprietor of ice companies in Waukegan, Milwauk «ind Chicago, wak filed Thursday by It was reported that the wili Jeaves the entire estate to his wid «w, at 323 North Sheridan road. Hearing to prove the will was wet for Dec. 8 by Judge Martin C. Decker in the probate court Thurs-- «jlay afternoon. According ~to the petition _ Mr. "Pewes' estate consists of $150,000, Lhalf of which=is listed as real estate mnd the ~remainder 'personal prop-- _ Mr. Tewes was widely known for this activities as a turfman and wwner of fine track horses. «estate. . _Other matters in probate court were acted upon as follows: -- John Celesnik, minor--Letters of #guardianship issued to Anton Ceiles nik, fltbi: of minor. Guardian au-- thorized settle claim for injuries w : +4 S:tn%'.'."é'h?&"; Es FANCY WORK MRS FLORA EGER Clarke, attorney for® the Stamped Goods Embroidery Thread BUY NOW FOR Home--made -- Candies -- -- BUTTER CREAMS, ETC. ~ HOME--MADE PEANUT BRITTLE HOME--MADE BLACK WALNUT FILLERS HOUOME--MADE PAN CARAMELS A full assortment again P Ihke Soda Skop JEWETT DeLuxe Car for Sale Here is the BEST buy in the county--Balloon Tires, five of them--Disc Steel Wheels--Bumpers, front and rear----Automatic Wind Shield Wipes--Trun', Trunk Rack and Carriee--Bar Motometer--Stop Light; in fact everything complete °s % Car only six months old--run 3,000 miles. Cost $1,500 new. Can be bought very fgasonable on cash or term basis. $SPECIAL--I will furnish and install, at actual cost, a Bird--Sykes All Class, Full Vision Winter Enclosure to the person buying this car. Don't pass this up if you want a car this year or next Spring. Telephone 243 W. C. Triggs Shoe Store FRESH _ DELICIOUS --GIFTS port of distribution approved. . Es-- wmte closed. Petition for sale of real estate withdrawn. William Lazsco, insane, Antioch Conservator authorized to make set: tlement of indebtedness of Otto Bchubert for $2866.42. Josephine M. Legnard, Waukegan ----Sale of personal property author-- _ Charles Koch, 'w;dxonn'--'qis ing on all pending petitions and mo-- tions continued to November 20. '~William:© Henry Gaffuey,, minor ,-- Account and report approved. Guar-- dian authorized to #gell Liberty bonds -- Chatles C. Cale, Lake Villa »---- Hearing on Final report continued to Nov. 20. / Ts t Snss o0 'The dedic¢ation services which were held Sunday in the Gurnee church newly moved into the village of Gur-- nee, proved to be a great success and points to a very successful career for the church in fhe new location and with the new improvements as about 2*% attended both of the Sunday services and the offering amounted to approximately $1.200. Eighteen new members were taken into the church. : Andrew Johnson, Highwood-- in ventory . approved. _ l *le Harold W. Wheelock et al. minors --Jnventory approved. _ . George F. Lenfesty Highland Park --Petition for probate of will 'and letters testamentary filed and set for hearing December 8, 1924. R. J. LYONS JABERTYVILLE, ILL--AREA, IWL Residence Phone 463--W OPEN VERDICT IN . ~-- RAILROAD DEATH Joseph Fathergill, 42, who was struck .by a northbound express on the North Shore line at 14th street Sunday, and who died Thursday at the Victory Memorial hospital, came Foster McClellan of Belvidere, who was stabbed during a card game held in the back room of a Liberty-- Wednesgsday last week, was removed to the Alice Home hospital, Lake Forest, Thursday at the orders of PDr. M. J. Penney. McClellian had been taken to A rooming house after the stabbing. Dr. Penney stated that he> would pot receive the proper care there so he ordered the young man laken to Lake Forest. $ to hig death from injuries received by this collision, according to the verdict returned by the coroner's jury today at the White and Tobin undertaking rooms. Deputy Coroner M.~J.. Penney of Libertyville was in 'charge . The motorman, c.onduoe tor and one witness who was a! the station, John Docis, testified that the man hbad. come from the west and crossed in front of the ex-- press. The body will be accompan-- led to lowa where the funeral serv-- ices and burial will be held. The cut is deep and runs near the juigular vein. A muscle and a numbe; of minor blood vesse's were severed by the blade. Among the Chicago visitors Tues-- day were Mrs. Fred Wendelkin, 8. L. Carfield and R. B. Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pester of Lake Forest were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Pester's brother, Joé. J. W. Schlosser was in C go on business Monday. . p Mrs. Dr Struthers spent the first of the week with Chicago relatives. _ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pester and daugh-- ters spent Sunday at the home pf Mrs. Pester's parents in Libertyville. Work has been started on sewer and water systems in Burr Oak subdivision north of town. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924. ___~~~ R. B. Godfrey, Kenneth McNamara and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murrie of Lake Vil'a visited the Eastern Star home at Rockford SBunday. -- died suddenlty at her home negr Fourth Lake. An inquest by Deputy Coroner Penny developed that organic heart disease was the cause of death, _--Harry Geary and a Mr. Nelson havya®# opened_ an auto sales garage in the . Edwards building. MAN TAKEN TO HOSPITAL shire Ewes; 5 head of pure b@ Duroc Shoats; 1 pure.bred Mare 8 years old, weight 1450; ight 1350; 1 gray Mare 13 y 5 feet of Silage, 200 bushels _ Silo Filler, in good order; 1 lare 8 years old, weight 1450;] Park Tract Office. Phones: Office. mght |350; 1 gray Mare 13 y 469; residence 186--M. & 46--tf § 'of Silage . __| FOR RENT--8 room house on corner; f'dl:l z" W modern except soft wood floors; fur-- SIIO lfler in 800d order : nace heat; possession next week. In-- larrow .ly -- 1 D i *iquire Sunnyside Park Tract Office. , nearly new; 1 Disc Harro Phones: Office 469; Res. 186M. _ if ts TB McCormick Mower with extr@ si caoys gary ank (with oil); -- Three--Section . modern i Case); 1 Set Double Harness; f,';",'," ,':,c.:féj ther small articles. s ent office. s. John GRABBE, Aucti GRAYSLAKE ASHIT USUAL TER GUARANTEED HOSIERY--Samples, your size, free to agents. Write for proposition paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.60 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick sales, repeat orders. International Stocking Mills, 8407' Norristown, Pa. 44--tt FOR SALE--At--a bargain, heavy Mel ton ulster, size 40; quilted lining,| VILLE GARAGE. s9.¢f black dogskin collar, practically new. _.T__.__..___--______. Just the coat for a farmer or truck| FOR SALE--Gray touring car; good driver. May be seen at Carlson's I condition; price reasonable. Call store. Address Box 295, Libertyville.'Phone 139--J, R 48-- n . FPOR CARS REPAINTeD, reasonable. FOR SALE--Two separators, both| _ Quick service. W. Baird Bensley, . motor driven; one De Lavel as good as new. Albert Gould, Lake Forest, HL Telephone 701. 47--2t FOR SALE, PLAYER PIANO--Bar-- FOR SALE--Househo'd goods. Entire mrflilhlnn of a 7 room home; will sacrifice at private sale; grand piano included. All in good condition, E. Hertel, Walf Day, I!1. Phone.--T63--W--1. ' ~A4T--t gain to party completing $10 month-- Ivy payments on balance of $309.40 due on Wm. Mo'ton's $900.00 player plano. This is a chance of a lifetime. Ad-- dress your reply to George L. Danner, 212 93. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IIl. 0G LOST--German police; answers --to name "Cas$." Male; black and tan. Liberal reward for return or in-- formation. Phone Desplaines 255 1t FOR RENT--The Petersen house on corner of Milwaukee Avenue® and Petersen Road, with about one acre of ground. $25.00 per month. See Selers & ketersen, 451 Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. LWOR SALE--Seven room brick house, with all modern conveniences; lo-- cated in one o f the most desirable residence districts of Libertyville. ~A bargain to some one who acts quick. Chag. Johnson, Libertyville, IIl. j FOR RENT--7 room--flat, 2nd floor, new hLhouse, hard wood floors, hot water heat furnished. $80.00; with garage, $85.00. Inquire Sunnyside Park Tract Office. Phones: Office, 469; residence 186--M. [ 46--tf FOR RENT--A good house or flat, all modérn improvements; garage; .A good location in LiBbertyville. . Good train service. Inquire at the Independ-- ent office. * 46--3t FOR RENT--5 room house, good fur-- nace, barn and chicken house; from Nov. 1 to May 31. Near Ivanhoe. $8.00 per month. Phone Libertyville 230--W. 44--tt FOR RENT--Garage at 312 Maple ave. Mike Boehm. Phone $01J 45 tt corn, alfaifa and grain land; good set of buildings; possession at once. Known as the Weiskopf farm, one--half mile south of Diamond Lake. See Sel-- lers & Petersen, 551 Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. Phone 451. 47 tt FOR RENT--350 acre farm on Green Bay Road, near Lake Bluff, at $5.00 per acre. Inquire John Griffith, Lake Forest, Jll. . 46--2t ««h ces cmaedanmeciecuangpteaatenanen tm in amanaemiicwutien FOR RENT--160 acre farm, 1%%4 miles from Libertyville. Paul lhoOnf;l_n. 45--2t geese; prite winners and good breeders. -- Your chance to get some good ones cheap. Gordon Ray, Area 600--R--2. 47 1t FARM FOR RENT--157 acres A No. 1 FOR SALE -- Three old Toulouse to freshen by December ist. My herd has passed two clean tests for T. B. Gordon Ray, Area 600--R2. _ 1t FOR SALER--Pure bred Scotch Collie pupples Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Liber-- tyville. Phone 678 J 2. -- 46 it chickens; will deliver. J. Suydam, J.:., Libertyville. Phone 319--J ... 47 It FOR SALE--Two Holstein cows, due FOR SALBE--Hensa and Pullats. Green-- brier ,Farm. Phone Libartyville w ville 607--R1. FO%, SALE--Iive or dressed sapring POR SALB--Purs Bred Pekin Ducks, Brooklawn strain. _ Heavy Aayors, Large birds, 8 to 9 Ibs W. B. La-- Magdeleine. Phone 625--W--1. 46 2t Long Grove. Apply to G. H. Ander-- man, 120 N. High St., Albuquerque, New Mexico. 4441 FOR RENT--A 190 acre farm near Classified Advertisements AGENTS WANTED | POSITIONS WANTED HOUSES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT FOR SALE TELEPHONE NO. 1 46-- 3t 46--if YOUNG MAN WANTS PERMANENT FOR lALt-- LIGHT SIX STVDE l'(ll m:%cn. BRAND NEW. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE, $850.00. REASONABLE TERMS To RIGHT--~PERSON. BESsT BUY OF THE YEAR. CALL AT LIBERTY: VILLE GARAGE. 89.--+f place on dairy or general farm. M. K. care E. Schafed, Box 446, Lake Forest, IIL * WE HAVE FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT FROM $3,000 UP, TO LOAN ON LAKE COUNTY FARMS. INTERESsT 5% PER ANNUM. REASONABLE commission XND ATTRACTIVE PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES. R. B. DIXON, GURNEE. ILL. 46.--tf Rockland Road, first house east of the River, Libertyvilie, J11 4441 ixd,,ublc amouut of apecisi iunds iC loan on improved farm or city prop erty. . We invite your inon.ry _ Fir=: Natio:.a) Bank, Libertyville , 10--t1 MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con dental gold, platinum and discarded jewelry. Hoke Smelting & Refining Co., Ostego, Michigan. 46tf CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH CHIMNEY REPAIRING ---- You had better look at your chimneys aud see if they need repairing. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Frank A. Huber, Phone 68. 44--tt The Ray Furniture and Paint Store AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE . | 1clephone No. 9 MONEY TO LOAN _ ... A Perfect Setting for Mr. Gobbler _ MISCELLANEOUS FOR THANKSGIVING--the great festive event--when the family circle is closest and hearts beat happiest--the time of times when the home must look its best. -- What an ideal time to dress up the dining room--not only for this Thanksgiving--but for the many Thanksgivings to come! | The walnut suite priced is of rare charm and design, and dependable construc-- tion. -- Consists of 60--inch buffet, extension table, arm chair and five side chairs. Pieces may be purchased separately. A wonderful group of odd pieces have been marked exceptionally low for this . & awe a % §1.0 0 u% U Gng e e cgficcr c uh c s t panwuht"l:lfi:;:e;u;- Pieces that will add so much to the attractiveness of the home, and make exceptional gifts for Christmas. Included are windsor chairs, Eight--Piece Dining Room Suite, $138.65 "Occasional" Pieces Beautify the Home OPEN MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS 47--2t Pure Bred Holstein Friesian Cattle FOR --REN T CARL E. RUDOLPH Prop. tea wagons, desks, gate leg tables, and many other Wp THREE COWS, 2 BULL CALVES READY FOR SERVICE, 1 6 MONTH OLD BULL, 1, MATURE BULL FOR SALE. HERD FULLY ACCREDITED > 120 Or 240 ACRES EAST OF TOWN _ sSTRICTLY MODERN WILL CONSIDER CASH &NTAL ONLY. OWNER IS LOO FOR TRUSTWORTHY, HARDWORK. ING AND THOROUGHLY EXPERL ENCED TENANT. OLD MILL FARM Phone LAKE FOREST 1485 A D D RE 88 BOX 120 INDEPENDENT f ht . x' h. P +¥ un y + ;:\fl 'Sa 44

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