CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1924, p. 4

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Pad .c . K * We will deliver them when you want them. Libertyville Independent Lake County Independent -- Waukegan W eekly Sun K Don't forget, we have new Krant, 2 Ibs. for....15¢ , This is the same set on which Libertyville people Tuesday night heard concerts from Station 6BM in England; also stations were brought in from France and Germany. A demonstrating set in _ our store brought in the European stations Tuesday night. Special Offer The new musical instrument--the gift supreme Learn how easily you can give one by our new plan Open Evenings until Christmas. Call for Demonstration. A Brunswick Radiola k:l'"%g's & Johnson A large assortment of fresh vegetables, fruits, olives, picklés, salad dressings, etc. FOLLOWING ARE A FEW SPECIALS FOR 10 DAYS ONLY : Fancy New York American Cheese............ PER LB. Kraft Pimento Cheese.................___._.__-- R Downsville Cream Cheese, slices average about 20c each Snyder's Cocktail Sauce Heinz Chili Sance Just Like Mother Used to Make Ray Furniture and -- Paint Store _ Fancy Select Oysters, per pint. for Christmas Heinz Mince Meat, per 1 Ib. can ............29¢ Heinz Mince Meat, per 2 Ib. can.............52¢ Heinz Plum Padding, per 1 Ib. can........44c Heinz Fig Pudding, per 1 Ib. can ©.___44c 3 for $1.00 q S ige sns tm 12 Ns cofutcn c Anltar: Snd a Large size bottles, esssccsensensecnns senns , of Payments We will gladly argas ols to be delivered fors small initial payment, the balsnce in equal monthly amounts to suit your convenience. Ask about our plan. Convenient Plan 45¢ * _ ADDITIONAL LOCALS * Born, Wednesday, Nov. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Loveland, of Milwar _ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradford were in, Chicago Monday, and visited the Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Dickey. + Mr. and Mrs. Henry Subling are the parents of a new baby daughter, born Monday at the Lake County General hospital. H. B. Mack, who is in the jewelry business in Leavenworth, Kap., is here visiting his brother, J. R. Mack, and wife He made a trip to Chicago to buy goods for his store. ., O. E. Luce, one of the older citizens of Libertyville, has been very ill for several weeks at his home on Lake street. q\He is constantly under the care of a nurse. Mrs. Glenn Hoskins had her picture published in the rotogravure section of the Chicago Tribune dast Sunday, and incidentally drew one of the $100 prizes offered each Supday by that neWwspaper. a -- The annual bazaar and chicken din-- ner will be given at the Parish house of St. Lawrence's Episcopal church on Wednesday, Dec. 3, afternoon and evening. All kinds of useful and fan-- cy articles will be on sale. There will be a candy booth, a bakery booth, a fancy goods table, and the boys' club will have some novel features. _The dinner will be served from 5:30 to 8 o'clock, the price of tickets being the same for all--fifty cents. The Libertyville grade scheol ap-- pears sixth in a list of 109 schools in Illinois Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, In-- \ diana, Minnesota and Kentucky, pub-- lished in "The Thrift Almanac," a pub-- lHication devoted to thrift clubs in the schools. Libertyville was rated 92.4 per cent; Lake Forest was tenth with 89.9 per cent and Waukegan was 26th with 77.3 per cent. In the high school Libertyville has 96 per cent, with an enrollment o6f 224 of which number 215 are depositors, with a total of $62.41 deposited. GUARANTEED HOSIFRY--Samples, your size, free to agents. Write for proposition paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick sales, repeat orders. International Stocking Milis, 3407 Norristown, Pa. 44tf FOR SALE--McCormick large six corn shredder, in fine working or-- doy; also Ford ton truck, pneumatic tires, good condition. Joe Kiesler, Prairie View, IM. Phone 6111W--2. ' ' s 48 2t FOR SALE--At a bargain, heavy Mel-- ton ulster, size 40; quilted lining, black dogskin collar, practically new. Just the coat for a farmer or truck driver. May be seen at Carison's store. Address Box 295, Libertyville. " 47.1t FOR SALE--Two separators, both 'motor driven; one De Lavel as good as new. Albert Gould, Lake Forest, FOR SALE, PLAYER PIANO--Bar-- HIL Telephone 701. * gain to party completing $10 month-- ly payments on balance of $309.40 due on Wm. Molton's $900.00 player piano. This is a chance of a lifetime. Ad-- dress your reply to George L. Danner, 212 8. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IIl FOR RENT--#8 room house on corner; modern except soft wood floors; fur-- nace heat; possession next week. In-- quire Sunnyside Park Tract Offica. Phones: Office 469; Res. 186M.-- i FOR RENT----A good house or fiat, all _ modern improvements; 1 _A mmumfibfl train service. Inquire at the Independ-- HOUSE FOR SALE--Q. rooms, mod-- ern; large living room, furnaee, hardwood floors downstairs; situated on a high and dry lot, §0x150; north frontage, two blocks from St. Paul R. R. Suitable for boarding house, or at small cost can be made into two flats. Price $6000.00. $2500.00 cash, balance terms to suit. Inquire at Sunnnyside Park Tract Office, Libertyville. Tele-- phones: Office 469; Res. 186--M. 1t FOR RENT--7 room fiat, 2nd fioor, new house, hard vood.fioorl, hot water heat furnished. $80.00; with garage, . $85.00. Inquire Bunnyside Park Tract Office. Phones: Office, 469; residence 186 M. M Ave., Libertyyvillie. KOR SALE--Seven room brick ho'gf. with all modern conveniences; lo-- cated in one o f the most desirable residence districts of Libertyville. A bargain to soine one who acts quick. Chas,. Johnson, Libertyvilie, 1. FOR RENT--The Petersen house on corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Petersen Road, with about one acre of ground. $25.00 per month. See Selers & Fetersen, 451 Milwaukee ant affaa Classified Advertisements AGENTS WANTED ® HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE TELEPHONE NO. 1 47--2t 46--3t 46-- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carroll left on Tuesday for Cincinnati, Ohilo, called to that city by the iliness of a brother Mr. and Mrsa. C. Webber of Chicago, were here Sunday, guests at the C. Kaiser home. A surprise w given at the home of Miss Gaglinrdi last Monday, the occasion being her birth-- day. The evening was pleasantly spent playing games. . Merrill Wels kopf and Miss Quinta Gotti carried off the hours, v hile Mrs. Harry Gott! and Hugo Gott were awarded the conso-- lation prizes. Miss Gagliardi receiv-- ed many beautiful mementos of the occasion. _ H. Lawrence Choate will address the Young People's Bociety on Sun-- day evening, November 30, at the Par-- ish house of St. 1awrence's Episcopal church. -- Mr. Choate is a member of St. Paul's church in Chicago, and has been very active in the Brotherhood of St. Andrew for many years. He presided at the annual convention of the Brotherhood, held last October in Albany, New York. The meeting of the young people will be preceded by a short service in th church at five o'clock, * WANTED--Farm 50 to 80 acrées; must be in fair shape and priced reas onable. Write giving price per acre, terms, encumbrances, etc. Deal with owners only. "Farm,". c|o Independent. Mrse. Anna Kellner of Waukegan and FOR RENT--Garage at #12 Maple ave. Mike Boehm. Phone 301J -- 45 tf FOR RENT--G room house, good fur-- --nace, barn and chicken house; from Nov. 1 to May 31. Near Ivanhoe. $8.00 FARM FOR RENT--1657 acres A No. 1 corn, alfaifa and grain land; good gz of buildings; possession at once. own as the Weiskopf farm, one--half mile south of Diamond Lake. See Sel-- lers & Petersen, 551 Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. Phone 451. 41 V¥ FOR SALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie puppies. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Liber: tyville. Phone 678 J 2. 45 it FOR SALE--Seifert Roller canaries, from imported stock; day and night singers; with guarantee. Joe Koelstra Lake Villa, II1. Phone 108--W., 48--3t YOUNG MAN WANTS PERMANENT FOR SALE--German police dog, fe-- male, imported; A. K. C.; black and tan color. Call Sundays. Joe Koelstra, Lake Villa, IIl. Phone 108--W. 48.3t place on dairy or general farm. M.} K. care E. Schafed, Box 446, Lake ; Forest, IIl. condicion. This car was taken in trade on a new Chevrolet, and will be sold at a reamonable price. A chance to get a good car for little money. Call Libertyville Garage. Phone 202. is it FOR BALE--1922 touring car in A1 FROM $3,000 UP, TO LOAN ON LAKE COUNTY FARMS. INTEREsST 5% PER ANNUM. REASONABLE commission AND ATTRACTIVE PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES.:-- R. B. DIXON, GURNEE ILL. 461 FOR SALE--1924 Chevrolet De Luxe touring car, used only as a demon-- strator; can be bought right. For par-- ticulars call Libertyville Garage. Tel-- ephone 202. WwE HAVE FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT FOR SALE--Gray touring car; _ condition; /price reasonable. Call phone 139--J. 481 FOR CARS REPAINT: : D, reasonable. _ Quick service. W. Baird Bensley, Rockland Road, first house east ouf the River, Libertyvilie, II1. A4tt Good Meals 50c ald rable amount of special funds io loan on Iimproved farm or city prop erty. Wa Invite your inquiry. First Natio al Bank, TAbertyullle 10h.t! MONEY TO LOAN--We bave a WAUKEGAN, LL. CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH, _ dental gold, platinum and discarded jeweliry: Hoke Smeiting & Refining CbS., Ostego, Michigan. . 46tt CHIMNEY REPAIRING ---- You had better look at your chimne?§ and seb If they noed repairing. Ratimates dcheerfully furnished. Frank A. Huber, Phone 68 ARLINGTO N $ HOTEL # month.. Phone Libertyville 230--W. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FARMS FOR RENT POSITIONS WANTED MONEY TO LOAN _ ... 47.2t 'you at once, poke 3 WV TWE -mrd ¥Filer, of Chicago: Your is i and you are wanted at home. Please write and let us bear of Auditorium Theatre High Quality \ Overcoats | Also a special one--reel fea-- ture, thru the courtesy of the Libertyville Women's Club-- Home Sweet Home with the late President Hard-- ing, Herbert Hoover and Medill McCormick. Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 4--5 U A laugh--getter, entitled "BACK TO THE WOODS" Louis B. Mayer ENID BENNETT A Drama of Terror and Enduring Love ritten and Directed by NOTICE Fred Niblo FATHER CHRISTMAS CLUB CHRISTMAS CLUB Lake County National Bank We'll let you be the judge of our | _ Overcodts. 1 > Come in see them § 'and we know you | I will be pleased with | | _ the assortment. l J. B. MORSE l SANTA CLAUS A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO ASSIST YOU PREPARE FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS. THE.ONLY SAFE AND SURE WAY TO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.NEXT CHRIST-- MAS IS TO JOIN OUR Take a Tip From Attractive prices ranging from We Have Classes to Fit Every Purse' to

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