x¥ AICHALLENGE _ According to advices to the writer _ today a crew is now at work install-- _ ing a wig--wag at Wilson and the sys-- eA will beée in operation to protect _ the public starting about December |CASH AND CARRY ----MARKET _ fiigz*i ds W K WIG--WAG TO GUARD | WILSON CROSSING; | NOW INSTALLING IT BShowing how comnanies are usual-- ly willing to respond to suggestions for public safety it is of interest to know that immediately: after the re-- quest was made the St. Paul officials replied to the effect that they felt the =t-tion was timely and the mat-- ¥er was refered to the proper depart-- _ There is so much traffic on that w highway at the present time that somé sort of protection was w needed. However, the St. Panl -, Is. when the matter was called to their attention quickly responded z ordering the installation and for did not make it necessary for residents of the community to make a figsht to brin= the thing about. #¥4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *# 4 & 4 4 4 4 % *FREMONT CENTER * #4 4 U 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * *4 % 4 ~Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Gust Holland on Bunday, Nov. 30, a 10 pound son. Mrs. Louise Meyer was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jim Clark in Chi-- -- Mr. and Mrs: Barney Amann and Mrs. Mike--Behm of Milwaukee vis ited relatives here the past week. y _ Gome exports figure that a wig--was 4s a more #ertain gnard at a grade eroksing than a gateman--for, they mever sleep, they never forget; they work always unless something un-- #oreseen happens to the electric fea-- ture and, it's said that happens sel-- Recently the ediior of the Sun as a member of the lllinois Commerce Commission took up personally with €he St. Paul Railroad the matter of putting in some protection at the erossing at Wilson Station on Belvi-- «ere Road. He suggested to the St. Paul Company that now that Belvi-- G@ere Street is finished through to Mc-- Henry, the company for its own pro-- tection as well as that of the public, ought to install a wig--wag or some other means of protection. St. Paul Railroad Officials Re-- spond Quickly to Requests | Made by Commissioner. ; Buy for Cash and Save Money j Our Motto: _ 0 "BETTER MEATS FOR LESS MONEY" SIRLOIN STEAK at ... _2 _ PORTER HOUSE STEAK at. ROASTS CHOICE POT ROASTS, any cut.....____._.. SHORT RIBS; for baking............._..._._..... BONEFLESS RIB ROAST--all meat......__..... YOUNG PIG HAMS, Average weight 8 lbs.. BONELESS RIB ROAST--all meat......._......._._..........24c Lb YOUNG PIG HAMS, Average weight 8 lbs...................134 Lb PORK LOIN, small and lean, who'e or half.............17/%¢ Lb HOME MADE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT..._._._..__._._._.....1% Lb . _ Fresh Ground Beef, Veal and Bell Shaped Sugar Cured Cheese, all Fresh Creamery * Bacon Kinds, only Butter Hamburger Lamb Stew 12%/¢ Mdwaukee Avenne Quality Meats at Wholesale Prices Choice Cuts From Corn Fed Steers at. at.... "Jn ¥ + t C. Blank, Prop. e Indepe AT THE 12%/2c three weeks' visit with the Mike Reis Sea Hawk," a First National Picture, family in Texas. * {mu--mww "THE SBA HAWK" and ~"CAPT.;brated novel of the same title, will be BLOOD," two of the greatest pictures shown at the Auditorium 'Theatre in olthenmon.u&;:onluwrtMAl: Libertyville Dec. 8, 9 and 10. itorium Theatre month. Please not overlook "THE CODE OF THB "flht.:': f::' 2.:"""":;'"%:;; ERO" which were considered two "'lnd Mire Hurt Kaluar and Anunihine daughter, Barbara, left Nov, 24 for a| 4 George Hironimus and sisters enter-- tained a large number of friends and re'atives at 5 o'clock dinner last Sun day evening. + _ 18 itorium lheatre {Nis momin. FZivast 994 _ Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Kaiser and two not overlook "THE CODE OF m,dtuht.n and Mr. and Mrs. Harry WILDERNESS" and "THE BANDOL!®aiser and daughters of Joliet, Mr. ERO" which were considered twO Of ang Mrs Farl Kaiser and daughter, the best pictures for §°!"§'.'_'f-_ _,3: ?ot Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Taylor _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Obenauf enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. John Draper and daughter of Kenosha over the week end. Walter Meyer of Lake Forest spent Thanksgiving at teh home of his uncle Leo Meyer. -- _ Mrs. Math Faetz and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Faetz of Chicago were pleasant callers here last Wednesday. 'he annual dance and 'supper given | by the members of St. Mary's church | at the Ivanhoe M. W. A. hall Tuesday | evening, Nov. 25, netted $910.33. Rev.| F. M. Bay, pastor, and Geo. Obenau!f | and Albert Behm, trustees, wish to ex-- tend thei rsincere thanks and tppre-' ciation to the people who attended for ; many miles around, even from outside , the county. The amazingly large sum | of $910.33, which was cleared in this ; one night, shows how generously our good friends spent their money, and we also noted much to our satisfac-- tion that they enjoyed the evéening im--| mensely in spite of the fact that the | hall was crowded as it never was in its hlator&xbefore. and for a parish as small as the c?ne at Fremont Center to bring out a crowd of that size reflects credit on the promotors, who each year put over one of these successful affairs. The ladies o fthe church also received many fine compliments in regard to the wonderful supper 'they served continuously from 9:45 til 1:30 a'clock in the morning. The entira parish unites in thanking their out-- side friends who helped in maKing this by far one of the most successful affars ever conducted by the people' of the parish. > | Friday, Dec. 5, is the date for the annual reception to Past Masters by Libertyville Lodge No. 492%, A'F. & A. M. Dinner wil be served by the Eastern Star members at-- 6:30 p. m., At the Methodist church. The Master Mason's degree will be exemplified in the afternoon, and at night the work will be in charge of Past Masters of Libertyville Lodge. All Master Mas-- ons are invited. 28¢ and patronize the firms who advertise in The independent. hsls Do your Christmas shopping early, ........l4¥/jc Lb _........lOK Lb 49¢ 16¢ _....24c_.lb i" CennR®N, A100. WERTNE ALW, fRWITOE A J EO* |and Harry Goulson of this village, | were guests at a Thanksgiving dinner dniner at the Chas. Kaiser home. 'The new cons#ijdated school on the Hawthorn Farm was dedicated Tues-- 'day night, with fitting ceremonies. 'ICounty Supt. Simpson presided, and |among the speakers were State Supt. 'of Public Instruction Francis Blair, 'C. Farr, a Cook county educator, and lSamuel Insull.© The members of the 'Primary grades rendered "Hiawatha" and the grammar grades gave the play i"'l'he Bad Baby Molar." Community singing was led by Newton Finn. Aft-- er the program a fine lunch was sery-- ed. A certificate was presented, des-- ignating this as .a Superior school. Next Monday night at 7:80, at the Masonic hall, Libertyville Chapter, Roya Arch Masons, will confer the Royal Arch degree. All members of Libertyville Chapter are urgently re-- quested--to be present, and all Royal Arch Masons sojourning here are also invited. The festivities of the evening wound up with a dance. 6 UDIT O ' A ------» THEATFR :; Libertyville, 1 | Monday, Tuesday anc iesns Docaie 65-- 0--10 MILTON SILLS -- SUPPORTED BY ENID BENNETT, LLOYD HUGHES, WALLACE BEERY AND 3,000 PLAYERS Rafael Sabatini's Great Romantic Drama Directed by Frank Lloyd uoT oR' V M ADMISSION, 25¢ and 50c w'HMorning worship at 11. The sermon topic p a + sermon e "Are We Living for the Present he Y¥ '.Poopl 4 6 :30 w e's at 6: m. ' .:::fu'urvleo at 1 :90."'The pastor/will discuss " ollov:dy the Light We Have." Good music a welcome to all. English services in the at T :030, A.A.L-chchmm basement m'.{mm;t'l:& Everyong Morning Worship i:: 11. Sermon by the Pastor, * Letters." Epworth and Junior League at 6 :30 p. m, Evening Worship at 7:30. The special feature at this service will be a program presented h{ the Junior League. Monday, ber 8th, at 6 p. m., the Quarterly 'Conference. Dr. J. Hastie Odg-- ers, District Supt. of the Chicago Northern District, will preside at business nee'tiu._' FIR&T --METHODI8ST EPI8SCOPAL ARTHUR W,. MOHNS, Pastor. Bunday Mtt 10 a. m. E. A. Koehn, General Superintendent." _ -- _ 2s EMMEVIOCWs EBm PPSED CC eR C C T C A dinner is being served to members of the conference and their families, and the business session follows. Wednesday, December 10th, at 7 :30 p. m , & xdnl service for "Bible Week." anksgiving morning a 'rou: of about thlrrt.! nu: people met at the church for a sunrise service. The devotional service was under th edirection of Harold Hagerty. Mr. Wang, president of the Chinese Club at Northwestern University, was the speaker 'l'utu 0. fluu.'nm. T estor u"r:nr ul)r--' ion at 11 P Rvening Worship at 5 o'clock. Bunday Bchool n:tol.gqnp-'t-l'udu. 3-'. w 10 i. m. m services in '.fm' at T:80. u...'&'. Iivaning '..tm':n !-: gm PRESBYTERI AN UY E. SMOCOK, Pastor, ® Miss Ruby Willlams, Orglht Bunday l_sqo{ntozuo. m. . W, G. Wells, CHURCHES m and a% dn Phintia,, Feloin 3 "m Night program, which is being planued by --3-!"--'%' 100)] at 10 a, m . Aftar in Srinint mirrice Iht Toung Pogp: ple's Society will meet in the Parish House Choate, well known w::"d Bt. Paul's Church, Chicago, and a in the Boci-- ety of the Brotherhood of 8t. Andrew. Mr. Choate presided at the recent annual con-- vention of the Brotherhood held at Albany, Read the. ads. in this weeks Inde-- pendent; many bargains offered. Everyone is looking forward to the Watch Third Floor, First National Bank Bldg. Services Bunday at 10 :45 a. m. --"God the Only Cause and Oreator." Bubject :-- The Quality Store Grayslake, Iilinois BOOKS 25¢, 50c¢c, 75¢ Attractive cover designs that will please the children. €HRISTIAN 8SCIENCE 80OCIETY mIP, B 9. qWPH, Poster, _ Amusing, Instructive Entertaining . B. Godfrey Books for Children The Newest Christmas Gift THE RAY FURNITURE AND PAINT STORE THI S solves your Christmas problem. See this wonderful present--the Bruns-- wick Radiola. Let us demmonstrate it for you. See how simple it is; how beautifully it ren-- ders music of the air and phonographic music at will. Learn our plan of convenient monthly payments. This new instrument tombines in one, the proved receiving devices of the Radio Cor-- poration of America, with the world famous Brunswick Phonograph. It gives to Radio a new beauty and clarity, through the Bruns-- wick Method of Réproduction. : These handsome instruments are on display now. See them --make your choice now to avoid disappointment. Why not today? Bunday, December Tth (the The Brunswick Radiola--Phonograph and Radio in one A wide range of prices, with convenient payments to suit all We Are HOLIDAY TBR WE CAN SHOW YOU A BIG SELECTION OF HOLIDAY x AT REASONABLE PRICES. Suggestions for Gifts for "Hi And everything a man would like. --___--____--_----.--------'-----------w------___--_-- we--ozzzzll zn h C ampa 4n-- hi« "TebDNE t C 2P ' m s 3. 4 800 . ies 3 d uonl J. B. MORSE:' & CO. 1 payment, the balance in equal f mwluitmm about our plan, t e We will gladly arrange for a Brunswich Radiola to be delivered for a small initial SILK and WOOL SOCKS TIES and MORE TIES _' CAPS, HATS DRESS GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS Convenient Plan of Payments For a Great #2, lc 5+ Te He