h+ Aull "@' . M pre--trial announcement, that . the prosecution intended to delete some of the more ghastly aspects of his Phis borrible phase of »naarmunn's long experience as a kiler for meas-- jury Haarman» made of his> lithe attic room, was the prosecution's star wit-- Dec. 10.--The butcher shop whetre Fritz Haarmann, the meat venddr, practiced his grisly trade upon hu-- in previous testimeny despite tihe little landlady who testified she HUMAN FLESH _ She told how Haarmaun had soit ber as much as 35 pounds of meat weekly. -- # o We aivd m ; 7 <% % »* 2 "mugiy ( 24 rod s also purchased clothes from him, a} ways 'at 'the cheapest prices kitchen and asked her to put, water on to boi, she said. Ho then wont upstairs and returnedt a00on with a eubes.. He poured these intp the Woman Testifies She Bought 35 Pounds Weekly; Says K Tasted Good. PRESENT NEW TESTIMONY 200 years old, she testified, but-- bed whew it was overrur with themt. ° > 'This statement annoye® Haarmans Rising the killer/shouted:> "Grans knew my taste and P am sure he wouldn't have brought this youth to me. 1 gnever took a youth over 20 aud this one isc at least 24." his wife raise hand' against the prisoner. you niust stop them." Witzell identified # sBull a# be-- inz that of his son, saying he. roc-- ognized the teeth. us . &A woman living below Haarmann said Haarmann's hacking crumbled her celling. i Courtroom, _ Hanoever, @ermany, It was always the same size--a> We would hate to be a bank cashier's wife. When he was wto tor dinner we would just know bhe hat been indicted. It's all a mattér of oD _ im Eskimo would sit oh a cakw of io# on our coldest day and have the spring fever. Lack O will pooee in whok maken 1 mun put his cisthas on over hin m.nfl" if tw * °PC it takes their minds of the troubles which work won't end. Warm weather makes you s& you sit down and start thinking. Another beautiftul thing about wtn ter in the mail man doesn't bring us Uhy vecation post cards. ~Every cloud has a sllver linfng, but every silver lining has its cloud. Painter is charged with slapping a girt in Chicago, but maybe he warst» ed to se If the paint was dry. What ticklies us more than any other one single thing in aeing a gourtp kite her tongua. Boston judge rules a man who sells boozs is not idie. We rule the same, mpecially just before Christmas. While we Uke this cold weatker, & bir is a man who says he enjoys teatly fréezing to death. * Peopic work harder in wintor. 'That's the trpouble with summer. GROWING BFLIEF 1094, NRA Service, Inc.) af the vuiture Lkeenm recovered and a search fo be-- lng> made for the bodies of Lieut. lfifl'.lfl.'.r*plut immm--cwan Messingiit, aviation, machinists mate first class, and H. R. Daveuport. ""stfed hoie uncover a muititade 3f to be with her parents iw their flight|to escupe grrest for =-r . The wurents, W. N. and Mildred Arnold, are wanted in Kansas . Mo., fos te slaying of Lawrence L Hathcld, a Pinkerton detective; Maut polics do Bot think the couple, on account of the baky, can evade capture very long 'Mainiainine Merchandise Over--night service for shippers o o L s Home, seys Doc Halbachk, is a place Kmmmmum P V#' 4 6¥ 1 : i. n "'i,\:"! "i lii l * \te ¥ V¥ ,'~..4 's'&._ i 'I\ ' l i Ig"l!' 6 & °+ ." e P _ ChicagoNorthShore andMilwaukeeR.R.Co. _ _ TELEPHONE 74 bing LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE * Mhi:u. Workmanship and materials Wuflh':'"&&. s * _ First House East of River. W. BAIRD BENSLEY ---- e Right of Way WiGHER N19 ~ § ~ CETIES IN NOV.!B : Washington, Dec. 10,~Retail {'.' prices took an upward trend in 19 leading cities of the .u-.i r::v:w.mw&nah rersg. ":hlu&t. 3. 3. three per % sn T2 praartment 8t Aoor XMamachh _ e erreape or tw masat vat it New --¥Fork, Malie, '-3 Mh-b. Columbus D Pal h Maft-- enuo'ctdn.---h.'-' x 4 2 As compared with average cost ;unhuq.uutd".,)h; Richmond and Washington, . per eent in Baltimere; 16 percent to New: Yfl:"mhm-:lb' :r:t:um-u?'omu-'...c' m...m..;...;'w.....' Comparative prices were not ob-- tainable for Columbus, Norfolk, Port» lund, Rochester, St. Part<and Spring-- FOOPd PRICES -- -- _ schemes--In the classified columns. chester, 'Residenge and Office 1609 Wash-- . ---- ington St., Waukegan, I!l. 45 PAINTING in "While 20 last., . Regalar g1100 _ -- eg oR 2%6 piece Silver Chest. Warranted 5@ yr. quality, reg. $25.00 'value. ; Erery picee --~ ~FESTIVAL ~--FEATURE received on this get may De Jlogzeq + 6nA ol arasiza same diak reading Sollda mighogany cabinet with real bakelite pane} and The finest radio set in the land at a re-- A Burprise Package worth at Least $1.00 $1.p0 or more. 1891 "Pay As You Can is the Henderson Plan" °_ $612.95 /---- 8 Day nirizing gain -- Fe last Saturday, due to the tertific jam of eager Bargain--Seckers at all hours of the which prevented eatry to the store. -- y td . > 3 . m-hpufieflhcyhg%:ouhmhhu« mendoun values. of our opening day, that we have just as won-- derful bargdins throughout thie week, and an efficient courteous salufiyectouldchj'.Er ery hHeed. Just step is and look about. Every ufidq;"dcda.fhrje plain, casily read figures. There will be no "its" or "and's" about the quantity N#thz-hfi:u-fiuhuy. No obligation unless it he the abligation you awe to your own sense of economy. value A handy curling iron with .Whaenoid handle. Order your Radio Set NOW for Xmas and in-- sure. Delivery. _ ..__ {smams.--lliile.. . ctonentet . Allienintommanteniiinethrmaaes _ a iehl Radio Sets and Pfanstiehl io 8 --All omm easy convenent th.'uy-"! { OoPTICIANS sa North Genesee Stree PLAY SA FE ¥al -- _ 89c h, Monarch, Mo-- Pathe, Freshman, W "ii:,* n' s A real value in a one tube: _ set. Ulyra Audion hookup. . with a guaranteed range . of 1goo miles. Very spec-- | * mioeritity and rad@e, feis now _ 9209 Cade ONE TUBE. RADIO $59 $1.19 OPEN EVENINGES $9.95¢ y