Ds --* SWEETIN BOY ON . STAND; SCENEIS . HELP TO DEFENSE i ie B ats 3f% An Elsie's eyes. watching so close Iy, grew larger. Tears formef\whung low and dropped to the corners of ~her mouth. * _ | Phoenix Hostery |: After Testimony, the Boy Cries in Mother's Arms; Jury and Court Affected. Mt. Vernon, IMs., Dec. 17.--A child came to the call of the people here today to help tighten a noose about his mother's neck. He went away leaving behind his lagging, stumbling footsteps, only vindication for the broken, weeping woman into whose lap he tumbled for solace as he left the witness stand. -- It was Elsie Sweetin, the mother, who comforted her boy before the strangely quiet courtroom and the jury, in which there was a trace of tears. She crooned to him as she might have in her Ina home in the days gone by before her life became involved with that of Rev. Lawrence M. Hight and the shadow of the gal-- lows crept into her family circle in the shape of "10 cents worth of ar-- genic' from which Wilford, her bhus-- band, died. HIGHT ALONE WITH MAWN '--""Y;fir-- name is Stanton Sweetin and your mother is Elisie Sweetin," the prosecutor began. He crossed his legs straight at his mother. Im sirt underneath peeked out over the collar. His face alternately blanched and pinked by his effort. _ The sight of her child, Stanton, 14, on the witness stand, the sound of his voice, telling slowly and falteringly of Hight's visits to his hgome. brought the break for Elsie which bitter de-- nunciation and accusation had failed to do. She watched him intently as he walked to the stand. His red swea-- ter buttored close, but the blue den-- Beginning tomorrow, Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M.--Until Christmas A Splendid Gift Suggestion Hosiery, as always, will fill many a gift list this year, but how much more ap-- preciated they will be if they bear the Phoenix label--the mark of perfect fit, high quality and long service. PHOENIX FULL--FASHIONED HOSE _ o4 or A Christmas box, all holly and mistletoe, conh.hha threse pairs of thesoe Hose, each a different smart shade, will be a jolly surprise to her on Christmas morning. These Hose are of medium weight, pure thread silk with lisle garter tops. Black and a complete line of Colors, pEF PAIT . ... ....,. ... ... se s se se es e se e e e e e e e r e k s e e a's Men's Phoenix Silk Hose Children's Silk Richeli 75c and $1.00 pair _ || --__--____ Hose $1.65 pa ma ko An exceptionally good weat Garter Top. Black and colors. Mercerized Lisle and rayon ( artificial wilk) mixed Hose in wide ribbed style, Black and wolors $1,00 pair, Phoenix Chil and --looked Women's Full--fashioned Silk Hose $2.50 pair --A sTORE --WHERE QUALITY __PREV AILS*' i;;;cleas:e;i' here will be pa;cked ready to ship if desired--No Extra Cost. "And were you sent out to play when he wasn't there?" "¥es sir." Stanton was biting his lip to keap from ery'ng. He passed and he was excused. He stumbled away from the stand, stopping to look at his mother. His face puckered as the repressed tears came and then Stanton was a little boy again. He fiung himself into his mother's lap, hid his face against her shoulder.. l 4 And Elsie Sweetin forgot the world. She forgot the jury, the courtroom, Hight, the lawyers, remembering only that this thild--her boy with eyes so like hers--was in pain. She cried with bim and soothed him. _ ~ _ There were long pauses between the questions and replies. Elsie grip-- ped the arms of her chair, --"And was your father home?" "Sometimes bhe was and sometimes be wasa't." 5 tm cae c n "Hush dear," she crooned. *"You mustn't ery. See, mother isn't going to--cry any wore, Everything 'is all right. Hush, baby, don't _cry_.'.' Hight leaned over as if to touch the boy. But Eisie was unséeing and seeming to recomsider, the pastor drew back. Her attornéey at length .drew the boy out of her arms. She patted him yearningly, smiled with eyes brim--« ming and let him go. _ _ * found a resting place on his knee: "Did you ever see the preacher come to your house?" He was asked. '"Yes sik," "Wen did he come, Stanton?" "Sometimes in the morning; some-- times at night." en _ The little body heaved. His -- arms tightened about "his mother's neck. She rocked bim back and (orth [=s & She leaned far back in her_ chair, and somehow, somethinz tike peace hung over her--and there was peace in e hushed courtroom. °_ The scene had made its impression. Elsie might have wandered;from the proper paths but at heart she was a good mother, the townsneople will say. And being a "good-- mother" counts for a lot in Ina and Mt. Ver-- non. The boy was followed on the wii-- ness stand by more friends and neigh-- bors of Elsie who gave further evi-- dence of the "queer goings on" they for Men, Women and Children boy nodded his head. His 'The Best Stove ~On the Novth Shove _ _ MHose with 4 inch LAsle San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 17.--Ap-- proximately 5,000 men on the Pacific eystem of the Southerm Pacific rail-- road will receive a Christmas gift in the form of a $500,000 annual wage increase as a result of the successful completion of negotiations between the representatives of the firemen and engineers and the'company manage-- had noted regarding Elsie and the an aunt of Wilford, who said that Hight was alone with Wilford 'the night of hig Genth.: --<=~;..s{-- / ~' "Wilford told me to go into the bedroom and lie down", W'o'. "He told me the preacher take care of him, that was the night be-- fore he died. t3 "Eisie was lying down too. Pretty soon we heard Wilford ¢m?. worse, and Elsie got up and went into his room. Hight took me home early in the morning and he told me he wish-- ed It could be arranged so that he could sit up with Wilford one night by himeelf." 5. . PA*, . Tis testimony, 1 is expected, will be used as one of the links in the de-- fense of Elsie in which her counsel will attempt to show that Hight 'had an opportunity to administer. the fa-- tal potion of--arsenic to Wilford, 5.000 RAIL MEN WILL GET GIFTS The increase which approximates five per cent of the men engaged in engine service is retroactive to Sept-- ember 1. It is effective for a year or until abrogated by notice from either side thereafter. It's all a matter of habit. . An Eskimo would sit on a cake of ice on our Coldest day and have the spring fever. -- Edwardsville Intelli-- gencer. The --demand for a man who is interested in some one besides him-- self always exceeds the supply.-- Aurora ~Beacon News. °. Among them was Mre. Janle Jones, Higs lustrous silk Hose in the wanted Richelieu ribbed style. Black and 'colors. $1.65 pair, Phoenix make, -- A Phoenix Hosé of Ane wool yarn mited with (Rayon) ar-- tificial sifk; To be had in black and some colors. $2.00 pair. J ¢ Children's Silk Richelieu Ribbed Eose $1.65 pair > -- Fancy accordian allk Hose in two--tone w.' Nu. *a. ". "'-, 'u' "' Silk and Wool Mixed Hose ancy $240 pair > The party was returning from Aledo where they had attended a basketball _ game. The automobile 'hung suspended over the embank-- ment a few moments, allowing the ' occupants of the rear seat to escape, 'When their weight was removed, the car toppled over the embankment. Evansville, Ind., Dec. 17--A cellu-- loid comb in the hands of Ruby O# borne, year--qld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Osborne, was blamed today for the child's death. The comb caught fire while the baby stood before an open grate and the flames spread to her clothing. The dead are Alice Griffin, 14; Viola "high school pupi!; and Hazel Vanneys, 26, teacher. Henry Bras ner, driver of the car, was ihjured but will recover. Three high school girls> riding=in the rear seat escaped uninjured. y a ¢ Viola, I!Is., Dec. 17--Two were kilb ed and one injured when an autome bile loaded with high school rooters returning from a basketball game, plunged over an eight--foot embank-- ment near here in a sleet storm last night. -- CELLULOID COMB IS DEATH CAUSE 2 DEAD IN BUS WRECK AFTER A BASKETBALL GAME Mexico City,--An American Com-- pauy, whose name was withheld by the government, has requested sus pension of the order dividing five Ha-- ciendas in Tamaulipas, including the American Company's buildings, into small farms. Postponrément of action until the claims commisison nieets was requested, it was learned today. sgolor eMfect ##: * ¥. ~--DECEMBER 18, 1924 02 Tables _ 192 ~Coxwell Chairs | % --Torchieres Nes 2l --Secretary 5L -- T4 (6 % Appropriate Gifts That Will J Last a Lifetime _ 5 ~Kitchen | z Ladders 9 ~Breakfast Sets A cTea Carts The sort of gift you like to give--and the kind that's welcome by the recipient may be selected with ease from our extensive Tables ~Card Tables --Lamp Shades ~Automobiles wotdifiisenpos,rrsfucreeniontiime.. y ports ~Book Cases ; ~Oil Heaters ~ A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Selection for Fature Delivery --Vase Lamps Cabinets ~Writing Desks . Shades f1-13 So. Genesee Street rake. ALBS \! --Odd Chairs % ~High Chairs ~Davenport --Windsor Chairs Lg --Cocoa Mats -- BJ --~Foot Stools ~Boudoir Lamps ; > --Ferneries --Candleabras | @ ~ ~Buffet Sets ye --Play Yards ( ~--Child Swings ~Bridge Lamps CY ~Baby Walkers &;} --Parlor Suites ~{(§ . <«Pillows ~Chifforobes ~Antomatic ~Krochler Day-- (§) . Suites 84 ww t