-- --PLAN FUNDING _ | * -- ROUMANIAN DEBT; ."v"%""-'.:'.;.r.,,, UPWW _ "Gays He Got Bruige on Head «___ Washington, Nov. 18--A menting of «' the American Debt Funding Commis: _'"MWon has been called for threos p."m. Iwo cocktalls and two beer --' HOLT ISs TO F O L1L 0O W 1t a plaster cast of Mrs, Holt's testh mouth, which showed that the 3 that was broken was not knotk out entitrely. # mother, that the story was told. The latter goen in as an arhibit and amo rmmmmmmmt 6 B0t to be read to the jury, under Ahe objection of thea utate. © Another 'dozen or more charactar witnosmes were used Curing the late Aftér hoaring the shots he ruakhed hvthdhh.no&bfl.'lh'* Wy the {loor, with pot. dog scam-- paring away.-- Clasa, ho said, was just I was through Attornay Jame G. Welch, who got the letter from Mra. .t'lm hin > secretary, Miss Aona who dAéHversd the lot-- tet io Albert Hareq, and Hartq who aftatnoos and told of the trowble in Me dlid hot see hia wite firs the ahots, he testified, but instead -- was looking ont of the window at Charlos ably take the stand lato today, while they never got to that as the two Utheom, with Clara, visited friends -MMPMMIG'W Johnson's, who did got have a large atove, and talked Florida real entate. _Aibert Harcq, charged as an atoo» wory betore the fact in the murder wccusations growing out of dgath ot Mrs.-- LJllig-- Hoit in Wox Lake Sept. '_As to nigut susmous, to 620 ths triai this week,. there'Js uncertainty. It appears as If it should take more to tell ~'His > VOL : XXXITII--NO. 41 BECTION TWO LIBERTYYILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, ©066,000004, gong .to this in Clara's Hand. the i) at e suegninge e in uie aface +. w ity io end ¥Friduay there is _ LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- Lake County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ° _ He Francie brolf, {ot his hotol, thieves Criving it awiy. STEAL CAR AND _ ----~STOCK FROM MAN gents lines, . was tound abandonad m aip ad en ranaieh ;:&uAuAngfd;m 18 fromt 1100 year leases. With the @xc@ptiOn!trs When he left the theatre the of Colse all the--ownoers of the PFOD--| machinse was goue. %ince then three taining a number of grips formerig Alled of silk shirts, hosiecty, other Imittad"that Aboy havre given options Following is--a list of --the farmers 'who are «aid to hare given options Lion Institutions, denled that such a deal was pending. Confirmation of ZION IN SECRET _ DEAL SEEKS TO Already Options for One Have : we , '," ' » ' t s :' MAHonal Mfim---a.._'}'%"&'?é c ho n mieFme'e _ Phe plcture shows Irenms and her Eoistein calt. She io 1% vears 'a-o A. Hacker, 8".'1«. alenatine acres. thirtsen: other state dairy calf 'ciub champions frommiddle western %ifi-hb.' a calt. She is 18 years o o e en raws up the boper in is able To go 19 the state hurmal nshwo! tor troining in be a 48 cink TO MWOLD INQUEST _Only Girl State Dairy Calf ~ Club.--Champion in America to tWwart impending hostilities ar-- rivad 'at Hyden last.night and found the situation fairly peaceful, it was * The trowuble saross when an officar waus sahot in an after election 'braw! ORDER TROOPS TO QUELL GUN FIGHT and the alldged-- glayer surroundead himselt --with aacorse of ftolowers to Hazargd, Ky., Nor, 18.--All is quist in Hyden, 184 miles from haroe, where ts atrmed mobn® were reportsd on towed the machisne into his barn and then notified the McHentry police who communicated--with the cecratary of dtate in --an efort to learna the name Of the ownser from the license plate namber, It was the North Chicags THIEVES STRIP _ AND WRECK CAR Estimates that Damage to Car Will Reach $800. etreeohbhEnoon is Jaicrco A Wiye Princs Dusarts Nuno, according to the noewspapars, 1t is not exrplained United States wus ordered by Gen. I'..,c.m'roum orar, to-- Under instructions issued by Bec-- retary of the Treagury Moelion, :g UMcenses for the manufacture of i ooho!l will aexpire December 31. None will be reaewed ant!l the pailnts of permit applicants nave been pasged as meeting all provisions of the law and tregulations by the treasury. Herstofors most of the distilliag Hoenses hars boeon issued on a pet-- manent basis, The now order places them on an annual basis, the plants being subject to federal inspettion ORDER SURVEY OF ------ ALKEY MAKERS Ts wham" io thems" ammnrey 2| TThe army court nhow beenuse ot its for wlo.- the oentire M\l'{ i8 greater prestige ordered Kepnedy to Thomas Steriing. Amherst student,|!£=0t© the Shenandoah court's sub. a resident of Frankfoft, N. Y.. was|DO®n& until he completed his teati love letters found today writter to|U@l. The Mitchell court. laughed at him by Alice, coupled with the fact| * reported threat of Major Henry that the young couple quarreled over! LeOdnard, jJudge advocate of the nay-- anothar pretty girl "And that the{al board, to eite Keanedy for con-- Smith junior asked Sterling to buy tempt if he falled to appear before her poison, strengthened the.jealousy | the Shenandoah court. -- theory, Investigators sald. Major Kennedy endorsed Heinen's The girl's letters breatho a love stataoments that reduction of gas that sahe declared would "last tor-lvum on the Shenandoah cut dows ever and ovet and ever." the airship's saftety. * _*"To be with you is everything be-- qanuse L love you so," .read another MOUS CARTOONIST, s --DIFS JN DENVER World and the Chicago Journal. OH both of. these papers h.k.:tm- qartnout. _ At ann Lima the 0. JTournal ~sent BM to "the ~Pauamas canal to-- write »pecial articles. for a arge breakfast food concern. For a time he conducted a ayndicate, PORTUGESE KING WILL ABDICATE Thomasa Steriing. Amboerst student, a resident of 'Fraakfoft, N. Y.. was the girl's sweetheart and several love letters found today written to over -- 1e country. Benjamin Cory and a nephew of the late J. Y. Cory, ons of the founders of " the Waukegan Gazette which a Twelve years ago Mr. Cory de veloped lung trouble and it was at that time that he woent to Denver in ap ot?rt to recuperate his healith. His death followed a lingering ti-- Mr. Cory's early lifte was apent in Waukegan where he attended the lecai school. Quite. early in life he manifested . an aptitude for drawing and '*~one of his 'earlfest positidhs was drawing plictures of race horses for Clark's Horse Review. ---- -- Durting kis ljong career Mr. Cory art nch?l in Denver ALor sevyorai years until failing mum-:u- to give it --up,. For the last seven years he had: beea connected with the Denver Nows--Times. ALSO AUTHOR AND ARTIST Born in Waukegan He Gained Fame Through His Political Washingtoh, Norv. 18.--An exhaust Word has been received here "ot e death in Denver, Colo., of J. the futucsliintiiitie® > ed from #il-- Burner in the baso Norv,. 18. --King Manost _Q!l'lnn; & * ~ in ~Absentia, will + some Of the in 'the country. of the Now York, Nov, 14--Framnk Bour don, real satate man who came bore New York, Not: 1P#--Dr. BAward B Bronson, retired skin specialist and NMaury Sullivan,> twonty--sight, a ~matd are dead 'and two women are dying toduy following a fire which dastroy-- ed the Brnoson residance. The fire is reported to have start _ New Orieans, La.. Nor. 18--Fite which was bréught under control ear-- lIy today dastroyed property in the river front estimated between $2,500,-- 000 and $4,000,000, and imperiited a large portion of the: wholesale diz trict --of the upper river section. . Dock ftacillities between Canal and OIL BURNER KILLS TWO IN BAD FIRE DOCK FIRE RAGES IN NEW OREANS BLIMP EXPERT . _ TESIAES N . _ --<---- MMCHELE CASE _ Teostifying as a defonse witnmess in support of Mitchell's charges against the adminjatration of ayiation, Hoi-- Washingtor, Nov. 1%.--Ths Shea-- andoah, the navy's "Daughter of the Stars," was sent on its 'last voyage while in an umrsafe condition dut to reduction of vaires, Anton Heines, told the jury of gemerals today at the court martial of Col. Williaim Mitch-- ihe Aadminjairation ol Ayiation, Hgi-- nen declared the Jcty valre reduc .----When--the Floods Swept China ____ Says Shenandoah Was Made Unfit for Use by Reduction . of Safety Vaives: WAS --NAVY'S . FAUVLT? killed carly--today while h o Sis wite, itahe, 'at x roag win When the Yellow River Aooded its banks in China it meant only a small news item in this eountry; but in China it means hundreds of tragedies and a tremendous amount of sufering. This exclusive photo shows four destitute Chinese watching over the bodics of their children. 'drowce@ a is 'wife, Tren6, at a in-- dmmhm;n: SEES HUSBANO SLAIN police." Hiy *layer-- was im 'zedn hy Mrs. Bourdons is when a dylg tave way, ars, had no c twh.tirm of a _ The reeommendation followed an WwWON'T BVy; FALSE TEETH sramination of the firm's books and Greek $ business methods. --The examiners Rapide, Mich., E§ said that "International Lidyds" had|Kent county board of visor been issuing. improper policles and | day declined my Deputy BB had received an incofis Of Approxi-- | James Mol a.zet of failse teath. Chicago. III.,. Nov. 1%--Examiners for the State Division of Insurance have recommended that the liconse Issued to "International Llogds," a firm that has been oparating through-- out the United States, be immediate 1y cancelled, It--was announced today. "I was impressed becacsase of his earnostRess in telling her of the court,. because of his reputation of the friendliness of the court and because I knew he was technical alde to the Sacretary of the Navy, who had re cently contradicted Mre. Lansedowne. e hor to make Arstaiement" * wanted her to make a mt."* Under crosse eramination by Col. James Easby--Smith, tounsel for 2 ley, DPr. Mason said "it was my im-- preesion that Foley was there tor the purpose of infnencing or at least m« difying Ker testimony." . "I knew he had the secretary's bat tle to fight." "As Foley was going out he said to me 'I fear ahe will make a very diMcult witness.'" * "'What do you wasnt me asked Mrs. Lanadowne. Joliet, 11L, Nov. 18 --Three bandits helid up Carl Johnson, $0, a postoffice messenger, on the platform at the Chicago & Alton station here today and escaped in an automobile with a sack of mail. headed towadd Chicago. Johnson was removing the sack of mail from the train at 11:53 a. m. to a trick ho was driving when the ban-- dits haited him. One of them covered him with a revolver while the others grabbed the sack and ran to their aw tomobile. Johnson was punched by one of the bandits during the robbery, BANDITS ROB SACK OF ORDINARY MAIL CANCEL LICENSE TO LLOYDS INS. Chicago, III., Nov. 18.--The inspec-- tor--in--charge at the Chicago postoffice said that the sack of mail stolen by bandits in a hoid--up at Jofet con-- tained netther ':rn nor securities, The sack was of a shipment on a train from Chicago and" contained only tenm packages of ordinary mail, the inspector said. Her uncls, Dr. Witiamw B. Masou, amt: nent Washington epecialist, at whose home the interyiew between > the Shenandoah widow --and Capt, Psul Fuoley, the judge advocate, took place. "I told Margaret," said Dt. Mason *not to --tall him~(Polay) ~a ~damuet 'ttl:'t. He was not thete ~for~ her . ..' s __Dr. Mason sald. he was progaect, At the inteorview beitween his nlece and the naval officers. ot K -- > 144L n-- t "After an exchange e4 sontinued Dr. Mason, -- "w Gowne asked Capt. Poley what he wanted with her. , He said: . -- ht frtends. What are you going to do to Washington, Nov. 18. --Mrs, Ma ret Lansdowne's charges that an of-- fort waa made to "infuence" het testimony before tha naval court of inquiry, ifvestigating the Shenandoah air crash, was substantiated today by DR. MASON SAYS _ _ NAVY ATTEMPTED . --=--<TACOVERFACTS Col: Mitchell's Hearing Brings Out New Facts in Shenah-- wAS SECRETARY's FigHt! the $1.50 PER YEAR. {IN ADVANCE-- _ to Washington, 1ND., Norv. 18--After tor rifying the city last mms. W. Lockart, 40, of Jolist, arre and brought to the jail byacfihq.a ed himself with his socke and kerchief early. today, after h" made two insffectoal attempts seifdestruction. _ He leares & A4#, in Roanoke, Va. + --a w lin j had gone to the barn to work. The dead: Magdaiene Muruda, $; Marto, 3; John, 14 months. Maruda was badly burned trythg to savre the chil dren Pine City, Minn.,. Nor. 18--Three children were burned to death when fire broke out in the Dennis Maruda hbome today after be and His wite torney Robert E. Crows has discor» eded what he beliores is a plausible solution of the mystery surrounding the chioroforming to death yesterday of the stt week's old son of Mr. and Mra. John R. Allen, wealthy reaidents of the exclusive Belmont botel. in an-- nouncing that he was satisfied the mystery had been cledred up, Mf. Crowe sald no arrests would be made until after the funeral wete also vroted on in :the noew bill.> 'It was d not to incorporete in the measire any retroactive meas-- uree: that: wourid entitai refunds of taxea of any Character. GRIL PARENTS IN _ ~--CHILD'S DEATH _ _ of Montclair,. N. J.. now president of a radio recaiver comany herd, abd employes of the hotel were question-- ad at the stato's attorney's offite. They were.expected to testify today at the inquest. , The --coroner's offtice and the detoctive bureau are conduct» ing independent investigations of the circumstances surrounding the death of the little boy. Mrs. Allen told her questioners that ihe had found her son dead with his face covered by a blanket about 1 Wclock yesterday morning, when she went into his bedroom in the Allen hotel sulth; She called bher husband * ks built yachts, asd !} M of --building and loan -- amsoeilations in excess of $300 3 CHILDREN DIE _ _ IN HOME FIRE ~--RPor. hours--Jast night the child's parogfr~Lawtancs Gardner, formarty en C C P en onl 7 PPR o -- and a nurse and fainted ;om; by Justice Charles H. Crown-- 'hart, apeaking--for--the court; points-- x3 out that the Severson law makes it --_ 'at offense to have in possession con-- trivinces for the making ° of moda-- € shine and "dAistilled liquors," byt this -- does not extend to "ving» ~-- a such as wine and beer. _ Te e oi het _ made Jt s offemed :3 ecovered until ralsed in the lows sounty -- case. This decision revetrs tho "carned inrstome" Umite to $20, 40 «----all -- Incoms in this claas being ea-- 3; "manufacture" will render ralug» leas a referendum on the subject of beer and wing which the last 1eglsla-- sitled to the Af--per cent "possession for sale". in one section. and as now interpreted by-- the-- Ad-- preme court, possession of beer and wine ate hot unlawtu! under~ the state dry act.. . . Pocsession of moonshine or "d1i¥ tilind Mquorse" is made unlawful by another section. The law draws & distinction between "vinous or malt Iiquors and distilled liquors." That the simple amendmest probably 'of-- fered through some -?pmm this tar reaching effect was nover dis-- BEER AND--WINE ..__ -- NOT PROHIBITED _ N OWN RoME Mad'son, Wis., Nov. 18. --To have wina and beer in one's home is not an offense under t1e Severson law. It is valid even to have in one's posg-- session contrivances for the making of wins and beer,. It becomes aw of-- fense when wine and beer are "sold or manufactured." -- seer and wine.~ Ans _ an adopted at the suzgestion of Wisconsin State Law Upholds _ Possession of Beer and _ _ Wine Not for Sale. . _ _ INVALIDATE _ REFERENDM Chicago, I!IL, Nov. 18. --State's At-- The committee also , raised t HANGS SELF IN JAIL d4