iez w};"fléfi» MGIW'\~ Araining And--passi The standard. tests C ?"u "'ecl'l. %";::':' wis ',"e";::) of the American Red Cross. The. mem-- i --._ _ _té McHenry ani counties. bets. thres of whouy 'gr n Libercs: «_ -- MADE WIXE BUT ~~~JURY FINDS HF o WwaASs NoT GUILTY ===MANY CANDIDATES-- --EXPECTED TO SEEK ~-- LEGISLATIVE SEATS 0C LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT _ Leke County's _ _ _--. the only. resident -- candidate, "whie marc ko * m e r n t DP C * . McHenry county dliready has three}-- Aima Tegtmeyer, Libertyville;. Dor-- house aspiratts wilh the-- millk pro |QUY Lawrents, Highland rark} Dor-- ~--*~~-- <d¥poerk' organizration yet to hear from|e!by. Suydam, Libertyville;, Edith C °N. °L. Jacksop is about 'to, ou-,\j;s"m','f LiGertyvilt; Sigrid Ttomp -------- Mimself*in a--tedr-- of the district to E0D _ Waukegan, . Florence . Martini, --~~~_ Wheck up on --the sitwation As a nm{h"n"h'l Mary McCarthy, Racine; termaer _ Jackson inade_ a record to Flzabeth Cudahy, Wauwkegan," Luella bBis credit, his friends say, and they "Altridke, Ruondout:. Sarah -- Turne:, . _ 'add the experience --thus acquireg, \\*®Ukezan apd Mabel Kapheim, of will be helpful to bim if 'returned | NOTth Chicago. . for a second term (Chas.°F. Hayes,| The North Shore Line is making an Harvard . resideént, is expecting nes-;vt:vhble resord in its First Aid work. lar support from labor, union forces For several years an organzed effort and bis personal friends will be no':u been made to train all eraployes § _Aumerous him gne of the|bhow to meet emergencies calling Jor ____ _ _ runners up ]: f:"gh&p_rfl _primary. 'n*firn AM uulmg.' ;ll? tn!n:nfi".r B t in 'h..". -- f -- ~treat pros:~ --~* * Fepholt | i# --Webee RPBEBEF --HY --A W | _ -- 1: --_..--..=. 10 .cc s clone cce 04 o B 4e es ctene contont o oc oe as ~ _ LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ Francis and Weiss appear to occu-- py vantage points in the primary nomination . contest, . acc=rding to --. what one hbears where the question '~@s under, discussion. ~Welss occumes __ a strategic position. As the sole candidate living in 'Lake county, the Probability of a <s#pirited race for :. the state legislature with numerous -- eandidates contending, is seen by the Harvard Herald in last week's fssue. Speaking with regard to 'the _ Mtuation the Herald says in part: m' and white there is opposition *ed in Chicazo Saturda, on a charze to blse candidacy, it is not oerganised | of attempting to eell a etolen aytom« | and therafore is legs eflective tWan, bile to K. Lidschin. an anto dealer at mampy realize -- The Francis sttenkt", 1608 South Michigan avenue, Chica--| must be > conceded s go. . a | _ According to Chicago police, D: 3". Logk .Fer Urahem Candidnty . / ig. Hlm.ltlfllult#l rwallow a.ra}) | Thos. F. Grabam of Lake count; of $17 in paper moné?Y as he wask be-- | is expected to seek the democralic ing taken in the patrol to the Clarke | legisiative bomination. Graham bas Sstreet police statton. t represented the. district in the gen--: The car, alleged to hare been tak--| eral assembly for four years as the en by the doctor, was taken from a | minority candidate and was defeat garage in Libertyville last Thursday.| ed in 1971 in the republican Iud-'wm-n Harrmon failed to return with alide 3"'" is understood to ask | the car on Saturday. Marsbal Lim--| for ano .chance to determine 84| berry was notified and he sent out a | running qualities at a time "l!tun to. surrounding police, includinx | political conditions more negr!y BOT| Chjeago. Saturday he received word | mal. x wifl hate the backink O(| tmar Hlarrison had been arrested |~| Ta'e d _It is claimed.| Chicago -- and ~Marthal ----Limbetry --_._Mention = 'brought Harrison back to u,bmv-i In conmection 'wit?" the minority)yime Saturday afterncon. . ~ 20 m"" office, the name of M. F) 'The car was an x and belonged j hor, ex--postmaster of Harvard.' ; ; wWijjjam .e...,fi';':.u has mmf The feeling toward wine ~Decrame evi@ent Thursday beftore Judge P. L Persons in the county court when a :ry returned A verdict of not gullty a case in which Matt Jarcq, of Bulkley road, near Five Points, bad stood trial for the possession of 160 gallons of home made wine. 'mm that the defendant sold his quors. but in the Jarc case the state was dnable to prove a sale. Attorney Joseph Jadrich defended Jarc, and early in the trial had asked that the wire be returned as # was non--intoxicating and _ only grape jhice. * Attorneys ~Albert "Hall and Albert Hansen for 'the stato realized the #weakness of their case before it big unit of the distEcCt, hbe bas an ad-- vantage that |s genetally® conceded. An ab -- seaman as well as a clever chap, Weilss is pretty sure to be re turned to the legialature and to seek the speakership of the next general assembly . Francis has district support of a major nature It is in the three counties~ nf the c district and as a campatemer Francisa is is effective. He knows hbow to get in comtact with forces that bring bim a big Is . beard, BDis friends saying he would make the district a creditable representative and that he has been a party wheelborse so long his can-- i&yw ;o_nli --}iily support in the three counties making up the district. Jarcq's defense had been that the wine was made from fruit juices, and that it was being used for his home consumption. Depdties had conducted the raid on the place and obtained the 'wina as evidence. Went to the jury, in that wine was thoe only: beverage..involvéd. $ VOLUME XXXIIIL--NUMBER 47 --In > other wine cases" there have been convictions where it has been What appears like an attractive flegislative derby is just starting. Roy J. Stewart, county treasurer, and Charles ~F. Haycszs are 'two new on-- trapts in the race for members. of | the general assembly from . the eighth district, --now ~ represented ln} the lower house by Chas. H. Fran-- cis, N. L. Jackson and Wm F. "Leiu)' Matt Jarc is Winner in County *-- Court, After Contesting Harvard Herald in This Week's Issue Gives Its Views on $ uies Situation. ' ' Liquor Case. ht fendea _ DT. Killip, of the Cook County Free 1 had Dental Clini¢, urged the teachers to ed as £** attention to the care of the-- chil-- only drens teeth. He gave figures to show |\ the great cost of, retarded pupils to Albert{the tax payers and gave as the opinion d the Of those who have made a study of re nmmwungdmm- e was tional cost is caused by the i <~-- of the childrén's mouths, «> -- o Tnfii'tt;fia"r'mm--rf; This trainingni--|the on« which has Just competed ts | T ~Beit-- nros: traiwPaip ~ ~~--~~ ----A--------~«----} +« «----»~ ; CHARGE HARRISON _ WITH AUTO THEFT | -- NHBERTYVIHLE | mwm-:".\-nmdbflonzod to William Schaupfel who has chark® of the repair sbop in Main Garage: It is claimed by the Chicago police |that FH@rrison attemptel to sell the | car for $150. Since then, however. | Harrison attempted to swallow a rnli I car and be Geciares be cannot r> member what became of it He doesn't know whether it wase stolen | from him or if he sold It. _ Dr._Jobn E. Marrison, hesa! New System of Dentista with at 221 "'I_OKfA??fl'v stree!l,. Was <ed in Chicazgo Saturda, on a of attempiing to eell a etolen i _: Alma Tegtmeyer, Libertyville;. Dor-- gtliy Lawrents, Highland s'ark; Dor-- othy Suydam, Libertyvilie; . Edith Girl employes of the Chicagoe Nerth Shore and Milwaukee RaProad ~-- the North Shore Line--are actice and in lerested partcipants in -- the First Aid work undertaken .by the Company, Whe picture shows the members of the Becond 'Girls First Aid Drikl Team, About 160 teachers atteaded the meeting in the Libertyville high school building last Saturday|. The program was considered very good, and all ap-- precated the opportunity of hearing those who had a part. TEACHERS MEETINC HERE SATURDAY WELL ATTENDED Miss Rose Lnk of Chicago, gave a' demonstration of a reading lesson | with--a. class of sixth grade pupils from | the ~ Libertyville: -- s,.hoot during the? morning session, and spoke to the us-' sembly in the afternoon. I bets. threg ot """""&" n Libercys. _ yeulr 19. deraomutrikLig y JteNy p uj 5i. ville.--and ~their. places ~ L@%'w -- mt &@ufl of the ','_*_'!?'3% ed in (Chicazgo Saturda, on a charze of attempting to eell a etolen aytom«y bile to K. Lidschin. an asto dealer at 1608 South Michigan avenue, Chica-- go. E. ... Cravins ,of the lI!linois State Normai University, bheld the prelimi-- nary dictionary cont st during the morning sgesgion and the final contest in the afternoon. About 75 took part in the prelimifdary é:irit. ©From these were selected the who made the highest standings and these in turn had a part ln_l*.he final contest in the afternoon. e winners were: First, Miss Dorothy Sayers; second, Elmer Beckwith; third. Miss Lucilie Rink. These were given dictionaries as prizes. > ~ Waukegan Dentist Can't Re-- -- member What He Did With _ Auto Taken from Garage. | North Shore Girls Are "First Aiders" C as ATre ' Edward Sonderson and Mrs James Thompaon, tboth af 12%% Browntn« avenye. are sufferin>z nf aevere euts« Zontribut'on to ihe useful education ~of our citizens for your Compny-- to «digseminate such training among the employes of your organization." 2s _ The feature of North Shore Line First Aig work is its progressiveness. Seren m teamrs bave been gradu-- ated, u\fi eighth team'is now in trainng. . er girls' teams will follow e on« which has Just competed is ~First -- & id --Dril\ FTeam.--Nauiattd DC o¢--a--gzuilty verdiet Falion. would --146, vious to the one pictured abovre, (0 ApD-- jef out. in .ease of .a not Zuilty --vtonveniion of the Niinois -- be Ja¥en. iimder conkideratipuU. ~Sint "ateon --of Gradyate, Nursex ut * * polfce --bad ~ been ~ warned. it was fMeld, L -- ¢ ces . & legined. not--to search cars upder Lepore fobin, R. N.,. chairman Of the any vromdition on the« penalty of los convention program commitice:, l insg their jobs. " f commenting on the North: Sho~ Line: °§ the count of possesston ~of First Aid work following <the demon-- l'quor the penalty calls for. a fine of €tratiqn, said: "lt is «surely a derid'dl $160 to $1.0%0 or a jJall sentente of Thompson and --his wife have been estranged {fof «ome time and Thomy»y» sop has been Hving in Kvarsion. Hun-- day he ceme to Waukegan to inei:t that his wife return to him. He is Wleged th have found her in an auto mobile on company with Sanderenn., an alleged admirer. At 10:55 o'clock Sundey night the police were called to Tenth street and MeAlister avenue. Policemen Stewart and Jaco's reaponded. They found that© Sanderson and _ Mrs. Thompeon had been cut Badliy find or-- dered them removed to the Victory Memorial Hoepital in the Joseph Pe-- troshius ambulance. At the hospital they were attended by Dr. B. L. Lem-- Mre. Thompcon leaped out of the car in an attempt to get away bnt was foilowed by hor husband whom ahke éas sranKad N4 by the hair and dragger her for a block. About this time Sanderson arrived on the seene agaif and Thompson de said to Ravs run away. Captain Thomas Keane'> of Wankecran poltce department + to Evrareton today in in effort fAind Thompson. ' ed4 a raror. Sandersons condition is regarded ea gsarione and the aitand: Ing pbysician saye he may die. He received a deep cut from the bark of his neck to the front, rumning around the right alde. aimo«t eaver ing hie head-- One siash of the razor Captain Thomas Booth went to the hoapital and interviewed Mre. Thompson. She said that ehe and her hueband and SAndereon were in the anuto together on Lincoln Street near Fourteenth. She and her jhiosband had been quarrelling. "If you ain't coming back to live with me I will kill you." she qiuote« her husband es saving. She declares that he then drew a knife or razor and started slsahin«. The Waukegan police notified th North ('flinm department and bot are working on the came. s Thompson is a familiar figure in poltce court at'Wankeran and in most inetancées it has been \marital troubles that bas brought hiim into _ That the First Ad work of the North j_;) g./reZant OKiio, Fallon's sUper Shore Line erganization has been sitc-- '-'{* a¥ Sflr."'t K : t S supe(;'- c exsiul is arlemied U pablic recognt. ,xl;;, #as left to watch the. proceéed-- in#. _ 4 5 ~ tion. Mo#gt homable wis the recent 8® _ perfore the verdict was returned Biret: Aid Dril\ Team@@#aiiatéd pre. vious to the one pictured aboye, To ap-- tzxcgc the fendorns on the back of his left hand. He also wie r.'t:bod in the right eide of the back low the shoulder bic*>. Mra Thompsen receivyed three catab wounde in the back of the head and her Fight col-- lar bone wes broken. 3 tration, suffocatjon, asphixialion, elec tricat shock and other pos#ibie &c¢,1 tUents. & f SLASHES WIFE AND -- ALLEGED ADMIRER; BOTH TN HOSPITAL James Thompson. Negro, Be-- ing Sought by Police On Serious Charge. P 4i# Pn / 2 20 haw i¢ aAle Entered it the Postoffice at Libertyville, Illinois, as Secodsd Class Mar Matier 1 to have wield-- | r'e condition isi and the aitand: seam semmd's Circulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined Lake County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN The case grew out of a complaint mad> by a bootlegger, James Vaien-- \ tine, of North Chicago, that Joe ' Horen had ordered 190 galions of i moon from him and-- that Fallon, aided by Fred Eaton, bhad takén the ! lquor away from him on Creamery g%lh salid bhe bad been hi--jacked 4+ --satd the--rimpiy acted--in +tinc , of duty and made an afrest. Eatoin | gets out of the case with no diffi-- { culty, having been ralléd as a court witness, which releases him from | punishhment *~ _ James "Jimmie" Fallon, found guil-- ty on |tis_ccounts," 'c; possessing and~ cranpsporiing ~--moonshine, Friday /fillde me..--n through Attorney E. Y. Orvis in the county couri for a --new trial. Clihe sam> motion* fas made for Jo-- Horen, a c>defndant. Judge P. L. Poersons s<t the motion down for heir.rg on Nov. 20. _ Charles Prancis Drake of 383 h'mi place. H'igh'and Park. formerly with} the. Rock bsland raflraad and for many years connected with the Bab cock & Wileox comnany. steam botl | er manufacturers, died Thursday at the Hishland -- Park hospital. after an iliness &f months. The funeral gservicee will be at the family resi-- dence tomorrow at 2:80 p. m. Mr Drake.. who was member ol the American Society of Mechanical En-- mMneots, is survivad by his widow, and onmne son, Charles Francis Drake It., a student ot the Upfnrflty ot Wisconsin. s 1 Willlam Millard., o' Hi@hland Park. bead of a printing firm, leaves $52. 000 in personal property. accordin«@ to a will filed in the probate court before Judze . Martin C. Decker Thursday. Onlvy $500 was left in réal estate and that was on a Florida lot. The estate goes to his wife William . French Burrows, lake Forest, who gied recentiy, leff $3756,-- 075 the inventory showed. The com-- mote work of the dourt was as foi-- w ® : ® William French Burrows, Lake}! Forest.--Inventory and appraizement bil1 Hiled and approved. Widow's award fixed at $10,000. Inventory shows personal estate deemed loodl valued at $379,075.97. No real estate.! MILLARD LEAYVES Forest, who gied recently, leff $370.--] head .a tarn shirt and was extrems 075 the inventory showed. The com-- ly nervous. He tried to bribe the plete work of the dourt was as fol--| cops on the rdoad. He said that lows : > | he was hurrying to Chicago as his John William Rogerson, Waukegan wife was sick, . . + --Fina! report approved. l:t'mtrui[ After Harcq left a second row took discharged and estate closed. Alace, Col Smith said. Clara and . George i}. Ftrench,. Lake Forest --| Mra Hol&'nurted an argument that Final report approved. Administra reached ears of the Chas,. Clarks, tor discharged and estate closed. -- |near neighbors They beard curs Williem Millard, Highland Park -- ing, crashing glass and sounds of a Will admitted to probate, entire e#--! vioient strugzle -- Clark looked into tate _ valued at $52.000. pononllthc bedroom window and saw the property, given to wife. Emma 1' three people. With Holt between Millard. Letters'testamentary hfllfil' the two women. A woman cried for to Emma L. Millard. Bond of SlM.-I help, and Clark's wife told him not 0M. Proof of heirship taken. Wa'--' to respond. as she feared for his Williem Millard, Highiand Park -- Will admitted to probate, entire es-- tate _ valued at $52.000. _ personal property, given to wife. Emma L Millard. Letters'testamentary issued to Emma L. Millard. Bond of $105, 0M. Proof of hbeirship taken. Wai-- ver of widow's award f"ed and ap-- proved. * s _ CHARLES F. DRAKE TAKEFN BY DFEATH 60 (days to-- six mpnths (The pen-- } alty is the same on the transporting count _ From this. in .case the ino--| tion forca new tria}l is over ruled.| and the defeadants do not carry the| case to-- a higher court, it .can be, seen that Tines tan be assessed on | bot"# counts. or jail~ sentences, or both jail sentence and fing. | --*T'he --comptete--report --of the --trial+ Highland Park Printina Firm Head Leaves Al But $500 in Personal Property. William -- Burnett, Wauconda -- Hearinge on petition to fixr adminis trator and attormey fees. Order fix ing same not yet entered. * * Fellon, < a+> siate motor cop, Nas prospects of being ousted from bis tfl-'»u is said. During !é:e. tria} the ead'6'" the state police force was in the 'city, and when he was called away Rergeant OKio, --Fallon's super-- lior, #as left to watch tlhe proceed-- head _ _ Alfred Johnson, insane,. Highland Park--Inventory approved. nrews~ Pulté arck FALLON TO LOSE ---- JOB, IS REPORT; ASKS NEW TRIAL Found Guilty-- on Two Counts that Carry Jail or Fing or 'Both Jail and Fine. $52,000 TO HIS . WIFE, WILL SHOWS &4 + dry i@| Charges Murders--in -- Openin ar! . Ready to Testify. 'STATE WITNESSES On the arrival of Joe Riggs. mar shal at Fox Lake, a search was started for the gun. It was under a bedspread in the bedroom, and was found two hours later, with -- With two witnesses heard, and 15 more to dJollow, the Btate today was pounding in ifs evidence that it hoped vq,uld prove n the Clreait ceurt jury <bat Arthur Holt, Mrs. Clara Harq and Albert Hareq, was responsible for the death of Mrs Lillile Holt, in ber Foxr lake cottage Sept. 20. When he came iInto the home he asked where the gunm was, and Clara asked i( he was acewsing her of murderingz her mother. The body was on its hack,. head toward the kitchen door, and some ten 'feet re-- mored from the bedroom where the struggle was nqoud to have taken place. Col. Smfh said it was 'laid out' as if an undertaker had com-- pleted the job. lc * s# ' *B )KX¥ EK k K k *kX 4 4¥ *¥X k¥ t¥ * X*¥**¥*% On Sept. 19 the two Harrqs came out from Chicago to 'visit the tiWolt® with the plan of plazying golf Sat urday and Sundasy. Hoit and Harcq played golf Saturday, and on Sunday. Rept. 29, they had bredk{fast abou! 11 o'clock and Holt, Hareq and Clara lefi for the country club. but never artived there, visiting friends where they bad 'Tghbaills They re turned to the Holt home at 5:3" o'clock in the evening. Then, Col. Smith said, Harcq and bhis wife foughbt, with Harcq leaving for Chicago. He was arrested at Libertyville at 6:45 o'clock for ipeed ing by Frank Valenta and Ambrose Beaudin. He had a bruise on the araty tor Dr. Franclie Roliins, of For .uka.[hh office, saying that Holt hid the was there within 15 minutes after gun to prevent charges of murder. he shooting, Col. Smith said, and| She told_ the states atlorney, he taund that there was a cut on the| said, that she and Mrs. Holt had head, one black eye. bruised cheeks been arguing and that Holt stepped and three wounds in the abdmmm,'h betwetn them. getting two purnch-- Two shots pierced the abdomen, car--'es on the jaw from his wife for the rying a downward course. A third trouble. Then Mrs.: Holt stepped glanced off a rib, lodging in a door; Into the bedroom. swept the glas= jamb. Later a fourth wound was ware from the top of the dresser, discovered in the mouth. ! drew forth a un and fired. daughter by 31 years old He rushed to the back door and caught a fleeting glimpse 35f Mre. Holt, who did not have a gun in her hand "as far as he could see He bheard--the shots fired in rapid suc cession.. and Holt --and Clarg~rushed Dr. Rollins was the first witness to testify. the stond in In . his opening statement States Attormey A. V Smith outlined ts« case in this {ashion: "That the smjeagd. woman, Mra. LL lle Hioit, was about 50 years old and _bad. been married twice He: second husband was Holt, whom she practically adopted years before the» were marrled. He is about 38 ycears old. 12 years ber junior CMra is he: daughter by ber first bhusband and __Both supported States ~Attorney A. V. Smith in hbis remarWthat hbe had made to the jury in the opening statemen!. . KKX KKX UX K¥X 4* k kX¥ *k¥X 4 %%X*¥R Dr, Francis Rolling, the first dactof to wee the dead woman. was on the stand all the morning, while Joe Rige®. tnarshal at Foxr Lake, took ~Dr. William O. Krohn of Chicago, is to be called by the State, and the defense expects to counter with some otker wideiy known doctor. Dr Krohn will testify as to the possibil-- ity of a peran firing four shots into tha bodty in «# #atcidal sattempt. | STATE CASE OUTLINED | --TELL OF DEATH-- .. . OF MRS. HOLT 'THE INREPENDENT . TO--BE ISSUED ONE DAY EARLY NEXT WEEK 0 _> 'Next week THE INDEPEND ENT will se issued on Wednes-- day, Nov. 25. the regu'ar publi-- cation 'day ecoming on Thanks-- giving. _ Correspondents '| must mail their letters so as to reach us not.later than Tueéday morn-- ing. All display advertising must be in by Tuesday noon. .A little cooperation on the part of our corre<pondents and advertisers will enable us to get out--a better paper and in the mails of time. of the house calling for a doc DOCTOR ARRIVES the afternoon 'O--BE--#;--4 RLY q k ry . th f + on % | fir ;PENJ)' z fo' /ednes-- -- : pubt:-- +4 'hanks-- dil ' must 20 ) reach thi morn-- do g must %|ed A little 1 of our H: rtisers 'on better ' int i time. | th MEN ARRESTED o POR GAMBLING I However, in the third quarter, L. L. ' H~8.-- got two touchdowns. The. first one was made by Gene Hendee, who ilmenoeplvd a pass and broke loose for the first touchdown. «This touchdow n ibronxht new spirit and life to both teams. _ But . McHenry couldn't stop the onrushes of the lLibertyville boys, combined with their unbeatable team work. and so slowly, but surély, ad-- vancing. they --gained their gecond touchdown at --teh end of the quarter," . Lundis made the ruchdown--and car-- Meéed (the ball over. It was the last one Landis will ever make for L. T. H. S Breaking his collar bone in the first ~ait-- tm gontiaued Sighting ang. dire.t-- The SCNIHNE . ----me; wo, will go down-- in Tootball history as the kind of gpirit L T. H. 9. has been proud of <nanum-- erable times. -- 'Nine rabs for fighting Charlie." r > _Both teams used an aerial attack to a great--exient. More of the passes wete successful than unsucessful and an immen@e amount of ground was gained oy this meang. ' 'The backfield --of the Libertyylle eleven in the last quarter made vast rgains in both end runs and line plung-- MRS. MATHEWS _ SERVICES HELD GUN BEST EVIDENCE! As to the revolrer used Col. Smith said it was a 32 célibre, with an 1814 pbund pull It would be extremely bard to -- discharge this arm, he said, as the average gun is a 5 pound pull --\ . _ This is eight games won out of eight scheduled@ games. Bbere is now on«more game s heduled. This is for today, Thursday, Nov. 198. with ies Plaines at Libertyville. . Funeral services tor Mra. Josephine Mathews, who died at Wadsworth Sunday at the age of 7%, were held at 2 o'clock thin affternoon from the home of Mrs A. Clark at Wadsworth. Rer. R. D. Orton of Waukegan ofi-- clated. Intermem®t took place in the Millburn cemetery. es. "Nibs" Hender and Edward True made severk} exhibitions of. dodging and long runs that would have dope dodrtng--amt --ptvoting~ ~emptoyed in the runs. Charles Landis and Hendee proved that if the line wfl::lo an opening they can gain so m ground that the line plunge might be called an end run. . The Libertyyile team sees to it that therd is at least one opening every time the ball is in play. Anyway all this time and discussion of the values of the parts of the tram leads us up of the fact that L T H.S. made another touchdown in the last quarter, winning the gampe 21 to 0. True carridd the balT®acrosé and lan-- dia made the kitk tor the extra point. Two men, both emplovyed at the is E. Meyer constructilion camp, near libertyville, were arrested Sunday by ESpecia\ Deputy Jack Clark on a charge of gambling--"They were put in $500 bonds each by Justice L. H. Morris. of libertyville, and the cases set for Friday. The two men, James Perry and A. C. Jones. were put in the county jail th default of bond. He said that evidence would show that Clara was but little distressed at her mpther's death, and that she talked to Depuoty Harty Abistrom. in his office, saying that Holt hid the gun to prevent charges of murder. in ja'l later and discovered that het arm was hblack and blue. She said she enot it in a strugele with Mrs. Holt. @!thonrh' she Rad told Col. Smith previously that she and hber mother passed no blows. L. T. H. S. CRUSHES McHENRY ~AND COUNTS EIGHTH VICTORY Holt admitting that he had put it there. Riggs had locked the bed-- room earlier in the evening to pre-- serve evidence, and Holt asked twice to be admitted, once to get his glasses, a second time to get his eweater. Clara said she's gning in & closet do this, Col Deputy Ca ward. sSNe oing to sho loset. . Ho't , Col. Smith ty Carl Ant later and dis ie black and o 1+ m a at . Smith said. l art Ahlstrom,«--aw Clara' and discovered that het | ith 11 4. "My . God, me.' 'and hid not see her er fne It was rpeorted today that the W Kegan--Nofth ~Chicago m% Commerce will get into commenica tion with local representatives At once and also will take the m& with interested organizations -- in cago in an effort to forestall any #0tch course. They point out that the land on which the station stands was do= nared to the government and that it should be retained for this purpose alone. Tc n "mrt i a--~**»*+mMMl ,Iw,m DEAL .$e William A. Yager and -- Lake Forest, have sold c' erty .there *to ll-n"l. of --Lake Forest, a dooed in corder's office shows. Tas eration,' as > oo stamps, is .m..»'j A day or so before the opening of the pheasant season Loveland was ar-- rested for shooting a pheasant in the village limits. Ror this offense he was arrested by Constable Krueger and as seased a fing of $25 and costs in the court. of Justice Bart'ett > h . w i «rmes men trying--to ft've " away tbut they --werd . unsdtocestul_ ~be *ss4g --464" gear ahiit gneemnh& wWas lD; s '::t' s g?nm "ncarbs tn hi étreet." was entits 'ni arby in ns n!nt}\?e time and %w"ned'lfl?hfii'i' arrrsting two*b{ thr then while the third man, Loveland. made ble _ rape. Dittmer placed the twa men in his machine and tonk them in the eorner o( Genespge and Washin streets where he ugnd' flmdfiijwa them over to Policeman Bep -- Tree who locked them mp if the city Jall. This was at TT:30 n'clock Séturday night. On Sunday moraing one of the fellows in jall rare t:;'ofleofl the name of _ Love'and Thomas Kennedy came to lm Monday and made the arrest, taking Loxeland back to Waukegan. _ Three younsg men. all of whom live -- in Libertyville, were placed under -- arrest in Wankegan on a charge of . having attempted to steal an autom®&= bile Saturday night. The auto wase the. property of S.--C. McGlone of. Cb / cago. « -- w The tkree men arrested are: __ _ -- . R. P. ShifMet. 21 yeare old --_ °.: _4 Panl Akers, 25 veare old . . + > 'Dwight® Loveland. 22 yvears Md. _ »-- . McGlone hbad parked his -- Jordan -- touring --car in fgont of th« Otphertti=~ cafe in (lenesee etreet :%h!le he tap--~ ped--inszide to gdet a lunch. While he . was eeated in the --rgstaurant ie ./ heard the.ergine of his car starf and _ be hburried. outside in time to --8ee . _ Monday night young Loveland be eame rather loud on the street, and was arreated by Night.Pol m"- lers and 'ocked up in the villace i where he remained until Tuesday aft» erpoosn, when he was ur--;l-a< in Juue::xrh' court, and whs $10 and amounting to $1750.. A. éollection wias taken up among Love land's fMends, but --only about $8 was ralsed, and hbe was released on bit promise to pay in full Saturday. $ -- Dittmer toid the potice .thar heé had * been watching the three fellows for _ some time. He eald they got Into a i Ford *ar Arst but were --unavcceastal~ in etarting it. Then they ent into the~ . Jordan. o » 3O mod q SEEK TO LEASE ' P ART OF NAVAL _ TRAINING STATION -- the opening wedge in a plan to aban-- don the station and turn At 'over. to commercial interests, is meeting with kegan but atong the North Shore and in Chicago. -- ' An effort is on foot at Washington to bring about the--ctostng ot the o cal station and a#s the first step no recommendation for an appropriation bas been made to congress Assum» ing that the station is to be abandon ed it is reported on what appeats to be the best of authority that the lom ber company in question bas com-- municated with Washington «#uthort ties and have made a tender Tor the ten--year lease. #s Reports that an effort is being made to obtain a ten--year loase o8 a portion of the Naval Station property _In Waukegan police court M morning all three" youths were $10 and couts each on tharge | Believed To Be Part of Effort To Cause Abandonment -- . of the Station f ARREST THREE ON . _ CHARGF OF TRYING :; --TO STEAL ANAUTO _ $1.50 A YEAR . IN ADV, conauct, and the auto stealing IS REPORTED