*3# 4 Young People's l'nflng a::':l. pm. ® Mlgfl'fll. ntereat attend-- 2¥ f Kvrening service at 730. ~"Counting e 1. -fle.t"'lghtbommm Good music the senior and junior \ eboirs. You are invited. 6 s Next Wedfiesday evening at .:30, a Community Thanksgiving service will ________Be held at the high schoo'. Rev. Mt. P 3 ulfl'flllsomm Spe-- P y glal mus'c. ~All of os sbould take time ;j' Ao spend one hour in acknowledging h. the blessings of the Lord on as as a «--« .. ." Bundsy Schooi at 9:145 a m. W. * "sl APRA Wells, Supt. _' ~'._ --At the morging--servite, at 11. the "----__ ""mastor will speak on "The Lord Lead-- «*=]CHURCHES | m--i~--\__.----_.,.he deceased lenyv'sm. to.a..=27¢e7> Aposce c ufie~~ta Hearnd gip. "RBe. a'e _:", ~>~ =*~ «it rfi&..'--'-'-fl..u{.?.}& ".___ the subjéct for Sunday morning at 11 Bunday School at 9:30 a. m. _ (he English lnvle;- at 10:30 a. m. e m y morning there will --_--_ Be German services at 10 20. 1 --R. G. KAPING NA ..' 1£V. gfi';' inl. LAVIL 11 AL-- 0J |the Fourth Department a . o 3 'be served and th . _ Supper_ will § YEARS Dl Ti3 e contuciey n the neas ind $¥ .. YEARS, mmer xc B ® ~-------- (to bring others walfl':e t:?mr?t:lr"tt:':' o i --+~a~ d su i n« %fi%fl&g fioog;?alm erogns) Suile _ [ " 4 1 fht se & T . mog: o ies ho vermet m mmmet : Ttre J wor--sm'y * Wt 90-- 4e it +ss mm nds * -- Thfee Years Ago' ;('hurch wil uniic 'wi}'{; ,:';..h": b :l_e '. A Thanksgtving service: at ihe hsny' in the morhing services . (Germa: week from Sunday. ® e NETHOMST EPISCOPAL Rev. John B Delong. Pastor *The Meaning of Thanksgivin® community and nation "How Good Should You Bet" _ _ 'The Sunday School meets at 10 a m . Lake, where the funeral was hetd on Tuesday afternoon at--4 o'clock. iIn-- terment at Diamond Lake cemetery. i. _ She was brought to the Victory Memorial Hospital where she remain-- . ed for five months. From there she _ was removed to the Lake County Hos-- pital @here she had been ever aince There was little change in her condi-- tion until a week ago when she con-- ~tracted pmenthonia. From that time 'whe continued to grow weaker unt'! _ Athe end came.. a _ s o iouks FIRST /RESBYTERIAN j Rer. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. Ming Ruby Willilams, Oreanist; -- : ____ Neilie-- Layson Choir Leader --, 8T. JOSEPH'S Rev. Martin J. Nealis, Pastor ._ First Mass Sunday, 7:45 o@'clock. SHecond Mass Bunday, 9:45 o'ciock ~---- Mrs. Coon was born in the state of New ¥erk, but at the age of six she was trovuzbt to Lake County when ber paronts moved. here. Three years aro sirs. Coon frac-- tured »>r hip while che was walking from one room to another. She trip ped on 'the threshold and .in falling twietse her leg in such a way that ber hip snapped. sixtyeaven years, dfed Sunday--after-- moon"at 12:40 o'ttock at the" Lake County CGgneral Hospital ° Although the immediate causce of death was pueumhania which she contracted a week ago the indirect cause was the Pfracture .o/. her hip three years ago. Mre. Coon had made her home -- at Prairie View ever aince she was aix years old. . ' Place Your Order Telephones 339 and 340 For Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens We also have a complete stock of the "trimmings" For Thanksgiving Mrs. Genevieve Corlett's Grocery ED WOMAN, ILL IN. HOSPITAL 3 YEARS, DIES HERE be. Avenue at the North Shore Line, Libertyvilik, Uiflinots «s Phones: AQffice 409; Residence 263 k For 100 per cent Scrvice, List Your Property Her . NCE THAT INBEUREE, Grmmncs NOTA _-- Guewre N O W ! at dteéd Sunday --after-- Cgon, aged 73 3 Iled 73 '4 ©LARCCPCTE ERGAUGICON TUTH, -1;" GLic.CPC ~Wa ; Spp in 33. ;DO.--praxver meeting that evenige. y for--the--last > mna--rammg Paantas «Ratr --wilt" ut x ent at this meeting. Annual meeting of the congregation wil We held Wednesday, Nov. 25, at 1 p. m. at the school house. F'ection of officers and other important busi-- ness will be transacted. . AU members should consider it a duty to be pres-- mas program will be given out \--------~IAKXAH ASRONVER--EYANCGFIACAL > 'Carl A. Stadier, Pastor® * Sunday Schaool at --9 a, m. English services at 10 a. m. /X 'The pupis of the SWhday School are kindly -- requested fto be present, as ST. 'LAWRENCE'S _EPISCOPAL || ---- Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor | _ The services on Sunday, Nov. 22n(_l.; (the Sypnday before Advent) are: _ | _' Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. < y Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11.' Church School at 10 a. m. | Mr. Gwyn will officiate at St. An-' drew's in Grayslake at 4 p. m.' [ waatreaiy > y *AC SH roy ~ pecfach® rome church wil uniie>--with ollor: dr | Thanksgiving service at the |school auditorium' an élrere wi Our church motto is: ""They helpéd every one his neighbor; and every one said to his brother, be of good cour-- age." <Isaiah 41.6. ences of your bhome. We esti mate instantly--phones us. 'lp.l. We -- are _ high-- minded plumbers who delisht in im proving the charm and conveni-- PERrBCT UArtures make a bath-- room a moderp shrine of Clean-- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. SOCIETY Third Floor, First Nat'! Bank Bldg Sunday Schon! at 9: 45 a. m. § Services Sunday a* 10:45 a. m. . Subject, "Soul and Body." Next Sunday the Epworth League wi'l have a fellowship hour, beginning at 4 o'clock, under the 'direction of and the Junior League at 6:30 p. m. PLUMBING OF BEAUTY DBACCAP.: 1 LE £AMMUNITY _{Methodist EpiscopA)) _ _*_ Rev. W. C. Payfer, . Pastor -- A BHath a Day Keeps You Fit in Every Way The FRANK H. EGER \. 5 i > mmntand i X P : > + pvige REAL ESTATE BROKER _ Susurc for Christ «=' MILETECH GIVEN _ 3| LIFE SENTENCE: _ _ HB MAY APPEAL |_ _ The court felt that a senionce o '"The Freshman" is a story | 20 or 25 years would have covered life, and especially of thos the case, and gtated that he would ing the co'lege term wher \ send a letter to the pardon board tbonm-ntum more lightly somefime in the future if the re-- iron-- the schoolroom & "quut. was> made. s > . ! mh that rarest --t} |__Mr.. Figld had«argued-- that the tert t--a comedy in evidencée was so much at »variance, pathetie is '?nn near t | that a new trial should be granted. and where the laugh is in Men's Hats, priced up to $6, with 10% --Off. Boys' Caps and Children's Caps at a Special Cut. Shirts Our "Glover & Berger Shirts are known for their full sizes and wearing qualities, Your chance to get really fine shirts at from $2.00 to $8.00, and at a discount of 10%. Everything for Men -- Gloves _ Our selection of Gloves will appeal to the ds criminating buyer and well dressed man. You are sure to find just what you twant. Work gloves of every kind. You get the same 10% discount on any dovayfiubuychnngthusak Courf Thanksgiving Bargains Ends Saturday, Nov. 21 uf 9 ~rears W J. B. Morse & Co. Hats Overcoats You Will Be TFhankful for the Many !boo?' ts turn more lightly to the grid-- iron than the schoolroom lrtnd,"'rhe is that rarest thing en-- Mnt---a comedy in which the pathetie is aJways near thé surfacs _ From the standpoint of effort +rd money expended, "The Fresamar" /-- Harol&é ~Lloyd's most ambitious fea-- ture. rrom the standpoint of laughs---- well, the Auditorium Theatre wil} offer opportunity to make that discovery soon, when it will lllzt three day engagement. As the ry indicates, "*The Freshman" is a story of coi*. + life, and especially of those days dur-- ing the co'lege term whew students' 'He centered out JohA V.'orklun, Who 'said that there had been no liquor l!n the house the night of the shoot: ing, while other witnesses told that the ~evening was a glorious ~drunk, | with pleuty .of--wine --jn _ evidence. A suPprise party was given at Parish House Monday night by members of St. Joseph's, parish, guest of honor being Mrs. George Suits With 10% Off . THURSDAY, ~NOVEMBER 19. 1925 Shoes [ All Oxfords, Work and Dress Shoes, with Rub-- Jfi }: bers and Rubber Boots--our entire stock of i Footwear is offered at a discount of 10%. Hose Lay in a full supply of hose during this sale. A compete stock for men. We also can supply the children. Hose included in the 10 % discount. OFFERED AT A DISCOUNT OF 10¢%. PANTS, UNDERWEAR, BELTS, TIES--IN FACT EVERYTHING IN OUR sTOCK OF 871) rm _!'fm- . Harringtog. -%_0'" """"'::-.; enaid x ) fits 'Of i °€ HaTO.J the the the The basket ball season is now open at the Post, and the public is invited to attend. $ mliith Corps Am,chmpio'mbfi | ('The interservice games wil play-- ed--at 'So'diers' rield Grant Stadium, Grant rark, Chicago, on December 5, between Fort Sheridan and the sailors of Great Lakes Training Station. The Fort Sheridan team leaves on Nov. 27 to play the Jefferson Barrgecks team at '3t. Louis on the 28th for the Sirith Corps Area championship. -- ~ The Fort Sheridan foot ball team payed Chanute Field (Air Service) at the 'Northwestern University Field in Rxenston, Saturday, Nov. 14. The score was 19 to 0 in favor of Fort Sheridan. *4 s |'gth¢'l;t than in derision. '1#;. cg;l: support of Harold Liloyd in man is topped by the ever charming Jobypa Ralston, who plays the part of & young 'girl who helps her mother run .a college boarding house, and, in her idie*moments, is check room girl at the scollegke. town's 'eading hotel. Brooks Benedict plays the college cad and pbuliy, James Anderson is the col-- lege hero, Hazel Keener is the college 1 . **. ~_--__ 4:00 o'¢lock * . s "*, j RESERVED_ SEATS 75 cents to-- $1.50 TREASpF_rer Amn o e i oo ennmanmina mer i irrantmeni t > _ --.. ... ... --= zmt §>-- Tony [Sarg's Marionettes | -- | 8:30 o'ctock t 0b RESERVED SEATS 75 cents to $2.00 Send mail orders, accompanied by check, draft or postal order payable to Mrs. C. G. Bingham, Highland Park. e * * ® For information, telephone Highland Park 84 between 8:00 and 9:00 a. m.-- or 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. _ This is a wonderful opportunity t%.see the '"Marionette Master"' and his marvelous per-- formance. Elm Place Auditorium l -- Highland Park ; . . Ilinois * "ARION®ET TEE| TONY SARG's| "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" | Tuesddy A fternoon-- "Treasure Island" Tuesday Evening December 1, 1925 December 1, 1925 DON'T MISS IT!