!-' v;v': E--" EROW -- MOmoman F-Il' Lo ks l ... "'- -- The members of the Junior clash _!a ~ Are working hard of their annual play §\ which will be given latee. Warch for . Burther notices and date. p W The members of Arbutus Camp No. w« _._8044 HB. N. A., entertained members rg* U Gerupsizke awh Lake Vilia camps C :.mmmmummy, Rull > 4 were lald for one bhundred. in C oos 'the aftarnoon therse was a alace af 11 =_~_ Are working hard o6 their annual play thy» * which will be given latee. Warch for N~ / further notices and date. ;'\.\ The members of Arbutus Camp No. --» 8044 HB. N. A., entertained members x},e'ddl.d'o.fihb"lhn-u C :.mmmmmumy, ply w 4 / were lald for one bhundred. in _--._1-- the afternoon there was a Cass of 11 "_~~_' Meven 'adopted by the local degree ilr---; Mtafl.--and the --work was very boauti .. fal and impressive. The guests of __ _\ ~Bowor were Deputich Sadie Welty and V M_'Mm'fl'ml- ies . Harry Chase, who has been_ visiting _ /_-- ~ 4M --Burlington, Wis,, for heveral weeks, E returned --hotmhe Sunday night. ... _ In divorces 110 were granted in \_._.___.___Lake county in 1924 and 117 in 1923. *~. _ _*-- _ Other counties, besides Cook, that | /~.. -- -- eutstripped Like in déivorces, were: t -- WIll, 12%5; Williamson, 217; Winneba-- ----"--_--_ _ Ror 1923 Lake county will show s &«~~~~ Aecided increase in marrtage Heenses. .. *--~ ag'a recat Michigan law has demand-- yN? ed a"five day notice, which sends --*..~ many Chikcago couples, that would «ut --Bave --gope to St. Joseph, to Wauke ~:=~~ TaKe county stands second to Cook sw--+--in marriages, and drops 0 13th rank *=~*~ in divorces granted, according to the f 1924 report just issued by the dGepart-- ment of commerce. . * ~~ correct internal troubles, stimulate vital ~4 an the otiginal genuiis Gorin Mroa, . MARRIAGES BUT 13TH IN DIVORCES «~ +858; . Peoria, 521;. Rock Island,--117; 2e--118:~At--Clair, 342;, Sgangamon, ad with gifts for their help during the week. LlLake Villa had two Httle ;nu. who gave fancy dances, and Are to oe complimented. The degree Mtaff exemplified the work tor a class adoption at Wadeworth on Thursday. Rev. bester Btanton of Antioch gave &4 very interesting talk at the high school Armistice day. The students of the high school--are enjoying a two day vacation thih week, an account of the fa,uilty attending a eonterence at Urbana. wairy Finance Co., 411 Waukegan Nat'! Rank Bidg. 1t _ an auctioneer ts wanted, call Fred 163, or residence 2%0J,. On business ealls charges may be reversed. U gon, Edward, of Grayhlake, spent 'ast NA"" the formers parents, Mr. and George Hertel Miss REmma Amtcr spent las Wedanesiay in Chicago. . Mre. George (Wbenaut is spending a l.hnuthebounofberm.Au- drew Horcher, in Arlington Heights, and caring for her daughterin--law. who is quite 111. *FREMONT CENTER*® Be gure and attend the dance and chicken supper given by 8t Mary's parish at the Ivanhoe M. W. A. hail next Tueegday evening. NonJu 24. Fhere wil be a good time and a real feed to rall who attend. There will be an opportunity for you to take home with you a fine turkey for Thanksgiv-- Ing dinner. ---- Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, Gladys Ames, Irene Benwo'l and June Miller uttended the Deerfleld--Shields Sunday apent--the--week end at the Wm. Mco-- haarlem oil has hbeen a world-- wide remedy'for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, turnbago and uric acid conditions. FOR OVER 200 YEARS 'The sisters of St. Mary's school vis In 1923--12,317, .or an increase of 10.9 percent. -- In 1924--$81,918. * In 1923--84,068, or a decrease of #.6 <percent in 1924. * In Cook county 39,9f3 marraige H-- eenses wore issued in 1924 and 41, §21 in 1923. In Lake 4,014 licenses werte written out in 1924 and 4,021 in 1923. There is a slight drop in both instances between 1924 and 1923, but this istuation is found all--over the state. _ -- «-- Mr In 1942--13,657. For lilinois the record on martriage Cook in Marriages: Grant 110 Divorces Here. 'convention at Lake Forest last Mre. Clarence Hertel agd G UR N E E increased, with this rec-- SECOND IN LEM 'O!L 167; * 146; thony's hospital in Chicago Saturday. Charles Schuling and fainily of Wau kegan; Mrs. Henry Schuling and son of Libertyville; -- Mr. and Mrs, Will Chester and son. of Round Lake, and Max Anders and Martin Baur of Wau-- conda were out of town guests at the Willow Farm Sunday. | Sunday night at 9 o'ctock and was po-- erated on the following morning. He seemed to recover rapidly from the op-- eration, but developed pnegmonia Sat-- urday morning and at present writing is critically i. When vigited by some of his parihhionets Sunday he sbemed some better, and seemed glad to see his friends. His many acquaintances throughout the county will be pained to hear of his illness.--and all hope for a speedy recovery. -- give you a sécond mortgage which can be repaid in small monthly pay-- ments. .11 Waukegan National Bank Building. it We are sorry to chr_onl(i:e the seri-- ous illiness of our pastor, Rev. Father ®F. M.--Bay, --whe ~~~~ *~~~~--_s--%--ill on Bunday, Nov. 8, with an attack of ap-- pendicitis. It was a shock to the mem-- bers of the parish, as Father Bay held the usual services on Sunday morning, but it was noticé hed was suffering: from a sev 1d, He was taken to Henry Hapke and family and Miss Beértha Hironimus attended the play at Fairfield Saturday everting. THE average man on the street able to use finest steels, finest woods, A_--______ --today knows that through more -- finest _engineering_and superiative --efficient--manufacture, standardiza~ _ _workmanship in its cars ; then to add * tion of parts, etc., all makers offéer costly extras . . . and still charge no him more for his money than ever more than Competing cars. Hein--Watry Finance ~~offers you 3 major advantages in Quah-ty, Price and Pfotected Investment Because of its unique manufacturing facilities, Studebaker eliminates prof-- its which all other quality car tanu-- facturers must pay to outside parts or body makers. Savings effected in this way run to hundreds of dollars on some models. Thus Studebaker is Only two makers have adequate facilities for making all bodies, en-- gines, clutches, gear sets, springs, differentials, steering gears, axles, gn,_v iron castings and drop forgings : ord in the low--price field and Stude-- baker in the fine--car held. Few motor car "manufacturers" have foundries, forges, etc., to make their own engines--yet one--fourth of the cast of an automobile is in the engine. Even fewer build their own bodies--yet ome--third of the cost of a car is in the bodv. All makers claim greater things for their product -- and can prove them. All makers rest their case on more econqtnical manufacturing due to quantity production under mod-- ern efficiency methods. All cars are fair value but there is a best value. , ECC CR 2006 mHNVIOYT is NOT Pn POP CX* * , cessive 'speed.. but rather for smooth, Studebaker Standard Six Sedan @s®@zku=m's mes hour. It is built for a long, quiet Tife-- ( Four Doors--Ample Power --Wool Trimmed) . not for spectacular stunts. We will gladly dermonstrate this car $1395--freight and war tax extra t~> and finance its purchase on Stadebaker's Under s fair and Hiberal Budget t Plan, this Sedan fair and liberal Budget Payment Plan. Luce & Earl, Props -- > One--Profit V alue One--Profit ~ ~ Unit--Built will $570 »«« and why? How many new teachers are need-- ed in your scheool district each year; How many children in your city are attending school part time? Whether your child's teacher is paid a living apd a saving wage? Local -- sehool -- authorities ~-- have asked the Sun to print the follow-- ing list of questions: . D0 YOU KNOW: Whether your child's teacher has had an adequate preparation for her work? ter before the local public, tl'ut a-- better-- ufnderstanding of the situation and a closer Bbond betwéen the parents and the heads of schools will: bring better "results.* American Education Week is be-- ing ~observed this week and Wau-- kegan school, --authorities are doing Waukegan School Authorities ~Seek to Bring About a Bet---- QUESTIONS . ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE ?i'.f'f'l%h. |M.|t§;\nhlin w ter Understanding > -- R-:e buyer is attained ... "No--Yeatly-- Models." -- Because all phases of manufactaore are directly under Studebaker control, Studebaker cars are constantly kept up--to--date. Im-- provements are continually made -- not saved up for spectacular annual atinouncements which make cars artificially obsolete. Resale values are thus stabilized. As an example of the value One--Profit manufacture makes possible, see the Stidebaker Standard Six Sedan. As a natural outgrowth of those two f'aq_o(s. a third great advantage to car are Studebaker. They function together as a unit, resulting in longer life, greater riding comfort and higher resale value for you. Scores of thou-- sands of miles of excess_transporta-- tion thus are built into Studebqker cars. Records of more than one hundred thousand miles are not un-- common. One--Profit facilities result, too, in Unit--Built construction. In cars de-- signed and built as units. The hun-- dr'eds'or;hib'&sed in a smém'm car ate Studeb@ker. They function And "No--Yearly--Models" Unit--Built Construction ---- it of only ig yV 22 wWhat the plans of your superia-- tendent of schools are for ts im-- provement of the schools? Whether ~the unit of sehool ad-- ministration is such that adequate support _ and professional manage ment are possible? o : Whether your children's teachers have the advantage. ot professional How many children in your town-- ship or county are attending one room schools? Why school costs have increased since . 19147 -- * How _ many of these one--room schools could be abandoned and formed into a consolidated school? ~© Whether -- lt'ho compuisory . schoot-- ether 'provision is made ~Tor bealth instruction? do? How -- many hbours your child at tends _school out of the 865 ugays needed ? Whether efficient use is made-- of I ~> * the school plant? * : 1@ . Whether the school board, -- indi-- SAVlNfiS flERE ls vidual board members, or commit| -- / B Whether efficient use is made-- of the school plant? * Whether the school board, ind+ vidual board members, or commit-- tees are attempting to do the things the superintendent is employed to he streets . NoVEMBER 19, 1925 _ . Telephone 202 LIBERTYVILLE ns AMMOOMERE IS t t=ms s . A RECORD BREAKER 2s Tto equipment includes an 8--day clock, gasoline gauge, ash receiver, rear--vision murror, stop-- light, dome light, safety lighting control on steering wheel, automatic windshield cleaner, coincidental lock to steering gear and _ ignition contrdilled by same key operat-- ing door and spare--tire Tocks, and full-- size balloon tires. All instruments are grouped under glass on a silver--faced . dial set in a beautiful walnut finished panel. cessive 'speed.. but rather for smooth, trouble--free service at § to 55 miles an hour. It is built for a long, quiet Tife-- not for spectacular stunts. We will gladly dermonstrate this car and finance its purchase on Stadebaker's Run the engine--the most powerful in any car of its size and weight, ac-- Maitoflnmia.daln)l.&fic. and the Society of Anatomative neers, The motor is not built for ex-- __| The Christmas ~Savi en's teachers|cover a period of fifty t -- professional: will--end the first of De s checks will be mailled your superin--| various depositors on for th> im--{in pilenty of time for t ' Body pillars, for instance, are of nortbern white ash, cross--members of hard maple We pay a premiym for steeis of extra toughness. > But the most important superiorities of this Sedan are concealed within the framework of the body and in the chaseis. THB fnev5tudebaker Standard Six Sedan illustrated below is a real A Sedan illustrated below is a real four--door sedan. It is upholstered in genuine wool cloth Carpets are wool Windows are real plate glass. The Christmas Savings account cover a period of fifty weeks which will--end the first of December. The checks will be mailled out to the various depositors on December 10 in plenty of. time for the Christmas holiday shopping period, far the largest amount ever placed in Christmas savings accounts here, according to the banks, being far in excess of last year. f First Natlonmal L. The amounts that will be paid out this yéar by the four banks, accord-- ing to statentents of officals today, are as follows: -- Waukegan National _....._...£70,000 Security Savings ..._.._..___--. 45,000 Peoples State L_______________ 25000 W 6PB lsnd hn 1w0 0n oi L i inss "a $ n n qo Nn m t Nt ie e 77 i g C ce = 'w-: , B '--". 4 -- «-- K AApzrr~> . * C py ! R e g s 7 ye@d m s m' "'"':M,' ! * e t 7:"" ..", l!l'qthdfl'_!fiun autroacieey 'NIEDAE *;v,---m."-fi. ocm ".--.Mm.!'fi'::'f; ty stt * n n s io z #y > . WAUKEGAN, ILL. Good Meals 50c¢ SELLERS & PETERSEN REAL ESTATE We Buy and Sell REAL ESTAT PHONE 306 & Smith's Taxi G. H. SMITH, Prog. Day and Night Service Night Ph. 497 _ Day Ph. 51 enc | _ PFREF--OR P HARGE .. Th ie uie se tm mm | -- Y | iJ 8. Government Veterinarian, s Meraie mm acceatnt c mementieneciemmammmamie t 1 "pp 4e . Grir neli, inspector in Charge %, Mm ."wdtfe'I 'OM..VMFWW'. clamation Work. mm womennmntiaatimantinmmninsnmeetnes o en enmmmnen nmmminmmmetmennits ARLINGTO N 4 HOTEL 4# William P. Whitney 551 Milwaukee Avennue Telephone 451. SCIENTIFIC SPINAL WORK A Dependable Method for Nerve and Chronic Disorders-- Telephone 474 ° Monday, Wednesday, Friday OVER FORD SALES ROOM Libertyville ILLINO!TS 2815 LAKE COUNTY AND Kaping & Sons W. LEE KAPPLE Local and L Distance _ |in ty Hail, First N ; Sank 'Trdter Powing > |PeRe it hn en FRED H. SMITH --~ || 8R& Pbose II¢¥M -- ~Office Ph ». t Tt W * --mitsestetmmnmmwencstmmmum Phone 2601 _ _' ___ [| Cattle Texted for Tyh«~s. NAP-- RA--PATH Buying or Belling, w & * --"~., /7 _ _#PW. L DuBOIS, H. E. m CHAS. D. NALLEY, See'y. _ . ) VETERINARY @URGBON ' TELEPH NCE es LJBERTYYVILLE, ILLiNOI8 Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls Offlice in First Natiom! Bank BuildGing Hours:--1 to 3:30 and 7 to § p m Residence on Broadway. oppostie Pars UBERTYVILLE, i1Liinoik* FRED GRABBE CASH For Old Goid, Moke 8. & R. Co., Ostego, Mich, 1. _ ___ LIBERTYVILLE, mLiumoe Inhlncand«h'l'uoupyo'l % Month at @ridiey Hall, Isiting Brother re Cordi: y im LORA STUBM, MARY ca~--'< wueo-tnetlof-nhbhbu and material on your house complete for a set figure #o you may know just what cost will be before stadting. * R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libertyville 1456--.R--120.8 Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ciock ---'mi*rm&l%ount BANK BtDG. -- Visiting Members Cordially Invited., P : M. SCHROEDER, N. a. WILLIAM MeCCLAIN, Secy. Going to Build? LIBERYVILLE LODGE No. 950 -- INSURANCE Phone 217.M _ LIBERTYVILLE Auctioneerin FARM AND STOCK mg MARBLE AND CRANITE * MANUFEACTUVRER or tibe at Home on Cook Avreaur j Telephone +§3.J 20f LIBERTYVILLE, HLLIONIS Attorney at Law UBERTYVILLE. ILLJNOIS _______ LUCB BUILPING 8 Pbhobe II¢¥¥M ~--~*~Office Phone 1 WUkinah Weknlee -- , No. 277 R A. M DR. J. L. TAYLOR ATTORNEY aAT LAW A SPECIALTY No. 131 MYSTIC WORKERS C E$