CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Nov 1925, p. 12

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7 Meart Figures .. Batprts working under the direction of Becretary ~of Stite Louis: L Emmer: -- ---- men/idoss much towards saftety on the public highways. > $ --The ferce does not etceed ;30 men, and it covers the entire state, but its -- out today. h eract amount collected from Fahuary, 1917, to October 1 this year, Iw ,$02,005,804. . -- ~~~ MJ aystem ~wias being "discussed in IM7T cor_iderable doub. was expressed _ _ @# to whether the automobile fees would be suficient to pay off the $00,-- 000,000 bond issue. ' Leaving out the matter of interest, ~ empugh has already been collected in the first cight years of the %--year périod to nay off the principal * A RBirds Protect Big Animals , K P. James of Wembiey, Engiand, #wilting to the London Mail about birds =m animals, says that such $ are common in South Africa and ERtective<Force Under See-- ~ ~rgtary of Stats Emmer-- --~SBe duty for each animai,. The croce-- Milé has a bird which eaters its mouth te--ctlean the teeth of the brute. An-- " Wher bird acts as sehtry to the rhi-- Woteétos and warns it by screaming in Sht creatureé's ear of the approach of During thd first sizx.months of this year the investigators checked 12,000 iolators--and made approximately: 1,« 000@ arrests. During the same, time, mote than 200 stoien avtomotMWles were Found and restored to their owr@ts8. | At Mattoon early it the year L'ifl et --automobile thieves was run down «nd 49 cars were recovered. Due to this same investigation 50 stojen--cars were recovered in the vicinity of Ben--' tom, The thieves were caught and the band broken up. ~ "Shtrenzed frow %%3.M in 19017 to 1082.148 issa | up to October 1 ~At least a quarter of a militon doi-- Sers . which cwould otherwise never be wald into the state treasury is collect-- twd Ih fees as the result of the activity The small force of investigators 4s MWistributed throughout the state, coun-- es being assigned to individual intes-- «allected in fees hy the automobite g6 The Agures giten out hy Becretart Rmnaterson sh: « hbow Tees have climbed dnwting *"hbe cight years The total for the various years is as follows: lNor? ............. .5 M@RTILSE® ' 'il-c the admilnistration of Secre-- Ruty of State Louis L. Emmerson" a In 1917 only. $1587.T72 was col-- lected by the automobile department. During the frst nine mocrths of this y#er £12,7714,081 was collected by the automobile department and the total fot the year will run well over $13, :manglvnendthys» of State Louia L. Emmerson for "Khis is due in a large measuore." Bt adds. "to the publicity given by Witupapers to causes of accidents. Who newspaper is the most efective wingle force in the interest of greater these things in South Africa." Mtntistics show that the number of mecidents per automobile operated is *-u'.flr. Emmerson says, and U¥ many ciQGes thore has been an ac-- gunl dccrease in the total number of : si¥txsrssres«ris AQARRBLIT sarisxsixsicsees NQ@§AnaLLSL to October 1... 1T74M108-- z si¥txsrssres«ris AQARRBLIT sarsrsi¢xssrsers @@pptantt to October 1... 1T74M108-- Un the meantime the aumber of Romobile lcenses in the yeat has White gold is an according .o the Agures a day dow my 9"'" beats m!_ t ?l'v ~--+ --A rather mysterlous man was :':o.:; :~~ NWalisce, anyway. _A lawyer By\__,, T oi on on ie "gt ied fers .. : A : C . <community "AH "Al ',,fi':" basicdionn fi'ae('uhtnn:' wAgos %& * ~friends 5 & . Ned practise and Whe acgameie» > t Mlt bntplturente mm trom io s n o. * uu.m-\onannymmsbht pi fees could account for. That was :'.'.'- Havana, Tls., NMov. 4--SBuffering from burns euftered in rescuing her one yes daughter. from their mm&*hn Raymond Clear mcl.oh:':y. She broke the giase in . a u;u_::m room whers the child lny An ahe pullad hersel! from the houss i# collapmed, destroving everything, The Are atarted when a bottle of turpen Atine exploded on the kitchen «tove, MOTHER HEROINE SAVES HER CHILD K. ¥%. y 'BOROTHY A.F.MARCELL SmE _ _ \\JFohn <Mannering, District Atior-- wey,: and > hs +son,. Dbb,--have just Jeft home in the --marmifg, when MMileen, -- the »wife ~and + mother,. rvo-- celves :a bouguet--of 4ilacs, with a ~*ard * beating ~ The pre@ingt ; 'much--a man of the world, too well versed in--the subteties of social Mteo to make any--such mistake. And moreoxer 'he was not glven to car-- 'rying his feelings on his coat s CHAMHl--QQmM ' Tet, it must be confessed, the ro-- pulseo given to his persistent over-- (tures had not eppeared to greatly Atsturb Jerdme Wuliace. . When he \Mary's lips, he had displayed no in-- *ense disappointment. Not that he 5P vel Copyright, 1985, 'Warner Bros, Pictures inc. § "THE _ WIFE WHO HASN'T WANTED* with Jrone Rich <s.a pictucien Ms 7 tiupn of this novel. I A } turned out singulariy unfortanate, of rich estates which sbhrunak mate+ rially under his management. On the other hand, the acopunts of all his stewardships were modals of accuracy and no man had orer pro-- wards his own clients, of lnvest-- of with Aying colors, Trus, these mlaguided individuals had appoear: od much bewilldered and amazed, is Bob's mors about Wallace. Vague hints, ncensed by ~Wallaes's, attentions por she ds devoted to her husband ond: their--s0n. ~Today, by the way, could 'have were : hints of sharp practice to-- maintained that the law, as well as Mr. Wallace, wore snares and dolu slons, pitfalls set to entrap honest For the most part, the world ao capted Wallace at his own valus. women were drawn to and mon tearsd4, he frequented the best houses. But, it was not alone in ssciety that Wallace was Interest od, Having evinced an Interest in politics, he had Anally been chosen as the candidate of the oppositioh added, regardless of the methods he had to use to gatn his point. There it goes again, bints and in-- ftor the beliet that he could provail against such a mas as John Man nering in a race based upon abllity and achievement. tion. A reputation of usually got-- hbung up the receirer and sat back in bis chair. Evinciag no dimyp point of view, At any rate, when he had been told over the telsphone that BR Me drew torth a photograph of a s#vots tos much of graft, but rather regard him as}*--~~~4%oik.. to---- sv+4 --refAnemtent --enjoying tbe._ At+ his geverie --and. asmilieg: onese * -- more to Rimself, opered a"drawer." in the table and Grew forth a pho tograpk of a woman. Ah,. thers hare been strange rumoss »ad0at with : Jerome mu be sat: in his deauntitully ed apaytment in the sasy comfort.of his lounging robse? Let us be--under no~misap-- frehensions but judge him as he appears, & man of Aizcriminating taste who --has--reached~atime in lifso where he<may enjoy the fraits of his craft, Yet, hardly craft, which s#vorts tos much of graft, but was it of a rtrairy, a stern, mascu-- Une rtrairy begun for the hand of a maid and festering through the years ready to burst forth at erery new contact? ¥ate had made John Mannering and Jerome Wallace rtrais for the hand of Klleen in their youtk as his mind. A well ordered mind his, appatently card --indexed and <with for use upon a moment's »notice. Wallace never forgot. 'ASfa@ trait, most mortais «would--say: } But com iy familiar in that countenance. 'Btay, allowing for the passage years it is no other than the face of Elleen which looks forth from that picture. And, what is mors, to gits strength to that conclusion, plainly written uper the white mat which backed the picture are the Wwords, To Jerry, dearest--suctess and all my lovs. EILEENX, And Jerry is used as dimisutive tor Jerome. Herse indesed was food for thought. What held Wallace's thoughts as he sat therd stiring at that old picture?! Were there gon-- tis memories of a boy. and girl in-- futuation, a Aitting fancy Jf bud-- dtng hearts, its ties of gossamer so tragile that they fall away under the Arst stress?! Or was At of an quenched, unquenchable? Or again pointment, he =smiléed--a ~mocking smile--and ~haring sg!iven < seveoral ambsed thumps--upoh'the table, ho grow throughtful -- , Wallace --was :given: to-- thinking., ~ He . was forever : pausing: to . deive Former® glionts »ot"his, =bot>hoadéd > Indtriduals ~doubtless, ~»bad »been : knowa to réfer . to confidential com>»-- munications «and + blackmail>in the -- same breath--with his name,. Care-- less tongued souls these, plainly, and fortunate not to have found themselves© indicted ~for -- sinnder. and Wallace is invited to the best And this is a picture of a. girl A young girl on the thramhold of ~ womanhood, simply Aressoed in white and standing at a garden gate. There is a school girl fresh ness about the slender Agure, the Indelible stamp of fnnocence in each other in the race for District aat there with the picture in bis hands, he might harse been think-- Ing of all of these things, or a87y of them, and no man tha --wiser, 40 insorutable was his countenance. There came a soft movement at his salde and a Japa®ase bog ap _ He indicated the telephone to the boy with a nod of his head. _ regalled from his thoughts, glanced up and haring returned the picturs to Its place, was closing the Grawetr when the bell of the telephons "Mr. Jornings wishes to spesk to you, sir," salid the boy softly, & moment later. Jennings, "Slick" Jenningt, a oo House District. Thers was some thing strangely incongruous in the fact that he should hare business with Jerome Wallacs. The two men appeared to be antipodes of each other in tastes and attributes, Yot, leod to this move on Wallace's part. U. S. MINISTERS .. ESCAPE BANDITS ively--tato 'the recassos bt : . ;|-- _ *Phey're having big, pourings of beoze ia&o'thevsew,-v'a- the--head and whou}dera. _ ~--> {lers of: Chicago --and: other 'dfiu,,,tho.'boqmoon? 6 deomenimprsiomrciniiencteinonihtrentsineentomts ; ted by: the dry Faiders is sent. into the: lake aul final+ |pe ns : ~|Iy wends its way down into the gulf. "Wonder--what'siheen f ~ _| |flome avith the big collections--made in LAke' County. Welll*:__--___ CEA > \jn' long, dJong . tume. We i't: it be effective to have such |M ' -- 4M g--\+> | '~ {levents every once in a while when: the mcoummiatrongets ' 7 ;~.|big emough to make a good showing?>© Then the: public |§)| _ "* §# -- ; svould realize that the stuff IS--destroyed. -- * § 4 4 ;|. _: While of course the failure--of / the Bupremse: Court to pass: on' the so--called Small 'Interest: Buit mereby'de+ _ lays Anal knowledge as to-- the :court's mmbhhi ;fmtter, its neglect to give a 'dbcision »atthis session i4 considered rather significant. . It --at--least: indicates:that there may be a dessension in the Bypreme Court. 'It: ig reealled that the clerk of the: dourt admitted that an opinion had been' prepared and the general |feéling was it was to be given at the session before it closed:Wodnes, day. That not being done, it affords the court: time 'for further consideration of the matter and there 'are those who feel that even a dissenting opinion to 'the oné already prepared by the judge who personally o.ndereq ------ MANWN cumu[,::::'-:.:% the case is in line of being given out whenflncut' expresses itself, This cannot be until:December at least, And so the Chicago Tribune ecan ) on for weeks mgain ""predicting'" the outcome, inhnm nida om this or that judge ought to vote so--and--s4, (It's-- gaineda. new lease for --propaganda spreading. __-- _ _ -- El ourmamciint es . A watch you,* she told her friend. "but 1 don't beitere I'll try Iit--I've just had uy hair washed "--Cappor's Wookly. _ _Clinton, IIL, Nov. ¢.--*"CUanned heat" as a beverage is bad, police say, but Chief of Police Leonard Minor prob ably owes his life to its potencs. An English girl visiting in America ind Kanseas COity for the Arst times, wrred het the othet day at a hen watched her American friend Lemonatrate the ptocem of roasting: When police surrounded the Een Burnse home here where Earl Starnes, escaped Joliet prisomer, and Donald Kerdell, 1#gearold Dubugue "bead man" were entrenched, Starnes sight-- d his revolver at Minor, Intending to kill bim and made a dash for lib erty' during the confusion. . _ BANK ROBBERIES DECREASE Danvilie, I!l.,. Nov. 4--A --five per cent decrease in bank robbeties thru-- out the couthern part of Hilnols, was one 6f the outstanding reports of D. C. Saunders, State Bank organizer, In hbis address before representativés of #% Vermillion County Banks, which he organize® 'Toesday. But just as be took aim, the "can-- ned heat" he had been drinking took effect and Starneos aelumped to the Soor, tog sick to pudl the trigger. Starnes, sent to Joliet from ~Clig ton for larcepny and Aighway ro,bb% met Kerdell in the Dutugue when police there arrested him. Thay planned a jafl delivery and shot Dep-- uty Sherif Les Hoemmet while es Learning Starnes and Kerdell had taken refuge in the home of Starnse* uncle, police demanded their sutren-- dot. Starnes Grank lodize in an at-- tempt at suldde rather than sabmit to arrest. When the Mgulid made him HH1 instead of mu' him, Starnes ended hbis life with a bullet from his * _ American Slang Spreads the word "slang" Itself is derived from the Norwegian phrase "wmeng)a kjef-- ten," which means "to sling the Jaw." But no other janguage is in a position. to givre its foundling words the same and on the motlon picture scree® af-- fords to the American, About to Shoot Police Chief When Poison Takes Effect _ and He Faints PAL --SHOOTS HIMSELF wwn revolver. Kerdell aurrendered J litish Tl'llm, a Thescracy, meaning a direct govorn ment of a people by CGod, exinted amotg the Ternciités from the time of their going out of Egypt unth S@a Belences by Wwmpress : ~sorne, ®as ~_ author of mg'fi" ; on .¥ (ea ment of a people by God, existed amotg the Ternciités from the time of their going out of Egypt unth Swai was made "king about the year 1005 BA. C. Rar was the only king ot his Nae, The throne passed to David. It depends on whers a thing is whether it s Important, Between San VFrancisco and Honolalu there is a mountain 8,000 feet high, but it does not attract any attention, because thete are 2000 feet of water covering Its peak,. It has been discovered in tharting the bed of the Pacific ocean. Mountain Really No Corn Just Then -- "It is fascinating to Stull in m=#w----elst has in the air Sutile. We can oniy full back upon the . asethods vsed in geology. Man as we 'And him now first «ppeared is the cou--; Students, with thkit*" professors, with college l!eq-ltbqfldm» quisition of knowledge in their courseg Opinions differ as to the main bene-- At of a college ¢education, bot when this question was put to a nuamber of prominent men by the presfdent of the University of Pennpsylvania, the ma-- jority apoke more highly of the lasting benefits of contacts with thoir fellow-- gourse?" Inguired the friend. owner. "You 'see, we havre all the badger holes Alled up, and we're Just Harting on the gopher holes"* was telling c a friend ~about H. ~*. hard to answer," repliss the ranch central portion, whatever its nature, eccupying about three--quarters of the earth's padius, with an vater shell of rocks. If this is #6, it wl take at least a .hundred thousand willion pears fog the. Jntetnal temperature is falil to halt #f what it originally was. jucketed with a layer of asbestos, the The Hnsat nouls And sschaps from M# in art, the lowller souls And escape In religlon; when I say eacaps L mean hope of escape, for escape there is sone.----George Moore. P . _ Week Nov. +8th "Across The Street'" | 541 Phones 542 | Refreshing & Truthful Genuine Comedy . TONITE o. EVERY NITE 8-30 'THANK U' MAJESTIC WED. & SAT. Course of Many Holes Olarke and Sistare BBE . LEADMG RETAN MEAT DisTRIDUTORS i THE WORS.... College Education ~-- wamm«nq x kx ; | Whestberrow, which topled from the ym WowckSv WBb |too $toa boBbding on 'which he "was out West boabted--a owner of the ranch 4 0 ofi top df~e builling. on »which' he "was worktng,40~ expecbadto" recover.--in & «hort thime. "attontding »obyaletans an-- p Mermimames +; gpemgneien sent" 7 W r ~~ en a w a~ 4 » Byc Suare felggno ~a) t ~-- x s 0 Ki ~pttivinng w on wlalisiat _ + «x h s 8 * : g e * . 5 " 6 % a + P _ -- & a # : , . & 8 e f # 8 # P t 6. & o ; & s e s 4 . f ; & 5 4 s P & #} . # w : P 5 h « $ > ' No Payments Until 1926 T rraca tonid tor onorraie th this colossal bargeain event. Plays all 88 notes with al-- for aweet tone and -- con-- structton . NOTHING--DOW N! Baldwin Made Player : . SATURDAY SPECIALS VeAL Snouuper Roast 12 QUEHLER BROS. Beer Cnuck Roast 10 k 21 $. Genesee SL. Tol. 851 CHICKENS. THE BEST HAMS, BACON AND SAUSACES--AND ALL PRICED FAR BELOW CHOICE STEAKS, CHOPS, GENUINE SPRING Rounp Steax Roast 16 Lean Pork Roast 15 Evenings Unssed Upright * of PIlA NO S ROYV'S Igm'mum tion with Every Plano Sold During this Sale. whs) Abrock 34# No. Genemee St PR E E} and scale perfect. ..~"* _ Baldwin Made Gramd this Grenad is in exgquisite taate. 'The tone is rick ant we it. You be the judge ,| $848,/ mitli | 4045. ead was'its ediver. Your old Piano ' Taken in Trade -- |I Anywhere

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