Joseph > Hertel, Purchaser of . ____Horse With Heaves, Ap-- :==**~. gealy to Appellate COUrL. --~ Mr. and Mrs. E Thayer were in An-- ttoch one day last week Sunday morning It seemed as if a ~merw buttle was raging around [ake Villa, but it was only the hunters after Judge P. L. Persons promptly de-- nied a new trial, which would have been the third one in the same e@se, and Mr. Churchill appedied to the Appellate court. * ' "If it had been any other kind of merchandiee than a horse my Client would> have.rwop," Churchill argued, "but a horse trade is 'a horse trade, just the same_ es it was in the days of Deavid Harum." . * Attorney E. V: Orvil, for the d=-- fendant, said that Tm view of the fact that the first jury had disagreed, and that the second had found for the de-- fendant, he could not see where a shind trin!t would bring any relfef for A Hallowe'en party was given for the school children Friday eveuink 1 was a masquerade party and much en joyed by the children. Saturday eve ning was very quiet here. byt Sunday morning brought some surprises M or. and Mrs Imn Sheehan, Wil-- liam @beehan and wife and Mt. and Mrs. William Sheehan from Pendt~ <on, Oregon, visited relativés in Liber "--_A1~ Gormawitax ar the home of Mr * Harking back to 'Davica HMarum*. a best sellier in years gone by, Attor-- ney Rollo Churchiil. of Grayslake, Thurs.. sougbht a new trial for Jos. Hertel, of Rount--~Lake, who Tlost last week before a jury An the coun-- ty court in an effort to collect $150 from' Frank Gresus, a ~neighboring farmer, who eold him a horse shaken with the heaves. third tria! would bring any the plaintiff. . _ Hertel bed paid Gronus the horsge, and wjthin three discovered that <the ua«@ ing a pronoumpced case Hertel sued to get his «s0on%,. Oregon, visited relativeés in 14b tyville Saturday at the home of A und Mrs. Williatm Hutchinson Th also Grove to Mundelein and visit 8t. Mary of the Lake University. Mr and Mrs. WwWilliam Sheeban sp« a day visiting friengs in the former home of Mra. : Monday they left for th« Oregon. Warren Odetie is on hbis way \> Florida to spend the winter. He wroi» to the Harry Nickerson fam'ty from Tenunessee. «aying the weather wais lecomin« warmer. ~ DENY 3RD TRIAL ON WIND BROKEN NAG BARTERING If an auctioneer Is wanted,--call Fred Grabe. Gienview. _ Telephbon*, office 163. or residence 20 J., On business calls charges may be reversed. «U -- CA gentleman from Chicago drove up Don't forget the "Gyps#y RSerenades at the BarnstAble hall Dec 1ith The Phillippi family. Mrs C W. Ta bott and Mrs. Avery were in Wauk gan Friday 2 past bit to ( business trip ---- Auspices Libertyville Post No. 329 American Legion High School Auditorium Armistice Night Wednesday, gljg)xember 11, 1925 Military Ball PEACOCK STRUTTERS t dog k° n and his s11OT Music by Husk O' Hare's Famous J paid Gronus $150 fo; d wijthin three days tim£ hat :the nay W's enjoy-- pced case o{ th* beaves. to get his money back. ind ATTRACTIVE FAVORS DELIGHTFUL DECORATIONS A RIOT OF COLOR clothes gr 1Y Tickets, $1.00 per Couple to SECOND ANNUAL Sunday ne day dur s altacked \_ Wilton visited Jerome Burneit, Mr Wilton made McHenry coun!ty in Chicago sey-- siting relatives torn Sheeban speat in Waukegan. s. Sheehan. On their bhome in ttacked by 4 He was badlj Fox lake They visited »_~ | . Clarencge _ Crosby. a_ resident 6: % % / ZLion for many'years, has beeh --placed x_ &]| under arresi on , charges of, Amanda £ Champ., @lso a resigent of lbe city, * 11e in . CHHTREY with _hnving ~Wroken 4# A*}--inie~--a~--snmral}l hame owned by Miss Lake| Chatép and with> having stoien a th AT the ducks and geese driven, down by the snow storm and extremely cold weather for October. _ , _ 1 A very g£06d wermon was given at the Methodist church Sunday morning |at 11. Mr. Manoy had invited the young people to be present, and the sermon vwas most interesting and '{u-- piructive. Carl Miller has been in Waukegan several days the past week visiting Mrs.. Miller and baby .at the Victory Memorial hospital. Mr. Miller anu Mrs. MeClure and son from Gurnet were eallers here last week. % John Walker of Chicago drove out Saturday in his 'new Oakland closed car and remained over Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William _ Eleanor Peterson is staying with her brothef, Will Peterson and family. Bhe will attend school here. ~ day of this week. o'clock ter. John M. Philippt and daughter, Elieen, were in Waukegan Thursday. "Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher moved from the apartment they hbave been living in en Main street to the home owned by Mrs. Bertha Covery. . Mr. and Mrs. ROH. Sherwood feft Monday in their new Willys--Knight on their second trip to Florida. They will spend the winter there. ~Rev. and Mrs. William L. Manoy are the prou« parents a girl baby, bo:rn at the Victory Memorial hospital on Friday evening, October 30 &t nine o'clock. This is their second daugh-- Hitrsb was one in wht'h Miss Cham»p stored her furniture. The case was ta bave come un for bearing,.in Zion Frilay. afternoon but was-- continued for--a, week when Miss Champ did not appear to prosecute. . Crosby denies the (chharges although it is sald that Miss Champ has proof that he removed . thgg hinges . from the door of her h'oua.' k d a telephone. Smith wanted railroad tfaro" back to Mtunespott« and demanit-- ed that the company pay. Joe Jease, empoyed at the same! place, was fined $50 and costs by Jus-- tlee Bartiett of Libertyville, as a' drunk and disorderly. | ARRESTED ON _ _ wOMAN'S CHARGE TRIES TO--HIT | ----COP, 1S FINED CHICHESTERS PILLS Red Sea Unchanged ' The Red sev at the prez zc time 1# | epproximately the same width as It j was at the time of the Jargelites eross. | Ing. The brewith of the sea ranges | from 1(0 to M®) miles -- _ 1 sOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS n=® EVERYWHERE ®2¢,L Ribbon. t. 'Charged with having <broken { T e eb o ie . C nnsgihe ds chrien o Wns ~ * 47 **~ onitatiaiiaiiie s 1 L o m on t s old i:--smal} haome owned--by Miss| ¥ &4% 4 & 4 % % ¥ &# 4 + % 4 4 % % / f f =~ se p and with> having stolien a| + A USES ARM . cbot., sows powts imeamacel® . LA KE IURICH _ * AYCCS ie L OADLE o 4 b * »r6 *4 vics '.W""* en 6 omcs k m on e . k -- ~* K cAAA ic --€ *4 as "one in whtch Mss Chamn! ¢ &¥ > x# w +¥ o® % o %+% @!}~>~ 'm' 'fll il. _ ©10 00 se reca L ow mrcmes --. olz -- 5 1 wrao ns s Zurich Lodge A. F..& A M. had a social-- evening for the memtbers and their families, with several invited guests Wednesday--evening _ A short program was &ivemn --by Miss Sadie Thies, soloist from Barrington; Mts Heybeck. piano solo; Miss Alice The top of the head was cut off, uced you. _ and the body was badly bruised.. The Mrs. Eynil Fic only (mark of identification was @ nicely ut che Oal Moose pin. Apparently the rman bat" Mr. and Mrs. J been killed by a train, but the cir Kalb Sunday to cumstances of his death were a mat . Miss Margaret F ter Of conjectute. 'Ithe Teachers' No Coroner J. L. Taylor, who was no tified. said he would delay hotding the-- "inquest pending efforts to estab lish t#e man's identity®® 0 >0_ . 0 Lying beside the rails of the Soo Line, the body of an unidentified man was found by a train crew around 2 ao'clock Monday morning a mile south ot-- Mandeleip . The engineer of a freight train headed north, caught ®> glimpse ol the body as the searchlight pierced the chilly.night air. He stopped the engine, and the crew weat out and picked up the body. The crew took the body to the Treptow undertaking . establishment ot TAdbertyville where it lay. Monday while efforts were . being made to identify ijt. Officialsy at Mooseheatrt were to be notified in the bhope that they might assist in* the identifica-- tion. Whether the man fel} from & train or was killed whike walking on the tracks. the _ railroad -- officials coull not say. The size of the wound in the head tended to dispel any sus-- pigjon that the man _ml'blfhnve been murdered. -- ; Heybeck, piano solo; -- Miss Alic Tonne, reader and Robert and Mis Helen --Harkness,. piano and giokin sol followed by zgames and refreshmin The thrift report in our school for the month of October shows that the grades 1. 2, 3 and 4, in room!l, are 1C" per cent, with deposits of $491: room EIND BODY OF .. : UNKNOWN MAN ON * RAILROAD TRACK Train Crew Discovers Tra'n Victim Beside Rails; Taken ue AR@AiB@rt¥ill@: --------»-- NeveraPicture Like This Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Stupendous stbry, with Bessie Love, Lewis Stone, Wallace Beery and Lloyd Hughes. Benefit of the Junior Class High School. BUY YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Auditorium Theatre Thursday and Friday, Nov. 12 and 13 LUBERTYVILLE --INDEPENDENT. -- THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1925 i 2 6 e ) '\'\'roal-'? gl it., '»,,,..Iv:"'- 9 ,~ Mrs. Egnil Fitke. is getting & nicely ut the Oak Park hosplial ._Mr. and Mrs. J. u. Fink went'te De Kalb Sunday to visit their qaughter, Miss Margaret Fink, who is attending the Teachers' Normal School. . The Misses Grace Brandins, Lois Weaver. Verna Rudan=k:, --and, Heélen Frank and . Eugene _iod L {wren«e Frank attendpd the pgrtt at tue Wa't conda highk schoe@el kricay, eyening. D 2, wlibp grides 5, 6, 7 and 8, had de--! posits of $9.2%9, and rated 96 per cent. / 'I're high bhad deposits of $4:65 with } @--por. eentage of 10. + | lU'armie Bauman has moved into one ; of ui -- Beckman houses. ' Frod Grimm is serving on the jury | in Waukegun this week. Te iegular P. T. A. meeting wus' held last Friday night -- Meeting. was o called to order by the vice presiden',| Mrs. 0. L. Rockenbach. Ten new mem-- beis were welcomed and reports w«-w" fiudg %~Mr. Jensen, Mr. Hawkins and | rs, Neybeck op Tie ¥Or&a They O--7. served on visiting day. Aiter the bus--| iness meeting, a soclal time was en | joyed. Mrs. Jensen, chairman of tliis ; committee, introduced teachers from Wauconda and Mrs. Cook, a member of the board of education. Aprograi of sougs and rec.ationy was enjoyed. Tables woere set for fifty guests. ES eryone enjoyed tUhe meeting, and we are looking forward to a 've:y good meeting to be held--the last Fri@Gay in Ngvember. OEveryone come out. We ueed you. -- -- . _ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hans--epteprtain ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoeft at supper Monday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. Hoelt left Tuesday morning for Piorida, several of our people aitended a paity given by the Holy Name Society in Barrington Friday evening. | ~ Miss Martha Voelling ird Pohl man visited Sund@y woth the Wiliam Pohiman's east of town Things were quiet qround Lake Zur-- ich Hailowe'en. 'The boys andg gizis were all good. ' to e . near Hoyt Nov. FH the p¥ in r H M } is Two Goc,. Reason. ratess s' lived s 5th --(today) entur ve ten lo pul in M n To# *J siake far-- ie county jail 19 bond aftr Louis Grose om her"hus to ig, and we 've:y good L PFrigay in ce wut Ws: Leputy ng alon Harry in r to @«--, JOHN ARNDT DIES; ~ «. -- HURT IN JANUARY / AT ZION STATIOIN Ad ¥a 'Workman Who Fractured Both /. Legs in Fall Succumbs to > -- Proofé in tho Eako sigga*by A'begt tjsk 6f Antioch, sgainst the un{ Cdunty General bospital asking that the institufion be enjoined from tak: tal, where he-- remained unti One of hie Jegs was broken. b the 'ankle and the inee, (an other between the knes «nd t _, After lexvinsy the mospral he wi taiken to a boime «at 2%%8 Eilzabet avenue, whoere he wan e owly Fecos ering. . A-- week azgF gs Lecaime 1 with-- influenza. and in TB wearseni the Zion rad last January, affer a short Ite was taken where he. had live removed to Victor ;'lg;_ inlt'l!fifiun be .% %, Pas, 04 se o tho dreamo / p Attorney George Pield, for Gentick got the matter set down for a defnite date when he went before the equrt Monday. > = M h HOSPITALCASE _= > > TO BE UP SAT. The defense, through Attorney Max Pryzborski, had @led a long answer to the petition of lentink, but the ma-- jor portions of the defense was elim-- imated by the court at the pleadings. Exceptiogs were taken to the rulings by the defense at the time. 359 § 00 ' Just received a nice new assort-- | ment of M 11 John W R. B. GODFREY Grayslake, ince structins ers ol t : buckled Injurles . Arndt, actured hion _rad Dress Shoes and Oxfords in Black and Brown at E. $ $E X 10 CHAS. BERNARD, Proprietor The Quality Store d V C W oi ZLI0ON, WMF suolallned lees when he {iell frow o~ broadcasting statior died <Saturday morning ilneas 'of trfuéenrs, be Men's & be purchased for a low first payment. The re-- maining payments conveniently arranged. And for those who desire, the Essex Coach may Built Under Famous Super--Six Patents Oridl u'ltil Illinois 1\ MAIN CARAGCE The Coach LW Ma New Low Price 165 ;:"fiw'w&" *L P 4 P N un e S * _A RE Ni s _ 000 ons tnes i + aete e <~2 «_ | OFFICES IN LIBERTYVILLE AND MUNDELEN yol 4 LAND ASSOCIATION > " --= .~ Chas. D. Proctor | Freight and Tax Extra Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M LIBE} Milwaukee Avenue at the North ShOre Line, Libertyvilie, lilinols Phones: Qffice 469; Residence 263 For 100 per cent Service, List Your Property Hers. INSURANCE THAT INSURES. * NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC Office Phone -- Milwaukee Ave. and St. Paul Ry. Depot -- Res. Phone N preparation for the: _ County Countryside. The I interest that will be _ direct--without--change feag centered on the Lake . ture of the North Shore County Countryside ree _ Lines' new service between gion carly next Springwith _ .Libertyville--Mundelein the completion of thenew > and (gurago is certain to Skokiec Valley division of _ attract a most desirable the North Shore Line, an _ class of home owners to adnn[nblé n'cw"ll::)kmc;(i;; this region. o area known as Eakew Those now conveniently Heéights has been platted _ near Lakewood Heights and landscaped. ~ _ should visit ie']if only to Lakewood Meights is the _ know better what is being first of several residential _ doné by--the Lake County sections that the Lake --Land Association in its County Land Association _ various other Libertyville-- is planning for the Lake -- Mundelein developments. ~ High Speed Electric "Service Direct to Chicago's "Loop" Edrly in 1926 ° Route Map and Booklet on Request.~ INQUIRIES --TO BUY OR SELL SOLJCITED -- HOME SITES -- #---- : ~LAKE--COUNTY Adjacent to Mundelein Charles F. Fitzgibbons REAL ESTATE _ 0| LIST YOUR PROPERTY HERE ALLURING R. G. KAPING REAL ESTATE BROKER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Commission 3 Per Cent ri\ 345 North Milwaukee Ave. © County Countryside. The direct--without--change feag ture of the North Shore ll:hl;cs' ncwlfcrvbijc d leen ibertyville-- Mundelein and (.('Xnngo is certain to near Lakewood Heights should visit it, if only to know better what is being doné by--the Lake County LIBERTXYVILLE INSURANCE 104-- W 11 ty